React useRef not updating consistently for conditionally rendered elements - javascript

Across my app, there are some UX logic that needs to be shared. They are triggered by events, so I wrote 2 custom hooks. Let's call one useRefWithCalc. The other hook is a more standard useEventListener, similar to this one.
useRefWithCalc calls the native useRef, has some internal handlers for UX, then calls useEventListener to attach those handlers. useRefWithCalc returns the ref created within, so another component can use this hook, and get the returned ref to attach to elements.
This has worked for me when the ref isn't attached to conditionally rendered elements.
The component looks something like this. Please take note on the 2 test logs.
const useEventListener = (event, listener, ref) => {\
useEffect(() => {
console.log("1. ref is: ", ref.current); // test logging 1.
ref.current.addEventListener(event, listener);
return () => {
ref.current.removeEventListener(event, listener);
}, [event, listener, ref]);
const useRefWithCalc = (value) => {
const ref = useRef(null);
const calc = () => {
// some calculations
useEventListener(event, calc, ref)
return [ref, result]
// works perfectly
const WorkingElement = (props) => {
const [ref, result] = useRefWithCalc(props.value);
return <B ref={ref} />
// doesn't work consistently
const ConditionalElement = (props) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(false);
const [ref, result] = useRefWithCalc(props.value)
if (ref && ref.current) {
console.log("2. ref is: ", ref.current); // test logging 2
}, [ref])
return state ? <A> : <B ref={ref} />
The <WorkingElement /> works just as expected. The ref gets attached, and handles events with no problem.
However, in the <ConditionalElement />, when B is mounted, sometimes times test logging 1 won't fire. Test logging 2 always fires, and the ref gets the focus correctly. But this update is not passed into useEventListener
Once <B /> gets 1 subsequent update (e.g. when user inputs something), both logs will fire correctly, and the event listner gets attached correctly, and it work just as <WorkingElement />
Sorry for not posting the exact code. I feel like my approach is convoluted and might be wrong.

In React when a ref changes, it doesn't trigger a component update, and useEffects are not triggered.
I suggest to put your ref inside a state so that effects are triggered when the ref changes :
const [ref, setRef] = useState(undefined)
return (
<B ref={setRef}/>


How unmounting really works?

I observed a strange behavior in React while unmounting a component. Typically, when we unmount a component, we do this.
const [isVisible, setVisibility] = useState(false)
const onKeyDown = (event) => { console.log(event) }
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown)
return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown) }
}, [isVisible])
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisibility(!isVisible)}>Click me!</button>
It works perfectly fine, but when we try to achieve this same thing using an if-else statement instead of a return, unmounting doesn't work. I searched for the reason, and I found out that when the state changes, React re-renders the handler function, which results in mismatching of both the handler (old and new one), and it won't remove.
Code using if-else statement.
const [isVisible, setVisibility] = useState(false)
const onKeyDown = (event) => { console.log(event) }
useEffect(() => {
if(isVisible) window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown)
else window.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown)
}, [isVisible])
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisibility(!isVisible)}>Click me!</button>
But now my question is how it works when we write return()? Does React save the same handler function when we write return()?
I don't know if this is the answer you're looking for, but I had issues where a stateful variable was needed on my unmount function (saving a form value to localstorage), and the issue seemed to lie in the fact that the original value on initial render was being used, and would not update: (I assume because my useEffect had been set to only run at the start via ,[])
If the if/else statement you mentioned is based on a stateful variable, you likely ran into the same situation.
Here's a small code snippet of what solved things for me, the same idea likely applies for you. Just use a ref and keep the ref updated as you state value changes:
const formValueRef = useRef<any>();
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
saveEntryFormToLocalStorage(formValueRef.current); // save form to storage when the component is destroyed
}, []) // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
useEffect(() => {
formValueRef.current = form.values;
}, [form.values]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

missing dependency warning when working with event listeners and states inside useEffect

Everytime I work with addEventListener(), and also want to access some state inside useEffect, I get the same issue. I can't add the state as dependency, because then I would create multiple event listeners each time the state changes.
I almost everytime find myself stuck with the "React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency" warning.
Let's say I have a component that needs to change it state on window.onClick() and on window.onDoubleClick(). If the state is true, click should change it to false, and if the state is false, double click should change it to true.
So here's what I whould write:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
export default function someComponent() {
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (toggle) setToggle(false)
window.addEventListener('dblclick', (event) => {
if (!toggle) setToggle(true)
}, [])
return (
<p>The toggle state is {toggle.toString()}</p>
This code works, but I get the missing dependency warning. I can't add toggle to the dependency array, because then it will add another event listener each time the toggle state changes.
What am I doing wrong here? how should I fix this?
Edit: Maybe this example wasn't too good, but it's the simplest I could think of. But, this issue is also for when I create other event listeners, that have to be on the windows object, like scroll. I know I can use return to remove the event listener everytime, but for events like scroll it makes it much slower. It doesn't make sense to me that I have to remove and add it everytime, when I just don't need it to fire again.
With react you don't have to use the window element in this case. Not even a useEffect.
By using the useEffect hook you are telling react to do something after render (depending on the dependency array). In this case changing state is not necessary immediately after rendering the page, only when the user interacts with the element.
Adding click events through the useEffect is probably not needed most of the time and and doing it like the example below will probably save you time and a headache and maybe even performance (correct me if i'm wrong).
I would personally do it like this.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
export default function someComponent() {
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(false);
return (
onClick={() => setToggle(false)}
onDoubleClick={() => setToggle(true)}
The toggle state is {toggle.toString()}
You could also call functions from the element like so
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(false);
const handleClick = () => {
if (toggle) {
const handleDoubleClick = () => {
if (!toggle) {
return (
onClick={() => handleClick()}
onDoubleClick={() => handleDoubleClick()}
The toggle state is {toggle.toString()}
CodeSandbox example
You can add a clean-up function to the useEffect hook to remove old listeners. This way you can pass toggle into the dependency array and you won't have stacking event listeners.
useEffect(() => {
const handleClick = () => toggle ? setToggle(false) : setToggle(true);
window.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
window.addEventListener('dblclick', handleClick);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);
window.removeEventListener('dblclick', handleClick);
}, [toggle]);
I can't add the state as dependency, because then I would create multiple event listeners each time the state changes.
There is a way around this, and that is to return a cleanup function from the useEffect callback. I would encourage you to read the linked section of the docs, then the below solution would become much clearer:
useEffect(() => {
const handleClick = () => {
window.addEventListener('click', handleClick)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('click', handleClick)
}, [toggle])
with the above solution, each time toggle is updated, the cleanup function is called, which removes the current event listener before running the effect again.
Also note that you can provide a callback function to setToggle, which receives the current value of toggle and returns the new value. With this approach you wouldn't need to pass toggle as a dependency to useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
const handleClick = () => {
setToggle(currentValue => !currentValue)
window.addEventListener("click", handleClick)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("click", handleClick)
}, [])

Javascript click event listener with react function

I want to create a custom hook in which I add a click event listener to a DOM element which calls a function defined in a React component which uses a state variable.
I add the event listener, but when I call the function, it does not reflect any state changes, it is always taking the initial state value.
const useCustomHook = (functionDefinedInComponent) => {
// logic to get the dom element
element.addEventListener('click', () => functionDefinedInComponent(item));
const CustomComponent = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState(...);
const customFunction = (item) => {
setState(...); // change the 'state' variable
// use item and state to do something
return ...;
When I click the DOM element to which I added the click event, the customFunction triggers with initial state value. Is there any to solve this?
I meant something like this.
you might have to wrap your callback function in React.useCallback as well.
const useCustomHook = (functionDefinedInComponent) => {
React.useEffect(() => {
// logic to get the dom element
element.addEventListener('click', () => functionDefinedInComponent());
}, [functionDefinedInComponent])
Can you try this out and let me know what sort of problem you get.
Here is a code sandbox that you were trying to do.
Explanation for the codesandbox example
Create a custom hook
const useCustomHook = (callback) => {
React.useEffect(() => {
// logic to get the dom element
const el = document.querySelector(".clickable");
el.addEventListener("click", callback);
// we should remove the attached event listener on component unmount so that we dont have any memory leaks.
return () => {
el.removeEventListener("click", callback);
}, [callback]);
so, I created a custom hook named useCustomHook which accepts a function as a parameter named callback. Since, we want to attach an event on element with class clickable, we should wait till the element gets painted on the browser. For this purpose, we used useEffect which gets called after the component has been painted on the screen making .clickable available to select.
const [input, setInput] = React.useState("");
const logger = React.useCallback(() => {
}, [input]);
// render
Here, I have a state input which holds the state for the textbox. And also a function named logger which I passed to my custom hook. Notice, that the function logger has been wrapped inside of useCallback. You don't need to wrap it in this case, but it was there so that every time the component rerenders a new logger function won't be created except the changes in the input state.
You can use a public component like this:
const ClickableComponent = props => {
const { title, handleClick, component: Component } = props;
return (
<Component onClick={handleClick}>{title}</button>
export default ClickableComponent;
You can use this component like below:
<ClickableComponent title="your title" handleClick={handleClick} component={<button/> } />

React state resets when set from prop event handler

Cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on, but for some reason when "Click me" is clicked, the number increments as you'd expect. When a click is triggered by the Child component, it resets the state and ALWAYS prints 0.
function Child(props: {
onClick?: (id: string) => void,
}) {
const ref = useCallback((ref) => {
ref.innerHTML = 'This Doesnt';
ref.addEventListener('click',() => {
}, [])
return (<div ref={ref}></div>)
function Parent() {
const [number, setNumber] = useState(0);
return <div>
<div onClick={() => {
setNumber(number + 1);
This Works
onClick={(id) => {
setNumber(number + 1);
And here is a demonstration of the problem:
Both the onClick handlers in parent component are re-created on every render, rightly so as they have a closure on number state field.
The problem is, the onClick property sent to Child component is used in ref callback, which is reacted only during initial render due to empty dependency list. So onClick prop received by Child in subsequent renders does not get used at all.
Attempt to resolve this error, by either removing dependency param or sending props.onClick as in dependency list, we land into issue due to caveat mentioned in documentation.
So you add null handling, and you see your updated callback now getting invoked, but... all earlier callbacks are also invoked as we have not removed those event listeners.
const ref = useCallback((ref) => {
if(!ref) return;
ref.innerHTML = 'This Doesnt';
ref.addEventListener('click',() => {
}, [props.onClick])
I believe this just an experiment being done as part of learning hooks, otherwise there is no need to go in roundabout way to invoke the onClick from ref callback. Just pass it on as prop to div.
As per your comment, as this is not just an experiment but simplification of some genuine requirement where click handler needs to be set through addEventListener, here is a possible solution:
const ref = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if(!ref.current) return;
ref.current.innerHTML = 'This Doesnt';
const onClick = () => props.onClick!('');
// return the cleanup function to remove the click handler, which will be called before this effect is run next time.
return () => {ref.current.removeEventListener("click", onClick)}
}, [ref.current, props.onClick]);
Basically, we need to use useEffect so that we get a chance to remove old listener before adding new one.
Hope this helps.
function Child(props: {
onClick?: (id: string) => void,
}) {
function handleClick() {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current.innerHTML = 'This Doesnt';
ref.current.addEventListener('click', handleClick)
return () => { ref.current.removeEventListener('click', handleClick); }
}, [props.onClick])
return (<div ref={ref}></div>)
#ckder almost works but console.log displayed all numbers from 0 to current number value.
Issue was with event listener which has not been remove after Child component umount so to achive this I used useEffect and return function where I unmount listener.

How to force a functional React component to render?

I have a function component, and I want to force it to re-render.
How can I do so?
Since there's no instance this, I cannot call this.forceUpdate().
🎉 You can now, using React hooks
Using react hooks, you can now call useState() in your function component.
useState() will return an array of 2 things:
A value, representing the current state.
Its setter. Use it to update the value.
Updating the value by its setter will force your function component to re-render,
just like forceUpdate does:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
//create your forceUpdate hook
function useForceUpdate(){
const [value, setValue] = useState(0); // integer state
return () => setValue(value => value + 1); // update state to force render
// A function that increment 👆🏻 the previous state like here
// is better than directly setting `setValue(value + 1)`
function MyComponent() {
// call your hook here
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
return (
{/*Clicking on the button will force to re-render like force update does */}
<button onClick={forceUpdate}>
Click to re-render
You can find a demo here.
The component above uses a custom hook function (useForceUpdate) which uses the react state hook useState. It increments the component's state's value and thus tells React to re-render the component.
In an old version of this answer, the snippet used a boolean value, and toggled it in forceUpdate(). Now that I've edited my answer, the snippet use a number rather than a boolean.
Why ? (you would ask me)
Because once it happened to me that my forceUpdate() was called twice subsequently from 2 different events, and thus it was reseting the boolean value at its original state, and the component never rendered.
This is because in the useState's setter (setValue here), React compare the previous state with the new one, and render only if the state is different.
Update react v16.8 (16 Feb 2019 realease)
Since react 16.8 released with hooks, function components have the ability to hold persistent state. With that ability you can now mimic a forceUpdate:
function App() {
const [, updateState] = React.useState();
const forceUpdate = React.useCallback(() => updateState({}), []);
return (
<button onClick={forceUpdate}>Force Render</button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"/>
Note that this approach should be re-considered and in most cases when you need to force an update you probably doing something wrong.
Before react 16.8.0
No you can't, State-Less function components are just normal functions that returns jsx, you don't have any access to the React life cycle methods as you are not extending from the React.Component.
Think of function-component as the render method part of the class components.
Official FAQ now recommends this way if you really need to do it:
const [ignored, forceUpdate] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);
function handleClick() {
Simplest way 👌
if you want to force a re-render, add a dummy state you can change to initiate a re-render.
const [rerender, setRerender] = useState(false);
setRerender(!rerender); //whenever you want to re-render
And this will ensure a re-render, And you can call setRerender(!rerender) anywhere, whenever you want :)
I used a third party library called
to force render my react functional components. Worked like charm.
Just use import the package in your project and use like this.
import useForceUpdate from 'use-force-update';
const MyButton = () => {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
const handleClick = () => {
alert('I will re-render now.');
return <button onClick={handleClick} />;
Best approach - no excess variables re-created on each render:
const forceUpdateReducer = (i) => i + 1
export const useForceUpdate = () => {
const [, forceUpdate] = useReducer(forceUpdateReducer, 0)
return forceUpdate
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate()
If you already have a state inside the function component and you don't want to alter it and requires a re-render you could fake a state update which will, in turn, re-render the component
const [items,setItems] = useState({
name:'Your Name',
status: 'Idle'
const reRender = () =>{
setItems((state) => [...state])
this will keep the state as it was and will make react into thinking the state has been updated
This can be done without explicitly using hooks provided you add a prop to your component and a state to the stateless component's parent component:
const ParentComponent = props => {
const [updateNow, setUpdateNow] = useState(true)
const updateFunc = () => {
const MyComponent = props => {
return (<div> .... </div>)
const MyButtonComponent = props => {
return (<div> <input type="button" onClick={props.updateFunc} />.... </div>)
return (
<MyComponent updateMe={updateNow} />
<MyButtonComponent updateFunc={updateFunc}/>
The accepted answer is good.
Just to make it easier to understand.
Example component:
export default function MyComponent(props) {
const [updateView, setUpdateView] = useState(0);
return (
<span style={{ display: "none" }}>{updateView}</span>
To force re-rendering call the code below:
setUpdateView((updateView) => ++updateView);
None of these gave me a satisfactory answer so in the end I got what I wanted with the key prop, useRef and some random id generator like shortid.
Basically, I wanted some chat application to play itself out the first time someone opens the app. So, I needed full control over when and what the answers are updated with the ease of async await.
Example code:
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// ... your JSX functional component, import shortid somewhere
const [render, rerender] = useState(shortid.generate())
const messageList = useRef([
new Message({id: 1, message: "Hi, let's get started!"})
async function _ () {
await sleep(500)
messageList.current.push(new Message({id: 1, message: "What's your name?"}))
// ... more stuff
// now trigger the update
}, [])
// only the component with the right render key will update itself, the others will stay as is and won't rerender.
return <div key={render}>{messageList.current}</div>
In fact this also allowed me to roll something like a chat message with a rolling .
const waitChat = async (ms) => {
let text = "."
for (let i = 0; i < ms; i += 200) {
if (messageList.current[messageList.current.length - 1].id === 100) {
messageList.current = messageList.current.filter(({id}) => id !== 100)
messageList.current.push(new Message({
id: 100,
message: text
if (text.length === 3) {
text = "."
} else {
text += "."
await sleep(200)
if (messageList.current[messageList.current.length - 1].id === 100) {
messageList.current = messageList.current.filter(({id}) => id !== 100)
If you are using functional components with version < 16.8. One workaround would be to directly call the same function like
import React from 'react';
function MyComponent() {
const forceUpdate = MyComponent();
return (
<button onClick={forceUpdate}>
Click to re-render
But this will break if you were passing some prop to it. In my case i just passed the same props which I received to rerender function.
For me just updating the state didn't work. I am using a library with components and it looks like I can't force the component to update.
My approach is extending the ones above with conditional rendering. In my case, I want to resize my component when a value is changed.
//hook to force updating the component on specific change
const useUpdateOnChange = (change: unknown): boolean => {
const [update, setUpdate] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, [change]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!update) setUpdate(true);
}, [update]);
return update;
const MyComponent = () => {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState();
const update = useUpdateOnChange(myState);
return (
... ...
{update && <LibraryComponent />}
You need to pass the value you want to track for change. The hook returns boolean which should be used for conditional rendering.
When the change value triggers the useEffect update goes to false which hides the component. After that the second useEffect is triggered and update goes true which makes the component visible again and this results in updating (resizing in my case).

