Loop through a nested Object until a certain value is found, Trees - javascript

me and my partner have been cracking our heads at this. we have to create a tree, that obviously has "children" below it.
all we need right now, is to loop over an object to find a certain value, if that value is not in that certain object, then go into its child property and look there.
basically what I'm asking is, how can you loop over nested objects until a certain value is found?
would super appreciate the perspective of a more experienced coder on this.
/// this is how one parent with a child tree looks like right now,
essentially if we presume that the child has another child in the children property,
how would we loop into that?
and maybe if that child also has a child, so on and so on...
Tree {
value: 'Parent',
children: [ Tree { value: 'Child', children: [] } ]

You can use recursive function to loop through objects:
const Tree = {
value: 'Parent',
children: [
value: 'Child1',
children: [
value: 'Child2',
children: [
value: 'Child2.1',
children: [
value: 'Child2.1.1',
children: [
value: 'Child2.1.2',
children: [
function findValue(obj, value)
if (obj.value == value)
return obj;
let ret = null;
for(let i = 0; i < obj.children.length; i++)
ret = findValue(obj.children[i], value);
if (ret)
return ret;
console.log("Child1", findValue(Tree, "Child1"));
console.log("Child2.1", findValue(Tree, "Child2.1"));
console.log("Child3", findValue(Tree, "Child3"));

You can try this simple solution:
const myTree = {
value: 'Parent',
children: [
value: 'Child1',
children: []
value: 'Child2'
const isValueInTree = (tree, findValue) => {
if (tree.value === findValue) return true;
if (tree.children && tree.children.length !== 0) {
for (const branch of tree.children) {
const valuePresents = isValueInTree(branch, findValue);
if (valuePresents) return true;
return false;
console.log(isValueInTree(myTree, 'Child2'));
console.log(isValueInTree(myTree, 'Child'));
console.log(isValueInTree(myTree, 'Child1'));


Create a tree from a list of strings containing paths

See edit below
I wanted to try and create a tree from a list of paths and found this code on stackoverflow from another question and it seems to work fine but i would like to remove the empty children arrays instead of having them showing with zero items.
I tried counting r[name].result length and only pushing it if it greater than zero but i just end up with no children on any of the nodes.
let paths = ["About.vue","Categories/Index.vue","Categories/Demo.vue","Categories/Flavors.vue","Categories/Types/Index.vue","Categories/Types/Other.vue"];
let result = [];
let level = {result};
paths.forEach(path => {
path.split('/').reduce((r, name, i, a) => {
if(!r[name]) {
r[name] = {result: []};
r.result.push({name, children: r[name].result})
return r[name];
}, level)
I didnt want to ask directly for the purpose i am using it for but if it helps i am trying to create an array like this: (this is a copy paste of the config needed from ng-zorro cascader)
const options = [
value: 'zhejiang',
label: 'Zhejiang',
children: [
value: 'hangzhou',
label: 'Hangzhou',
children: [
value: 'xihu',
label: 'West Lake',
isLeaf: true
value: 'ningbo',
label: 'Ningbo',
isLeaf: true
value: 'jiangsu',
label: 'Jiangsu',
children: [
value: 'nanjing',
label: 'Nanjing',
children: [
value: 'zhonghuamen',
label: 'Zhong Hua Men',
isLeaf: true
from an array of flat fields like this:
let paths = ["About.vue","Categories/Index.vue","Categories/Demo.vue","Categories/Flavors.vue","Categories/Types/Index.vue","Categories/Types/Other.vue"];
I suggest to use a different approach.
This approach takes an object and not an array for reaching deeper levels and assigns an array only if the nested level is required.
let paths = ["About.vue", "Categories/Index.vue", "Categories/Demo.vue", "Categories/Flavors.vue", "Categories/Types/Index.vue", "Categories/Types/Other.vue"],
result = paths
.reduce((parent, path) => {
path.split('/').reduce((r, name, i, { length }) => {
let temp = (r.children ??= []).find(q => q.name === name);
if (!temp) r.children.push(temp = { name, ...(i + 1 === length && { isLeaf: true }) });
return temp;
}, parent);
return parent;
}, { children: [] })
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How can I delete a nested element from an array?

assuming an interface such as:
interface CustomNode {
id: string;
children: CustomNode[];
If I have an object such as:
nodes: CustomNode[] = [
id: 'A',
children: [
id: 'B',
children: [
id: 'C',
children: [
id: 'D',
children: []
id: 'E',
children: []
how could I create a function that removes a given 'CustomNode' and its children?
I prefer a Typescript/ES6 solution, but am okay with any general solution (e.g. Typescript, Javascript, ES, dependencies such as lodash, etc)
e.g. How can I remove CustomNode with ID 'C' and its children?
nodes = removeIfExists(nodes, 'C');
removeIfExists(nodes: CustomNode[], removeId: string) {
// ...
Assuming you don't want to mutate the existing array or any of its nodes, and also assuming that you are operating on an array of nodes and not one node (it looks like that's what you want), you could write it like this:
function removeIfExists(nodes: CustomNode[], removeId: string): CustomNode[] {
return nodes.
filter(n => n.id !== removeId).
map(n => ({ id: n.id, children: removeIfExists(n.children, removeId) }));
We're removing all entries with the offending id, and then mapping the remaining nodes recursively. Let's make sure it works on your example (which I've renamed nodes):
const newNodes = removeIfExists(nodes, "C");
//[{ "id": "A", "children": [{ "id": "B", "children": [] }] }]
Looks good to me. Hope that helps; good luck!
Playground link to code
An Example :
var array = [['firstItem','secondItem'],['thirdItem','fourthItem']];
array[0][1] = null;
array = [['firstItem','secondItem'],['thirdItem','lastItem']];
array[0][1] = null;
document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = array[0][1]
<p id="demo"></p>
If you want to create a new CustomNode[] the fastest way to do that is:
function removeIfExists(nodes: CustomNode[], removeId: string): CustomNode[] {
let res: CustomNode[] = [];
for (const node of nodes) {
if (node.id === removeId) {
id: node.id,
children: removeIfExists(node.children, removeId),
return res;
If you want to modify the current object you can do:
function removeIfExists(nodes: CustomNode[], removeId: string): CustomNode[] {
let i = 0;
while (i < nodes.length) {
if (nodes[i].id === removeId) {
nodes.splice(i, 1);
removeIfExists(nodes[i].children, removeId);
return nodes;

How do you get results from within JavaScript's deep object?

expect result: ["human", "head", "eye"]
const data = {
name: "human",
children: [
name: "head",
children: [
name: "eye"
name: "body",
children: [
name: "arm"
const keyword = "eye"
Using the above data and using ffunction to obtain result
expect_result = f(data)
What kind of function should I write?
You could use an iterative and recursive approach by checking the property or the nested children for the wanted value. If found unshift the name to the result set.
function getNames(object, value) {
var names = [];
[object].some(function iter(o) {
if (o.name === value || (o.children || []).some(iter)) {
return true;
return names;
var data = { name: "human", children: [{ name: "head", children: [{ name: "eye" }] }, { name: "body", children: [{ name: "arm" }] }] };
console.log(getNames(data, 'eye'));
console.log(getNames(data, 'arm'));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Try a recursive function
const getData = items => {
let fields = [];
for (const item of items) {
if (item.name) {
if (Array.isArray(item.children)) {
return fields;
var result = [] // This is outside the function since it get updated
function f(data) {
result.push(data.name); // Add the only name to the Array
if (data.children) { // just checking to see if object contains key children (staying safe)
for (var i = 0; i < data.children.length; i++) { // we are only looping through the children
f(data.children[i]); // Call this particular function to do the same thing again
Basically this function set the name. Then loop through the no of children and then calls a function to set the name of that child and then loop through its children too. Which happen to be a repercussive function till it finishes in order, all of them

Filter a dom object of input tags

I am building an object from a form that is currently rendered server side. I collect all the check boxes displayed in the image below and I am trying to sort them in a way that all the check boxes under each step (1, 2, 3 etc) is a single object based on the property parentNode.
Currently the document.querySelectorAll('.checkboxes') fetches all the checkboxes in following format.
var newObj = [
name: 'one',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepOne'
name: 'two',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepTwo'
name: 'three',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepOne'
The new object should be:
var newObj = {
stepOne: [
name: 'one',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepOne'
name: 'three',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepOne'
stepTwo: [
name: 'two',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepTwo'
Usually I do something like this:
let stepOne = function(step) {
return step.parentNode.getAttribute('id') === 'stepOne';
let stepTwo = function(step) {
return step.parentNode.getAttribute('id') === 'stepTwo';
let allTheStepOnes = fetchCheckBoxes.filter(stepOne);
But filter doesn't work on dom object and this seems inefficient as well.
Proper way of doing this is a forEach loop and using associative arrays like this:
let newObject = {};
let step = item.parentNode.id
if (newObj[step] === undefined) {
newObj[step] = []
Using reduce we can reduce your current array into the new structure.
return newObj.reduce(function(acc, item) {
If acc[item.parentNode.id] has been defined before, retrieve this. Otherwise set it to an empty array:
acc[item.parentNode.id] = (acc[item.parentNode.id] || [])
Add the item to the array and then return it:
return acc;
We set the accumulator as {} to start with.
Snippet to show the workings.
var newObj = [{
name: 'one',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepOne'
}, {
name: 'two',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepTwo'
}, {
name: 'three',
parentNode: {
id: 'stepOne'
}, ];
var newOrder = function(prevList) {
return prevList.reduce(function(acc, item) {
acc[item.parentNode.id] = (acc[item.parentNode.id] || [])
return acc;
}, {});
This function should do the trick
function mapObj(obj) {
var result = {};
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
var e = obj[i];
result[e.parentNode.id] = result[e.parentNode.id] || [];
return result;

Javascript get parent of item in array

I am trying to get the parent of a specific (referenced) object in an array.
var data = [
key: "value1"
children: [
key: "value2"
key: "value3"
children: [
key: "value3a"
key: "value3b"
key: "value4"
When some stuff happens, I get the following:
var clicked = {
key: "value3a"
In this case I know that value3a has been clicked, and it's databound with the data variable.
The question is, how do I easily get the parent of clicked? It should return the whole children-array of value3 which I want:
key: "value3a"
key: "value3b"
Note: currently I am using UnderscoreJS to find the object of my array. So maybe UnderscoreJS could help?
Just create a child-parent map so that you can look up what you need:
var map = {};
function recurse(arr, parent) {
if (!arr) return;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { // use underscore here if you find it simpler
map[arr[i].key] = parent;
recurse(arr[i].children, arr[i]);
recurse(data, {key:"root", children:data});
Now, in your event handler you can trivially use that map to look up your siblings:
You could use a recursive reduce function.
// Given
var data = [
key: "value1",
children: [
key: "value2"
key: "value3",
children: [
key: "value3a"
key: "value3b"
key: "value4"
var clicked = {
key: "value3a"
We can define a recursive reduce function, and give it the parent
as the context.
var rec_reduce = function(memo, obj) {
if(obj.key == clicked.key) {
return this || memo;
return _.reduce(obj.children, rec_reduce, memo, obj.children) || memo;
// Now we can lookup the key in clicked with one line
_.reduce(data, rec_reduce, null, data);
// Returns [{key: "value3a"}, {key: "value3b"}]
Or, if you want to leverage underscore to make a map as suggested in the first answer, that is even simpler:
var map = {};
var rec_map = function(obj, i, parent) {
map[obj.key] = parent;
_.each(obj.children, rec_map);
_.each(data, rec_map);
// Now getting the parent list is just a look up in the map
// Returns [{key: "value3a"}, {key: "value3b"}]

