I am facing the problem to install react-currency-format? - javascript

I I'm facing the issue for install react- currency- format because of latest version of react 18 i can easily install with the help of force save....but i have doubts if i m doing this then it will creat issues with my system

currently the react-currency-format does not work with the 18.0.0 and above to get the react-currency format to work you will need to downgrade your react to react ^17.0.0 in your package.json file after deleting your package-lock.json
another option is to add --force to the end of the install command like so
npm install react-currency-format --save --force
or you can also use
npm i react-currency-format --save --force
Your Welcome

Welcome to the community! Here is a set of questions can work as clarification, for your kind information.
Ques: Is react-currency-format well maintained?
Ans: We found indications that react-currency-format maintenance is sustainable demonstrating some project activity. We saw a total of 20 open source contributors collaborating on the project.
Ques: Is react-currency-format safe to use?
Ans: The npm package react-currency-format was scanned for known vulnerabilities and missing license, and no issues were found. Thus the package was deemed as safe to use.
Hope both of above mentioned q/a gives you a "aha" moment.
Reference: https://snyk.io/advisor/npm-package/react-currency-format


how i install the previous version react-native-pdf

i using react-native-pdf but in new version it use react-native-blob-util and when i install react-native-blob-util its crash.
i read from stackoverflow and google, that it's better to downgrade the react-native-pdf because, the downgrade version of react-native-pdf why don't use react-native-blob-util.
now i have react-native-pdf version = 6.4.0
now i want to downgrade to react-native-pdf
version = 6.2.0
please someone help me, thankyouu
You can install any npm module by mentioning the version as well. Remove the package from package.json first, then
npm i react-native-pdf#6.2.0
I had faced the same issue last week, so I started using react-native-view-pdf package, its similar and not much code change is required, you can try it.
You can just edit your package.json. Just edit your "react-native-pdf": "6.4.0" to "react-native-pdf": "6.2.0". And after that run npm install or yarn

React library vulnerability and risk

Hello I recently installed react-redux and saw on my console after it was downloaded that there were vulnerabilities low and high. What does this mean? Should I uninstall it?
Npm installer include audit system of scanning your project for vulnerabilities. You can try to run this command to automatically fix vulnerabilities, maybe it will update version of react-redux or some dependencies
npm audit fix
You can try to read this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/50574347/4459474
Chances are this warning was caused by other library you have also installed.
Try to execute npm audit fix command to let npm attempt to auto fix vulnerabilities.

How to install Redux after creating a React application using create-react-app?

Created an application using create-react-app. I wrote just the word test in the render method to display on the screen. And everything is ok.
Then I write: npm install --save redux for the folder with the application and the application does not work.
In console error:
How then to install redux after create-react-app? What is the procedure step by step?
Or Maybe you know some article where they describe step by step? Or do you know some video on YouTube?
When you installed redux you might have mispelled it while installing because in your screenshot see the error carefully it is shown the redux spelling as 'redx' so try fixing it by installing correctly with npm or try with yarn.
To do with npm :-
npm i redux --save
And if you want to install any packages with yarn you can do so with following command :-
yarn add redux
The other thing I have seen in your image is that there is an error of #babel/runtime if the error is coming again after installing redux correctly then you might have to install it manually.
First you need to remove the node_modules completely and then install the #babel/runtime package
To do with npm :-
npm i #babel/runtime --save OR npm add #babel/runtime
I know it might be late but I have written a Step-by-Step guide on "How to Add Redux into create-react-app".
You can find the link of the blog here.
Moreover, I have uploaded the Video for the same.
If you still find any issues in installing "Redux on React", please let me know
Happy Learning

Installing Gulp gives me these warnings

My Node version : v0.12.2
My npm version: 2.7.4
I ran the following command: npm install gulp -g
Should I care ? I get these warnings:
C:\Users\Maddy\Desktop\PublicServer\skill_tests>npm install gulp -g
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs#3.0.8: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs#^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
npm WARN deprecated minimatch#2.0.10: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated minimatch#0.2.14: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue
npm WARN deprecated lodash#1.0.2: lodash#<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash#^4.0.0.
npm WARN deprecated graceful-fs#1.2.3: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to graceful-fs#^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree.
Those error warnings are not a major issue. I get the same warnings when I install gulp. I have been using it for a while. It has to do with the libraries that support gulp. Gulp has dependencies and those dependencies are "packaged" together to create gulp. For example lodash is a javascript library that has a lot of array utilities. But lodash is maintained by the person who developed it
If you look in the node_modules folder you can see all the dependencies that make up gulp. I just pointed out lodash because you can find the link here and review it yourself. Gulp is not one javascript library it's a compilation of several projects that make up one tool.
Since npm has no kind of a rating system -- or anything remotely similar, there are a lot of "old" packages out there that refer to other "old" packages.
And, for the most part, that is fine.
For the most part being the key phrase.
Once in a rare while there may be a breaking change to node which causes one of these old packages to fail and you can get a cascading error upwards. However, it doesn't seem to happen too often -- I've only run into it once.
The bottom line is: Unless you are able to maintain the packages, there isn't really anything you can do about it.
All of these are warnings, which means you should be fine. If you encounter an error run:
npm list
which will give you a list of dependencies and packages. Generally speaking, these have to be updated by the author. So you if it's mission critical give them a ping on their repos or find alternatives that are maintained.

angular jasmine-node not installing via node npm

I've tried a few times to install my first AngularJS project via their docs:
*# Clone your Github repository:
git clone "git#github.com:<github username>/angular.js.git"
# Go to the AngularJS directory:
cd angular.js
# Add the main AngularJS repository as an upstream remote to your repository:
git remote add upstream "https://github.com/angular/angular.js.git"
# Install node.js dependencies:
npm install
# Install bower components:
bower install
# Build AngularJS:
grunt package*
Each time I try to npm install it returns an error for jasmine-node
I've searched for solutions and tried a bunch of methods & hopeful tests but still not receiving back any luck.
Much appreciated for any help, guys!
Those docs are for people who want to contribute (work on angularjs library) and not for people who are building projects using angular. To me, it seems that you'd want the latter.
There are plenty of tutorials out there, just search for angularjs beginner tutorial, and find the one that suits you the most.
An issue I was frequently experiencing was protocol issues due to npm errors being returned especially for Bower.
You can make git replace the protocol for you. Just run:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Apologies if this thread is a bit of a mess, but hope it helps someone out there too.

