How to create a json object from another json object using JavaScript? - javascript

I am really junior with JavaScript and json, so I have this JSON input, and I need to get all that information in the "properties" object to create a new JSON object with just that information.
I'm using a base code like this one, but this is just returning {}.
exports.step = function(input, fileInput) {
var alert = {
return JSON.stringify(alert, undefined, 1);
Original JSON:
"value": {
"id": "12345",
"entity": {
"_integrationDefinitionId": "7a6764",
"_integrationName": "Apple Main",
"_beginOn": "2021-09-01T02:20:06.189Z",
"displayName": "apple-onev",
"_accountIdPartitioned": "12345|12",
"_class": [
"_version": 3,
"_integrationClass": [
"_accountId": "123456",
"_id": "1e234567",
"_key": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:83712398:autoScalingGroup:asd1238-20c8-41aa-bcec-12340912341:autoScalingGroupName/awseb-e-juancito-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-123456",
"_type": [
"_deleted": false,
"_rawDataHashes": "1233456==",
"_integrationInstanceId": "54321",
"_integrationType": "aws",
"_source": "integration",
"_createdOn": "2021-07-19T23:19:19.758Z"
"properties": {
"webLink": "",
"arn": "name",
"region": "us-west-2",
"name": "JonnyAndTheVibes",
"launchConfigurationName": "OtherName",
"minSize": 1,
"maxSize": 4,
"desiredCapacity": 1,
"defaultCooldown": 360,
"availabilityZones": "us-west-2a",
"LoadBalancerNames": "MoreInfo",
"healthCheckType": "EC2",
"healthCheckGracePeriod": 0,
"instanceIds": "InstanceName",
"subnetIds": "subnet",
"terminationPolicies": "Default",
"newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": false,
"serviceLinkedRoleARN": "aMoreInfo",
"tag.Name": "atag",
"tag.application": "othertag",
"": "moretagsp",
"": "taggigante",
"": "ydaleconlostags",
"tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-id": "seguimosmetiendoletags",
"tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-name": "tag",
"tag.env": "tag",
"": "tag",
"accountId": "tag",
"tag.AccountName": "tag",
"tag.Production": true,
"#tag.Production": "​"
I'm sure that it will be a simple solution.

You appear to be trying to grab properties from the wrong object. It should be value not alert.
const json = '{"value":{"id":"12345","entity":{"_integrationDefinitionId":"7a6764","_integrationName":"Apple Main","_beginOn":"2021-09-01T02:20:06.189Z","displayName":"apple-onev","_accountIdPartitioned":"12345|12","_class":["Deployment","Group"],"_version":3,"_integrationClass":["CiSSP","Infrastructure"],"_accountId":"123456","_id":"1e234567","_key":"arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:83712398:autoScalingGroup:asd1238-20c8-41aa-bcec-12340912341:autoScalingGroupName/awseb-e-juancito-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-123456","_type":["aws_autoscaling_group"],"_deleted":false,"_rawDataHashes":"1233456==","_integrationInstanceId":"54321","_integrationType":"aws","_source":"integration","_createdOn":"2021-07-19T23:19:19.758Z"},"properties":{"webLink":"","arn":"name","region":"us-west-2","name":"JonnyAndTheVibes","launchConfigurationName":"OtherName","minSize":1,"maxSize":4,"desiredCapacity":1,"defaultCooldown":360,"availabilityZones":"us-west-2a","LoadBalancerNames":"MoreInfo","healthCheckType":"EC2","healthCheckGracePeriod":0,"instanceIds":"InstanceName","subnetIds":"subnet","terminationPolicies":"Default","newInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn":false,"serviceLinkedRoleARN":"aMoreInfo","tag.Name":"atag","tag.application":"othertag","":"moretagsp","":"taggigante","":"ydaleconlostags","tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-id":"seguimosmetiendoletags","tag.elasticbeanstalk:environment-name":"tag","tag.env":"tag","":"tag","accountId":"tag","tag.AccountName":"tag","tag.Production":true,"#tag.Production":"​"}}}';
function getAlert(dsta) {
// Destructure the properties object from the
// data's value property
const { properties } = data.value;
// Create a new object with it
const alert = { properties };
// Return the string
return JSON.stringify(alert, null, 2);
// Parse the JSON
const data = JSON.parse(json);
// Call the function with the parsed data
const alert = getAlert(data);
Additional information
Destructuring assignment

use this function :
function assignJsons(...jsons) {
const convertToObject = => {
return JSON.parse(json)
return JSON.stringify(Object.assign(...convertToObject))
console.log(assignJsons(`{"name" : "alex", "family" : "mask"}`, `{"family" : "rejest"}`))

if you want a completely new object
var newJsonObject = JSON.parse('{ "properties":'
+ JSON.stringify ( + "}");
var newJsonObject={"properties":Object.assign ({},};


Porblem on Getting Array Inside of Array

I have a problem on an object inside of an array and I wanted to display only that as an array.
const data1 = [
"id": "01",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "fruits"
"id": "02",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "things"
expected output
const final= [
"data": "fruits"
"data": "things"
const final = => {})
map over the array and return a new object using the details property. If you don't return a new object, your new array will still carry references to the objects in the original array. So if you change a value of a property in that original array, that change will be reflected in the new array too, and you probably don't want that to happen.
const data1=[{id:"01",info:"fefef",sub:"hieei",details:{data:"fruits"}},{id:"02",info:"fefef",sub:"hieei",details:{data:"things"}}];
// Make sure you return a copy of the
// details object otherwise if you change the details
// of the original objects in the array
// the new mapped array will carry those object changes
// because the array objects will simply references to the old objects
const out = => {
return { ...obj.details };
Map through the array and extract its details property:
const data1 = [
"id": "01",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "fruits"
"id": "02",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "things"
const res = => e.details)
Using map and destructuring will simplify.
const data1 = [
id: "01",
info: "fefef",
sub: "hieei",
details: {
data: "fruits",
id: "02",
info: "fefef",
sub: "hieei",
details: {
data: "things",
const res ={ details: { data } }) => ({ data }));
// if you just need the details object
const res2 ={ details }) => details);

How to get attribute value from JSON and write it in file in specific format using node.js

I have a test.json file and It's in below format and I just want to get link value from that file:
Input file from File System:
"5cacd1333105": {
"type": "CORR-ID",
"environment": "amazon",
"tags": [
"name": "EC-6S0005704A8324S98020",
"source": "amazonstage2ma_paymentapiplatserv#TOKEN",
"flags": [
"callSummary": [
"colo": "lvs",
"pool": "slingshotrouter",
"machine": "stage21007",
"apiName": "GET",
"status": "0",
"duration": 13400.0,
"calls": null,
"hints": null,
"msgTime": 1574314991130,
"link": ""
"colo": "lvs",
"pool": "slingshot",
"machine": "stage21029",
"apiName": "GET",
"status": "0",
"duration": 13368.0,
"calls": null,
"hints": null,
"msgTime": 1574314991162,
"link": ""
"colo": "lvs",
"pool": "msmaster_userbridgedomainserv",
"machine": "amazon1int-g_userbridgedomainserv_22",
"apiName": "POST",
"status": "0",
"duration": 15.0,
"calls": null,
"hints": null,
"msgTime": 1574315001625,
"link": ""
"partial": false
I wanna get the below details from above file:
I just want to write into test.js file as below format.
module.exports =
I don't know how to get those details. Can someone please share me some input on this?
It looks like 5cacd1333105 is a dynamic key, so it might change, and there might be more than one random key like that, so you can use a for... in loop like this to loop each key (prop) in the object:
const d = require('./test.json');
for(let prop in d){
Then you can see that the only relevant property is callSummary array because it contains the link data. Therefore you can loop the array to extract the link data.
for(let prop in d){
const obj = d[prop];
const links ={link}) => link);
The above uses destructuring inside a .map callback to extract the link string from the objects inside callSummary, returning an array of link strings in links.
However, we still need to take into account the general case of multiple links due to the outer for... in loop.
To combine the links into a single array, you can declare links outside the loops as an empty array, and just push to that array, like this:
const links = [];
for(let prop in d){
const obj = d[prop];
links.push({link}) => link));
Finally, you want to write that data into a file. You can use either fs or you could spawn / execute a command line program from within your node.js script. See on how to use fs.writeFile or use child_process e.g.
const d = require('./test.json');
const path = require('path');
const { spawn } = require( 'child_process' );
const links = [];
for(let prop in d){
const obj = d[prop];
links.push({link}) => link));
const filename = `links-${}.js`;
console.log(`Outputting links to ${filename}`);
const echo = spawn( 'echo', [ `
module.exports =
${JSON.stringify(links, false, 2)}
`, '>', path.join(process.cwd(), filename) ] );
Note the use of backticks. (I didn't test that last bit, but it should work).
You have not shared how you are acquiring this data, but since you added a tag for node.js, I am assuming you are doing this on the server side.
After you make sure the data you received is in JSON format (using JSON.parse) and it is valid, to get the specific fields you require, you can do the following:
let links = [];
let callSummary = json['5cacd1333105'].callSummary
for (let index = 0; index < callSummary.length; index++) {
let call = callSummary[index];
if (call && {
After this, you will have al lthe links in the array links and you can do whatever you please with them.
This code have a little risk, but it's work in your situation
const data = {
"5cacd1333105": {
"type": "CORR-ID",
"environment": "amazon",
"tags": [
"name": "EC-6S0005704A8324S98020",
"source": "amazonstage2ma_paymentapiplatserv#TOKEN",
"flags": [
"callSummary": [
"colo": "lvs",
"pool": "slingshotrouter",
"machine": "stage21007",
"apiName": "GET",
"status": "0",
"duration": 13400.0,
"calls": null,
"hints": null,
"msgTime": 1574314991130,
"link": ""
"colo": "lvs",
"pool": "slingshot",
"machine": "stage21029",
"apiName": "GET",
"status": "0",
"duration": 13368.0,
"calls": null,
"hints": null,
"msgTime": 1574314991162,
"link": ""
"colo": "lvs",
"pool": "msmaster_userbridgedomainserv",
"machine": "amazon1int-g_userbridgedomainserv_22",
"apiName": "POST",
"status": "0",
"duration": 15.0,
"calls": null,
"hints": null,
"msgTime": 1574315001625,
"link": ""
"partial": false
const jsonDAta = JSON.stringify(data,null,null);
const resArr = (jsonDAta.match(/"link":"[^"]+"/g)||[]).map(el=>JSON.parse(`{${el||''}}`).link)

Unable to convert a nested object into an array of objects and viceversa

I am having an object of the following kind:
var sourceObj = {
"feature1": [
"feature2": [
Need to get converted to an array of objects of the following type:
var destArr = [
{ "feature_name":"feature1",
{ "feature_name":"feature2",
I have tried the following approaches for conversion of source object to resultant array of objects and resultant array of objects back to the source object
//Converting source object to array of objects
let arr = Object.keys(sourceObj).map(key => {
return sourceObj[key];
converting array of objects back to source objetc
let obj = Object.assign({}, => ({ []: item.value })));
You could use Object.entries to map everything in a single shot.
To go back to the original structure, you could use reduce against the generated array (see backToOriginalArray below)
var sourceObj = {
"feature1": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "abc",
"enabled": false,
"type": "type1"
"id": "2",
"name": "xyz",
"enabled": false,
"type": "type1"
"feature2": [{
"id": "3",
"name": "lmn",
"enabled": true,
"type": "type2"
"id": "4",
"name": "pqr",
"enabled": false,
"type": "type2"
// Step 1: use object.entries against the original object to build an array of objects.
var destArray = Object.entries(sourceObj).map(([key, value]) => ({
"feature_name": key,
"feature_details": value
// Step 2: use reduce against the generated array to get an object with the same structure of the original one.
var backToOriginalArray = destArray.reduce((acc, {feature_name, feature_details}) => (acc[feature_name] = feature_details, acc), {});
Map the Object.entries of your initial object:
var sourceObj = {
"feature1": [
"feature2": [
const destArr = Object.entries(sourceObj).map(
([feature_name, feature_details]) => ({ feature_name, feature_details })
To go the other way around, use Object.fromEntries:
const arr=[{feature_name:"feature1",feature_details:[{id:"1",name:"abc",enabled:!1,type:"type1"},{id:"2",name:"xyz",enabled:!1,type:"type1"}]},{feature_name:"feature2",feature_details:[{id:"3",name:"lmn",enabled:!0,type:"type2"},{id:"4",name:"pqr",enabled:!1,type:"type2"}]}];
const obj = Object.fromEntries(
({ feature_name, feature_details }) => [feature_name, feature_details]

I need remove unnecessary json objects form my result json file using javascript

I have result json file with 10000 of lines. inside the one array object there are some unnecessary json object i need remove. I have tried so many ways but it's didn't work for me. herewith the piece line of json file
"product_id": "easybridge",
"errors": []
"product_id": "learningstudio",
"errors": []
"product_id": "pearsontestprep",
"errors": []
"product_id": "productization",
"errors": []
"product_id": "equella",
"errors": [
"property": "instance.test_ids[1]",
"message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",
"schema": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items",
"properties": {
"trend": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/trend",
"examples": [
"display": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/display",
"type": "boolean",
"examples": [
"test_id": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/test_id",
"type": "string",
"test_name": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/test_name",
"type": "string",
"maintenance": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items/properties/maintenance",
"type": "boolean",
"instance": {
"trend": false,
"display": false,
"test_id": "8597ae3c-e2a9-45c7-b279-bde1710681be",
"test_name": "Equella Pearsonresearch Ping Test",
"nrAlertStatus": "enabled",
"test_locations": [
"alert_state": false,
"location_name": "AWS_US_WEST_2",
"location_label": "Portland, OR, USA",
"included_to_health": false
"included_to_health": false,
"critical_alert_threshold": 60
"name": "required",
"argument": "maintenance",
"stack": "instance.test_ids[1] requires property \"maintenance\""
"product_id": "easybridge",
"errors": []
I just need only
"product_id": "equella",
"errors": [
"property": "instance.test_ids[1]",
"message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",
if the errors json array is not empty. i don't need even this json how can i remove "schema" json object and other unnecessary json object and arrays specially "schema" json object using java script or java. please help
Loop through the array, look at each object, and create a new array by copying over the data you need.
For instance, I'm taking it you don't care about an object if its array of errors is empty, and that you don't care about the schema ever:
let newJSON = [];
//Assume the json variable is the parsed JSON file you posted.
for (let element of json) {
//Must have at least one error
if (element.errors.length > 0) {
//Create a new object
let newObj = {
"product_id" : element.product_id,
"errors" : []
//Add each errror
for (let error of element.errors) {
//Only copy across what we need
"property" :,
"message" : error.message
//Add object to our new array of JSON
//newJSON is your processed JSON output
The easiest solution can be:
const records = [{
"product_id": "learningstudio",
"errors": []
"product_id": "pearsontestprep",
"errors": []
"product_id": "equella",
"errors": [{
"property": "instance.test_ids[1]",
"message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",
"schema": {
"$id": "#/properties/test_ids/items",
const filteredRecords = => {
record.errors = => {
return {property: error. property, message: error.message};
return record;
You can use map and destructuring assignment to capture only desired properties
let json = [{"product_id": "equella", "errors": [{"property": "instance.test_ids[1]","message": "requires property \"maintenance\"",'xyz': 'not needed','useless': 'not needed',},{'xyz': 'not needed',}]},]
let op ={product_id,errors}) =>{
let { property, message } = errors[0]
return { product_id, errors: {property,message}}

How to hide object property to display using angular ng-model?

I want to hide _id to display on UI using ng-model , I see alot of examples of filtering data using ng-repeat but i did not find angular solution to achieve this task using ng-model.How can hide _id property to display ?
<div ng-jsoneditor="onLoad" ng-model="" options="obj.options" ></div>
$ = {
"_id": "58a3322bac70c63254ba2a9c",
"name": "MailClass",
"id": "MailTask_1",
"createdBy": "tyuru",
"__v": 0,
"properties": [{
"label": "Java Package Name",
"type": "String",
"editable": true,
"binding": {
"type": "property",
"name": "camunda:class"
"$$hashKey": "object:29"
"appliesTo": [
var json = {};
function loadCurrentUserAndTemplate() {
.then(function(resp) {
$scope.currentUser =;
// console.log($scope.currentUser);
$scope.obj = {
data: json,
options: {
mode: 'tree'
var privateFields = removePrivateFields($, ['_id', '__v']);
// add private fields back to $ before POST
var modifiedData = Object.assign({}, $, privateFields);
function removePrivateFields(obj, props) {
var output = {};
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
output[prop] = obj[prop];
delete obj[prop];
return output;
function userTemplate(user) {
// console.log('inside template',$scope.currentUser);
.then(function(response) {
// console.log('userTemplate',;
// console.log(;
$scope.displayedTemplates =;
if ( !== 0 && !== null) {
$ =[0];
you can create a function like removePrivateFields to strip the private fields from original object and attach them back to the modified object before submitting to server
// for testing
var $scope = { obj: {} };
var jsonData = {
"_id": "58a3322bac70c63254ba2a9c",
"name": "MailClass",
"id": "MailTask_1",
"createdBy": "tyuru",
"__v": 0,
"properties": [{
"label": "Java Package Name",
"type": "String",
"editable": true,
"binding": {
"type": "property",
"name": "camunda:class"
"$$hashKey": "object:29"
"appliesTo": [
var privateFields = removePrivateFields(jsonData, ['_id', '__v']);
// private fields got removed form actual jsonData
$ = jsonData;
// once edit
// add private fields back to $ before POST
var modifiedData = Object.assign({}, $, privateFields);
function removePrivateFields(obj, props) {
var output = {};
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
output[prop] = obj[prop];
delete obj[prop];
return output;
It would be both more performant and along Angular best practices to instead delegate this functionality into your controller or the service fetching the object.
Ideally, you want to perform any object manipulation or formatting within an Angular service, but you could also do it within your controller (probably fine if you're just instantiating your JSON editor with mock data).

