How to create dynamically variable for setInterval? - javascript

I create a hmtl page with node and ejs with an unforseeable number of elements. I would like to create a setInterval for some, none or all of those elements, depending what the user is doing.
The problem is, that I am not able to create a dynamically variable for the setInterval so that I can later on cancel those Intervals.
Maybe I just need another simpler approach but at the moment I am stuck here.
camContainer.forEach(element => {
if (!element.classList.contains("hidden")) {
intervalVar = setInterval(showConsole, 1500);
} else {
countHidden ++;
I tried it with an Array instead of a regular variable but that didnt work either
intervalVar[count] = setInterval(showConsole, 1500);

You're on the right track with an array, but you need to push items onto it:
intervalVar = []
// ...
intervalVar.push(setInterval(showConsole, 1500))
When you want to cancel an interval, remove it from the array with slice or pop, depending on how you're selecting the item to cancel.


how to stop array.filter() function

Am using custom search filter
<input type="text" pInputText class="ui-widget ui-text" [(ngModel)]
="gloablFilterValue" (ngModelChange)="splitCustomFilter()" placeholder="Find" />
I am using ngModelChange() event on search box
globalSearch(realData, searchText, columns) {
searchText = searchText.toLowerCase();
return realData.filter(function (o) {
return columns.some(function (k) {
return o[k].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText) !== -1;
splitCustomFilter() {
let columns =
['PartNoCompleteWheel', 'DescriptionCompleteWheel', 'PartNoTyre', 'DescriptionTyre', 'PartNoRim', 'DescriptionRim','DeletedDateFromKDPStr', 'DateFromKDPStr', 'Status'];
this.tyreAndRimList = this.globalSearch(this.tyreAndRimList, this.gloablFilterValue, columns);
The this.tyreAndRimList list of values for the columns which is mentioned in a column variable.
The filter is working good! But the main problem is filter performance is very poor while the record count is huge(more than 100 rows per every column)
The filter is working good if am entering a single character (like a). But when I was typing the character continuously the browser is hanging. the reason is the filter has been firing every typing on the filter box(because of am using ngModelChange()// onchange() event)
What I want
I want to stop filtering if the user typing continuously on the search box. Once the user has stop the typing then only I need to start filtering.
What I did
I have tried to handle this by using setTimeout(). But it just wait the filter call for a second. It is working if the user entered just 2 or 3 character's continuously. But if the user typing more than 7 or 8 or above character's, it continues to hang the browser. because of many filter callbacks are processing on the same time.
setTimeout(() => //code of filtering ,1000);
How to stop filtering while user continuously entering value and start the filtering once the user has been stop the typing?
I am working in angular-2 and typescript. But this question is not related with only for angularjs or angular or JavaScript or typescript because of I want an idea not a solution. So I'll add those all tags for this question. Don't remove it. Thanks
Debounce the function. See how underscore does it here: Function Debouncing with Underscore.js.
You would then generate a debounced version of your function like this:
var globalSearchDebounced = _.debounce(globalSearch, 100, false);
It will only call after the user has stopped typing for at least one second.
It's not possible to interrupt the Array.filter method. Based on what you need you could handle this like this:
let timerId = null
function handleChange() {
if(timerId) {
timerId = setTimeout(() => /* Array.filter(...) */, 1000)
Have a variable which will contain the timerId returned from the setTimeout function. Every time the model get changed the handleChange function will be called (in this example). The function checks if the variable which contains the timerId is set and contains a timerId, when the variable contains the timerId the clearTimeout function will be called to clear the previous timeout after that the handleChange creates a new timeout and assigns the timerId (returned from the setTimeout function) to the variable.
Documentation for setTimeout
Documentation for clearTimeout
Without underscore, and without a Timeout (that will trigger the whole Angular lifecycle by the way), you can use an Observable with the async pipe and a debounce.
In your global search function :
return Observable.of(/* filter here and return the filtered array */).debounceTime(1000)
In your list (that has to be somewhere I guess)
<list-item *ngFor="let x of myFilteredResults | async">...</list-item>
I have complete it by using Subject to debounceTime.
private subject = new Subject<string>()
ngOnInit() {
this.subject.debounceTime(300).subscribe(inputText => {
this.gloablFilterValue = inputText;
this.splitCustomFilter(); // filter method
Now when I change the value in this.gloablFilterValue object by using change event. It just waiting for the end of event completion.

Every time user clicks on the button I need the next value from the array in Javascript

I'm currently trying to loop an array in a function. This function supposed to be used for a button, which gives every time a different value from the array when its pressed.
Every time user clicks on the button i need the next value from the array. (when its "DEVELOPMENT", next should be "DEFAULT"). Is it possible to do it without using a global variable ?
If you fine with changing array chiliNUT's answer would work (shift/push to implement circular buffer).
Alternatively you can keep current selection and loop that with %. To avoid global variables wrap counter in a function to capture value.
Sample (assuming usage of JQuery, you can find equivalent addEventListener code yourself):
// outside of click handler to be able to preserve values between clicks
var current = 0;
current = (current + 1) % list.length;
<button class="next">Next</button>
something like this. shift pulls off the first element. push sends it to the back.
function nextWord() {
var word=list.shift();
return word;
<button onclick=nextWord()>Next Word</button>

understanding setInterval in javascript

I have a function which does something async like saving to database. Want a mechanism that first inserts the row and the next insertion should occur only when the first insert operation has finished.
Here is what I have tried and it somewhat works.
var interval = true;
function insert() { () {
interval = true;
foreach(row, function (key, val) {
var interval1 = setInterval(function () {
if (interval) {
interval = false;
}, 100)
Is it the correct approach of doing this? Please shed some light about my understanding of timers in javascript.
No, you should not be creating timers to poll for when something is done. That's probably the worst way you can do it. What you want to do is to explicitly start the next iteration each time the previous one finishes.
Here's the general idea for how you do this without polling. The idea is that you need to create a function that can be called successive times and each time it's called, it will perform the next iteration. You can then call that function from the completion handler of your async operation. Since you don't have a nice convenient foreach loop to control the iteration, you then have to figure out what state variables you need to keep track of to guide each iteration. If your data is an array, all you need is the index into the array.
function insertAll(rows) {
// I'm assuming rows is an array of row items
// index to keep track of where we are in the iteration
var rowIndex = 0;
function insert() {
// keep going as long as we have more rows to process
if (rowIndex < rows.length) {
// get rows[rowIndex] data and do whatever you need to do with it
// increment our rowIndex counter for the next iteration
// save and when done, call the next insert
// start the first iteration
If you don't have your data in an array that is easy to step through one at a time this way, then you can either fetch each next iteration of the data when needed (stopping when there is no more data) or you can collect all the data into an array before you start the operation and use the collected array.
No, this is absolutely not the right way to do this. Lets assume that row contains 10 values, then you are creating 10 independent timers which continuously run and check whether they can insert. And it's not even guaranteed that they are executed in the order they are created.
As jfriend00 already mentioned, you should omit the "loop" and make use of the completion callback of the save operation. Something like this:
var rows = [...];
function insert(rows, index) {
index = index || 0;
var current_element = rows[index]; {
if (index < rows.length - 1) {
insert(rows, index + 1);
Notice how the function calls itself (somehow) after the save operation is complete, increasing the index so the next element in the array is "saved".
I would use a library that handles async stuff such as async.js
BTW it seems like your methods takes a callback, which you can use directly to call the insert method. And if the insert function is one you have made by yourself, and not a part of some bigger framework, I will suggest to re-write it and make take a callback as parameter, and use that instead of using setInterval for checking when async work is done.

Javascript - passing index to setInterval callback

The problem
I'm trying to simplify a long javascript code and i have a problem with identifying callbacks.
I have a large array with elements to animate on page
[selector, activate interval, hide after]:
things_to_move = [
['.ufo, .chefoven, .sushi', 9900, 2000],
['.hotdog,.pizzaman,.boyballon', 12090, 3600],
Basically, the aim is to to activate each of the selectors every x seconds, and hide them x seconds later, as per the example above.
Current code
After many tries, I ended up with this:
// Activate the element, and set timeout to hide it
var showFun = function(index1) {
setTimeout( function(){hideFun(index1)},things_to_move[index1][2]);
// Hide the element
var hideFun = function(index2) {
// Loop through all items and set the interval for each one
for(_A=0; _A < things_to_move.length; _A++) {
setInterval(function(){showFun(_A)}, things_to_move[_A][1]);
But of course this doesn't work. Every time the showFun function is called, it takes the value of _A after the loop finished and not the value at which setInterval was set.
So the question is, how can i pass a unique index into the setInterval callback, so the callback knows which array item to use?
Final solution
If anyone is interested, the final solution: Fiddle
The most direct way to solve it is using closures.
Try something like this:
for(_A=0; _A < things_to_move.length; _A++) {
return function(){ showFun(_innerA); };
})(_A), things_to_move[_A][1]);

Trying to get some jQuery functions to run in order. Is callback the issue?

I'm trying to do some things in order, and I'm having some trouble.
When the button with the id #sub_button is clicked,
Make sure each element with class ".verify" has it's own object value (see code)...
... if not, blur that element (will run some other code and create an object for it).
AFTER the above IF check is COMPLETE (now all elements should have an object), THEN run function "isitgood". (The "isitgood" function is running before all elements get their object values, which is done on blur)
$("#sub_button").click(function() {
objtitle = $(this).attr('id');
if (!myObj[objtitle]) {
$("#"+objtitle).blur(); // Define anything undefined
}); // end each
}); // end click function
function isitgood(){
if (myObj.login_id == "ok" && == "ok") {
// submit the form
} else {
// shows error
Also, once I get this executing in the right order, it would be nice to do some sort of .each loop to check if all the object values == "ok" instead of specifying all of them in the function. All of the names of the objects (ie. login_id, email) are the ID attr of any element with class name .verify.
Well, you could do a quick index check in the click callback:
var sub_buttons = $("#sub_button"); {
objtitle = $(this).attr('id');
if (!myObj[objtitle]) {
$("#"+objtitle).blur(); // Define anything undefined
if (index == sub_buttons.length - 1)
}); // end each
}); // end click function
This will check if you're on the last element in the jQuery object, and if so, will run the isitgood() function. This way, you make sure that you're finished with the $.each method before executing isitgood()
Javascript is asynchronous. Your isitgood() will always fire while .each is still doing it's thing.
That said from your code it's not clear what you're trying to accomplish. The way you're using .each seems to indicate that you have multiple of the same ID attributes on your tags. That won't work, IDs have to be unique. Also you seem to be mixing jQuery and regular Javascript. Use one or the other. Actually just use jQuery, you'll save yourself time and effort!
If you do have unique ids then you shouldn't need the .each at all. Just check the appropriate ids with your if statement.
Please provide more of your code and i can update this with a better answer. For instance what does your myObj look like? How do elements of it get the value of ok? It doesn't seem to get set within your call to .each().

