Javascript Array Count and delete zero's - javascript

I have an Array let test = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,4,5,6,3,0,0,0,0,4,6,7]
I need to count the amount of zero's from the starting point in this case "9" upto value 3
Next want to only delete the first nine entries . The remaining zero's in the rest of the array must remain.
Expected Result
Count = 9
Let Test = [3,4,5,6,3,0,0,0,0,4,6,7]

First of all, the result of your example should be Count = 10 because there are 10 of 0.
I suppose you want to define a function to get the result. That can be:
const func = (arr) => {
let count = 0
for (let i in arr) {
if (arr[i] != 0) {
return [count, arr.slice(count)]
// Test:
const array = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,4,5,6,3,0,0,0,0,4,6,7]
console.log(`Count = ${func(array)[0]}, Array = ${func(array)[1]}`)
// Result should be Count = 10, Array = [3,4,5,6,3,0,0,0,0,4,6,7]

Please try the following code :
function firstZeros(r) {
var c = 0,s=true,nr=[];
for(let ri of r){
if(s && ri==0){
return {'count':c,'data':nr};
let test = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,4,5,6,3,0,0,0,0,4,6,7];
let res = firstZeros(test);


Finding first occurrence of each digit in an array

Taking each four digit number of an array in turn, return the number that you are on when all of the digits 0-9 have been discovered. If not all of the digits can be found, return "Missing digits!"
I've tried to loop through then set a conditional if (i != i+1) push into new array this just gave me the array, it's apparent my logic is wrong. could anyone help me out
For example calling this function with
arr = findAllDigits([5175, 4538, 2926, 5057, 6401, 4376, 2280, 6137, 8798, 9083])
the code should return 5057.
While calling
arr = findAllDigits([4883, 3876, 7769, 9846, 9546, 9634, 9696, 2832, 6822, 6868])
should return "missing numbers"
function findAllDigits(arr) {
newArr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] != arr[i + 1]) newArr.push(arr[i]);
Do I need to split because it is taking everything before the comma as
one number, then iterate over?
You can use Set here
Loop over the array and then create a set, You have to return the current number if set size becomes 10 because you need to check 0-9
function findAllDigits(arr) {
const set = new Set();
for (let n of arr) {
.forEach((c) => set.add(c));
if (set.size === 10) return n;
return "Missing digits!";
const arr1 = [5175, 4538, 2926, 5057, 6401, 4376, 2280, 6137, 8798, 9083];
const arr2 = [4883, 3876, 7769, 9846, 9546, 9634, 9696, 2832, 6822, 6868];
Your for loop is only checking to see if the array entry is equal to the next one. You need to split up the digits inside each entry and store them individually:
function findAllDigits(arr) {
newArr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// now iterate the individual digits
const entryAsString = arr[i].toString();
for (let j = 0; j < entryAsString.length; j++) {
// if we haven't seen the digit before, add it to the array
if(!newArr.includes(j) {
// we know we have all digits when newArr is 10 entries long
if (newArr.length) {
// you can also return this value here
One more solution:
const arr1 = [5175, 4538, 2926, 5057, 6401, 4376, 2280, 6137, 8798, 9083];
const arr2 = [4883, 3876, 7769, 9846, 9546, 9634, 9696, 2832, 6822, 6868];
const findAllDigits = (arr) => {
// Declare new Set:
const digits = new Set();
// return the first item from array that fits the condition,
// find() method:
return arr.find((curr) => (
// String(5175) -> '5175' :
// [...'5175'] -> ['5','1','7','5'] :
// .forEach(digits.add, digits) - forEach with callback function and context :
// comma operator lets get rid of return :
[...String(curr)].forEach(digits.add, digits),
// condition - is find() method need to return an item
(digits.size === 10)
// if returned value is not undefined or null return finded number oterwise error string
)) ?? "Missing digits!";
console.log(findAllDigits(arr1)); //5057
console.log(findAllDigits(arr2)); //Missing digits!

JavaScript Tally multiple elements of an array

I have been tasked with a counting challenge which I should return an object containing a count of elements in the array. for e.g.
expect(createTally(['a', 'b', 'a'])).to.eql({ a: 2, b: 1 });
So I have managed to do this with the higher-order function reduce but I want to be able to do this with a for loop so I can really see how this works, my code for the reduce method is below...
const createTally = items => {
const counter = items.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr] = (acc[curr] || 0) + 1
return acc
}, {})
return counter
So far for my for loop I have ...
const createTally = items => {
const tally = {};
let count = 0
if (items.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].length > count) {
count += count + 1
const key = items[i]
tally[key] = count
return tally
} else {
return tally;
I am struggling to increment my count and not passing any tests other than being able to return an empty object when passed an empty array and passing 1 key value pair when given a single element, any help would be much appreciated, thank you
A much simpler solution would yield something like the following, without all those for loops:
const createTally = (items = []) => {
const tally = {}
items.forEach(key => {
tally[key] = tally[key] ? tally[key] + 1 : 1
return tally
console.log(createTally(['a', 'b', 'a']))
I'm not too sure why you are checking the .length of the item in your for-loop implementation. The main thing you need to do is iterate over your array of items using a for loop. Then check if the current item is in your tally object. If it already is you can increment its associated counter value, if it isn't, you can initialize its associated counter value to 1.
The for loop won't iterate if your array length is initially 0 (ie: empty), so it will your code by default will return an empty object if this is the case.
See example below (see code comments for further details):
const createTally = items => {
const tally = {}; // acts as the `acc`
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // loop over indexes in your array
let current = items[i]; // get current item in your array (curr)
// if statement peforms this logic seen in `.reduce()`: acc[curr] = (acc[curr] || 0) + 1
if(tally[current]) // if the current item is already a key in your object then...
tally[current]++ // increment the counter for current item
else // if the current item isn't an item in your object, then...
tally[current] = 1; // initialize the counter to 1
return tally; // return the `tally` (modified by the for loop)
console.log(createTally(['a', 'b', 'a'])); // {"a": 2, "b": 1}
console.log(createTally([])); // {}
You have created my unnecessary loops and condition. You just need a single loop and an if condition.
Run a loop. Check if the item is already inside the object. If it is there increase it by one. Otherwise assign it to 0 and then it will be increase by 1.
You also don't need to check the length of the array in the start. Consider if the length is 0 the for loop will not iterate even once and tally will be an empty object returned at end.
const createTally = items => {
const tally = {};
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (!tally[items[i]]) {
tally[items[i]] = 0;
return tally
console.log(createTally(['a', 'b', 'a']))

How to adjust return values of map() function?

I have been trying to make a excercise in the course I am taking. At the end, I did what was asked, but I personally think I overdid too much and the output is not convenient -- it's a nested array with some blank arrays inside...
I tried to play with return, but then figured out the problem was in the function I used: map always returns an array. But all other functions, which are acceptable for arrays (in paticular forEach and I even tried filter) are not giving the output at all, only undefined. So, in the end, I have to ask you how to make code more clean with normal output like array with just 2 needed numbers in it (I can only think of complex way to fix this and it'll add unneeded junk to the code).
Write a javascript function that takes an array of numbers and a target number. The function should find two different numbers in the array that, when added together, give the target number. For example: answer([1,2,3], 4) should return [1,3]
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const easierArray = [1, 3, 5] //Let's assume number we search what is the sum of 8
const findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = ((arr, targetNum) => {
const correctNumbers =, index) => {
let firstNumber = num;
// console.log('num',num,'index',index);
const arrayWeNeed = arr.filter((sub_num, sub_index) => {
// console.log('sub_num',sub_num,'sub_index',sub_index);
if (index != sub_index && (firstNumber + sub_num) === targetNum) {
const passableArray = [firstNumber, sub_num] //aka first and second numbers that give the targetNum
return sub_num; //passableArray gives the same output for some reason,it doesn't really matter.
return arrayWeNeed
return correctNumbers;
// return `there is no such numbers,that give ${targetNum}`;
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(easierArray, 8));
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(array1, 4));
for the first one
You can clean up the outpu by flatting the returned arrays :
return arrayWeNeed.flat();
return correctNumbers.flat();
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const easierArray = [1, 3, 5] //Let's assume number we search what is the sum of 8
const findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = ((arr, targetNum) => {
const correctNumbers =, index) => {
let firstNumber = num;
// console.log('num',num,'index',index);
const arrayWeNeed = arr.filter((sub_num, sub_index) => {
// console.log('sub_num',sub_num,'sub_index',sub_index);
if (index != sub_index && (firstNumber + sub_num) === targetNum) {
const passableArray = [firstNumber, sub_num] //aka first and second numbers that give the targetNum
return sub_num; //passableArray gives the same output for some reason,it doesn't really matter.
return arrayWeNeed.flat();
return correctNumbers.flat();
// return `there is no such numbers,that give ${targetNum}`;
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(easierArray, 8));
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(array1, 4));
However, using a recursive function could be simpler :
const answer = (arr, num) => {
if (arr.length < 1) return;
const [first,] = arr.sort();
for (let i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) {
if (first + rest[i] === num) return [first, rest[i]];
return answer(rest, num);
console.log(answer([1, 2, 3], 4));
console.log(answer([1, 3, 5], 8));
It looks like you are trying to leave .map() and .filter() beforehand, which you can't (without throwing an error). So I suggest a normal for approach for this kind of implementation:
const array1 = [1,2,3];
const easierArray = [1,3,5] //Let's assume number we search what is the sum of 8
const findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = (arr,targetNum) =>{
for(let index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) {
let firstNumber = arr[index];
// console.log('num',num,'index',index);
for(let sub_index = 0; sub_index < arr.length; sub_index++){
const sub_num = arr[sub_index];
// console.log('sub_num',sub_num,'sub_index',sub_index);
if (index != sub_index && (firstNumber + sub_num) === targetNum){
const passableArray = [firstNumber,sub_num]//aka first and second numbers that give the targetNum
return passableArray; //passableArray gives the same output for some reason,it doesn't really matter.
return `there is no such numbers,that give ${targetNum}`;
I've just grab your code and changed map and filter to for implementation.
There doesn't appear to be any requirement for using specific array functions (map, forEach, filter, etc) in the problem statement you listed, so the code can be greatly simplified by using a while loop and the fact that you know that the second number has to be equal to target - first (since the requirement is first + second == target that means second == target - first). The problem statement also doesn't say what to do if no numbers are found, so you could either return an empty array or some other value, or even throw an error.
const answer = (list, target) => {
while (list.length > 0) { // Loop until the list no longer has any items
let first = list.shift() // Take the first number from the list
let second = target - first // Calculate what the second number should be
if (list.includes(second)) { // Check to see if the second number is in the remaining list
return [first, second] // If it is, we're done -- return them
return "No valid numbers found" // We made it through the entire list without finding a match
console.log(answer([1,2,3], 3))
console.log(answer([1,2,3], 4))
console.log(answer([1,2,3], 7))
You can also add all the values in the array to find the total, and subtract the total by the target to find the value you need to remove from the array. That will then give you an array with values that add up to the total.
let arr1 = [1, 3, 5]
const target = 6
const example = (arr, target) => {
let total = arr.reduce((num1, num2) => {
return num1 + num2
total = total - target
const index = arr.indexOf(total)
if (index > -1) {
return arr.filter(item => item !== total)
console.log(example(arr1, target))
Map and filter are nice functions to have if you know that you need to loop into the whole array. In your case this is not necessary.
So you know you need to find two numbers, let's say X,Y, which belong to an array A and once added will give you the target number T.
Since it's an exercise, I don't want to give you the working code, but here is a few hints:
If you know X, Y must be T - X. So you need to verify that T - X exists in your array.
array.indexOf() give you the position of an element in an array, otherwise -1
If X and Y are the same number, you need to ensure that their index are not the same, otherwise you'll return X twice
Returning the solution should be simple as return [X,Y]
So this can be simplified with a for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) loop and a if statement with a return inside if the solution exist. This way, if a solution is found, the function won't loop further.
After that loop, you return [] because no solution were found.
Since you want a solution with map and filter:
findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = (arr, tNumber) => {
let solution = [];, indexOfX) => {
const results = arr.filter((Y, indexOfY) => {
const add = Y + X
if (tNumber === add && indexOfX != indexOfY) return true;
else return false;
if (results > 0) solution = [X, results[0]];
return solution;

How to get longest substring from array of strings using javascript

I have array:
let arr = ["logerror", "log:today", "log:1"]
I am looking for function how to get longest substring from this items.
Another example:
let arr = ["dog+ěě+", "dog15qwqqq", "dogggggg"]
Sure, I can write some algorithm, but is there any simple way?
How? Thanks
If you can phrase your question succinctly, you can often find what to search for. In this case, it looks like:
"Find the longest common substring from within an array of strings"
A quick google reveals an algorithm for finding the largest common substring between two strings:
I don't want to copy the code as written there, as unsure of the copyright, but you could take the implementation and take something that will work with your array.
I would note that for large arrays, this may turn out to be a lengthy operation...
I used a simple approach:
It sorts the array using sort() method.
Then, the most important step is to look just at the first and last items.
function commonSubsequence(array){
let sortedArray = array.sort();
let first = sortedArray[0];
let last = sortedArray.pop();
let length = first.length;
let index = 0;
while(index<length && first[index] === last[index])
return first.substring(0, index);
console.log(commonSubsequence(["logerror", "log:today", "log:1"]));
console.log(commonSubsequence(["dog+ěě+", "dog15qwqqq", "dogggggg"]));
Here is my suggestion
function subStrArr(arr) {
let chars = arr[0].split(""), sub = "";
for (let i=0;i<chars.length;i++) {
for (let j=1;j<arr.length;j++) {
if (arr[j].indexOf(chars[i])==-1) return sub;
let arr1 = ["logerror", "log:today", "log:1"];
let arr2 = ["dog+ěě+", "dog15qwqqq", "dogggggg"];
After some looking around I went for the string-algorithms npm package, which did the job nicely for me.
From the docs:
import { longestCommonSubstring } from 'string-algorithms';
const strings = [
produces the output apple.
without DP approach
var lcs = function (n, m) {
let lcs = 0 //to store longest common substring
let s1 = n.length
let s2 = m.length
for(let i = 0;i < s1;i++){
for(let j = 0; j< s2;j++){
let track = 0
//if letter are same, do while to check next letter
if(n[i] == m[j]){
while(i + track < s1 && j + track < s2 && n[i + track] == m[j + track]){
track += 1 // to track
if (lcs < track) {
lcs += 1
return lcs;
var m = "abcdxyz"
var n = "xyzabcd" // 4
// var m = "dadef"
// var n = "adwce"//2
// var m = "acdghr";
// var n = "bgh"; //2
// var m = "A"
// var n = "A" //1
console.log(lcs(m, n));

looping infinitely through multiple arrays at the same time until a condition is met

I'm trying to find least common multiples of the two numbers given [3,5] and return only the number that's divisible by all the number in the range of the two numbers... for example:
The given array of two numbers --> let arr = [3,5];
The first number Multiples should be as follow:
The second number Multiples should be as follow:
The Least common multiples should be as follows:
the only that is divisible by all the number in the range is 60.
This is my approach to solve this problem but I want to know what's wrong with my code below (PLEASE EXPLAIN 'cause I'm tired of guessing):
let arr = [3, 5];
let arrRange = []; // [3, 4, 5]
// creating a loop to create the range
for (var i = arr[0]; i <= arr[1]; i++) {
let f = arr[0], s = arr[1], c = 0, result = 0, firstMultiples = [], secondMultiples = [], leastCommonMultiples = [];
// This function is made if the number least Common number is divisible by all the numbers in the "arrRange"
function isDivisible(num) {
for(var i = 0; i < arrRange.length; i++) {
if(num % arrRange[i] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
while(true) {
f = f + arr[0];
s = s + arr[1];
let vals = secondMultiples.values();
for(let val of vals){
if( firstMultiples.includes(val) ) {
let cmlVals = leastCommonMultiples.values();
for(let cmlVal of cmlVals){
if(isDivisible(cmlVal)) {
result += cmlVal;
To fix it, change the while-loop from while (true) {/*code*/}; to
while(isDivisible(cmlVal) == true) {/*code*/}; and remove the
if(isDivisible(cmlVal)) {/*code*/ break;}.

