Remove object property inside ReactJs element - using spread syntax - javascript

I'm triyng to remove an object property using spread syntax rendering a React component. I wonder if there is a way to achieve without adding to much extra code. I'm using {reset,...inputName}
I have a custom hook (useField) for every input in my form. useField also has a reset function for my reset button. But I want to remove the reset property only for the inputs element.
custom hook useField
export const useField = (type) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState('')
const onChange = (event) => {
const reset = () => {
return {
react form
const MyForm = (props) => {
const content = useField('text')
const author = useField('text')
const info = useField('text')
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<h2>create a new anecdote</h2>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input {reset,...content} />
<input {reset,} />
url for more info
<input {reset,} />
<input type="reset" value='reset' onClick={handleClick} />

For future reference, what may work for OP are changes similar to below:
const { reset: resetContent, ...content} = useField('text')
const { reset: resetAuthor,} = useField('text')
const { rest: resetInfo,} = useField('text')
const handleClick = () => {
<input {...content} />
the object returned from useField is destructured
the reset prop is separated and renamed as resetContent (or resetAuthor, resetInfo, as required)
the rest of the props go into the content variable (or author, info variables, as required)
when rendering in the JSX, the content is used
Thus, effectively the reset prop from useField was 'removed' (technically, it was just separated, though) in the new content object.


Reset controlled value of single individual input in form upon button click

My app gets initialized with a json payload of 'original values' for attributes in a task form. There is a shared state between various components through a context manager submissionState that also gets imported to this form component. This shared state is a copy of the original values json but includes any edits made to attributes in the payload. I would like to include individual 'reset' buttons for each input of the form which would update the shared state to the original value in the json payload. The original values get passed into the parent form component as props and the edited value state gets called from within the parent component as well.
const FormInput = ({ fieldName, fieldValue, onChange, originalValue }) => {
const handleReset = e => {
return (
<label htmlFor={fieldName}>
<br />
<input type="text"
<button id="reset" onClick={handleReset}>↻</button>
<br />
const TaskForm = (payload: TaskPayload) => {
const { submissionState, setSubmission } = useTask();
function handleChange(evt) {
const value =;
[]: value,
const taskFields = ["name", "address", "address_extended", "postcode", "locality", "region", "website"];
return (
{ => {
export default TaskForm;
What I would like to do is include logic in the reset button function so that any edits which were made in a form input (from state) get reverted to the original value (stateless), which comes from the payload props: payload[field].
The form input is controlled through a global shared state submissionState, so the reset button logic can either modify the shared state itself with something like:
const handleReset = (submissionState,setSubmissionState) => {
fieldName: originalValue,
but I would need to pass the submissionState and setSubmission down through to the child component. It would be better if I can somehow update the value attribute in the input, which in-turn should potentially update the shared state? And the logic can just be something like this (assuming I can somehow access the input's value state in the reset button)
const handleReset = (?) => {
/*psuedo code:
I would highly recommend using react-hook-form if it's an option. I've implemented it across several projects and it has never let me down. If it's just not possible to use a library, then keep in mind that React is usually unidirectional. Don't try to work around it, since it works that way by design for most cases you can encounter. Otherwise…
const TaskForm = (payload: TaskPayload) => {
const { submissionState, setSubmission } = useTask();
const upsertSubmission = (upsert) =>
const handleChange = ({ target }) => {
[]: target.value,
const reset =
(originalValue) =>
({ target }) => {
[]: originalValue,
/* Also something like this. RHF will handle most of this for you!
* const reset = (originalValue, fieldName) =>
* upsertSubmission({[fieldName]: originalValue})
const taskFields = [];
return (
{ => (

React prevent child update

I have a simple for with some fields in it, the fields being child components to that form. Each field validates its own value, and if it changes it should report back to the parent, which causes the field to re-render and lose focus. I want a behavior in which the child components do not update. Here's my code:
Parent (form):
function Form() {
const [validFields, setValidFields] = useState({});
const validateField = (field, isValid) => {
setValidFields(prevValidFields => ({ ...prevValidFields, [field]: isValid }))
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
//will do something if all fields are valid
return false;
return (
<Title />
<StyledForm onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<InputField name="fooField" reportState={validateField} isValidCondition={fooRegex} />
<Button type="submit" content="Enviar" maxWidth="none" />
export default Form;
Child (field):
function InputField(props) {
const [isValid, setValid] = useState(true);
const [content, setContent] = useState("");
const StyledInput = isValid ? Input : ErrorInput;
const validate = (event) => {
setValid(stringValidator.validateField(, props.isValidCondition))
props.reportState(, isValid);
return (
<Label htmlFor={}>{ + ":"}</Label>
export default InputField;
By setting a key for my child element I was able to prevent it to lose focus when content changed. I guess I want to implement the shouldComponentUpdate as stated in React documentation, and I tried to implement it by doing the following:
Attempt 1: surround child with React.memo
const InputField = React.memo((props) {
//didn't change component content
export { InputField };
Attempt 2: intanciate child with useMemo on parent
const fooField = useMemo(<InputField name="fooField" reportState={validateField} isValidCondition={fooRegex} />, [fooRegex]);
return (
<Title />
<StyledForm onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Button type="submit" content="Enviar" maxWidth="none" />
Both didn't work. How can I make it so that when the child component isValid state changes, it doesn't re-render?
The problem is not that the component is re-rendering, it is that the component is unmounting given by this line:
const StyledInput = isValid ? Input : ErrorInput;
When react unmounts a component, react-dom will destroy the subtree for that component which is why the input is losing focus.
The correct fix is to always render the same component. What that means to you is based on how your code is structured, but I would hazard a guess that the code would end up looking a bit more like this:
function InputField(props) {
const [isValid, setValid] = useState(true);
const [content, setContent] = useState("");
const validate = (event) => {
setValid(stringValidator.validateField(, props.isValidCondition))
props.reportState(, isValid);
return (
<Label htmlFor={}>{ + ":"}</Label>
valid={isValid} <-- always render an Input, and do the work of displaying error messages/styling based on the `valid` prop passed to it
The canonical solution to avoiding rerendering with function components is React.useMemo:
const InputField = React.memo(function (props) {
// as above
However, because validateField is one of the props passed to the child component, you need to make sure it doesn't change between parent renders. Use useCallback to do that:
const validateField = useCallback((field, isValid) => {
setValidFields(prevValidFields => ({ ...prevValidFields, [field]: isValid }))
}, []);
Your useMemo solution should also work, but you need to wrap the computation in a function (see the documentation):
const fooField = useMemo(() => <InputField name="fooField" reportState={validateField} isValidCondition={fooRegex} />, [fooRegex]);

Cannot Update State with Form onSubmit React

I have a component with a list of components. I have an initial cardlist which gets populated as the list in my component. Each time I submit the form I want to add a new component, but I can't get it to update even though my cardlist array gets a new card. What do I do?
import { Card } from "./Card";
export function Body() {
let imgname = "";
let imgurl = "";
let cardlist = [
name: "ca122t1",
url: ""
name: "cat2",
url: ""
const [list, setList] = React.useState(cardlist);
function handleName(event) {
imgname =;
function handleURL(event) {
imgurl =;
function handleSubmit(e) {
let imgToAdd = {name: imgname, url: imgurl}
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" onChange={handleName}/>
<label>Image URL</label>
<input type="text" onChange={handleURL}/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
{ => (
<Card name={} url={item.url}></Card>
Never modify state in React directly. Instead, copy the values of the old array into a new one. Also, you should use the old state (list) and not your cardlist variable which is just used for initializing the state.
In ES6 you can simply do
function handleSubmit(e) {
// copy the elements of list into a new array and add the new card
setList([...list, {name: imgname, url: imgurl}]);
I just saw that you are also not using state for the imgname and imgurl variable, so this answer should work but fill in empty strings for the new values. Everything that changes in a component should useState:
const [imgname, setImgname] = useState("");
function handleName(event){
Also, for controlled inputs, set the value from state to avoid inconsistencies:
<input type="text" onChange={handleName} value={imgname} />

Get value from appended child component in React

I have a main react component which appends child components say <Child /> on button click
My Child component is of the format
<input .... />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Now I need to get the value of these input elements from every Child component which is appended but am not able to figure out a way to do so.
I won't know how many Child components would be added as the user can click the button any number of times to append yet another <Child /> so I can't have a fixed number of variables exported from the Child component to a variable in parent component.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Code to append the child:
The submit function:
const [val, setVal] = useState([]);
const submit = () => {
setVal([...val, <Child />]);
Append button:
<Button onClick={submit}>Add Child</Button>
To render:
Since val is an array, it prints all the components inside it
I took some liberties because I don't know what would be the expected output of all the forms.
What I basically did is to create a map-like structure where I will map each child form with its value/s (depending on your needs could be modified) and I passed a submit function to the child components in order to store the values on the parent.
In that way on a child submit I will be able to get the values passed from the child as well as its index.
Parent component
const Parent = () => {
const [val, setVal] = useState([]);
// Map like structure to store the values (is just an example, you can use whatever you want)
const [mapOfValues, setMapOfValues] = useState({});
// Pass submit function as prop
const submit = () => {
setVal([...val, <Child submit={onChildSubmit} />]);
// Submit function that stores the value for the child
const onChildSubmit = (childIndex, value) => {
[childIndex]: value
return (
<div className="App">
{, index) =>
// Key to prevent React warning and childIndex to map the value to the child form
React.cloneElement(value, { key: index, childIndex: index })
<button onClick={submit}>Add</button>
Child component
const Child = (props) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const submitForm = (e) => {
props.submit(props.childIndex, value);
return (
<form onSubmit={submitForm}>
<input onChange={(e) => setValue(} value={value} />
Once you are done, and you want to submit from the parent component, you could use a reduce, map or whatever you need to format the values as you want.
The link to the sandbox is this
If you have any other question let me know.

React Hooks - setState takes two clicks before working

I have an array of tags that take an input and update when the user presses enter. For some reason, the user needs to press enter twice before anything happens.
const [ tags, setTags ] = useState([]);
const addTag = (inputEvent) => {
if (inputEvent.key === 'Enter') {
setTags([ ...tags, ]); = '';
placeholder="Press enter"
onKeyUp={(inputEvent) => addTag(inputEvent)}
Need more context to be sure. But i would guess this is a classic stale state problem. Instead of setTags([ ...tags, ]), try use the callback function signature:
setTags(tags => [ ...tags, ])
Use the ref to access the current tag from your input field.
Use form so that it is easier to add the tags and listen to Enter submit.
On submit, update your tags, and reset your form using the ref.
import React from "react";
export default function App() {
const [tags, setTags] = React.useState([]);
const inputRef = React.useRef(null);
const formRef = React.useRef(null);
const addTag = (e) => {
setTags([...tags, inputRef.current.value]);
return (
<form onSubmit={addTag} ref={formRef}>
<input type="text" ref={inputRef} placeholder="Press enter" />
Note :- It is advisable in React to use ref to access DOM elements and manipulating them.
You could check a working example here ->

