Search many arrays and objects with Javascript - javascript

So i have an array with many objects, all those objects have maybe arrays and objects, so this similar tree continuese, and I want to do a search that searches all values on all those arrays and objects and returns back.
Here is the function I have but doesn't work And I think it works only with the first object but this still is not working.
Here is the function I do have (its broken):
const findIn = (arr, query) => {
let queryFormatted = query.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ' ');
return arr.filter((obj) =>
Object.keys(obj).some((key) => {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') {
return obj[key]
.replace(/\s/g, ' ')
return false;
Sample of Data (that needs to be searched):

If I understand your question correctly, and you want to check whether any nested string is a substring of your query, returning true or false, here is a solution:
const findIn = (elem, query) => {
query = query.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g,'');
if (!(elem instanceof Object)){
if (typeof elem == "string"){
return elem.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g,'').includes(query);
return false
if (Array.isArray(elem)){
for (const nested of elem){
if (findIn(nested,query)){
return true;
return false;
for (const nested of Object.values(elem)){
if (findIn(nested,query)){
return true;
return false;
Note that this might not work in some specific cases but should be enough if you are parsing json into a js object and then calling the function.


Lodash : _Filter, but returns an array of objects with specific keys

Im making a function which compares two arrays of objects and returns two subset arrays of objects. The first returned array being a set of objects which were not included within the array passed within the second prop, and the second returned array being a set of objects which were not included within the first array but are now included within the second.
This works, however, i want to add an extra functionality to return the second array with specific keys. Is there anyway to utilise lodash "pickBy" functionality within the filter function, or will i have to create an extra recursive section?
function extract_removed_new (before, after, matching, pickBy = []) {
let before_ = cloneDeep(before)
let new_ = _.filter(after, (item) => {
let index_ = _.findIndex(before_, function (i) {
return _.get(i, matching) == _.get(item, matching)
if(index_ !== -1) {
before_.splice(index_, 1)
return false
if(pickBy.length > 0) {
return _.pickBy(item, function(value, key) {
if(key in pickBy) {
return true
return true
return [before_, new_]
Using lodash compact, with map I was able to get exactly what I needed.
function extract_removed_new (before, after, matching, pickBy = []) {
let before_ = cloneDeep(before)
let new_ = _.compact(, (item) => {
let index_ = _.findIndex(before_, function (i) {
return _.get(i, matching) == _.get(item, matching)
if(index_ !== -1) {
before_.splice(index_, 1)
return false
if(pickBy.length > 0) {
return _.pickBy(item, function(value, key) {
if(pickBy.includes(key)) {
return true
return item
return [before_, new_]

Check if key exists in object **at any level** [duplicate]

I'm building an utility function that should search for a property name and return its value once it is found. It should do this recursively:
// Function
util.findVal = (object, propName) => {
for (let key in object) {
if (key === propName) {
return object[key]
} else {
util.findVal(object[key], propName)
// Input
object: {
photo: {
progress: 20
// Usage
util.findVal(object, 'progress')
However the console log goes forever and the browser crashes. What am I doing wrong?
This is how I'm calling the function:
// Input
item: {
photo: {
file: {},
progress: 20
methods: {
findProgress (item) {
return util.findVal(item, this.propName)
You could use Object.keys and iterate with Array#some.
function findVal(object, key) {
var value;
Object.keys(object).some(function(k) {
if (k === key) {
value = object[k];
return true;
if (object[k] && typeof object[k] === 'object') {
value = findVal(object[k], key);
return value !== undefined;
return value;
var object = { photo: { progress: 20 }};
console.log(findVal(object, 'progress'));
Your code has a few errors:
You're recursively calling util.findVal but not returning the result of the call. Code should be return util.findVal(...)
You're not passing the attribute name key to the recursive call
You're not handling the possibility of a reference loop
If an object contains a key and also a sub-object that contains the key which value is returned is random (depends on the sequence in which the keys are analyzed)
The third problem is what can cause infinite recursion, for example:
var obj1 = {}, obj2 = {};
obj1.x = obj2; obj2.y = obj1;
if you just keep looking recursively searching in obj1 or obj2 could lead to infinite recursion.
Unfortunately for reasons not clear to me in Javascript is impossible to know the object "identity"... (what Python id(x) does) you can only compare an object to another. This means that to know if an object has already been seen in the past you need a linear scan with known objects.
ES6 added the possibility to check object identity with Set and Map where objects can be used as keys. This allows for faster (sub-linear) search times.
A search solution that runs in depth order could be for example:
function findVal(obj, key) {
var seen = new Set, active = [obj];
while (active.length) {
var new_active = [], found = [];
for (var i=0; i<active.length; i++) {
var x = active[i][k];
if (k === key) {
} else if (x && typeof x === "object" &&
!seen.has(x)) {
if (found.length) return found;
active = new_active;
return null;
given an object and an attribute name, returns all the values found with that name at the first depth they are found (there can be more than one value: for example when searching {x:{z:1}, y:{z:2}} for the key "z" two values are at the same depth).
The function also correctly handles self-referencing structures avoiding infinite search.
Don't write your own utility if you can avoid it.
Use something like jsonpath
Some examples of supported syntax:
JSONPath Description
$[*].author The authors of all books in the store
$ All authors
$.store.* All things in store, which are some books and a red bicycle
$.store..price The price of everything in the store
$[2] The third book
$[(#.length-1)] The last book via script subscript
$[-1:] The last book via slice
$[0,1] The first two books via subscript union
$[:2] The first two books via subscript array slice
$[?(#.isbn)] Filter all books with isbn number
try changing else statement like this
return util.findVal(object[key],propName)
I know this is an old post, but I found it helpful to answer a problem I had with recursively finding a value by it's key. I further developed the answer given by Nina Scholz, and came up with the following. It should be quicker as it is not creating an array of all of the keys each time it is recursively invoked. Also, this will explicitly return false if the key is not found.
function findVal(obj, keyToFind) {
if (obj[keyToFind]) return obj[keyToFind];
for (let key in obj) {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
const value = findVal(obj[key], keyToFind);
if (value) return value;
return false;
var object = { photo: { progress: 20 }};
console.log(findVal(object, 'progress'));
I think you are saying that you want to look for the property name anywhere recursively within the objects tree of properties and sub-properties. If so, here is how I would approach this:
var object1 = _getInstance(); // somehow we get an object
var pname = 'PropNameA';
var findPropertyAnywhere = function (obj, name) {
var value = obj[name];
if (typeof value != 'undefined') {
return value;
foreach(var key in obj) {
var v2 = findPropertyAnywhere(obj[key], name);
if (typeof v2 != 'undefined') {
return v2;
return null;
findPropertyAnywhere(object1, pname);
Think about it if there is no key found.
I think you could do something like this instead of search
return object[propName] || null
In your code there was a breakpoint missing, I guess you are trying to search inside the whole object not just the directly related attributes so here is an edit for you code
util.findVal = (object, propName) =>{
return object[propName]
for (let key in object) {
if(typeof object[key]=="object"){
return util.findVal(object[key], propName)
return null
Found this question in the realm of needing a general solution to check if an object contains a specific value anywhere in its hierarchy (regardless of the key), which can include arrays of course. So the following does not answer OPs question directly or improve upon other solutions but it might help others looking for the same thing I did and finding this post:
function hasValue(object, value) {
return Object.values(object).some(function(val) {
if (val === value) {
return true;
if (val && typeof val === 'object') {
return hasValue(val, value);
if (val && val.isArray()) {
return val.some((obj) => {
return hasValue(obj, value);
it is of course inspired by #Nina Scholz 's solution!
An answer depends a on how complex you want to get. For example a JSON parsed array doesn't contain functions - and I'm fairly certain it won't contain property value set to a parent node in object tree.
This version returns the property value of the first property name found whilst searching the object tree. undefined is returned if either the named property was not found or has a value of undefined. Some modifications would be needed to tell the difference. It does not re-search parent nodes already being searched, nor try to scan null objects!
let util = {};
util.findVal = (object, propName, searched=[]) => {
searched.push( object)
for (let key in object) {
if (key === propName) {
return object[key]
else {
let obj = object[ key]
if( obj && (typeof obj == "object" || typeof obj == "function")) {
if( searched.indexOf(obj) >=0) {
let found = util.findVal(obj, propName, searched)
if( found != searched) {
return found
// not in object:
return searched.length ? searched : undefined
I ended up writing this function.
It is a refactor of a function found here: Recursively looping through an object to build a property list
added a depth parameter to avoid stack overflow in chrome devtools.
function iterate(obj, context, search, depth) {
for (var property in obj) {
if (, property)) {
if(typeof obj[property] == 'function') continue;
if( property == search ){
if (typeof obj[property] == "object" && depth < 7) {
//console.log('--- going in: ' + context+property);
iterate(obj[property], context+property+'.', search, depth+1);
/*else {
Returns the value of the field with the specified name.
data is the root node/object.
keyName is a string name of the field/member.
If keyName specifies a field that is itself an object, then that object is returned.
function find (data, keyName) {
for (const key in data) {
const entry = data[key]
if (key === keyName)
return entry
if (typeof entry === 'object') {
const found = find(entry, keyName)
if (found)
return found
The for loop goes through each field and if that field is an object then it will recurse into that object.
Here is a piece of code which find the key you are looking for in your rootObj tree. And add it to the root object. So by the end you will have access to you key like this rootObj[key].
findKeyVal(object, key, rootObj) {
if(object instanceof Object) {
let keys = Object.keys(object);
if(keys.includes(key) && !isNullOrUndefined(object[key])) {
rootObj[key] = object[key];
else {
keys.filter(k => object[k] instanceof Object).forEach( k => {
this.findKeyVal(object[k], key, rootObj);
Old question, but to check if the property exists anywhere in the hierarchy of an object, try this simple option
var obj = {
firstOperand: {
firstOperand: {
firstOperand: {
sweptArea: 5
function doesPropertyExists ( inputObj, prop )
return JSON.stringify(obj).indexOf( "\""+ prop +"\":" ) != -1;
console.log( doesPropertyExists( obj, "sweptArea" ) );
console.log( doesPropertyExists( obj, "firstOperand" ) );
console.log( doesPropertyExists( obj, "firstOperand22" ) );

Return array after resolve promise

I'm trying to resolve my problem, but I don't have anymore ideas.
I want to create function to return array of values according of type variable.
I want to check that the parameter which is sent to function is an array of string or array of webelements, and I want to return this array to other function to sort it.
Here is my code:
private static returnByType(unSortedElements) {
var i = 0;
var unSorted = [];
if (typeof unSortedElements[0] === 'string') {
unSorted = unSortedElements;
return unSorted;
} else {
return unSortedElements.each((eachName) => {
eachName.getText().then((name) => {
unSorted[i] = name;
If I pass string array to this function, it returns array with this strings, but when I pass there a list of webelements I get an empty array (in else block).
How I should return unSorted from else block?
If you are dealing with promise, you can't just return value, it will always be a promise. Your code should be probably something like this:
private static returnByType(unSortedElements) {
var i = 0;
var unSorted = [];
if (typeof unSortedElements[0] === 'string') {
unSorted = unSortedElements;
// Promise.resolve(unSorted) to unify with else
return Promise.resolve(unSorted);
} else {
// return type will be Promise<[]>
return Promise.all( => eachName.getText()));
Return type of the function now will be Promise<[]>. Then you can use it like:
returnByType(args).then((unsorted) => ...);
for Promise.all() refer to documentation.
for Promise.resolve() refer to documentation.

Search recursively for value in object by property name

I'm building an utility function that should search for a property name and return its value once it is found. It should do this recursively:
// Function
util.findVal = (object, propName) => {
for (let key in object) {
if (key === propName) {
return object[key]
} else {
util.findVal(object[key], propName)
// Input
object: {
photo: {
progress: 20
// Usage
util.findVal(object, 'progress')
However the console log goes forever and the browser crashes. What am I doing wrong?
This is how I'm calling the function:
// Input
item: {
photo: {
file: {},
progress: 20
methods: {
findProgress (item) {
return util.findVal(item, this.propName)
You could use Object.keys and iterate with Array#some.
function findVal(object, key) {
var value;
Object.keys(object).some(function(k) {
if (k === key) {
value = object[k];
return true;
if (object[k] && typeof object[k] === 'object') {
value = findVal(object[k], key);
return value !== undefined;
return value;
var object = { photo: { progress: 20 }};
console.log(findVal(object, 'progress'));
Your code has a few errors:
You're recursively calling util.findVal but not returning the result of the call. Code should be return util.findVal(...)
You're not passing the attribute name key to the recursive call
You're not handling the possibility of a reference loop
If an object contains a key and also a sub-object that contains the key which value is returned is random (depends on the sequence in which the keys are analyzed)
The third problem is what can cause infinite recursion, for example:
var obj1 = {}, obj2 = {};
obj1.x = obj2; obj2.y = obj1;
if you just keep looking recursively searching in obj1 or obj2 could lead to infinite recursion.
Unfortunately for reasons not clear to me in Javascript is impossible to know the object "identity"... (what Python id(x) does) you can only compare an object to another. This means that to know if an object has already been seen in the past you need a linear scan with known objects.
ES6 added the possibility to check object identity with Set and Map where objects can be used as keys. This allows for faster (sub-linear) search times.
A search solution that runs in depth order could be for example:
function findVal(obj, key) {
var seen = new Set, active = [obj];
while (active.length) {
var new_active = [], found = [];
for (var i=0; i<active.length; i++) {
var x = active[i][k];
if (k === key) {
} else if (x && typeof x === "object" &&
!seen.has(x)) {
if (found.length) return found;
active = new_active;
return null;
given an object and an attribute name, returns all the values found with that name at the first depth they are found (there can be more than one value: for example when searching {x:{z:1}, y:{z:2}} for the key "z" two values are at the same depth).
The function also correctly handles self-referencing structures avoiding infinite search.
Don't write your own utility if you can avoid it.
Use something like jsonpath
Some examples of supported syntax:
JSONPath Description
$[*].author The authors of all books in the store
$ All authors
$.store.* All things in store, which are some books and a red bicycle
$.store..price The price of everything in the store
$[2] The third book
$[(#.length-1)] The last book via script subscript
$[-1:] The last book via slice
$[0,1] The first two books via subscript union
$[:2] The first two books via subscript array slice
$[?(#.isbn)] Filter all books with isbn number
try changing else statement like this
return util.findVal(object[key],propName)
I know this is an old post, but I found it helpful to answer a problem I had with recursively finding a value by it's key. I further developed the answer given by Nina Scholz, and came up with the following. It should be quicker as it is not creating an array of all of the keys each time it is recursively invoked. Also, this will explicitly return false if the key is not found.
function findVal(obj, keyToFind) {
if (obj[keyToFind]) return obj[keyToFind];
for (let key in obj) {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
const value = findVal(obj[key], keyToFind);
if (value) return value;
return false;
var object = { photo: { progress: 20 }};
console.log(findVal(object, 'progress'));
I think you are saying that you want to look for the property name anywhere recursively within the objects tree of properties and sub-properties. If so, here is how I would approach this:
var object1 = _getInstance(); // somehow we get an object
var pname = 'PropNameA';
var findPropertyAnywhere = function (obj, name) {
var value = obj[name];
if (typeof value != 'undefined') {
return value;
foreach(var key in obj) {
var v2 = findPropertyAnywhere(obj[key], name);
if (typeof v2 != 'undefined') {
return v2;
return null;
findPropertyAnywhere(object1, pname);
Think about it if there is no key found.
I think you could do something like this instead of search
return object[propName] || null
In your code there was a breakpoint missing, I guess you are trying to search inside the whole object not just the directly related attributes so here is an edit for you code
util.findVal = (object, propName) =>{
return object[propName]
for (let key in object) {
if(typeof object[key]=="object"){
return util.findVal(object[key], propName)
return null
Found this question in the realm of needing a general solution to check if an object contains a specific value anywhere in its hierarchy (regardless of the key), which can include arrays of course. So the following does not answer OPs question directly or improve upon other solutions but it might help others looking for the same thing I did and finding this post:
function hasValue(object, value) {
return Object.values(object).some(function(val) {
if (val === value) {
return true;
if (val && typeof val === 'object') {
return hasValue(val, value);
if (val && val.isArray()) {
return val.some((obj) => {
return hasValue(obj, value);
it is of course inspired by #Nina Scholz 's solution!
An answer depends a on how complex you want to get. For example a JSON parsed array doesn't contain functions - and I'm fairly certain it won't contain property value set to a parent node in object tree.
This version returns the property value of the first property name found whilst searching the object tree. undefined is returned if either the named property was not found or has a value of undefined. Some modifications would be needed to tell the difference. It does not re-search parent nodes already being searched, nor try to scan null objects!
let util = {};
util.findVal = (object, propName, searched=[]) => {
searched.push( object)
for (let key in object) {
if (key === propName) {
return object[key]
else {
let obj = object[ key]
if( obj && (typeof obj == "object" || typeof obj == "function")) {
if( searched.indexOf(obj) >=0) {
let found = util.findVal(obj, propName, searched)
if( found != searched) {
return found
// not in object:
return searched.length ? searched : undefined
I ended up writing this function.
It is a refactor of a function found here: Recursively looping through an object to build a property list
added a depth parameter to avoid stack overflow in chrome devtools.
function iterate(obj, context, search, depth) {
for (var property in obj) {
if (, property)) {
if(typeof obj[property] == 'function') continue;
if( property == search ){
if (typeof obj[property] == "object" && depth < 7) {
//console.log('--- going in: ' + context+property);
iterate(obj[property], context+property+'.', search, depth+1);
/*else {
Returns the value of the field with the specified name.
data is the root node/object.
keyName is a string name of the field/member.
If keyName specifies a field that is itself an object, then that object is returned.
function find (data, keyName) {
for (const key in data) {
const entry = data[key]
if (key === keyName)
return entry
if (typeof entry === 'object') {
const found = find(entry, keyName)
if (found)
return found
The for loop goes through each field and if that field is an object then it will recurse into that object.
Here is a piece of code which find the key you are looking for in your rootObj tree. And add it to the root object. So by the end you will have access to you key like this rootObj[key].
findKeyVal(object, key, rootObj) {
if(object instanceof Object) {
let keys = Object.keys(object);
if(keys.includes(key) && !isNullOrUndefined(object[key])) {
rootObj[key] = object[key];
else {
keys.filter(k => object[k] instanceof Object).forEach( k => {
this.findKeyVal(object[k], key, rootObj);
Old question, but to check if the property exists anywhere in the hierarchy of an object, try this simple option
var obj = {
firstOperand: {
firstOperand: {
firstOperand: {
sweptArea: 5
function doesPropertyExists ( inputObj, prop )
return JSON.stringify(obj).indexOf( "\""+ prop +"\":" ) != -1;
console.log( doesPropertyExists( obj, "sweptArea" ) );
console.log( doesPropertyExists( obj, "firstOperand" ) );
console.log( doesPropertyExists( obj, "firstOperand22" ) );

Test if Tree contains Object

I need a function to check if an object exists in a tree.
I recursively run through the tree and use lodash to check for equality of objects:
var objectInResultList = function (obj, list) {
list.forEach(function (item) {
if (_.isEqual(item, obj) === true) {
return true
else if (item.children.length > 0) {
return objectInResultList(obj, item.children);
return false;
var item = {"name":"Enterprise1.1","description": "testTest","children":[]};
var resultList = [{"name":"Enterprise1.1","description": "testTest","children":[{"name":"Enterprise1.1","description": "testTest","children":[]}]}];
var ret = objectInResultList(item, resultList);
<script src=""></script>
The function should return true if the item is in the list and otherwise return false, but currently it always returns false.
Can someone find my problem?
You are missing a couple of things.
A minor thing - your predicate is not returning false if the objects don't match and it has no children.
You are returning true/false from the predicate, but aren't using it anywhere so objectInResultList always returns false.
Rather than using forEach, it is easier to use find or findIndex, and the use the result of that to determine what to return from objectInResultList. For example if find returns undefined because of no match, then you return false.
In this case, you are using a tree with multiple lists, so using find makes more sense than findIndex.
var objectInResultList = function (obj, list) {
// call find to get the matching object
var match = list.find(function (item) {
if (_.isEqual(item, obj) === true) {
return true;
else if (item.children.length > 0) {
return objectInResultList(obj, item.children);
else {
return false;
// if match is undefined return false. If we found a match, return true
return !_.isUndefined(match);
var item = {"name":"Enterprise1.1","description": "testTest","children":[]};
var resultList = [{"name":"Enterprise1.1","description": "testTest","children":[{"name":"Enterprise1.1","description": "testTest","children":[]}]}];
var ret = objectInResultList(item, resultList);
<script src=""></script>
forEach() has no return-value and it ignores any returned value. So returning true or false in the search-function is useless.
You should use a better iterator-function.
var objectInResultList = function (obj, list) {
function search(item){
if(item == null) return false;
if(_.isArray(item)) return _.some(item, search);
if(_.isEqual(item, obj)) return true;
return search(item.children);
return search(list);

