I'd like to be able to set the rotation of a Three.js sphere to an absolute value, but whenever I set rotateY the value I apply is added or subtracted from the last rotation, rather than becoming a new absolute rotation setting.
In a related answer about a cube (Three.js Set absolute local rotation), the cube has a rotation attribute, and cube.rotation.x = someValue results in the kind of absolute rotation that I'm looking for.
But the SphereGeometry object that I'm using (with a world map as its texture) has no rotation attribute.
I suppose I could keep track of previous rotations, and apply only the difference, but I'd think that would suffer eventually from cumulative round-off errors.
Is there another way to do this? A reset method of some sort?
async orient(lon: number, lat: number): Promise<void> {
if (Globe.mapFailed)
throw new Error('Map not available');
else if (!Globe.mapImage)
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => Globe.waitList.push({ resolve, reject }));
if (!this.initialized) {
this.camera = new PerspectiveCamera(FIELD_OF_VIEW, 1);
this.scene = new Scene();
this.globe = new SphereGeometry(GLOBE_RADIUS, 50, 50);
const mesh = new Mesh(
new MeshBasicMaterial({
map: new CanvasTexture(Globe.mapCanvas)
this.renderer = new WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true });
this.renderer.setSize(GLOBE_PIXEL_SIZE, GLOBE_PIXEL_SIZE);
this.camera.position.z = VIEW_DISTANCE;
this.camera.rotation.order = 'YXZ';
this.initialized = true;
this.globe.rotateY(PI / 20); // Just a sample value I experimented with
this.camera.rotation.z = (lat >= 0 ? PI : 0);
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera));
My workaround for now is this:
this.lon = to_radian(lon);
this.lat = to_radian(lat);
I'm saving the previous rotations which have been done so that I can undo them, then apply new rotations. (Degree/radian conversions, and the sign of the longitude rotation needing to be reversed, obscures the process a bit.)
I think you're confusing geometry.rotateY(rot) with mesh.rotation.y = rot. As explained in the docs:
.rotateY(): Rotate the geometry about the Y axis. This is typically done as a one time operation, and not during a loop. Use Object3D.rotation for typical real-time mesh rotation.
geometry.rotateY(rot) should only be used once because it updates the values of all the vertex positions, so it has to iterate through every vertex and update it. This is useful if you need to modify the "original state" of your geometry, for example a character model that needs to start facing down the z-axis.
mesh.rotation.y = rot; is what you're probably looking for. This is what you use during realtime rotations, so the intrinsic vertex positions are left untouched, you're just rotating the mesh as a whole. For example, when your character is running all over the map.
this.mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);
// Set rotation to an absolute rotation value
this.mesh.rotation.y = Math.PI / 20;
// Increment rotation a relative amount (like once per frame):
this.mesh.rotation.y += Math.PI / 20;
My problem is the following:
I have two intersecting surfaces created with THREE.ParametricGeometry. Like this:
I need to draw the intersection of these two surfaces. Using the Wolfram|Alpha API I get the intersection function and render it. Like this:
But, as you can see, the intersection mesh is much bigger than the two surfaces.
So I though that I could compute the intersection of the surfaces bound box (this intersection can be seen in the image above) and 'limit', so to speak, the intersection mesh to this box's dimensions.
I've tried setting the intersection mesh's scale property to the bounding box's dimensions (the difference between the box's max and min); but this only makes the intersection mesh even bigger.
Any though of how I can accomplish this?
The intersection mesh is created like this (ThreeJS r81):
// 'intersections' is an array of mathematical functions in string format.
intersections.forEach(function (value) {
var rangeX = bbox.getSize().x - (bbox.getSize().x * -1);
var rangeY = bbox.getSize().y - (bbox.getSize().y * -1);
var zFunc = math.compile(value); // The parsing is done with MathJS
// 'bbox' is the intersected bounding box.
var meshFunction = function (x, y) {
x = rangeX * x + (bbox.getSize().x * -1);
y = rangeY * y + (bbox.getSize().y * -1);
var scope = {x: x, y: y};
var z = zFunc.eval(scope);
if (!isNaN(z))
return new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z);
return new THREE.Vector3();
var geometry = new THREE.ParametricGeometry(meshFunction, segments, segments,
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: defaults.intersectionColor,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
// 'intersectionMeshes' is returned and then added to the scene.
I think that scaling the intersection mesh wouldn't work as the intersection would become incorrect.
Let's try to do this with Three.js clipping :
Set renderer.localClippingEnabled to true ;
Compute the bounding box of the surfaces ;
For every 6 sides of the bounding box, compute a plane with the normal pointing inside the box.
(e.g. right-side : new THREE.Plane(new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,0), -bbox.max.x);)
You now have an array of clipping planes ;
Create a new THREE.Material with material.clippingPlanes being the array of clipping planes ;
Use this material for the intersection mesh.
Note that with local clipping, the intersection mesh and the surface meshes should share the same world transformation. (putting all these meshes into a THREE.Group would be reasonable.)
I'm trying to use part of a video as a texture in a Three.js mesh.
Video is here, http://video-processing.s3.amazonaws.com/example.MP4 it's a fisheye lens and I want to only use the part with actual content, i.e. the circle in the middle.
I want to somehow mask, crop or position and stretch the video on the mesh so that only this part shows and the black part is ignored.
Video code
var video = document.createElement( 'video' );
video.loop = true;
video.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
video.preload = 'auto';
video.src = "http://video-processing.s3.amazonaws.com/example.MP4";
var texture = new THREE.VideoTexture( video );
texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
texture.format = THREE.RGBFormat;
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map : texture } );
The video is then projected onto a 220 degree sphere, to give the VR impression.
var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 200,100,100, 0, 220 * Math.PI / 180, 0, Math.PI);
Here is a code pen
Can anyone let me know how I'm best to do this?
You can use texture.repeat to scale the texture
for example, to scale 2x on both axis
texture.repeat.set(0.5, 0.5);
In short, you need to update the UV-Map of the sphere so that the relevant area of your texture is assigned to the corresponding vertices of the sphere.
The UV-coordinates for each vertex define the coordinates within the texture that is assigned to that vertex (in a range [0..1], so coordinates (0, 0) are the top left corner and (1,1) the bottom right corner of your video). This example should give you an Idea what this is about.
Those UV-coordinates are stored in your geometry as geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] such that every vertex of every face has a THREE.Vector2 value for the UV-coordinate. This is a two-dimensional array, the first index is the face-index and the second one the vertex-index for the face (see example).
As for generating the UV-map there are at least two ways to do this. The probably easier way (ymmv, but I'd always go this route) would be to create the UV-map using 3D-editing software like blender and export the resulting object using the three.js exporter-plugin.
The other way is to compute the values by hand. I would suggest you first try to simply use an orthographic projection of the sphere. So basically, if you have a unit-sphere at the origin, simply drop the z-coordinate of the vertices and use u = x/2 + 0.5 and v = y/2 + 0.5 as UV-coordinates.
In JS that would be something like this:
// create the geometry (note that for simplicity, we're
// a) using a unit-sphere and
// b) use an exact half-sphere)
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 18, 18, Math.PI, Math.PI)
const uvs = geometry.faceVertexUvs[0];
const vertices = geometry.vertices;
// compute the UV from the vertices of the sphere. You will probably need
// something a bit more elaborate than this for the 220degree FOV, also maybe
// some lens-distorion, but it will boild down to something like this:
for(let i = 0; i<geometry.faces.length; i++) {
const face = geometry.faces[i];
const faceVertices = [vertices[face.a], vertices[face.b], vertices[face.c]];
for(let j = 0; j<3; j++) {
const vertex = faceVertices[j];
uvs[i][j].set(vertex.x/2 + 0.5, vertex.y/2 + 0.5);
geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true;
(if you need more information in either direction, drop a comment and i will elaborate)
I'm making a model of the Solar System. This is my current metric:
scale = 0.001;
// 1 unit - 1 kilometer
var AU = 149597871 * scale;
This is how i define the camera, renderer and controls:
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1 * scale, 0.1 * AU);
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true, antialias: true });
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
Then i give the user the option to jump between the objects so this is how i set the camera after user selects a planet/moon:
function cameraGoTo() {
for (var i = scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
var obj = scene.children[i];
if (obj.name == parameters.selected) {
controls.target = obj.position;
camera.position.y += obj.radius * 2;
The problem is that for small planets/moons ( <= 1000 km in radius) camera is shaking while rotating around the object. I have only basic knowledge of computer graphics so i don't know either this is the problem of Orbit Controls or it has something to with renderer itself...so I've tried to set logarithmicDepthBuffer = true but it didn't help. Also trying different scale didn't change anything.
Thank in advance for any help/clues.
Here's the fiddle:
You can see that shaking increases with any of the following:
the smaller the object,
the further the object from the point of origin,
What is the cause of this? It clearly seems it has nothing to do with the camera near/far spectrum values but is related to the distance the objects are from the center of the scene.
I've come up with the solution.
My problem was with the floating point precision errors when dealing with objects far from the point of origin. This turns out to be a very known problem and there are various solutions. I've used this one:
What happens is basically instead of moving the camera/player, we transform whole scene relative to the camera/player that is always at the point of origin. In this case, Orbit Controls' target is always point of origin.
I am making this program where you can click on an object, zoom to it, then look at it from all angles by holding the right mouse button and dragging. I need the camera to be going around the object, not rotate the object with the camera looking at it. I honestly just have no idea how to math it out!
For testing there is already a game object with an xyz we have selected and are looking at
var g = new GameObject(500, 0, 0);//The game object with xyz
this.selected = g;//set selected to g
//Create and set the camera
this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, w/h, 1, 10000);
this.camera.position.x = 0;
this.camera.position.y = 0;
this.camera.position.z = 0;
//set camera to look at the object which is 500 away in the x direction
this.camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(this.selected.x, this.selected.y, this.selected.z));
So the radius between the camera and the object is 500 and while selected and rotating, the camera should always be 500 away.
I update the scene here:
Main.prototype.update = function(){
this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);//scene is just some ambient lighting
//what to do when mouse right is held down
//placeholder functionality, needs to rotate around object based on mouse movements
this.camera.position.x -= 5;
How do I rotate this camera around g with a radius of 500?!?!
As gaitat mentioned, trackball controls are the best place to start with many configurable parameters to make camera rotation/revolution easy. One enormous potential benefit of this method ( especially for your project ) is avoiding "gimbal lock" which is the source of much frustration when working with rotations. Here's a link that might help you with Trackball controls and Orbitcontrols:
Rotate camera in Three.js with mouse
Another option would be setting camera coordinates yourself in the animation loop which is actually quite simple:
var angle = 0;
var radius = 500;
function animate() {
// Use Math.cos and Math.sin to set camera X and Z values based on angle.
camera.position.x = radius * Math.cos( angle );
camera.position.z = radius * Math.sin( angle );
angle += 0.01;
Another option would be to connect the camera to a pivot object and just rotate the pivot:
var camera_pivot = new THREE.Object3D()
var Y_AXIS = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
scene.add( camera_pivot );
camera_pivot.add( camera );
camera.position.set( 500, 0, 0 );
camera.lookAt( camera_pivot.position );
camera_pivot.rotateOnAxis( Y_AXIS, 0.01 ); // radians
If you pursue this option, be aware that the camera object is in "camera pivot space", and might be more challenging to manipulate further.
Here I want to rotate 'endpoint' vector around 'startpoint' vector.
This rotates endpoint vector around world's z-axis:
endpoint.copy(new THREE.Vector3(startpoint.x,startpoint.y,startpoint.z));
endpoint.add(new THREE.Vector3(0, scale, 0 ));
var matrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis( axis_z, angle );
endpoint.applyMatrix4( matrix );
I have tried to save vector's translation to temporary matrix, and after applying rotation, restore translation back to endpoint vector:
endpoint.copy(new THREE.Vector3(startpoint.x,startpoint.y,startpoint.z));
endpoint.add(new THREE.Vector3(0, scale, 0 ));
var translateMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(endpoint.x, endpoint.y, endpoint.z);
var translation = new THREE.Matrix4().copyPosition(translateMatrix);
translateMatrix.makeRotationAxis(axis_z, angle);
This code works for rotations, but all the translations are wrong.
Is there an easy way for vector rotation relative to another vector?
UPD. Resolved this. I was blind. No need for translations. What I had to do: apply rotation to vectors delta (endpoint - startpoint), and in the end, add the rotated delta to startpoint (startpoint + delta):
var vector_delta = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(endpoint, startpoint);
vector_delta.applyAxisAngle( axis_z, rota );
endpoint.addVectors(startpoint, vector_delta);