Passing props from one class component to other in react js - javascript

I am taking a beginner's course on react js. I came across class components and I wanted to know how does the props object get initialized.
for eg:
Main Component:
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Header username="xyz"/>
class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<p>Welcome, {this.props.username}</p>
I wanted to know does the props object in Header class is getting initialized?
Shouldn't it be something like this:
class Header extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props
render() {
return (
<p>Welcome, {this.props.username}</p>
By using the above code I am a getting a message:
ReferenceError: Must call super constructor in derived class before
accessing 'this' or returning from derived constructor
My question is, if we want to pass anything to a class, shouldn't it be done using a constructor?

By extending React.Component, React does this for you.
The props object should never be changed inside the receiving component. React class components will gather all the arguments you pass to a component, and refer to them by the common name "props". This is why you don't have to do it yourself, in the constructor.
However, in modern React, class components are rarely used. The reason is that class components easily ends up with complicated lifecycle management.
The Header component, written as a function rather than a class, would look like this:
const Header = (props) => (
<p>Welcome, {props.username}</p>
It is also very common to destructure props directly, so that you never really access the props object, like this:
const Header = ({username}) => (
<p>Welcome, {username}</p>
In the case of function components, you're free to use whatever name you want for the props. I wouldn't do it though, because people are used to props being called props. But this would work as well:
const Header = (params) => (
<p>Welcome, {params.username}</p>

I used the same code as you post without constructor and I don't have any error.
You can pass what you want to a class without using a constructor like you did in your example code.
I share the link of your code in sandbox.
I put the constructor in Header to show that it returns the same with it and without it.


React changing text of child on button hover

I want to change the text of a child function component when I hover over a button of my parent class component. I'm having trouble accessing the prop though in the child component and getting null. Any help is appreciated
parent component:
export default class PathfindingVisualizer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
AlgoDef: null,
render() {
return (
<div className="button-bar"> //buttons that change state
onClick={() => this.helperDikjstras()}
onMouseOver={() => this.setState({ AlgoDef: "Dikj"})}
onClick={() => this.helperAstar()}
onMouseOver={() => this.setState({ AlgoDef: "Astar"})}
<AlgoExplaination algoName={this.AlgoDef} /> //changes its text based on state of parent
my child component:
export default function AlgoExplaination(props) {
const [text, setText] = useState("default");
useEffect(() => {
switch (props) {
case "Dikj":
case "Astar":
//console.log(`text: ${text}`);
// console.log(props.algoName);
return (
both console logging props gives me: {algoName: null}. and props.algoName gives me null
As #Rajesh has mentioned in a comment, you are passing props to your AlgoExplaination (sic) component incorrectly like this:
<AlgoExplaination algoName={this.AlgoDef} />
You intended to pass the AlgoDef property of your state, which is this.state.AlgoDef, so change accordingly to this:
<AlgoExplaination algoName={this.state.AlgoDef} />
Furthermore, when you access the algoName property of your props, you currently attempt to access it as if it were the props object itself incorrectly like this:
switch (props) {
The props object for AlgoExplaination will be an object with an algoName property that looks (partially) like this:
{ algoName: "Dikj" }
So, the value you need is actually stored in props.algoName. Therefore, please change accordingly to this:
switch (props.algoName) {
As #Wyck has addressed most of the points, I'll focus this answer on the last point:
Third, why do you have both class component and functional component with hooks? Please use 1 way
Class vs Functional component
In theory, a class component has lifecycle events and state, where as a functional component is just a function that returns JSX.Element. Such components were called stateless.
Because of this, class component had a bit of overhead over functional component, and as a performant option functional component were preferred.
Hooks are a way in react to give functional components access to have its own state and few major lifecycle events. This is achieved using closure (not going in full depth) and craftsmanship. This also makes class components obsolete as everything can be achieved in functional component.
Which one to use?
As a preference, its suggested to use functional component with hooks as they are easy to use and are performant as well, in comparison.
Why to use one?
In general programming practice, as a developer, you should use a single way to do things. Benefit of this is, it helps in fast reading.
If I use a for loop in one section and a Array.forEach in next, as a developer, I will be asked to read and understand the purpose. This adds overhead and reduces readability. Having same approach moves the focus of reader to just the logic.
I recomend you to destructuring the props, to be more clear.
export default function AlgoExplaination(props)
Can be something like:
export default function AlgoExplaination({algoName})
So you can use it in your switch statment.
switch (algoName) {
case "Dikj":
Right now, you are passing all props but you will have to access as props.algoName in the switch statment.

React context props drilling, what is it that I don't get?

There is a TL;DR at the bottom.
I am probably doing this wrong or using the context in an bad way. I am new to react so I have no clue if this is how we are meant to do things.
My understanding:
Context can be used to pass down props to deeper nested child components without having to pass them through all levels of nesting. A provider is filled with props, and a consumer will look "up the tree" to find the nearest provider and get it's data.
If this is the case, then I can load a provider with a function, such as an onChange handler in order to avoid having to write the handler on every child component when they all do the same thing. This would allow for a "smart form" which govern's its input's handlers by "passing" handlers given to it. Obviously just writing one handler on multiple components is not an issue, but having like 20-30 form fields and writing 4+ handlers on each of them just creates code clutter. So I tried the following:
HTML structure is like this, for example:
<ControlledForm data={some_data} handlers={some_handlers}>
<LabeledControl name="Type your name" rel="Name" meta={{some_meta_object}}></LabeledControl>
<LabeledControl name="Pet name" rel="PetName" meta={{some_meta_object}}></LabeledControl>
<LabeledControl name="Type of pet" rel="PetType" meta={{some_meta_object}}></LabeledControl>
<LabeledControl name="Family" rel="Family" meta={{some_meta_object}}></LabeledControl>
And this is the ControlledForm class code:
const { Provider } = React.createContext(); //Note this
class ControlledForm extends Component {
state = {};
render() {
return (
<Provider value={{ onChange: this.props.onChange }}>
Now whatever child I place within this form would want to have a <Consumer> wrapper around it to consume the changeHandler, or at least this is the plan. However when I wrap my LabeledControl in a consumer, it acts as if it has no data.
<LabeledControl> (reduced code):
const { Consumer } = React.createContext();
class LabeledControl extends Component {
state = {};
render() {
return (
{r => {
console.log("consumer:", r); //Logs undefined
return (
<div className="labeled-control">
{/*Code here*/}
If I was to guess at what the issue is, I'd say it is because both the ControlledForm and the LabeledControl create it's own context, which is not shared, look at the code above. But I do not understand how would I share this context and still keep the two classes in separate .js files. I cannot pass a reference down to the children, all I get is the {this.props.children} and no way to tell it "Hey use this provider here". All the examples I find online have the two classes that are a provider and a consumer in a same file, being able to reference the same "context" but this seriously impacts the freedom of what I can put inside a form, or rather doesn't let me have customization in terms of "children".
How do I pass down a "Context" from a Provider to a Consumer when they are in two different javascript files? Code is above. I essentially need to pass down a handler to every child and have it (maybe, maybe not, depending on a child) use the handler to tell the parent to update it's data. All of this whilst using {this.props.children} in a parent in order to allow "outter code" to "inject" the parent component with any children desired and have them either use or not use the parent's handler.
I searched about a bit and found two possible solutions, which I both tested and both seem to be working (with a limited use case). Both render props and React.CloneElement seem to do the trick when there is one level of nesting as we can directly render and add props to children with them, but when we need to prop drill several levels, all the components in between would have to implement the same passing of props which then turns to spaghetti code. Still searching to try and find the way to pass the context down to the children for consumption in different files.
Please view the code below.
Also: here is a sample project I have built:
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
export default class ControllerForm extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes = {
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired
getChildContext() {
return {
onChange: this.handleOnChange
handleOnChange = (e) => {
console.log( //here is the place you have to implement
render() {
return (
<div class="container">
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
export default class LabeledControl extends React.Component {
static contextTypes ={
onChange : PropTypes.func.isRequired
render() {
return (
<div className="form-group">
<input className="form-control" type="text" onChange={this.context.onChange} />
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<LabeledControl />
<LabeledControl />
It appears that Context is not what I should be using for this, instead either render props or React.cloneElement() is the proper solution, despite my best efforts to enforce a context.
Parent's render:
{, index) =>
React.cloneElement(child, { key: index, handler: handler })
Child's render:
return (
<span onClick={this.props.handler}>{}</span>
This way the structure remains clean and handlers get passed down. Only issue is every component that needs to pass them down has to implement this, but it would have been the same with context, since it is not exported to a separate file.

react how to call state variable from another class?

class Search extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
selectedPictures: []
static getSelectedPictures = () => {
return this.state.selectedPictures;
render() {
return (
export default Search;
import Search from './Search';
class Other extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
render() {
console.log(Search.getSelectedPictures); --> Uncaught null
return (
export default Other;
How to call Search.state.selectedPictures inside Other.js?
I already try to use static method to return this.state.selectedPictures and call in Other.js, but cannot access.
Any way can import or transfer the var? Both js files are separate files
Thank you.
What you're trying to do isn't really possible in React for a couple of reasons. First of all, you're trying to call methods and access properties on a class, not on an object. You would, in normal (modern) JS, be required to instantiate the class with the new keyword. For example, search = new Search(); search.getSelectedPictures() - this, however, isn't really how React works, and because your classes are actually components, you have to use the <Search/> component syntax in your render function.
As for getting access to the state in Search, you'd need to pass that state from Search to Other.
One way would be to pass the state into the props directly, so in search.js:
render() {
<Other selectedPictures={this.state.selectedPictures} />
Then in other.js:
render() {
this.props.selectedPicture.forEach((pic) => <img src={pic} />);
Alternatively, you could have a more umbrella parent component, and keep the state in there. Then pass that state to both components simultaneously, if the ones you list are not meant to have a parent-child relationship.
There are also, albeit slightly more complex, ways of doing what you wish but with Search as a child of Other, but without knowing what those two components actually are, it's hard to really tell.
Use flux architecture . The simple implementation is
alt flux
Just create an Action and a Store . When you select images just put them in the Store using Action then get them as props using <AltContainer />

React - How to access props without using constructor

Note: I encounter this specific problem using React Native, but I guess this goes for React in general as well.
I have a react component built using React.Component.
I don't need to set state, but I do have props. My proposed syntax was as follows:
class Header extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return <div>{this.props.title}</div>;
I understand I can use a function to construct this component, like this:
const Header = (props) => {
return <div>{props.title}</div>;
But I prefer the former, because my component will grow, might have state etc, and I just want to keep all my components built in a similar fashion.
Now, my linter complains about having a useless constructor, but how else do I access the props while keeping a class constructor instead of a function constructor?
If you want to use this.props in the constructor, you need to pass props to super. Otherwise, it doesn't matter because React sets .props on the instance from the outside immediately after calling the constructor.
So just simply remove constructor() if useless
you can access props without constructor in a class using "this", like this:
class XXXXXX extends React.Component {
render() {
return (

What is the difference between using this.props and props in React.js?

I've been using this.props and props interchangeably, and for the most part, there doesn't seem to be a major difference between them (as far as I can tell).
However, I've been running into issues lately that make me think that when and why one is used over the other matters.
This is where I'm currently using them interchangeably:
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context); =;
this.dataLength =;
What's the difference and when do you use one over the other, and where?
It all depends on the type of component you are using.
const StatelessComponent = (props) => {
return <div>{props.something}</div>;
class SomeComponent extends Component {
render() {
return <div>{this.props.something}</div>;
Here you will notice that in the stateless component it is just a regular function without any this context. The props are passed to the function so we already have access to it.
When you have a class you have a this context that the props live on.
In the constructor of a class the props are passed to the class constructor. So in the context of that constructor function props is passed as an argument and is a local variable
I would recommend you stick to a pattern, when you have props passed as an argument to a function you use props when you are in other methods of a react class you use this.props. That is how it was intended to be used. Also there is something to be said for consistency, so whether you choose one or the other stick with that pattern. It can be confusing if you don't follow a pattern / keep things consistent.
Only in the constructor of React ES2015 components (non-function components) will you be able to refer to props as it is passed into the constructor. If you do this.props === props in the constructor, it will evaluate to true.
However in React, you can only use this.props after you call super(props). This is part of the ES2015 Class spec.
For simplicity, I usually just use solely props within the constructor, and this.props within the component lifecycle methods and in render.
In simple terms: is used in functional components is used in Class components
copy the code and run it in "stackblitz" ->
the following code shows usage of both class and functional components with and
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
//Both Class and Functional components have "properties" ie props
//properties are immutable->fixed->cant be changed
// in functional components
function A1(props)
return <h2>functional component->{}</h2>
// in class components
class A2 extends React.Component{
return<h2>class component->{}</h2>
var element1=
//data from class and functional component
<A1 data="Sample data" />
<A2 data="Sample data"></A2>
<hr />
render(element1, document.getElementById('root'));

