I made this red line in JavaScript that goes to closest target (balloon 1 to 3) to the player but I need to make it so that it moves like a laser starting from player position into the target position. I thought about multiple ways of implementing this with no luck.
function Tick() {
// Erase the sprite from its current location.
for (var i = 0; i < lasers.length; i++) {
lasers[i].x += lasers[i].direction.x * laserSpeed;
lasers[i].y += lasers[i].direction.y * laserSpeed;
//Hit detection here
function detectCharClosest() {
var ballon1char = {
x: balloon1X,
y: balloon1Y
var ballon2char = {
x: balloon2X,
y: balloon2Y
var ballon3char = {
x: balloon3X,
y: balloon3Y,
ballon1char.distanceFromPlayer = Math.sqrt((CharX - balloon1X) ** 2 + (CharY - balloon1Y) ** 2);
ballon2char.distanceFromPlayer = Math.sqrt((CharX - balloon2X) ** 2 + (CharY - balloon2Y) ** 2);
ballon3char.distanceFromPlayer = Math.sqrt((CharX - balloon3X) ** 2 + (CharY - balloon3Y) ** 2);
var minDistance = Math.min(
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (minDistance == ballon1char.distanceFromPlayer)
return ballon1char
if (minDistance == ballon2char.distanceFromPlayer)
return ballon2char
if (minDistance == ballon3char.distanceFromPlayer)
return ballon3char
function loadComplete() {
console.log("Load is complete.");
canvas = document.getElementById("theCanvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
myInterval = self.setInterval(function () { Tick() }, INTERVAL);
myInterval = self.setInterval(function () { laserTicker(detectCharClosest()) }, 2000);
function laserTicker(balloon) {
//gets the closest ballon to go to
function laserDo(balloon) {
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#F44336"; // "red";
ctx.moveTo(CharX + 16, CharY + 16);
ctx.lineTo(balloon.x, balloon.y);
// lasers.push({x: })
I didn't put all of my code here so If something doesn't make sense please tell me. I'm still new to JavaScript and learning it. One way I thought I could make this work was by taking the distance between the player and the target and dividing it by the speed on the x and y axis then changing having it start from the player position and keeps on adding up on both axis until it reaches the target. That didn't work out though. If you have any suggestions then please tell me.
I’ve got a snake game (worm instead) and the movement works, press right arrow you go right etc. If it helps with question the live link rn is
However, I want to change the direction the head is facing when you do so. So if you turn right the head faces right etc. I managed to do it with:
this.head.angle = x
However, now my collision is messed up and also the body (once it grows from eating) is positioned weirdly in relation to the head (I think the head is being messed up though, not the position of the body).
My face functions:
faceLeft: function () {
if (this.direction === directions.UP || this.direction === directions.DOWN) {
this.head.angle = 270;
this.heading = directions.LEFT;
faceRight: function () {
if (this.direction === directions.UP || this.direction === directions.DOWN) {
this.head.angle = 90;
this.heading = directions.RIGHT;
faceUp: function () {
if (this.direction === directions.LEFT || this.direction === directions.RIGHT) {
this.head.angle = 0;
this.heading = directions.UP;
faceDown: function () {
if (this.direction === directions.LEFT || this.direction === directions.RIGHT) {
this.head.angle = 180;
this.heading = directions.DOWN;
Worm class:
let Worm = new Phaser.Class({
initialize: function Worm(scene, x, y) {
this.headPosition = new Phaser.Geom.Point(x, y);
this.body =;
this.head = this.body.create(x * 20, y * 20, 'head');
this.alive = true;
this.speed = 100;
this.moveTime = 0;
this.tail = new Phaser.Geom.Point(x, y);
this.heading = directions.RIGHT;
this.direction = directions.RIGHT;
Move function:
move: function (time) {
* Based on the heading property we update headPosition.
* The Math.wrap call allows the worm to wrap around the screen when it goes of.
switch (this.heading) {
case directions.LEFT:
this.headPosition.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.x - 1, 0, 40);
case directions.RIGHT:
this.headPosition.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.x + 1, 0, 40);
case directions.UP:
this.headPosition.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.y - 1, 0, 30);
case directions.DOWN:
this.headPosition.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.y + 1, 0, 30);
this.direction = this.heading;
// Update the body segments
this.headPosition.x * 20,
this.headPosition.y * 20,
// Check to see if any of the body pieces have the same x/y as the head
// If they do, the head ran into the body so update snakes "alive" status
let hitBody = Phaser.Actions.GetFirst(
{ x: this.head.x, y: this.head.y },
if (hitBody) {
I'm making a small game with one player and blocks that builds up the environment. The problem I'm having is knowing the difference between when the player hits the ground (the top of a block), and hitting a wall (the side of the block).
So far the player can walk on the ground just fine, but when he meets a wall, he immediately jumps to the top of that block.
This is my collision detector:
function collisionDetector(){
if(myPlayer.y + myPlayer.h > c.height){ //Bottom of the canvas
myPlayer.vy = 0;
myPlayer.ay = 0;
myPlayer.y = c.height - myPlayer.h;
myPlayer.onGround = true;
console.log(myPlayer.y + myPlayer.h, c.height);
if(myPlayer.x + myPlayer.w >= c.width){ //right side of canvas
myPlayer.x = c.width - myPlayer.w;
myPlayer.vx = 0;
if(myPlayer.x <= 0){ //Left side of canvas
myPlayer.x = 0;
myPlayer.vx = 0;
function hitTest(a,b){ //hitTest between two objects
if(a.y + a.h > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h && a.x + a.w > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w){
return true;
for(var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++){ //Loop through blocks
if(hitTest(myPlayer, blocks[i])){ //If it touches a block
myPlayer.y = blocks[i].y - myPlayer.h;
myPlayer.onGround = true; //onGround = ready to jump
I realized that I'm setting the players y pos to be on top of what ever block it hits, but I cannot figure out a solution to this problem. Can anyone help me or at least lead me in the right direction? Thanks!
(Let me know if you need more of the code)
PS: the player is just a head. No body hiding behind the blocks.
So basically, what you need to do is to check collision between many points in the player.
In the snippet you can show many points represented in the player.
Bottom almost-left and almost-right (in blue), check against below blocks. They are not fully left or right, in order to prevent a race condition which will allow the player to climb walls. In that case, if the player is pushing against a wall and jumping, the collider will detect both side collision and bottom collision as true, then the player will quickly move to the top until there are no more blocks.
Left and right points (in black), check against edges of the blocks. This is just a point instead of two like the bottom edge, because we don't need more for this particular case. One more for each side could be easily added to get a better detection.
Top point (in red) checks against the top blocks. This is in the middle in order to allow the player a more easy way to tranverse the map. If this is not needed, you would need to add one more point like in the bottom edge (but never reaching the far edge, because that will generate a race condition).
So in summary, to have a good collision detection based on points (instead of raycasts), you need to detect the player like if it where a rounded shape, in order to prevent strange behaviours.
You can player around with the map layout by altering the layout variable. 0's are empty space, 1's are brown blocks and 2's are green blocks.
The collisionDetector fuction has comments to understand what's going on.
Also I have added a jump feature since I understand you would need that as well.
const c = document.getElementById('canvas');
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
// map layout
const layout =
// convert layout to blocks
const blocks = [...layout].reduce((a, c, i) => {
if (i === 0 || c === "\n") a.push([]);
if (c === "\n") return a;
const y = a.length - 1;
const row = a[y];
const x = row.length;
row.push({x: x * 32, y: y * 32, t:c, w:32, h:32});
return a;
}, []).reduce((a, c) => a.concat(c), []);
// player starting position
const myPlayer = {x: 32*1.5, y: 0, h: 32, w: 16, onGround: true};
const gravity = -1;
let pkl = 0, pkr = 0;
let pvely = 0;
function render() {
// player logic
const pvelx = pkr + pkl;
const speed = 2;
myPlayer.x += pvelx * speed;
myPlayer.y -= pvely;
if (pvely > -2) pvely += gravity;
const debugColliders = collisionDetector();
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// player render
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFD9B3';
ctx.fillRect(myPlayer.x, myPlayer.y, myPlayer.w, myPlayer.h);
function renderLayout() {
const colors = {'1': '#A3825F', '2': '#7FAC72'}
blocks.forEach(b => {
if (+b.t > 0) {
ctx.fillStyle = colors[b.t];
ctx.fillRect(b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h);
window.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
if (e.key == 'ArrowRight') {
pkr = 1;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft') {
pkl = -1;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowUp') {
if (myPlayer.onGround)
pvely = 8;
myPlayer.onGround = false;
window.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
if (e.key == 'ArrowRight') {
pkr = 0;
} else if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft') {
pkl = 0;
function collisionDetector(){
const p = myPlayer;
const playerTop = p.y;
const playerLeft = p.x;
const playerRight = playerLeft + p.w;
const playerBottom = playerTop + p.h;
const playerHalfLeft = playerLeft + p.w * .25;
const playerHalfRight = playerLeft + p.w * .75;
const playerHMiddle = playerLeft + p.w * .5;
const playerVMiddle = playerTop + p.h * .5;
if(playerBottom > c.height){ //Bottom of the canvas
p.vy = 0;
p.ay = 0;
p.y = c.height - p.h;
p.onGround = true;
if(playerRight >= c.width){ //right side of canvas
p.x = c.width - p.w;
p.vx = 0;
if(playerLeft <= 0){ //Left side of canvas
p.x = 0;
p.vx = 0;
blocks.forEach(b => { //Loop through blocks
if (b.t === "0") return; // If not collidable, do nothing
const blockTop = b.y;
const blockLeft = b.x;
const blockRight = blockLeft + b.w;
const blockBottom = b.y + b.h;
// Player bottom against block top
if ((playerBottom > blockTop && playerBottom < blockBottom) && // If player bottom is going through block top but is above block bottom.
((playerHalfLeft > blockLeft && playerHalfLeft < blockRight) || // If player left is inside block horizontal bounds
(playerHalfRight > blockLeft && playerHalfRight < blockRight))) { // Or if player right is inside block horizontal bounds
p.y = blockTop - p.h;
p.onGround = true;
// Player top against block bottom
if ((playerTop < blockBottom && playerTop > blockTop) && // If player top is going through block bottom but is below block top.
((playerHMiddle > blockLeft && playerHMiddle < blockRight))) { // If player hmiddle is inside block horizontal bounds
p.y = blockBottom;
p.onGround = false;
// Player right against block left, or player left against block right
if (playerVMiddle > blockTop && playerVMiddle < blockBottom) { // If player vertical-middle is inside block vertical bounds
if ((playerRight > blockLeft && playerRight < blockRight)) { // If player vmiddle-right goes through block-left
p.x = blockLeft - p.w;
} else if ((playerLeft < blockRight && playerRight > blockLeft)) { // If player vmiddle-left goes through block-right
p.x = blockRight;
return function debug() {
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.fillRect(playerLeft, playerVMiddle, 1, 1);
ctx.fillRect(playerRight, playerVMiddle, 1, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(playerHMiddle, playerTop, 1, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
ctx.fillRect(playerHalfLeft, playerBottom, 1, 1);
ctx.fillRect(playerHalfRight, playerBottom, 1, 1);
html, body{ width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; }
canvas { background: #7AC9F9; display: block; }
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Introduce a block[i].type attribute. For instance if block[i].type=='floor' then make player stay on floor. If for another instance block[i].type=='wall' then make it stop moving through the wall. When block[i].type=='brick' or square or block or whatever, them it's a mixture of two.
Another part to be edited is when you check the collisions. What if you have only one-direction collision? What I am saying is maybe use or instead of and in this part if(a.y + a.h > b.y && a.y < b.y + b.h && a.x + a.w > b.x && a.x < b.x + b.w){
Also you could check each collision separately, like
function hitTest(a,b){ //hitTest between two objects
var collisions = {up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false};
collisions.up = (a.y + a.h > b.y ) || collisions.up
collisions.down = (a.y < b.y + b.h ) ||collisions.down
collisions.right = ( a.x + a.w > b.x) || collisions.right
collisions.left = (a.x < b.x + b.w) || collisions.left
return collisions
var escapeFrom = {
down: function(player, block){
player.y = block.y + block.h;
player.onGround = true; //onGround = ready to jump
up: function(player, block){
// you logic to escape from hitting the ceiling
// and for the next 2
left: function(player, block) {},
right: function(player, block){}
// Now here you check whether your player hits blocks
for(var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++){ //Loop through blocks
cls = hitTest(myPlayer, blocks[i]) //If it touches a block
Object.keys(cls).map(function(direction, ind){
if (cls[direction]){
// call escape from function to escape collision
escapeFrom[direction](myPlayer, blocks[i]);
This is highly unoptimized, the whole your code is unoptimized, but at least it can help to move further.
I have a snap svg animation which animates a bunch of circles, and draws a line between them if they are within a certain proximity of each other. However, I realize that there is a lot of optimizing I can do, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. I feel like it would be useful to
have a good example of proximity detection in snap
have some more information on optimizing animations in snap svg. It hasn't been easy to find.
Here is a working example of the animation:
and here are the things I believe can be optimized:
Each circle calls its own animation function - the circles have all been added to a group, and I'm guessing there is a way to apply random motion to all members of a group that is more performant than call a function for each and every element within the group.
for (var i=0; i<this.drawingConfig.circles.amount;i++){
The proximity function is awkward - for each circle, for each update cycle, I have to loop through an array of all the other circles and find out if the X and Y coordinates are close enough to draw a line to. Plus, that means you're getting duplicate lines, because each circle will draw a line to its neighbors, instead of having a single shared line between the two.
for (var i=0;i<circles.length;i++){
var nextCircle = circles[i].node;
var nextCircleX =;
var distance = Math.abs(nextCircleX-thisCircleX);
var proximity = mainModule.drawingConfig.circles.proximity;
if (distance < proximity){
var nextCircleY =;
var thisCircleY =;
var distanceY = Math.abs(nextCircleY - thisCircleY);
if (distanceY < proximity){
var line = mainModule.s.line(thisCircleX, thisCircleY, nextCircleX, nextCircleY).attr({stroke: '#a6a8ab', strokeWidth: '1px'});
Correspondingly, I each circle's animation function clears all the lines on the screen. Ideally all the circles would be sharing one update function, and in that function, you'd clear the lines.
Snap.animate(startX, animX, function (val) {
var lines = Snap.selectAll('line');
}, mainModule.drawingConfig.circles.animTime);
Right now, I can tell the renderer can't keep up with all of the various animations / loops. Any help optimizing the above things (or anything else you can see that I'm doing weird, would be greatly appreciated.
I cleaned this up by running only one animation loop, on a timer every 10ms, and animated the position of the circles by just giving them a slope and, each update, continuing them further along that slope. You can see an updated fiddle here:
var mainModule = {
s: Snap("#svg"),
drawingConfig: {
circles: {
amount: 20,
sizeMin: 10,
sizeMax: 20,
proximity: 100,
circleGroup: null,
circleArray: [],
animTime: 2000
canvas: {
width: 800,
height: 600
init: function(){
sizeCanvas: function(){
makeCircles: function(){
this.drawingConfig.circles.circleGroup = this.s.g();
for (var i=0; i<this.drawingConfig.circles.amount;i++){
var circleX = this.randomNumber(0, this.drawingConfig.canvas.width);
var circleY = this.randomNumber(0, this.drawingConfig.canvas.height);
var circleRadius = this.randomNumber(this.drawingConfig.circles.sizeMin,this.drawingConfig.circles.sizeMax);
var circleFill = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
var circleShape =, circleY, circleRadius);
fill: circleFill
var circleIncline = this.setIncline();
var circleObj = { incline: circleIncline, shape: circleShape };
setIncline: function(){
return { incX: this.randomNumber(-5,5), incY: this.randomNumber(-5,5) }
update: function(){
var lines = Snap.selectAll('line');
for (var i=0; i<this.drawingConfig.circles.amount; i++){
var circle = this.drawingConfig.circles.circleArray[i];
var circleX =;
var circleY =;
for (var j=0;j<i;j++){
if (i != j){
var circle2 = this.drawingConfig.circles.circleArray[j];
var circle2X =;
var circle2Y =;
var dist = mainModule.distance(circleX,circleY,circle2X,circle2Y);
if (dist <= mainModule.drawingConfig.circles.proximity){ //
var lineWeight = 10/dist;
var line = mainModule.s.line(circleX, circleY, circle2X, circle2Y).attr({stroke: '#a6a8ab', strokeWidth: '1px'});
if (dist <= 10) { //collision
circle.incline = mainModule.setIncline();
circle2.incline = mainModule.setIncline();
setTimeout(function(){ mainModule.update(); },10);
distance: function(circleX,circleY,circle2X,circle2Y){
var distX = circle2X - circleX;
var distY = circle2Y - circleY;
distX = distX*distX;
distY = distY*distY;
return Math.sqrt(distX + distY);
move: function(circle,curX,curY){
if (curX > this.drawingConfig.canvas.width || curX < 0) {
circle.incline.incX = -circle.incline.incX;
if (curY > this.drawingConfig.canvas.height || curY < 0) {
circle.incline.incY = -circle.incline.incY;
curX = curX + circle.incline.incX;
curY = curY + circle.incline.incY;
if (curX > this.drawingConfig.canvas.width) {
curX = this.drawingConfig.canvas.width;
circle.incline = this.setIncline();
} else if (curX < 0) {
curX = 0;
circle.incline = this.setIncline();
if (curY > this.drawingConfig.canvas.height) {
curY = this.drawingConfig.canvas.height;
circle.incline = this.setIncline();
} else if (curY < 0) {
curY = 0;
circle.incline = this.setIncline();
circle.shape.attr({ cx: curX, cy: curY });
randomNumber: function(min,max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
getBounds: function(shape){
shapeBox = shape.node.getBoundingClientRect();
I am building prototype tool to draw simple diagrams.
I need to draw an arrow between two boxes, the problem is i have to find edges of two boxes so that the arrow line does not intersect with the box.
This is the drawing that visualize my problem:
How to find x1,y1 and x2,y2 ?
-- UPDATE --
After 2 days finding solution, this is example & function that i use:
var box1 = { x:1,y:10,w:30,h:30 };
var box2 = { x:100,y:110,w:30,h:30 };
var edge1 = findBoxEdge(box1,box2,1,0);
var edge2 = findBoxEdge(box1,box2,2,0);
function findBoxEdge(box1,box2,box,distant) {
var c1 = box1.x + box1.w/2;
var d1 = box1.y + box1.h/2;
var c2 = box2.x + box2.w/2;
var d2 = box2.y + box2.h/2;
var w,h,delta_x,delta_y,s,c,e,ox,oy,d;
if (box == 1) {
w = box1.w/2;
h = box1.h/2;
} else {
w = box2.w/2;
h = box2.h/2;
if (box == 1) {
delta_x = c2-c1;
delta_y = d2-d1;
} else {
delta_x = c1-c2;
delta_y = d1-d2;
//intersection is on the top or bottom
if (w*Math.abs(delta_y) > h * Math.abs(delta_x)) {
if (delta_y > 0) {
s = [h*delta_x/delta_y,h];
c = "top";
else {
s = [-1*h*delta_x/delta_y,-1*h];
c = "bottom";
else {
//intersection is on the left or right
if (delta_x > 0) {
s = [w,w*delta_y/delta_x];
c = "right";
else {
s = [-1*w,-1*delta_y/delta_x];
c = "left";
if (typeof(distant) != "undefined") {
//for 2 paralel distant of 2e
e = distant;
if (delta_y == 0) ox = 0;
else ox = e*Math.sqrt(1+Math.pow(delta_x/delta_y,2))
if (delta_x == 0) oy = 0;
else oy = e*Math.sqrt(1+Math.pow(delta_y/delta_x,2))
if (delta_y != 0 && Math.abs(ox + h * (delta_x/delta_y)) <= w) {
d = [sgn(delta_y)*(ox + h * (delta_x/delta_y)),sgn(delta_y)*h];
else if (Math.abs(-1*oy + (w * delta_y/delta_x)) <= h) {
d = [sgn(delta_x)*w,sgn(delta_x)*(-1*oy + w * (delta_y/delta_x))];
if (delta_y != 0 && Math.abs(-1*ox+(h * (delta_x/delta_y))) <= w) {
d = [sgn(delta_y)*(-1*ox + h * (delta_x/delta_y)),sgn(delta_y)*h];
else if (Math.abs(oy + (w * delta_y/delta_x)) <= h) {
d = [sgn(delta_x)*w,sgn(delta_x)*(oy + w * (delta_y/delta_x))];
if (box == 1) {
return [Math.round(c1 +d[0]),Math.round(d1 +d[1]),c];
} else {
return [Math.round(c2 +d[0]),Math.round(d2 +d[1]),c];
} else {
if (box == 1) {
return [Math.round(c1 +s[0]),Math.round(d1 +s[1]),c];
} else {
return [Math.round(c2 +s[0]),Math.round(d2 +s[1]),c];
tl;dr -> Look at the jsbin code-example
It is our goal to draw a line from the edges of two Rectangles A & B that would be drawn through their centers.
Therefore we'll have to determine where the line pierces through the edge of a Rect.
We can assume that our Rect is an object containing x and y as offset from the upper left edge and width and height as dimension offset.
This can be done by the following code. The Method you should look at closely is pointOnEdge.
// starting with Point and Rectangle Types, as they ease calculation
var Point = function(x, y) {
return { x: x, y: y };
var Rect = function(x, y, w, h) {
return { x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h };
var isLeftOf = function(pt1, pt2) { return pt1.x < pt2.x; };
var isAbove = function(pt1, pt2) { return pt1.y < pt2.y; };
var centerOf = function(rect) {
return Point(
rect.x + rect.width / 2,
rect.y + rect.height / 2
var gradient = function(pt1, pt2) {
return (pt2.y - pt1.y) / (pt2.x - pt1.x);
var aspectRatio = function(rect) { return rect.height / rect.width; };
// now, this is where the fun takes place
var pointOnEdge = function(fromRect, toRect) {
var centerA = centerOf(fromRect),
centerB = centerOf(toRect),
// calculate the gradient from rectA to rectB
gradA2B = gradient(centerA, centerB),
// grab the aspectRatio of rectA
// as we want any dimensions to work with the script
aspectA = aspectRatio(fromRect),
// grab the half values, as they are used for the additional point
h05 = fromRect.width / 2,
w05 = fromRect.height / 2,
// the norm is the normalized gradient honoring the aspect Ratio of rectA
normA2B = Math.abs(gradA2B / aspectA),
// the additional point
add = Point(
// when the rectA is left of rectB we move right, else left
(isLeftOf(centerA, centerB) ? 1 : -1) * h05,
// when the rectA is below
(isAbove(centerA, centerB) ? 1 : -1) * w05
// norm values are absolute, thus we can compare whether they are
// greater or less than 1
if (normA2B < 1) {
// when they are less then 1 multiply the y component with the norm
add.y *= normA2B;
} else {
// otherwise divide the x component by the norm
add.x /= normA2B;
// this way we will stay on the edge with at least one component of the result
// while the other component is shifted towards the center
return Point(centerA.x + add.x, centerA.y + add.y);
I wrote a jsbin, you can use to test with some boxes (lower part, in the ready method):
You might want to take a look at a little Geometry helper I wrote some time ago on top of prototype.js
I really hope, that this helps you with your problem ;)
To draw a line between those boxes, you'd first have to define where you want the line to be.
Apparently you want to draw the lines/arrows from the right edge of Rect A to the left edge of
Rect B, somewhat like this:
Assuming your know the origin (upper left Point as { x, y } of a Rect) and its Size (width and height), you first want to determine the position of the center of the edges:
var rectA, rectB; // I assume you have those data
var rectARightEdgeCenter = {
// x is simply the origin's x plus the width
x: rectA.origin.x + rectA.size.width,
// for y you need to add only half the height to origin.y
y: rectA.origin.y + rectA.size.height / 2.0
var rectBLeftEdgeCenter = {
// x will be simply the origin's x
x: rectB.origin.x,
// y is half the height added to the origin's y, just as before
y: rectB.origin.y + rectB.size.height / 2.0
The more interesting question would be how to determine, from which edge to which other edge you might want to draw the lines in a more dynamic scenario.
If your boxes just pile up from left to right the given solution will fit,
but you might want to check for minimum distances of the edges, to determine a possible best arrow.