Remove Last Character in th using ajax - javascript

How to remove last character inside of table header using javascript/ajax?
Example table:
Price X
What I want to reach is remove the X on Price X column header with some button, I've use slice before but not working.
How I supposed to do?

try this function:
function noLastCharaceter(txt) {
return txt.substr(0, txt.length - 1);
If you are asking, how to use it, so if your table id is "tableId", try this:
var table = document.getElementById("tableId");
var headers = table.getElementsByTagName("TH"); // list of "th" elements
headers[1].innerHTML = noLastCharacter(headers[1].innerHTML); // replace content of second column

Here is a very similar script that demonstrates the use of a suitable selector and a simple .slice() operation on the .textContent of the <th> element (please note that String.prototype.substr() is deprecated).
const th=document.querySelector("#myTable th:last-child");
<table id="myTable"><thead><tr><th>Product</th><th>Price X</th><tr></thead><tbody>


Jquery contenteditable for all cells not rows

I create a table by adding rows and columns with JS and Jquery.
This is my code:
function AddColumnToDataTable(){
$('#tableHeader').append("<th> Header </th>").attr("contenteditable", true);
// Add a new ColumnHeader and set the property "editable"
function AddRowToDataTable(){
var count = $('#tableHeader').find("th").length;
// Get the count of Columns in the table
var newRow = $('#tableBody').append("<tr></tr>");
// Add a new Row
for(var i = 0; i < count ; i++){
newRow.find('tr').last().append("<td> Content </td>").attr("contenteditable", true);
// Fill the cells with a default text and set the property "editable"
So my question is, how can I write the code, that each cell is editable? At the moment, when I click, the whole row goes editable? Each cell should have that property.
I found a code that could help:
//$('table th:nth-child(4)').attr("contenteditable", true)
This makes the 4th header/cell editable, but how can I use it, each new created header/cell is the nth-child?
The jQuery append function doesn't return the new [appended] element, rather it returns the element that was appended to, hence the error in your code. Regardless, it's easier just to set the attribute manually in the append string. So, change this line:
newRow.find('tr').last().append("<td> Content </td>").attr("contenteditable", true);
To this:
newRow.find('tr').last().append("<td contenteditable="true"> Content </td>")
That should do it
It worked with
$('table td').last().attr("contenteditable", true);

Jquery Mobile Table Reflow

I'm trying to create my own script for a mobile version of my tables on my website.
Im currently using the script below to get the size of the table, and create new tables for each row, duplicating the headers into each new table.... (see: ) to get an idea of what I'm trying to achieve.
My script is as follows, but their is a js fiddle included at the bottom for a better example.
My problem is that I am only able to create 1 inside each table, where it should really be 3 rows, inside of each table. Again check the fiddle below for a proper example. Can anyone see why it is only creating 1 row in the table?
var TableSize = $("table thead tr th").not("table.mobile_table thead tr th").size(); // Get # of columns
var i = 1;
var TableRowCount = $("table tbody tr").size(); // Get # of body rows
$("table thead tr th").each(function(){
$(this).attr("id", i++); // Give headers incrementing ID
for ( var CreateTables = 1; CreateTables < TableRowCount; CreateTables++ ){ // Create new table class="mobile_table" for each row
$("table").after("<table class='mobile_table'></table>");
$("table.mobile_table").each(function(){// Insert original headers into each row of new table as first column
var h = 1;
while ( ++h < TableSize){ // this is where the error is, it gives me the stuff below but x3 (the number of created tables)......
See the fiddle:
Do you mean like this:
$(this).append("<tr><td class='mobile_col_1'>Col 1</td><td class='mobile_col_2'>Col 2</td></tr>");
Explanation: Append will alllow you to append elements one after the another. html replaces with what you currently have

jQuery to select elements based on the text inside them

How to select a tag having a specific text inside it and nothing else? For example if I have the following:
Is there any way that I may select the <td>Asset</td> and nothing else. I tried it with contains i.e. $("table tr td:contains(Play)") but it returns all the tds in the second tr (as it should). Whereas I just want <td>Play</td>.
Is there any way to achieve this, like there's a way to select elements based on their attributes. Is there any way to select elements based on the text inside them?
How about that:
var lookup = 'Asset';
$('td:contains('+ lookup +')').filter(function() {
return $(this).text() === lookup;
Try before buy
Try something like this :
$("table tr td").filter(function() {
return $(this).text() === "Play";
If it was an input field you can specify something similar, but a little more exact with $('input[name~="Plays"]) so that it would filter out every other word, leaving the value isolated.
Other than that, the only way I know of doing this with a table is with what you had, but also throwing a conditional statement to check the text inside them.
Here is my version of accomplishing this:
var play = $('table tr td:contains(Play)');
for (var i = 0, l = play.length; i < l; i++) {
if ($(play[i]).text() === "Play") {
// your script to modify below
$(play[i]).css({"color" : "red"});

JQuery Table Manipulation Inserting rows

What I want to do, in short, is from $(this) being a table row, find the next table row with a class of "example" (not necessarily a sibling).
I.E. use next() to find the next row with a class of "example" which isn't a sibling.
<tr class="current"><td>Two</td></tr>
<tr class="target"><td>Five</td></tr>
var current = $('.current').next();
while(current.size() && !current.hasClass('target')) {
current =;
current.css('color', '#0f0');
$('.current').nextAll('.target').last().css('color', '#0f0');
If you're building those <tr>s from strings, you could do something like that:
var x = '';
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
x += '<li>Test ' + i + '</li>';
So instead of inserting the table rows one by one, put them together as one string, make a jQuery object from that string and attach that to your table.
This also helps you with performance, since you edit the DOM only once.

Odd DOM Problem with Firefox

I'm experiencing an odd problem when trying to navigate through a table's rows and cells in a while loop using javascript. I'm using Firefox 3.5.7 on Win7 with Firebug enabled.
I have this markup:
<tr id='firstRow'><td>a</td><td>b</td><td>c</td></tr>
And this javascript:
var row = document.getElementById('firstRow');
console.log(row); // Row call 1
while (row) {
console.log(row); // Row call 2
row = row.nextSibling;
The problem I'm having is that on the line commented "Row call 1", Firebug is outputting
<tr id='firstRow'>
as expected. However, in the while loop, Firebug is giving me
<tr id='firstRow'>
<TextNode textContent="\n">
It is giving me different output for the exact same row, even immediately after the while loop begins executing and nothing else touched the row. For subsequent rows, it of course does not have id='firstRow' as an attribute.
The bigger problem this is giving me is that if I'm in the while loop, and I want to access a particular cell of the current row using row.cells[0], Firebug will give me an error that row.cells is undefined.
I want to know if someone could shed some light on this situation I am experiencing.
Firefox is picking up the whitespace between your tr elements as an additional node. Simply add a test that the node is indeed a tr before doing anything with it:
var row = document.getElementById('firstRow');
console.log(row); // Row call 1
while (row) {
if(row.nodeName == "TR"){
console.log(row); // Row call 2
row = row.nextSibling;
Note that the text nodes have a nodeName of #text and that nodeName will always return the element name in all caps regardless of how you have it in your document.
The TextNode is correct, because you do have that after the </tr>.
A simple workaround is to skip those textnodes - by either counting or testing if
row.tagName == 'TR'
Use the tbody.rows collection. It's simpler:
var row = document.getElementById('firstRow');
console.log(row); // Row call 1
var tbody = row.parentNode;
var rows = tbody.rows;
for (var i=row.rowIndex+1; i<rows.length; i++) {
row = rows[i];
console.log(row); // Row call 2, 3 ...
For more info, see
(or just google rowIndex)
EDIT: If the table also contains thead and/or tfoot then it might be more appropriate to use row.sectionRowIndex

