How to add a timer onto a page scroll - javascript

I'm working on building an infinite page-scroll, at least until it reaches the last page. However, it scrolls way to quickly and overloads my web-browser. I wanted to know how I can implement a time-lag on each scroll, something like 1-2 seconds between the scrolls.
Here's what I have developed so far:
var infScroll = setInterval(function () {
var scrollingElement = (document.scrollingElement || document.body);
scrollingElement.scrollTop = scrollingElement.scrollHeight;
}, 200);
It works and keeps scrolling down the page, however, how do I set a lag between each scroll?
I have tried updating it with a timer as the following:
function disableScroll() {
// temporarily disable action
scrollEnabled = false;
// set a timer to enable again it 1 second from now
setTimeout(function() {
scrollEnabled = true;
}, 8000);
var infScroll = setInterval(function () {
var scrollingElement = (document.scrollingElement || document.body);
scrollingElement.scrollTop = scrollingElement.scrollHeight; disableScroll()
}, 200);
However, the function won't stop the scroll at all for a few moments.


How to detect when a user is no longer scrolling to initiate the addition/removal of a class

I'm working on a prototype that has a navigation bar that hides when a user scrolls down on the page and shows when the user scrolls up. I would like to take this a step further by setting an event that tracks when the user is no longer scrolling and animates the navigation panel back onto the page after a short timeframe (1.5 - 2 seconds).
I have read up on how I would go about doing this but I haven't been able to find anything that meets my needs completely.
Here is my prototype for reference:
Here is the jquery I'm using to show/hide the navigation bar:
var scrollSet = null;
var didScroll = false;
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
function scrollUpdate () {
didScroll = true;
windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
function scrollTicker () {
if(didScroll) {
if(windowTop > scrollSet) {
scrollSet = windowTop;
else if(scrollSet > windowTop){
scrollSet = windowTop;
didScroll = false

Too many scroll events for smooth scrolling

Hello there I've been trying to find a fix for the many scroll events firing on one scroll. This is the only thing close to working for me so far. I want to smoothscroll between two divs (#boxes and #header) I want to use the scroll bar to trigger this smooth scroll and not a button. Any suggestions on how to only take one scroll event? I also used solutions based from prev stackoverflow questions. I used my own locator instead of offsets because thats also unreliable
$(window).scroll(function () {
if (timer) {
timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
if (locator == 0) {
id = $("#boxes");
locator = 1;
} else if (locator = 1) {
id = $("#header");
locator = 0;
// target element
var $id = $(id);
if ($id.length === 0) {
// top position relative to the document
var pos = $id.offset().top;
// animated top scrolling
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: pos}, 1500, function () {
$('html, body').clearQueue();
$('html, body').stop();
}, 2);
So, to be clear, you want any minor scroll event to scroll between one item and the other? Note that when a user scrolls, there is a "momentum" that the browser implements, and you'll be battling with that.
Regardless: You don't need to wrap this in a setTimeout. Right now, your javascript is creating a new setTimeout function that is being fired every 2ms. Scroll events occur with every pixel of movement in the scroll, so if you scroll 100px, you're going to be firing 100 times every 2ms. (That's 50,000 times).
Instead, have a a variable (isScrolling) track the state, so, if you're in the middle of scrolling, the function won't fire.
var isScrolling = false;
var locator = 0;
$(window).scroll(function () {
if (isScrolling) return false;
if (locator == 0) {
id = $("#boxes");
locator = 1;
} else if (locator = 1) {
id = $("#header");
locator = 0;
// target element
var $id = $(id);
if ($id.length === 0) {
// top position relative to the document
var pos = $id.offset().top;
// animated top scrolling
isScrolling = true;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: pos}, 1500, function () {
$('html, body').clearQueue();
$('html, body').stop();
isScrolling = false;
Here's a JSbin:,css,js,output

Control width expand onClick while setInterval, js,html5

I have setInterval problem. I made something similar to load bar. When I click mouse I fire expanding width of my block called loadBar1
// here preset of interval and loadbar...
var interval = 0;
createLoadBar1 = function() {
loadBar1 = {
// another stuff
document.onclick = function (mouse) {
interval = setInterval(expandLoadBar1, 60);
It's expands by the help of this function:
function expandLoadBar1() {
if(loadBar1.width < 60) {
if (loadBar1.width >= 60) {
loadBar1.width = 0;
It's very simple above and works well when I click just once but I start having problems when I click more that one time by mouse clicking, it's logically cause the faster loadBar1.width expanding twice and after second or more mouse click the clearInterval for interval stops working and just continue raising expanding speed when I click more.
You probably need to clear the interval when the user clicks:
document.onclick = function () {
interval = setInterval(expandLoadBar1, 60);

Javascript setTimeout call multiple time

I have a one page horizontal sliding site. each slider has a question and a timer. when user slides to next, it should reset the timer and start from beginning. here is my jquery code:
var mytimer;
$('#main').on('click', '.slidinglink', function(e){
var section = $(this).attr('href');
var slide = $(this).data('slide');
var left = '';
if(section != '#'){
left = '-100%';
var $active_question = $('');
//mytimer = null;
clearTimeout( mytimer );
mytimer = setTimeout(function () {
finish_question( $('.answer-list > li.checked') );
}, 5000);
do_sliding(left, section, slideback);
The timer works for the first time. but if i go to next section, the timer does not work. What seems to be the problem? I have 2 other setTimeout functions which are also called during slide. They are like this (both similar):
}, 20);

Setting a jScrollPane to autoscroll left and right, but pause on click?

I have a jScrollPane that currently scroll from left, to right, then back left, and stops. What I'd like is for this to continually scroll from left to right, the right to left, then repeat. I have this fairly close to working by using pane.bind('jsp-scroll-x'..., but I can't seem to get it to scroll back to the right after one cycle. Current code for that:
pane.bind('jsp-scroll-x', function (event, pos_x, at_left, at_right) {
if (at_right)
I would also like for this to stop autoscrolling when anything in the pane is clicked (scroll bar, arrows, content, anything), and it would preferably restart after a few seconds of no clicks.
So, in short, how do I:
Make the jScrollPane scroll left/right automatically
Stop autoscrolling when clicked
Restart autoscrolling after a few seconds of no clicks inside the pane
EDIT: jScrollPane Settings, and api for your convenience.
I have updated the handler for toggling the infinite scroll and also implemented click handler to pause the scroll and resume after a timeout (5 seconds). See draft code below and check the DEMO:
var defaultSettings = {
showArrows: true,
animateScroll: true,
animateDuration: 5000
pauseSettings = {
showArrows: true,
animateScroll: false
var pane = $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane(defaultSettings);
var api ='jsp');
var isFirst = true,
posX = 0,
isLeft = false,
pane.bind('jsp-scroll-x', scrollFx)
.mousedown(function () {
//lets make sure the below is
//executed only once after automatic croll
if (posX != -1) {
api.reinitialise(pauseSettings); //no animation
posX = -1;
}).mouseup(function () {
clearTimeout(timer); //clear any previous timer
timer = setTimeout(function () {
isFirst = true;
posX = 0; //reset the killer switch
api.reinitialise(defaultSettings); //animateed scroll
pane.bind('jsp-scroll-x', scrollFx); //rebind
api.scrollToX(isLeft ? 0 : api.getContentWidth()); //resume scroll
}, 5000);
var scroll = api.scrollToX(api.getContentWidth());
function scrollFx(event, pos_x, at_left, at_right) {
if (posX == -1) { //kill scroll
return false;
if (at_right) {
isLeft = true; //used for restart
} else if (at_left && !isFirst) {
isLeft = false; //used for restart
isFirst = false;
posX = pos_x;
Issues: The plugin is little buggy with scroll sometimes, but it doesn't break the infinite scroll. You may find the little hicks on scroll, but it works for the most part. Test it out thoroughly and see how it goes.

