Setting first (nth?) dropdown entry as default using array values - javascript

I have a dropdown that works well with simple values, but I just tried using arrays as values and now the initial dropdown-entry is empty.
I have created a REPL to illustrate the problem. As you can see I have also tried using selected=... to automatically select the first entry, but it doesn't work.
The only thing I can think of is to introduce another property to go back to simple values and then extract the array by filtering the original array, but it seems rather cumbersome. I wonder if there is another, more elegant, way that I'm missing.
Thank you in advance!
Edit: Here the code example as suggested:
const availableFilters = [
{ key: ['filterAll'], display: 'All Columns' },
{ key: ['name1', 'name2' ], display: 'Entry Names' },
{ key: ['ID1', 'ID2' ], display: 'Entry IDs' },
{ key: ['name1'], display: 'Entry 1 Name' },
{ key: ['ID1'], display: 'Entry 1 ID' },
{ key: ['name2'], display: 'Entry 2 Name' },
{ key: ['ID2'], display: 'Entry 2 ID' },
const simpleAvailableFilters = [
{ key: 'filterAll', display: 'All Columns' },
{ key: 'name1', display: 'Entry 1 Name' },
{ key: 'ID1', display: 'Entry 1 ID' },
{ key: 'name2', display: 'Entry 2 Name' },
{ key: 'ID2', display: 'Entry 2 ID' },
let currentFilter = { key: ['filterAll'], value: "", code: 0 };
let simpleCurrentFilter = { key: 'filterAll', value: "", code: 0 };
Dropdown with array values:
<select bind:value={currentFilter.key}>
{#each availableFilters as filter, i}
<option selected={i === 0 ? 'selected' : ''} value={filter.key}>{filter.display} - {i}</option>
Selected key: {currentFilter.key}
Simple Dropdown:
<select bind:value={simpleCurrentFilter.key}>
{#each simpleAvailableFilters as filter, i}
<option value={filter.key}>{filter.display} - {i}</option>
Selected key: {simpleCurrentFilter.key}

Simply replace
let currentFilter = { key: ['filterAll'], value: "", code: 0 };
let currentFilter = availableFilters[0];
Even though the object has the exact same structure, it's still a different object that the one on the first position in the array. {} === {} // false The same applies to arrays.
['filterAll'] === ['filterAll'] // false
'filterAll' === 'filterAll' // true
currentFilter would have then this structure
{key: *bindedValue*, display: 'All Columns'}
If you want to extract the array you have to access the key when setting the initial value
let currentFilter = availableFilters[0].key;
and change the binding on the option
<select bind:value={currentFilter}>
A Repl is great to have, but it would be better to include the code as well, in case the Repl might break...

Try this:
let currentFilter = availableFilters[0].key;
and you can remove selected={i === 0 ? 'selected' : ''} from the option.


Can't push array item to array data property - Vue Js

I a getting data from the laravel using this response :
$unserialize = unserialize($import->field_names);
return response()->json( $unserialize, 200 ) ;
Now on the Vue JS I can console the response using this :
and It's showing the data in array (Check the red arrow mark):
Now, I have a options empty array property like this:
options : []
I want to push object data to this array with a key value and text. This key's value will be that response data single item. So, To do this, I am using this:, index) => {
value: item,
text: index
but If I console
I can not see the array of object to this options propery. I can see this:
can you tell me why? I want this options should store the item like this:
options: [
{ value: null, text: 'Please select some item' },
{ value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
{ value: 'b', text: 'Default Selected Option' },
{ value: 'c', text: 'This is another option' },
{ value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true },
I think that the problem could be in this keyword
you can modify your code in this way
this.options = [...this.options,, index) =>
value: item,
text: index

disable current selection until some value is inputed in the previous selection

I'm working with BootstrapVue.
I have following problem. I have a b-form-input where I'm searching for my number over my b-form-select. So I'm selecting 3 values and get a number in my input field and other way around - so it's an Autofill.
This works fine - and because of that I think I don't need to show you the code.
The problem is that I want to disable all selects (instead of the first) till the field before was selected.
I have problem that if I have multiple elements all will be updated. So if I input something in Input1 in the first element the second Input of all other elements will be !disabled
Additional Info: IDParent is a prop!
If you need any additional code, I can update my question!
<div class="mt-2" v-for="(IDChild, indexChild) in inputs" :key="indexChild">
<div class="mt-2">Number</div>
<b-form-input type="number" v-model="IDChild.Number" :value="IDChild.Number"></b-form-input>
<div class="mt-2">Input 1</div>
<b-form-select v-model="IDChild.Input1" :value="IDChild.Input1" :options="optionsInput1" #input="searchNumber(IDChild, IDParent, indexChild)"></b-form-select>
<div class="mt-2">Input 2</div>
<b-form-select :disabled="disabledInput2" v-model="IDChild.Input2" :value="IDChild.Input2" :options="optionsInput2" #input="searchNumber(IDChild, IDParent, indexChild)"></b-form-select>
<div class="mt-2">Input 3</div>
<b-form-select :disabled="disabledInput3" v-model="IDChild.Input3" :value="IDChild.Input3" :options="optionsInput3" #input="searchNumber(IDChild, IDParent, indexChild)"></b-form-select>
<!-- add new element when button was clicked -->
<div class="mt-4 mb-5 ml-3 mr-3">
<b-button #click="addElement"> Add Element </b-button>
my script:
import json from "./json/json.json";
export default {
name: "Test",
methods: {
addElement() {
searchNumber(input, IDParent, indexChild) {
input.Number = "";
this.json.forEach((element) => {
if (
element.Input1 == input.Input1 &&
element.Input2 == input.Input2 &&
element.Input3 == input.Input3
) {
for (const key of Object.keys(element)) {
input[key] = element[key];
if(input.Input1) {
this.disabledInput2 = false;
if(input.Input2) {
this.disabledInput3 = false;
props: [
data() {
return {
inputs: [{}],
json: json,
disabledInput2: true,
disabledInput3: true,
What you are missing is a multi-layer model for your data which you can call in your searchNumber function and call for your :disabled attribute.
In your v-for="(IDChild, indexChild) in inputs" you could use IDChild or indexChild for that. For example you would call :disabled="disabledInput2[indexChild]". That way you would refer to disabledInput2 with the specific indexChild.
You also need to handle this in your function, for example this.disabledInput2[indexChild] = false;.
Basically it´s the same as storing multi-layer data in the same object with v-model.
EDIT: Generally Example
I´ve created the following properties for this example. We have myNumberInput as an object to handle multiple input fields for numbers. mySelectionData provides a simple collection of two objects with 3 selection arrays each. myDisableData is the object that will handle multiple disabled attributes for this selections:
myNumberInput: {},
mySelectionData: {
1: {
1: [
{ name: "1A", value: 1 }, { name: "2A", value: 2 }, { name: "3A", value: 3 }
2: [
{ name: "4A", value: 4 }, { name: "5A", value: 5 }, { name: "6A", value: 6 }
3: [
{ name: "7A", value: 7 }, { name: "8A", value: 8 }, { name: "9A", value: 9 }
2: {
1: [
{ name: "1B", value: 11 }, { name: "2B", value: 21 }, { name: "3B", value: 31 }
2: [
{ name: "4B", value: 41 }, { name: "5B", value: 51 }, { name: "6B", value: 61 }
3: [
{ name: "7B", value: 71 }, { name: "8B", value: 81 }, { name: "9B", value: 91 }
myDisableData: {}
From the mySelectionData object, we will build our myDisableData with this function:
setupMyDisableData() {
Object.keys(this.mySelectionData).forEach(parent_key => {
Object.assign(this.myDisableData, {[parent_key]: {}})
Object.keys(this.mySelectionData[parent_key]).forEach(child_key => {
Object.assign(this.myDisableData[parent_key], {[child_key]: true})
This will loop trough our "parents", assign their index to myDisableData and also loop trough the "childs" and assign their index to myDisableData with the "parent"-index as a pointer. After that we have a multi-layer object which is able to provide diabled= true or false for each selection.
The html for this example looks like this:
<div v-for="(item,index) in mySelectionData" :key="index">
<input type="number" v-model="myNumberInput[index]" #input="enableMySelection(index, myNumberInput[index])">
<div v-for="(child_item, child_index) in item" :key="child_index">
<select :disabled="myDisableData[index][child_index]">
<option v-for="(child_option, child_option_index) in child_item" :key="child_option_index" :value="child_option.value">{{}}</option>
As I don´t use BootstrapVue, my html looks different, but I guess you will get the trick. You simply now refer to the three object by the index of "parent" and "child". In this example the function enableMySelection will enable a selection depending on the number entered in the input. The function looks like this:
enableMySelection(parent_index, input_number) {
Object.keys(this.myDisableData[parent_index]).forEach(child_key => {
this.myDisableData[parent_index][child_key] = true;
this.myDisableData[parent_index][input_number] = false;
So if you enter "2" in your first input, it will enable the second selection of the first block. If you enter 1 in the second input, it will enable the first selection in the second block.
As I said, this is just a generally example but this should be enough to help you define the structure to handle your multiple inputs and selections.

How to return a new array of object from object nested props with reduce in JavaScript

I'm trying to return a new array of objects from the nested properties of another object. This is my current object:
const teams = {
display: 'Gryffindor',
channel: ['#team-gryffindor'],
ui: 'lion',
display: 'Hufflepuff',
channel: ['#team-hufflepuff'],
ui: '', // empty string on purpose
display: 'Slytherin',
channel: ['#team-slytherin'],
ui: 'snake',
Now, I'm trying to return an array of objects like so:
{ value: 'lion' },
{ value: '' },
{ value: 'snake' },
This is what I have tried:
const teamsUI = [Object.keys(teams).reduce((carry, item) => {
return {...carry, ...{ ['value']: teams[item].ui }}
}, {})];;
However, I get this:
console.log(teamsUI); // returns [ { value: 'snake' }]
What am I doing wrong?
You could do like this:
const teams = {
display: 'Gryffindor',
channel: ['#team-gryffindor'],
ui: 'lion',
display: 'Hufflepuff',
channel: ['#team-hufflepuff'],
ui: '', // empty string on purpose
display: 'Slytherin',
channel: ['#team-slytherin'],
ui: 'snake',
const result = Object.values(teams).map(({ ui }) => ({ value: ui }));
Beside nested result structure, you could take the values and destructure the wanted property formapping.
teams = { GRYFFINDOR: { display: 'Gryffindor', channel: ['#team-gryffindor'], ui: 'lion' }, HUFFLEPLUFF: { display: 'Hufflepuff', channel: ['#team-hufflepuff'], ui: '' }, SLYTHERIN: { display: 'Slytherin', channel: ['#team-slytherin'], ui: 'snake' } },
result = Object.values(teams).map(({ ui: value }) => ({ value }));
Here is the shortest way to achieve what you want
Object.keys(teams).map(t=>({value: teams[t].ui}))
Now what are you doing wrong?
Take a look at this part
Object.keys(teams).reduce((carry, item) => {
return {...carry, ...{ ['value']: teams[item].ui }}
}, {});
You're reducing your object to a single value with the same key called value. This means that the value of teams[item].ui of the current object in the reduce function will override the previous and hence you'll end up with the last object of that reduce function. You're finally wrapping this last object in an array which gives you what you have.
A better way to achieve that will be to do something like this
Object.keys(teams).reduce((carry, item, index)=>{
carry[index] = { value: teams[item].ui };
return carry;
}, []);

Loop through and delete elements in an array of objects

In my Vue.js project I have an array of objects which I want to list through and display in the browser.
My array contains four objects, I want to display only 3. The way I choose the 3 objects are dependent on a preference setting that the user has chosen somewhere else in the project and stored in a variable (below it is called userPreference). I am currently stuck on the best and most efficient way to remove one of the objects from my array based on the userPreference value.
My v-for in my template
<ul v-for="item in getOutroItems"><li>item<li></ul>
My object:
data() {
return {
outroItems: [{ title: "outro1", text: "XYZ" }, { title: "outro2", text: "ABC" }, { title: "outro3",
text`enter code here`: "QRS" }, { title: "outro4", text: "TUV" }],
userPreference: ""
My computed property (this is what I have so far)
getOutroItems() {
this.outroItems.filter((value) => {
if(this.userPreference === "newsletter") {
/// here I want to remove outro2 from my array and return an array with the other 3 values
} else (this.userPreference === "noNewsletter") {
/// here I want to remove outro3 from my array and return an array with the other 3 values
So, what is the best way to remove a specific element from an array?
Thanks in advance, and let me know if anything wasn't clear enough.
Your requirement can be fulfilled by below code as array.filter just wants true or false in its return to accept or remove an element from its array.
getOutroItems() {
this.outroItems.filter((value) => {
if(this.userPreference === "newsletter") {
// here I want to remove outro2 from my array and return an array with the other 3 values
return value.title != 'outro2';
} else (this.userPreference === "noNewsletter") {
// here I want to remove outro3 from my array and return an array with the other 3 values
return value.title != 'outro3';
However if you want to not create another array if it is big. you should go with swapping such elements to be removed with the end indexed element in the array and popping those many elements from the array.
There are multiple ways of getting the correct items from an array.
My preferred method and in your example: Using array.filter
const outroItems = [
{ title: "outro1", text: "XYZ" },
{ title: "outro2", text: "ABC" },
{ title: "outro3", text: "QRS" },
{ title: "outro4", text: "TUV" }
const leftOverItems = outroItems.filter((item) => item.title !== "outro2");
Another option is to find the index of the item to remove and then remove it with splice
const outroItems = [
{ title: "outro1", text: "XYZ" },
{ title: "outro2", text: "ABC" },
{ title: "outro3", text: "QRS" },
{ title: "outro4", text: "TUV" }
const itemToDelete = outroItems.find((item) => item.title === "outro2");
const indexToDelete = outroItems.indexOf(itemToDelete);
outroItems.splice(indexToDelete, 1);
Combining any of the functions above with a function will prevent you from writing duplicate code.
const itemToRemove = (arr, attr, name) => {
return arr.filter((item) => item[attr] !== name);
const outroItems = [
{ title: "outro1", text: "XYZ" },
{ title: "outro2", text: "ABC" },
{ title: "outro3", text: "QRS" },
{ title: "outro4", text: "TUV" }
// Remove from "outroItems" where "title" is "outro2"
const removed2 = itemToRemove(outroItems, "title", "outro2");
// Remove from "outroItems" where "title" is "outro3"
const removed3 = itemToRemove(outroItems, "title", "outro3");
// Remove from "outroItems" where "text" is "TUV"
const removedTUV = itemToRemove(outroItems, "text", "TUV");

AngularJS : How to concat two arrays?

I have following arrays with values (i am generating the values on go)
$scope.objectName = [{ Name: '' }];
$scope.propertiesElement = [{ Key: '', Value: '' }];
I want to concatenate these two objects to get the following result
[{Name:''},{ Key: '', Value: '' }]
Plunker link , somehow that's not working either
when I click on the add row button it will add another row for key and value text boxes only not for name, I can add n no of rows and when I click on Submit it should show the kev value pair as
[{Name:''},{ Key: '', Value: '' },{ Key: '', Value: '' },{ Key: '', Value: '' } on]
Not sure why you want to build an array of mismatched objects. That seems to me to be asking for trouble. I would suggest possibly doing the following:
$scope.objects = [{Name: '', Elements: []}];
Then you can easily manage multiple objects who have elements:
(I use underscore
$scope.addElementToObject = function(objName, element){
_.where($scope.mergedArray, {Name: objName}).Elements.push(element);
Then you can add to the list of elements for that object without having to eval the object in the elements array on each use.
If you still want/need to merge arrays of mismatched objects, it would be the following:
$scope.objectName = [{ Name: '' }];
$scope.propertiesElement = [{ Key: '', Value: '' }];
$scope.mergedArray = $$scope.propertiesElement);
$scope.addElement = function(element){
Then, in your click event code:
$scope.addElement({ Key: 'someKey', Value: 'Some Value' });
I hope this helps.

