node.js server-side validation of cognito credentials - javascript

I am writing some server side login code for aws cognito and I want to verify the user who is logging in exists in the identity pool and to get the attributes assigned to them.
For email login I have this working well using the following code - using the aws-sdk:
let cognitoVerifyUser = null
try {
const cognitoIdProvider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider()
cognitoVerifyUser = await cognitoIdProvider.adminGetUser({
UserPoolId: pool.userPoolId,
Username: username,
} catch (e) {
throwError(e, e.message)
if (!cognitoVerifyUser) {
throwError(error.unauthorized, e)
const emailAttrib = cognitoVerifyUser.UserAttributes.find(a => a.Name == 'email')
if (!cognitoVerifyUser.Enabled || cognitoVerifyUser.UserStatus != 'CONFIRMED' || username != cognitoVerifyUser.Username || email != emailAttrib.Value) {
throwError(error.unauthorized, e)
But I am stuck trying to do something similar for federated users (login via google for example).
Can someone help me out?

import generateResponse from "../../../Utils/generateResponse";
import {
} from "amazon-cognito-identity-js";
import { APIGatewayEvent } from "aws-lambda";
type LoginType = {
email: string;
password: string;
export const handler = async (event: APIGatewayEvent) => {
try {
const body = JSON.parse(event.body as string) as LoginType;
const userPool = new CognitoUserPool({
UserPoolId: process.env.COGNITO_USERPOOLID as string,
ClientId: process.env.COGNITO_CLIENTID as string
const user = new CognitoUser({ Username:, Pool: userPool });
const authenticationData = {
Password: body.password
const authenticationDetails = new AuthenticationDetails(authenticationData);
return new Promise(resolve =>
user.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
onSuccess: result => {
resolve({ body: JSON.stringify(result) });
onFailure: err => {
resolve({ body: JSON.stringify(err) });
} catch (err) {
return generateResponse({
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify(err, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(err))
i have a login endpoint. try that.


Why am I getting different response from my data when local and when on heroku?

I am working on an Application which i have also deployed in heroku. The issue is that when I login in using heroku, user is nested inside a data object. but when I work locally or use postman, user isnt nested.
Help Please.
I get this response on the deployed version.
data: {
user: {
email: "my_email"
name: "my_name"
role: "user"
_id: "6205807deeadcfa734f954f3".
status: "success"
But when I log in locally, I get the response as
user: {
email: "my_email"
name: "my_name"
role: "user"
_id: "6205807deeadcfa734f954f3".
status: "success"
token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyMDU4MDdkZWVhZGNmYTczNGY5NTRmMyIsImlhdCI
For Heroku, the USER is nested inside data but for local host and postman, the user isnt nested.
My codes are:
exports.login = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
const { email, password } = req.body
if (!email || !password) {
return next(new AppError('Please provide email and password!', 400))
const user = await User.findOne({ email }).select('+password')
if (!user || !(await user.comparePassword(password, user.password))) {
return next(new AppError('Incorrect email or password', 401))
createSendToken(user, 200, req, res)
These are my api codes
const createSendToken = (user, statusCode, req, res) => {
const token = signToken(user._id)
res.cookie('jwt', token, {
expires: new Date( + process.env.JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES_IN * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
httpOnly: true,
user.password = undefined
status: 'success',
For my react, The function code is:
function request(path, { data = null, token = null, method = 'GET' }) {
return (
fetch(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API}${path}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: token ? `Bearer ${token}` : '',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
method !== 'GET' && method !== 'DELETE' ? JSON.stringify(data) : null,
.then((response) => {
// If Successful
if (response.ok) {
if (method === 'DELETE') {
// If delete, nothing returned
return true
return response.json()
// If errors
return response
.then((json) => {
// Handle Json Error response from server
if (response.status === 400) {
const errors = Object.keys(json).map(
(k) => `${json[k].join(' ')}`
throw new Error(errors.join(' '))
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(json))
.catch((e) => {
if ( === 'SyntaxError') {
throw new Error(response.statusText)
throw new Error(e)
.catch((e) => {
// Handle all errors
toast(e.message, { type: 'error' })
The main sign in function
export function signIn(email, password) {
return request('/api/v1/auth/login', {
data: { email, password },
method: 'POST',
Then I import this into my auth context and execute it there
import {signIn as signInApi} from '../apis'
const AuthContext = createContext()
export const AuthProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [token, setToken] = useState(localStorage.getItem('token'))
const [user, setUser] = useState(
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const signIn = async (email, password, callback) => {
const res = await signInApi(email, password)
if (res.token) {
localStorage.setItem('token', res.token)
localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(res.user)) // This stores the user in localhost but returns undefined for user in the one deployed to heroku. I have to use
localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify( which now works on the deployed one but not on the local one
it seems the deployed version is using built in implementaion of createSendToken and not the one you provided. need to check your project structure.
in order to validate this change the function name and the call createSendToken to something else and you will find the issue

How can I find a Post of a User?

Hello I want to find posts which user has made ..
I do my request with JWT Token:
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
This is my create function :
exports.create = async (req, res) => {
const { forumName, forumDescription } = req.body;
const token = req.token;
const forumExist = await Forum.findOne({ forumName: req.body.forumName });
res.status(400).send("Forum Exists already.");
const owner = await User.findOne({userID:token._id});
if (!forumName || !forumDescription) {
throw new Error("Please Fill all the feilds");
else {
const newForum = new Forum({ forumName, forumDescription,user: owner.userID });
newForum.user = owner;
const createdNote = await;
This is my function where I want to get the Posts which the user has made :
exports.getByToken = async (req, res, next) => {
const forum = await Forum.findById( {user: req.token._id} );
if (forum) {
} else {
res.status(404).json({ message: "Forum not found" });
And this is model which I have for Post:
const forumSchema = ({
forumName: {
type: String,
required: true,
forumDescription: {
type: String,
required: true,
user: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
published_on: {
type: String,
default: moment().format("LLL")
Everytime I do a request it has this error :
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "{ user: 'admin' }" (type Object) at path "_id" for model "Forum"
my generate Token :
const generateToken = (_id, userID) => {
console.log('Signing token for ID ', _id,userID);
console.log('Secret key is ', process.env.JWT_KEY);
const token = jwt.sign({ _id,userID}, process.env.JWT_KEY, {
expiresIn: "30d",
console.log('Signed token: ', token);
return token;
As you are using findById, you should only send the id as argument function.
If you want to search with filter query, use find method

GraphQl Mutation: addUser not creating user

I’m refactoring a Google Books app from a Restful API to GraphQL, and I am stuck on a mutation not behaving the way I expect.
When a user fills out the form found on Signup.js the Mutation ADD_USER should create a user within Mongoose, this user should have a JWT token assigned to them, and user should be logged in upon successful execution of the Mutation.
Actions observed:
• Mutation is being fired off from the front end. When I open developer tools in the browser I can see the Username, Email and Password being passed as variables.
• I have tried console logging the token, and keep getting an undefined return
• When I try to run the mutation in the GraphQL sandbox I get a null value returned.
• When I console log the args in resolvers.js no value appears on the console, which tells me the request is not reaching the resolver.
SignupForm.js (React FE Page)
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Form, Button, Alert } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useMutation } from "#apollo/client";
import { ADD_USER } from "../utils/mutations";
import Auth from "../utils/auth";
const SignupForm = () => {
// set initial form state
const [userFormData, setUserFormData] = useState({
username: "",
email: "",
password: "",
// set state for form validation
const [validated] = useState(false);
// set state for alert
const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState(false);
const [addUser] = useMutation(ADD_USER);
const handleInputChange = (event) => {
const { name, value } =;
setUserFormData({ ...userFormData, [name]: value });
const handleFormSubmit = async (event) => {
// check if form has everything (as per react-bootstrap docs)
const form = event.currentTarget;
if (form.checkValidity() === false) {
try {
///Add user is not returning data. payload is being passed as an object
const response = await addUser({
variables: { ...userFormData },
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("OH NO!SOMETHING WENT WRONG!");
const { token, user } = await response.json();
} catch (err) {
username: "",
email: "",
password: "",
export const ADD_USER = gql`
mutation addUser($username: String!, $email: String!, $password: String!) {
addUser(username: $username, email: $email, password: $password) {
user {
const { gql } = require("apollo-server-express");
const typeDefs = gql`
input SavedBooks {
authors: [String]
description: String
bookId: String
image: String
link: String
title: String
type Books {
authors: [String]
description: String
bookId: ID
image: String
link: String
title: String
type User {
_id: ID
username: String
email: String
password: String
savedBooks: [Books]
type Auth {
token: ID!
user: User
type Query {
me: User
type Mutation {
##creates a user profile through the Auth type, that way we can pass a token upon creation
addUser(username: String!, email: String!, password: String!): Auth
login(email: String!, password: String!): Auth
saveBook(bookData: SavedBooks): User
deleteBook(bookId: ID!): User
module.exports = typeDefs;
const { User, Book } = require("../models");
const { AuthenticationError } = require("apollo-server-express");
const { signToken } = require("../utils/auth");
const resolvers = {
Query: {
me: async (parent, args, context) => {
if (context.user) {
return User.findOne({ _id: context.user._id }).populate("books");
throw new AuthenticationError("You need to log in");
Mutation: {
//try refactoring as a .then
addUser: async (parent, args) => {
//create user profile
await console.log("resolver test");
const user = await User.create({ username, email, password });
//assign token to user
const token = signToken(user);
return { token, user };
login: async (parent, { email, password }) => {
const user = User.findOne({ email });
if (!user) {
throw new AuthenticationError("Invalid Login Credentials");
const correctPw = await profile.isCorrectPassword(password);
if (!correctPw) {
throw new AuthenticationError("Invalid Login Credentials");
const token = signToken(user);
return { token, user };
saveBook: async (parent, { bookData }, context) => {
if (context.user) {
return User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: context.user._id },
{ $addToSet: { savedBooks: bookData } },
{ new: true }
throw new AuthenticationError("You need to log in");
deleteBook: async (parent, { bookId }, context) => {
if (context.user) {
return User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: contex.user._id },
//remove selected books from the savedBooks Array
{ $pull: { savedBooks: context.bookId } },
{ new: true }
throw new AuthenticationError("You need to log in");
module.exports = resolvers;
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
// set token secret and expiration date
const secret = "mysecretsshhhhh";
const expiration = "2h";
module.exports = {
// function for our authenticated routes
authMiddleware: function ({ req }) {
// allows token to be sent via req.query or headers
let token = req.query.token || req.headers.authorization || req.body.token;
// ["Bearer", "<tokenvalue>"]
if (req.headers.authorization) {
token = token.split(" ").pop().trim();
if (!token) {
return req;
// verify token and get user data out of it
try {
const { data } = jwt.verify(token, secret, { maxAge: expiration });
req.user = data;
} catch {
console.log("Invalid token");
return res.status(400).json({ message: "invalid token!" });
// send to next endpoint
return req;
signToken: function ({ username, email, _id }) {
const payload = { username, email, _id };
return jwt.sign({ data: payload }, secret, { expiresIn: expiration });
Basically, I have combed from front to back end looking for where I introduced this bug, and am stuck. Any suggestions or feedback is greatly appreciated.
I was able to figure out the issue. First, a syntax error on resolver.js was preventing my mutations from being read.
Next, I made the following adjustment to handleFormSubmit on SignupForm.js
try {
///Add user is not returning data. payload is being passed as an object
const {data} = await addUser({
variables: { ...userFormData },
} catch (err) {
That way my FE was properly accounting for what my Auth Middleware was passing back after successful user creation. Thanks for your help xadm, being able to talk this out got me thinking about where else to attack the bug.

Injecting dependecy in services in component based strucuture

I follow modular or component based strucutre. I found a sample repo.
So, there is a main component.module.js files which is responsible for connecting all other pieces like controller, route, and services.
For controller, services are being injected using higher order functions. Now, controller are super easy to test, I can stub or mock services easily.
const router = require('express').Router();
const {
} = require('../../middlewares');
// validator
const AuthValidator = require('./auth.validator');
// service
const { doRegister, doLogin, doCheckUserExist } = require('./auth.service');
const { BadRequestError } = require('../../utils/api-errors');
// controller
const controller = require('./auth.controller');
const register = controller.register({ BadRequestError, doCheckUserExist, doRegister });
const login = controller.login({ doCheckUserExist, doLogin });
const AuthController = { register, login };
// routes
const routes = require('./auth.routes')({
module.exports = {
AuthService: {
AuthRoutes: routes,
const login = (doCheckUserExist, doLogin) => async (httpRequest) => {
const { username, password } = httpRequest.body;
const userData = await doCheckUserExist({ username });
const loginData = {
role: userData.role_id,
passedPassword: password,
actualPassword: userData.password,
const loginResult = await doLogin(loginData);
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
success: true,
message: 'Successfully logged in!',
data: loginResult,
const register = ({ BadRequestError, doCheckUserExist, doRegister }) => async (httpRequest) => {
const { username, password } = httpRequest.body;
try {
await doCheckUserExist({ username });
} catch (error) {
// user doesn't exist
const registerResult = await doRegister({ username, password });
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
success: true,
message: 'Registered successfully!',
data: registerResult,
throw new BadRequestError('User already exist!');
module.exports = { register, login };
Things are fine with the controller, now the problem is with the services. I can't find any pattern to make them thin and clean.
const {
} = require('config');
const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');
const { User } = require('../../db');
const { generateJWT } = require('./jwt.service');
const { NotFoundError, BadRequestError } = require('../../utils/api-errors');
const doRegister = async ({ username, password }) => {
const user = await User.create({
role_id: 1, // assign role id here
// generate access token
const payload = {
role: user.role_id,
const token = await generateJWT({
signOption: {
return {
access_token: token,
const doLogin = async ({
username, userRole, passedPassword, actualPassword,
}) => {
const isValidPass = bcrypt.compareSync(passedPassword, actualPassword);
if (!isValidPass) throw new BadRequestError('Username or Password is invalid!');
// generate access token
const payload = {
role: userRole,
const token = await generateJWT({
signOption: {
return {
access_token: token,
const doCheckUserExist = async ({ username }) => {
const user = await User.findOne({
where: {
if (!user) throw new NotFoundError('User not found!');
return user;
module.exports = { doRegister, doLogin, doCheckUserExist };
A lot is happening in the services, model imports, constants imports, and other utils.
Now services become really hard to test.
Is there any way or pattern I can separate some logic from services and make them lighter?
I can implement reository pattern for db methods, but I am not aware how I can implement using sequelize?
Should I use also higher order function to inject all the utils and constants in the service like I did for controller?

Model not saving to MongoDB using mongoose

I am trying to register a user and save the user to MongoDB. I am creating the user using nodejs readline module. But when I am trying to save it to the mongodb it is not working. Nor does it is returning any error.
Here's the code
const { Admin, validate } = require('../models/admin');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
const print_error = '\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m';
const print_success = '\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m';
function createUser() {
rl.question('Please Enter Username : ', (username) => {
rl.question('Please Enter a Password : ', async(password) => {
const adminObject = {
const { error } = validate(adminObject);
if (error) {
return console.log(print_error, error.details[0].message);
let admin = await new Admin({
username: username,
password: password
const result = await,res){
return console.log('err',err);
else return console.log('res', res);
}); // save is not working
console.log(print_success, result);
rl.close(process.exit(1)); // close the process after done saving
Admin Model
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Joi = require('joi');
const Admin = new mongoose.model('Admin', new mongoose.Schema({
username: {
type: String,
required: true,
minlength: 1,
maxlength: 10,
unique: true
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
maxlength: 1024
function validateAdmin(admin){
const schema = {
username: Joi.string().min(1).required(),
password: Joi.string().min(3).required()
return Joi.validate(admin, schema);
exports.Admin = Admin;
exports.validate = validateAdmin;
P.S - I've connected to the mongodb, the connection is successful.
I don't know why you're use async/await and then you use function in your save.
You can change your createUser function with this code below:
function createUser() {
rl.question('Please Enter Username : ', (username) => {
rl.question('Please Enter a Password : ', async(password) => {
const { error } = validate({ username, password });
if (error) {
return console.log(print_error, error.details[0].message);
let admin = new Admin({username, password });
try {
const result = await;
console.log(print_success, result);
} catch(ex) {
If you've any problem, then let me know in the comment below.
Updated: After test your code, you have no connection in your createUser.js.
I've been add this connection below in above of your createUser() and it's working:
Please, make sure you've add a connection to your mongodb.
I hope it can help you.

