how to make two object value into key and value - javascript

My Result
let a = [ { _id: '2022-04-08' } ]
let b = [ { totalCount: 3 } ]
The result I want to get instead:
NDE { _id: '2022-04-08', count: 3 }

Try this,
let a = [ { _id: '2022-04-08' } ] ;
let b = [ { totalCount: 3 } ];
obj = {};
obj[a[0]._id] = b[0].totalCount;

You just use their key and value to define a new object. To merge 2 objects use ... operator
let a = [ { _id: '2022-04-08' } ];
let b = [ { totalCount: 3 } ];
const result = {[a[0]._id] : b[0].totalCount}
//merging 2 objects
let obj = {...a[0], ...b[0]}
//merging 2 objects with new property name
let obj2 = {...a[0], count: b[0].totalCount}


How create array containing all combinations of array 1-n array items?

We have the following task, to convert the array below called passengerFlights (object with passenger-id-keys and array of flights) to:
(1) an array with all possible combination of passenger-flights:
["aaa", "ddd", "eee"],
["aaa", "ddd", "fff"],
["bbb", "ddd", "eee"],
["bbb", "ddd", "fff"],
["ccc", "ddd", "eee"],
["ccc", "ddd", "fff"]
and (2) with the stipulation that there can be any number of passengers.
The following is an attempt to solve this first as a static example of three flights, although it's not clear the best way to (1) create the array with all possible combinations, and (2) how to solve the 2-n requirement, we assume recursion of some kind.
const passengerFlights = {
777: [
_id: "aaa"
_id: "bbb"
_id: "ccc"
888: [
_id: "ddd"
999: [
_id: "eee"
_id: "fff"
const getGroupedFlights = (passengerFlights) => {
let indexPointer = 0;
const indexCounters = [0, 0, 0];
const arr = [];
while (indexCounters[0] <= passengerFlights['777'].length - 1 || indexCounters[1] <= passengerFlights['888'].length - 1 || indexCounters[2] <= passengerFlights['999'].length - 1) {
arr.push([passengerFlights['777'][0]._id, passengerFlights['888'][0]._id, passengerFlights['999'][0]._id]);
if (indexCounters[2] < passengerFlights['999'].length) indexCounters[2]++;
if (indexCounters[2] >= passengerFlights['999'].length - 1 && indexCounters[1] < passengerFlights['888'].length) indexCounters[1]++;
if (indexCounters[1] >= passengerFlights['888'].length - 1 && indexCounters[0] < passengerFlights['777'].length) indexCounters[0]++;
console.log(indexCounters, passengerFlights['888'].length - 1);
return arr;
const groupedFlights = getGroupedFlights(passengerFlights);
It's just a simple recursive problem....
passengerFlights =
{ 777: [ { _id: 'aaa' }, { _id: 'bbb' }, { _id: 'ccc' } ]
, 888: [ { _id: 'ddd' } ]
, 999: [ { _id: 'eee' }, { _id: 'fff' } ]
, result = combinations( passengerFlights, '_id' )
console.log( showArr(result) )
function combinations( obj, KeyName )
result = []
, keys = Object.keys(obj) // [ "777", "888", "999" ]
, max = keys.length -1
return result
function f_recursif_combi( level, arr = [] )
obj[ keys[level] ] // like :passengerFlights['777']
.forEach( elm =>
let arr2 = [...arr, elm[KeyName] ]; // arr + elm['_id']
(level < max)
? f_recursif_combi(level +1, arr2 )
: result.push( arr2 )
// ************************************ just to present result...
function showArr(Arr)
const r = { '[["': `[ [ '`, '","': `', '`, '"],["': `' ]\n, [ '`, '"]]': `' ]\n]` }
return JSON
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100%!important;top:0 }
I think it's the Cartesian product of flights sets. So this should help:
Cartesian product of multiple arrays in JavaScript
As another answer suggests, you can use a basic cartesian product function. Use Object.values(passengerFlights) to pass in the array of arrays.
function *product(arrs, p = []) {
if (arrs.length == 0)
yield p
for (const value of arrs[0])
yield *product(arrs.slice(1), [...p, value])
const passengerFlights =
{777: [{_id: "aaa"},{_id: "bbb"},{_id: "ccc"}],888: [{_id: "ddd"}],999: [{_id: "eee"},{_id: "fff"}]}
for (const p of product(Object.values(passengerFlights)))
console.log(JSON.stringify( => obj._id)))
I used JSON.stringify for easy visualization in the demo
But for your program you will probably prefer Array.from
p => => obj._id)
Since the order of the expected result is not important, we can make the program more efficient.
function *product(arrs) {
if (arrs.length == 0)
yield []
for (const p of product(arrs.slice(1)))
for (const value of arrs[0])
yield [value, ...p]
const passengerFlights =
{777: [{_id: "aaa"},{_id: "bbb"},{_id: "ccc"}],888: [{_id: "ddd"}],999: [{_id: "eee"},{_id: "fff"}]}
for (const p of product(Object.values(passengerFlights)))
console.log(JSON.stringify( => obj._id)))

React.js: How to find duplicates for properties in an array of object and put a progressive number on that field

I have an array of object and each object is for example :
const myArr=[{name:"john",id:1}{name:"john",id:2}{name:"mary",id:3}]
for the first 2 element for the property "name" I have the name "john" that is duplicate.
How can I modify the rendered names like that:
const myArr=[{name:"john (1 of 2)",id:1}{name:"john (2 of 2)",id:2}{name:"mary",id:3}]
Thanks in advance!
Reduce the input array into a map by name (i.e. group by name property), and map the array of values to the result array. If the group array has more than 1 element in it then sub-map the group to include the numbering. Flatten the overall result.
const myArr = [
{ name: "john", id: 1 },
{ name: "john", id: 2 },
{ name: "mary", id: 3 }
const res = Object.values(
myArr.reduce((groups, current) => {
if (!groups[]) {
groups[] = [];
return groups;
}, {})
).flatMap((value) => {
if (value.length > 1) {
return, i, arr) => ({
name: `${} (${i + 1} of ${arr.length})`
return value;
You can do use reduce(), filter(), and flat() and do this:
const myArr = [
{name:"john", id:1},
{name:"john", id:2},
{name:"mary", id:3}
const res = Object.values(myArr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const total = myArr.filter(({ name }) => name ===;
if(!acc[]) {
acc[] = [
} else {
const currentSize = acc[].length;
if(currentSize === 1) {
acc[][0].name = `${acc[][0].name} (1 of ${total})`
name: `${} (${currentSize + 1} of ${total})`
return acc;
}, {})).flat();
const myArr = [{name:"john",id:1}, {name:"john",id:2}, {name:"mary",id:3}];
const namesArray = =>;
const namesTraversed = [];
let currentCountOfName = 1;
let len = 0;
myArr.forEach(elem => {
len = namesArray.filter(name => name ===;
if (len > 1) {
if (namesTraversed.includes( {
currentCountOfName = namesTraversed.filter(name => name ===; = `${} (${currentCountOfName} of ${len})`;
} else {
currentCountOfName = 1; = `${} (${currentCountOfName} of ${len})`;
Check if this helps you
const myArr = [{
name: "john",
id: 1
}, {
name: "john",
id: 2
}, {
name: "mary",
id: 3
// to keep a track of current copy index
let nameHash = {}
const newMyArr = => {
const noOccurence = myArr.filter(obj =>;
if(noOccurence > 1){
// if there are multiple occurences get the current index. If undefined take 1 as first copy index.
let currentIndex = nameHash[] || 1;
const newObj = {
name: `${} (${currentIndex} of ${noOccurence})`,
nameHash[] = currentIndex+ 1;
return newObj;
return ele;

How to convert array of objects to object made up of only values

I have [ { key1:value1, key2:value2 }, { key3:value3, key4:value4 }, .... ]. I want to convert it to
{ value1: value2, value3: value4 }
Use Array#reduce to accumulate your object-data. Foreach object take from the values the first and add a new property with this name to the accumulated object with the value from the second object-value.
let array = [ { key1:'value1', key2:'value2' }, { key3:'value3', key4:'value4' }];
let res = array.reduce((acc, cur) => {
values = Object.values(cur);
acc[values[0]] = values[1];
return acc;
}, {});
Assuming the inner objects always have 2 keys:
const arr = [ { key1:'value1', key2:'value2' }, { key3:'value3', key4:'value4' }]
const obj = {};
for (const innerObj of arr) {
const values = Object.values(innerObj);
obj[values[0]] = values[1];
console.log(obj) // { value1: 'value2', value3: 'value4' }
Note: you're question assumes an order for the keys in the inner objects, but that may not be guaranteed

How to concatenate object values with same id

I have an array:
let ar = [
flat_no: 1
flat_no: 2
If uid are same then I want to remove duplicate uid and concatenate its flat_no. The output array should be like this:
flat_no: [1,3]
flat_no: 2
You can use a combination of Array.reduce and Array.find.
If you find an existing item in your accumulator array, just update it's flat_no property, otherwise push it to the accumulator array.
let arr = [
uid: 1,
flat_no: 1
uid: 2,
flat_no: 2
uid: 1,
flat_no: 3
arr = arr.reduce((arr, item) => {
const existing = arr.find(innerItem => innerItem.uid === item.uid)
if (existing) {
existing.flat_no = Array.isArray(existing.flat_no)
? existing.flat_no
: [existing.flat_no]
} else {
return arr
}, [])
You can iterate over your array and fill an object (used as a hashmap here).
Once done, you extract the values to get your result.
let hashResult = {}
ar.forEach(element => {
if (hashResult[element.uid] == undefined) {
hashResult[element.uid] = { uid: element.uid, flat_no: [] }
let result = Object.values(hashResult)
console.log(new Date(), result)
You can do this in a concise way with a single Array.reduce and Object.values to match your desired output:
let data = [ { uid:1, flat_no: 1 }, { uid:2, flat_no: 2 }, { uid:1, flat_no:3 } ];
const result = data.reduce((r, {uid, flat_no}) => {
r[uid] ? r[uid].flat_no = [r[uid].flat_no, flat_no] : r[uid] = {uid, flat_no}
return r
}, {})
1)Reduce the initial array to an object which has uid as the key and the flat_no as the value.
2)Then run a map on the keys to convert it into an array of objects with uid and flat_no.
1) First Step Code
let ar = [{uid:1, flat_no: 1},{uid:2, flat_no: 2},{uid:1, flat_no:3}];
let outputObj = ar.reduce((outputObj,currObj,currIndex) => {
let {uid,flat_no} = currObj
if (outputObj[uid]) {
else {
outputObj[uid] = [flat_no]
return outputObj
let finalOutput = Object.keys(outputObj).map(key =>

changing an array of javascript objects with a single key to an array that contains the objects' data

I currently have data in the following format:
var anArray = [
obj1: {
key1: data1
obj2: {
key2: data2
I would like the data to instead be in the following format:
var array2 = [data1, data2];
for some reason, I cannot figure out a concise way to to this. I know it could be done with a forEach loop that iterates over each object and pushes it onto a new array, but I would prefer to be more elegant (and shorter if possible) than that.
const anArray = {
obj1: {
key1: "A"
obj2: {
key2: "B"
const result = Object.keys(anArray).map(key => {
const obj = anArray[key];
return Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key])[0];
Given that anArray is actually properly structured to be valid, then you could do the following:
Note that in this case anArray isn't an actual array but rather a object literal
var anArray = {
obj1: {
key1: "data1"
obj2: {
key2: "data2"
var array2 = []
for(i in anArray){
for(j in anArray[i]){
Try with:
const arr1 = [
const res = => {
return Object.keys(obj).map(val => obj[val])
}).reduce((acc,v) => {
return acc.concat(v);
But if you have the following form:
var anArray = [
obj1: {
key1: data1
obj2: {
key2: data2
It's better to apply a recursive function, as follow:
const arr1 = [
const getValuesFromObj = (obj) => {
if(typeof obj === 'string')
return obj;
return Object.keys(obj).map(key => {
return getValuesFromObj(obj[key]);
}).reduce((acc,v) => {
return acc.concat(v);
const r2 = getValuesFromObj(arr1);

