Data from the object doesn't convert when using JSON.stringify - javascript

I'm stuck in this weird issue that I'm having hard time in understanding what's doing on. When a button is clicked it calls the function onSubmit. What onSubmit function should do is stringify is the object to JSON however for me this doesn't happen. The result I get when I console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); is [[]]. When I console.log(obj); I can see the object.
I was not able to replicate the same issue in and
async function onSubmit() {
let l = [];
l["Channel"] = undefined;
l["MetricsData"] = [
{ id: 1, name: "CPA", year: "" },
{ id: 2, name: "Average Gift", year: "" },
{ id: 3, name: "Average Gift Upgrade %", year: "" }
let obj = [];
l.Channel = 1;
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); //[[]]

As others have pointed in comments, you're instantiating l as an array and then attempt populating named keys (Channel, Metricsdata).
Note: Technically, arrays are objects, but they're special objects (their keys are intended to be numeric and they also have a few extra props and methods, specific to arrays - e.g: length, pop, push, slice, etc...). Use the link above to read more about arrays.
What you need to do is use l as an object (e.g: {}):
const l = {
Channel: 1,
MetricsData: [
{ id: 1, name: "CPA", year: "" },
{ id: 2, name: "Average Gift", year: "" },
{ id: 3, name: "Average Gift Upgrade %", year: "" }
// Uncomment any of the following:
// console.log('object:', l);
// console.log('stringified object:', JSON.stringify(l));
const items = [];
// console.log('items:', items);
// console.log('first item:', items[0]);


Find duplicate names within an array of different files

A bit of a different use case from the ones I was suggested above.
I need to loop through and check each file name within an array of files and push the files that have the same name into a new array so that I can upload them later separately.
This is my code so far, and surely I have a problem with my conditional checking, can somebody see what I am doing wrong?
filesForStorage = [
{id: 12323, name: 'name', ...},
{id: 3123, name: 'abc', ...},
{id: 3213, name: 'name', ...},
], index) => {
for (let i = 0; i < filesForStorage.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < filesForStorage.length; j++) {
if (
filesForStorage[i].name.split(".", 1) ===. //.split('.', 1) is to not keep in consideration the file extension
filesForStorage[j].name.split(".", 1)
) {
filesForStorage[i] +
" " +
Using map without returning anything makes it near on pointless. You could use forEach but that is equally pointless when you're using a double loop within - it means you would be looping once in the foreach (or map in your case) and then twice more within making for eye-wateringly bad performance.
What you're really trying to do is group your items by name and then pick any group with more than 1 element
const filesForStorage = [
{id: 12323, name: 'name'},
{id: 3123, name: 'abc'},
{id: 3213, name: 'name'}
const grouped = Object.values(
filesForStorage.reduce( (a,i) => {
a[] = a[] || [];
return a;
console.log(grouped.filter(x => x.length>1).flat());
JavaScript has several functions which perform "hidden" iteration.
Object.values will iterate through an object of key-value pairs and collect all values in an array
Array.prototype.reduce will iterate through an array and perform a computation for each element and finally return a single value
Array.prototype.filter will iterate through an array and collect all elements that return true for a specified test
Array.prototype.flat will iterate through an array, concatenating each element to the next, to create a new flattened array
All of these methods are wasteful as you can compute a collection of duplicates using a single pass over the input array. Furthermore, array methods offer O(n) performance at best, compared to O(1) performance of Set or Map, making the choice of arrays for this kind of computation eye-wateringly bad -
function* duplicates (files) {
const seen = new Set()
for (const f of files) {
if (seen.has(
yield f
seen.add(, f)
const filesForStorage = [
{id: 12323, name: 'foo'},
{id: 3123, name: 'abc'},
{id: 3213, name: 'foo'},
{id: 4432, name: 'bar'},
{id: 5213, name: 'qux'},
{id: 5512, name: 'bar'},
for (const d of duplicates(filesForStorage))
console.log("duplicate name found", d)
duplicate name found {
"id": 3213,
"name": "foo"
duplicate name found {
"id": 5512,
"name": "bar"
A nested loop can be very expensive on performance, especially if your array will have a lot of values. Something like this would be much better.
filesForStorage = [
{ id: 12323, name: 'name' },
{ id: 3123, name: 'abc' },
{ id: 3213, name: 'name' },
{ id: 3123, name: 'abc' },
{ id: 3213, name: 'name' },
{ id: 3123, name: 'random' },
{ id: 3213, name: 'nothing' },
function sameName() {
let checkerObj = {};
let newArray = [];
filesForStorage.forEach(file => {
checkerObj[] = (checkerObj[] || 0) + 1;
Object.entries(checkerObj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (value > 1) {

How can I push data to an array with fixed length in js

I have an array of object something like this.
channelName: "WhatsApp"
count: 1
date: "2021-06-05"
channelName: "RCS"
count: 1
date: "2021-06-09"
There are two types of channel names 1. WhatsApp and 2nd are RCS. I want to filter out count with specific channel names and store it in a separate array. But the problem here is I want both the array length should be the same. If there is data for WhatsApp then it will add the count otherwise it will add 0 in place of it.
For that, I did something like this but this does not work .
const filterData = (data: any) => {
const category: any = [];
const whatsAppCount: any = [];
const rcsCount: any = [];
data.filter((item: any, i: number) => {
if (item.channelName === "WhatsApp") {
whatsAppCount[i] = item.count;
} else if (item.channelName === "RCS") {
rcsCount[i] = item.count;
category: category,
whatsApp: whatsAppCount,
rcs: rcsCount,
console.log("handleRun", { category, whatsAppCount, rcsCount });
Here the console log gives something like this.
whatsAppCount: [1, 2, 13, 21, empty × 2, 8, 5, empty, 18, empty, 12, 4]
rcsCount: [empty × 4, 1, 12, empty × 2, 1, empty, 8]
Here in the place of empty, I want 0. I am not sure how to do that any help would be great.
When you create the arrays, but before populating them, there are two functions that can help with initialization:
// create an array with 10 slots preallocated but empty (not `undefined`)
let arr = new Array(10);
// set all allocated slots to a value (`0` in this case)
arr = arr.fill(0);
Since you know the lengths you want ahead of time, you can use that to pre-size the arrays on construction. Then use .fill to initialize the values to 0. Once, that's done, you can continue with your counting and updating the arrays.
Array constructor
I would suggest you use the map-function, mapping the unwanted values to undefined, letting the other values "pass through" (unmodified), eg.:
const filtered = => {
if (wantToKeep) {
return each;
} else {
return undefined;
Note, this is not the exact solution - but a general idea.
You can use forEach and push(0) for the empty records.
const data = [
channelName: "WhatsApp",
count: 1,
date: "2021-06-05",
channelName: "RCS",
count: 1,
date: "2021-06-01",
channelName: "RCS",
count: 1,
date: "2021-06-06",
channelName: "WhatsApp",
count: 5,
date: "2021-06-11",
channelName: "WhatsApp",
count: 7,
date: "2021-06-23",
channelName: "RCS",
count: 1,
date: "2021-06-09",
const category = [];
const whatsAppCount = [];
const rcsCount = [];
data.forEach(x => {
if (x.channelName === "WhatsApp") {
} else if (x.channelName === "RCS") {
console.log({ whatsAppCount });
console.log({ rcsCount });
console.log({ category });

Determine if array element represents an object or a value

From a JSON object (containing stock data), I want to add certain elements to an array (in Google Sheets script editor):
var quote = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
// Example of what quote object looks like:
"quoteSummary": {
"result": [
"Profile": {
"sector": "Technology",
"website": ""
"Owners": [
"name": "Eric",
"age": "28"
"name": "Susan",
"age": "44"
"Profit": 100,
"Assets": 7000
Here is my current approach to read only some specific values:
var arr = [];
arr.push(quote.quoteSummary.result[0].Profile.sector); // Technology
arr.push(quote.quoteSummary.result[0].Owners[1].name); // Susan
arr.push(quote.quoteSummary.result[0].Profit); // 100
But since there are many specific properties to read, I'd like to use a loop:
var quote = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
var arr = [];
var el = [
['Profile', 'sector'],
['Owners[1]', 'name'],
for (i = 0; i < el.length; i++)
if (quote.quoteSummary.result[0][el[i][0]][el[i][1]] !== undefined)
Expected output (if I would loop through arr):
The point is that different stocks, will have different properties. So el might define some non-existing elements or properties. Assume (in a bit of an other way of defining el -- as I wrote, I'm plexible here.. perhaps the paths are the easiest):
var el = [
Expected output:
<----- "name" doesn't exist!
Notice that in this example, there is no property "name" in Profile,
so I'd like to add an empty element to arr
But this does not work. What is a generic loop that accomplishes what I'm trying to do here? The array defining what I want can also be constructed differently if that helps. But the point is that I don't end up with a script like:
I recommend you use variable-length chains of property names. Each name in a given chain represents a deeper property. You can "dive" into an object through an arbitrary number of property names with code like this:
let dive = (obj, propertyNames) => {
for (let pn of propertyNames) obj = obj[pn];
return obj;
Now you can say:
let dive = (obj, propertyNames) => {
for (let pn of propertyNames) obj = obj[pn];
return obj;
let quote = {
quoteSummary: {
result: [
Profile: {
sector: 'Technology',
website: ''
Owners: [
name: 'Eric',
age: '28'
name: 'Susan',
age: '44'
Profit: 100,
Assets: 7000
// Here are the "variable-length property chains":
let el = [
[ 'Profile', 'sector' ],
[ 'Owners', 1, 'name' ],
[ 'Profit' ]
// Here's how to combine `el`, `dive`, and your `quote` data to get a result:
let arr = => dive(quote.quoteSummary.result[0], propertyNames));
You could even replace dive with Array.prototype.reduce, if you'd like to stay functional but avoid the function definition:
dive(someObj, propertyNames);
is equivalent to
propertyNames.reduce((obj, propName) => obj[propName], someObj);
Note the above code all assumes that a property exists for each term in the property chain (except the final property name, which may resolve to undefined without causing any errors). If some cases may have the, e.g., Profile key undefined or null you'll need to write some kind of if (propertyDoesntExist) / else statement which describes how to deal with missing properties.
For example you could modify dive to handle non-existent properties:
let dive = (obj, propertyNames, valueIfMissing=null) => {
for (let pn of propertyNames) {
// Intentional use of loose `==` operator!
if (obj == null) return valueIfMissing;
obj = obj[pn];
return obj;
This means that:
dive({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, [ 'd' ]) === null;
But we can substitute any default return value:
dive({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, [ 'd' ], 'ddd') === 'ddd';
Note this works at any depth:
dive({ a: { a: 1 }, b: { b: 2 }, c: { c: 3 }, d: null }, [ 'd', 'd' ]) === null;
dive({ a: { a: 1 }, b: { b: 2 }, c: { c: 3 }, d: null }, [ 'd', 'd' ], 'ddd') === 'ddd';
You should be able to do this:
} else {
However, this will break if y.value happens to be something like 0, false, etc.
If this is the case you can do this:
} else {
Based on the comment:
if (quote.quoteSummary.result[0][el[i][0]].hasOwnProperty("value")) {
} else {

Changing part of an array object's property in javascript

I have an array of objects similar to:
number: 1,
name: "A"
number: 2,
name: "e",
number: 3,
name: "EE",
I need to be able to insert an object to the array at a particular position, but then I have to shift all the numbers of rest of the object, so the numbers are in sequence order.
Similarly I need to be able to remove an object, but be able to shift all the numbers back.
i.e. If I insert at location 1 with name: "F", the array became:
number: 1,
name: "A"
number: 2,
name: "F"
number: 3,
name: "e",
number: 4,
name: "EE",
I know a few ways that can do it, but none of them looks pretty.
Post some of my thoughts here:
To insert I did this.arr.splice(1, 0, newObj), then tried to loop through this.arr, for any index greater than 2, I did ++number, this works, but ugly.
To insert I did this.arr.splice(1, 0, newObj), then split this.arr with let newArr = this.arr.split(2), then => {...}), use splice to replace part of original arr with newArr.
New Edit:
Share some of my code here, this works, but I'd like to simply it or make it prettier if possible. Please share thoughts.
const newObj = {
number: obj.number + 1,
name: 'S',
this.arr.splice(obj.number, 0, newObj)
if (this.arr.length > obj.number) {
const remaining = this.arr.slice(obj.number + 1).map( (t) => ({...t, ...{number: t.number + 1}}))
this.arr.splice(newObj.number, remaining.length, ...remaining)
To achieve expected result , use splice(index, deleteCount, item) and use index in map to assign to number of each object to get numbers in sequence after you and delete
let arr = [
number: 1,
name: "A"
number: 2,
name: "e",
number: 3,
name: "EE",
let newObj = {
name: "F",
arr.splice(1,0, newObj)//To add
// console.log(arr)
//arr.splice(2,1) //To delete
console.log(,i) => {
v.number = i;
return v
Reference link for Array.splice -
You can use ... spread syntax and slice.
operation is used to decide whether the value is to be deleted or added.
if operation is del than we slice the first from 0 upto index and than from index+1 to end of array.
else we slice from 0 upto index and add the desired value and than add the remaining part back ( from index to end )
Finally map over the values to adjust number property accordingly
let arr = [{ number: 1,name: "A"},{number: 2,name: "e", }, {number: 3,name: "EE",}]
let handleArray = (array,operation,index,value) => {
if(operation === 'del') {
return [...array.slice(0, index), ...array.slice(index+1,)].map((value,index)=> (value.number = index+1, value))
} else {
return [...array.slice(0,index),value,...array.slice(index,)].map((value,index)=> (value.number = index+1,value))

How to find duplicate values in a JavaScript array of objects, and output only unique values?

I'm learning JS. Supposing I have the below array of objects:
var family = [
name: "Mike",
age: 10
name: "Matt"
age: 13
name: "Nancy",
age: 15
name: "Adam",
age: 22
name: "Jenny",
age: 85
name: "Nancy",
age: 2
name: "Carl",
age: 40
Notice that Nancy is showing up twice (changing only the age). Supposing I want to output only unique names. How do I output the above array of objects, without duplicates? ES6 answers more than welcome.
Related (couldn't find a good way for usage on objects):
Remove Duplicates from JavaScript Array
Easiest way to find duplicate values in a JavaScript array
EDIT Here's what I tried. It works well with strings but I can't figure how to make it work with objects:
family.reduce((a, b) => {
if (a.indexOf(b) < 0 ) {
return a;
You could use a Set in combination with Array#map and a spread operator ... in a single line.
Map returns an array with all names, which are going into the set initializer and then all values of the set are returned in an array.
var family = [{ name: "Mike", age: 10 }, { name: "Matt", age: 13 }, { name: "Nancy", age: 15 }, { name: "Adam", age: 22 }, { name: "Jenny", age: 85 }, { name: "Nancy", age: 2 }, { name: "Carl", age: 40 }],
unique = [ Set( =>];
For filtering and return only unique names, you can use Array#filter with Set.
var family = [{ name: "Mike", age: 10 }, { name: "Matt", age: 13 }, { name: "Nancy", age: 15 }, { name: "Adam", age: 22 }, { name: "Jenny", age: 85 }, { name: "Nancy", age: 2 }, { name: "Carl", age: 40 }],
unique = family.filter((set => f => !set.has( && set.add( Set));
The Solution
Store occurrences of name external to the loop in an object, and filter if there's been a previous occurrence.
var occurrences = {}
var filteredFamily = family.filter(function(x) {
if (occurrences[]) {
return false;
occurrences[] = true;
return true;
you can also generalize this solution to a function
function filterByProperty(array, propertyName) {
var occurrences = {}
return array.filter(function(x) {
var property = x[propertyName]
if (occurrences[property]) {
return false;
occurrences[property]] = true;
return true;
and use it like
var filteredFamily = filterByProperty(family, 'name')
Don't compare objects using indexOf, which only uses the === operator between objects. The reason why your current answer doesn't work is because === in JS does not compare the objects deeply, but instead compares the references. What I mean by that you can see in the following code:
var a = { x: 1 }
var b = { x: 1 }
console.log(a === b) // false
console.log(a === a) // true
Equality will tell you if you found the same exact object, but not if you found an object with the same contents.
In this case, you can compare your object on name since it should be a unique key. So === instead of obj === obj. Moreover another problem with your code that affects its runtime and not its function is that you use an indexOf inside of your reduce. indexOf is O(n), which makes the complexity of your algorithm O(n^2). Thus, it's better to use an object, which has O(1) lookup.
This will work fine.
const result = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3].reduce((x, y) => x.includes(y) ? x : [...x, y], []);
With the code you mentioned, you can try:
family.filter((item, index, array) => {
return => mapItem['name']).indexOf(item['name']) === index
Or you can have a generic function to make it work for other array of objects as well:
function printUniqueResults (arrayOfObj, key) {
return arrayOfObj.filter((item, index, array) => {
return => mapItem[key]).indexOf(item[key]) === index
and then just use printUniqueResults(family, 'name')
I just thought of 2 simple ways for Lodash users
Given this array:
let family = [
name: "Mike",
age: 10
name: "Matt",
age: 13
name: "Nancy",
age: 15
name: "Adam",
age: 22
name: "Jenny",
age: 85
name: "Nancy",
age: 2
name: "Carl",
age: 40
1. Find duplicates:
let duplicatesArr = _.difference(family, _.uniqBy(family, 'name'), 'name')
// duplicatesArr:
// [{
// name: "Nancy",
// age: 2
// }]
2 Find if there are duplicates, for validation purpose:
let uniqArr = _.uniqBy(family, 'name')
if (uniqArr.length === family.length) {
// No duplicates
if (uniqArr.length !== family.length) {
// Has duplicates
Since most of the answers won't have a good performance, i thought i share my take on this:
const arrayWithDuplicateData = [{ id: 5, name: 'Facebook'}, { id: 3, name: 'Twitter' }, { id: 5, name: 'Facebook' }];
const uniqueObj = {};
arrayWithDuplicateData.forEach(i => {
uniqueObj[] = i;
const arrayWithoutDuplicates = Object.values(uniqueObj);
We're leveraging the fact that keys are unique within objects. That means the last duplication item inside the first array, will win over its predecessors. If we'd want to change that, we could flip the array before iterating over it.
Also we're not bound to use only one property of our object for identifying duplications.
const arrayWithDuplicateData = [{ id: 5, name: 'Facebook'}, { id: 3, name: 'Twitter' }, { id: 5, name: 'Facebook' }];
const uniqueObj = {};
arrayWithDuplicateData.forEach(item => {
uniqueObj[`${}_${}`] = item;
const arrayWithoutDuplicates = Object.values(uniqueObj);
Or we could simply add a check, if the uniqueObj already holds a key and if yes, not overwrite it.
Overall this way is not very costly in terms of performance and served me well so far.
I would probably set up some kind of object. Since you've said ECMAScript 6, you have access to Set, but since you want to compare values on your objects, it will take a little more work than that.
An example might look something like this (removed namespace pattern for clarity):
var setOfValues = new Set();
var items = [];
function add(item, valueGetter) {
var value = valueGetter(item);
if (setOfValues.has(value))
function addMany(items, valueGetter) {
items.forEach(item => add(item, valueGetter));
Use it like this:
var family = [
addMany(family, item =>;
// items will now contain the unique items
Explanation: you need to pull a value from each object as it's added and decide if it has already been added yet, based on the value you get. It requires a value getter, which is a function that given an item, returns a value (item => Then, you only add items whose values haven't already been seen.
A class implementation:
// Prevents duplicate objects from being added
class ObjectSet {
constructor(key) {
this.key = key;
this.items = [];
this.set = new Set();
add(item) {
if (this.set.has(item[this.key])) return;
addMany(items) {
items.forEach(item => this.add(item));
var mySet = new ObjectSet('name');

