how to create array with push in node.js - javascript

I will be select my data from MySQL then I loop this result and then I create an array with push. but I got two results after creating the array. the first array is empty and the second result is normal.
this is my code
app.all("/social-feed-reply", isUserAllowed, function (req, res) {
// console.log('');
// console.log(req.query);
// console.log(' test');
// console.log(;
var sql = " SELECT * FROM books WHERE book_id IN(?) ";
db.query(sql, [, 0], function (err, result, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
//here is i got normal result
var newArrays = [];
Object.keys(result).forEach(function (key) {
//when is console the newArrays then i got two result exemple :[] [ 7, 5 ]
how can I remove the empty array?


Couldn`t display callback buttons (Telegraf lib.) using forEach method

My task is to add callback buttons for each element of array which i get from MySql table.
let select = `SELECT Bike_num FROM rent.Bike_Status_num where Last_Station = 1 and B_Status = 'OK';`
con.query(select, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
let replyButtons = [];
let bikes_free = result;
ctx.reply('Chose bicycle',
[Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[0].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[0].Bike_num}`),
Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[1].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[1].Bike_num}`),
Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[2].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[2].Bike_num}`),
Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[3].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[3].Bike_num}`)],
[Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[4].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[4].Bike_num}`),
Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[5].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[5].Bike_num}`),
Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[6].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[6].Bike_num}`),
Markup.button.callback(`${bikes_free[7].Bike_num}`, `${bikes_free[7].Bike_num}`)]
I don`t know how to display this buttons using forEach method or any other convenient method.
Tried 2 ways, but got an errors.

javascript- pushing resultset from database to array failed

I'm running a query to fetch the list of new users. Query is correct. It returns 15 users. I push the resultset into a javascript array but only the last record from the resultset is getting saved.
Here's my code:
var query = `SELECT *
FROM users
WHERE (status ='New')`;
var query = connection.query(query),
response = []; // this array will contain the result of our db query
.on('error', function (err) {
.on('result', function (res) {
// it fills our array looping on each user row inside the db
for (var key in res) {
if (res.hasOwnProperty(key)) response.push(res[key]);
.on('end', function () {
As you can see response.push(res); is the line of code where I do this. Below that I have comment a few lines. I tried that option to push each row from the resultset but it ain't giving any results.
try a for loop
for(var i in res){
I maybe underestimate your test but you maybe check result at the wrong place.
You should do it on the 'end' callback.
.on('end', function () {

Appending new Elements to Objects in Array

I've been puzzling over this loop for a few days and can't quite get to what I need.
I loop over my array of search results (mdb_results) and extract from each object a .name to use as a _search term in a Google CSE Image Search.
Th CSE returns another array (cse) which I want to append to the object from which I extracted the _search term (mdb_results[i]).
router.get('/json', function(req, res, next) {
var ImageSearch = require('node-google-image-search');
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err,db){
.find({$text: {$search:"FOO" }})
.toArray(function(err, mdb_results){
for (var i=0; i<mdb_results.length; i++){
var _search = mdb_results[i].name ;
ImageSearch(_search, function(cse){
// How to add cse.img to mdb_results[i].images ??
// mdb_results[i].images = cse;
// gives undefined
My initial mdb_results looks like this.
I'm trying to achieve something like this,
Can anyone show me how to achieve this?
The issue is that you're expecting an asynchronous operation to work synchronously:
router.get('/json', function(req, res, next) {
var ImageSearch = require('node-google-image-search');
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err,db){
.find({$text: {$search:"FOO" }})
.toArray(function(err, mdb_results){
for (var i=0; i<mdb_results.length; i++){
var _search = mdb_results[i].name ;
// This search is asynchronous, it won't have returned by the time
// you return the result below.
ImageSearch(_search, function(cse){
// How to add cse.img to mdb_results[i].images ??
// mdb_results[i].images = cse;
// gives undefined
// At this point, ImageSearch has been called, but has not returned results.
You're going to need to use promises or the async library.
Here's an example:
router.get('/json', function(req, res, next) {
var ImageSearch = require('node-google-image-search');
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err,db){
.find({$text: {$search:"FOO" }})
.toArray(function(err, mdb_results){
// async.forEach will iterate through an array and perform an asynchronous action.
// It waits for you to call callback() to indicate that you are done
// rather than waiting for it to execute synchronously.
async.forEach(mdb_results, function (result, callback) {
ImageSearch(, function(cse){
// This code doesn't get executed until the network call returns results.
result.images = cse;
// This indicate that you are done with this iteration.
return callback();
// This gets call once callback() is called for each element in the array,
// so this only gets fired after ImageSearch returns you results.
function (err) {

Make multiple request in Mongoose

I'm trying to reach different select's from another select with MongoDB database with mongoose to redirect to Emberjs front-end.
If the text above it's not clear, look at the schema of the database:
// I already get the exam content given an id
question: Object(Id)
and in the question schema it's:
// I want to get content of this giving an id
questions: String, // I want to get this given an Id exam
value: Number // and this
I tried to get it getting the objects id of the collections and then make a for to extract each question, and save the returned values into a json variable like this:
Test.findById(id, 'collections', function(err, collections){
var result ={}; //json variable for the response
// the for it's with the number of objectId's that had been found
for(var i = 0; i < collections.collections.length; i++)
// Send the request's to the database
QuestionGroup.findById(collections.collections[i].id, 'questions').exec(function(err, questiongroup)
// save the results in the json
result.questiongroup = questiongroup;
// prints questions
// it return's {}
// also return {}
res.json({result: result});
It's there a way to save the requests into a variable and return it like a json to the front end?
since the query within the loop executes in async manner you'll have send response once everything finished execution.
For eg.
Test.findById(id, 'collections', function(err, collections) {
if (err) {
var result = []; //json variable for the response
function done(result) {
for (var i = 0, l = collections.collections.length; i < l; i++) {
// i need needs to be in private scope
(function(i) {
QuestionGroup.findById(collections.collections[i].id, 'questions').exec(function(err, questiongroup) {
if (err) {
// save the results in the json
if (l === i + 1) {
NOTE: untested, and you might have to handle errors appropriately

Access to parent records in nested MySQL Queries

I have a problem with MySQL nested queries. First i want get all products, then in a nested query, iterate over all products (each product is a JSON) and for each product get their images adding a key 'images' to the current product.
exports.findAll = function(callback) {
var Database = require('../config/database.js')
var DBConnection = new Database()
var connection = DBConnection.connect()
connection.query('SELECT * FROM product', function(err, records, fields) {
var products = records
for(var i=0; i<products.length; i++) {
connection.query('SELECT Image FROM product_images WHERE Product = ?', [products[i].Id],
function(err, images, fields) {
callback(err, products)
In the nested query, products[i] is undefined and can't add the images. ¿How can i solve this?
If a first get the records in the route, and then get the images calling to another function passing the records getted and iterate over they, maybe works, but i wanna know if exists a more 'easy' way.
Solved iterating only with for each:
exports.findAll = function(callback) {
var Database = require('../config/database.js')
var DBConnection = new Database()
var connection = DBConnection.connect()
var query = 'SELECT * FROM product'
connection.query(query, function(err, products) {
products.forEach(function(cur) {
var query = 'SELECT Image FROM product_images WHERE Product = ?'
connection.query(query, [cur['Id']], function(err, images) {
cur['images'] = images
callback(err, products)
Can someone explain me why works with forEach and don't with normal for or for in?

