How to properly install a Pinia Store? - javascript

I'm building a Vue 3 app using the OptionsAPI along with a Pinia Store but I frequently run into an issue stating that I'm trying to access the store before createPinia() is called.
I've been following the documentation to use the Pinia store outside components as well, but maybe I'm not doing something the proper way.
Situation is as follows:
I have a login screen (/login) where I have a Cognito session manager, I click a link, go through Cognito's signup process, and then get redirected to a home route (/), in this route I also have a subroute that shows a Dashboard component where I make an API call.
On the Home component I call the store using useMainStore() and then update the state with information that came on the URL once I got redirected from Cognito, and then I want to use some of the state information in the API calls inside Dashboard.
This is my Home component, which works fine by itself, due to having const store = useMainStore(); inside the mounted() hook which I imagine is always called after the Pinia instance is created.
<div class="home">
import {useMainStore} from '../store/index'
export default {
name: 'Home',
components: {
mounted() {
const store = useMainStore();
const paramValues = {}
const payload = {
// I construct an object with the properties I need from paramValues
store.updateTokens(payload); // I save the values in the store
Now this is my Dashboard component:
import axios from 'axios'
import {useMainStore} from '../store/index'
const store = useMainStore();
export default {
name: "Dashboard",
data() {
return {
user_data: null,
mounted() {
url: 'myAPIUrl',
headers: { 'Authorization': `${store.token_type} ${store.access_token}`}
}).then(response => {
this.user_data =;
}).catch(error => {
The above component will fail, and throw an error stating that I'm trying to access the store before the instance is created, I can solve this just by moving the store declaration inside the mounted() hook as before, but what if I want to use the store in other ways inside the component and not just in the mounted hook? And also, why is this failing? By this point, since the Home component already had access to the store, shouldn't the Dashboard component, which is inside a child route inside Home have the store instance already created?
This is my main.js file where I call the createPinia() method.
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
const pinia = createPinia();
And the error I get is:
Uncaught Error: [🍍]: getActivePinia was called with no active Pinia. Did you forget to install pinia?
My Store file:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
export const useMainStore = defineStore('main', {
state: () => ({
access_token: sessionStorage.getItem('access_token') || '',
id_token: sessionStorage.getItem('id_token') || '',
token_type: sessionStorage.getItem('token_type') || '',
isAuthenticated: sessionStorage.getItem('isAuthenticated') || false,
userData: JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('userData')) || undefined
actions: {
updateTokens(payload) {
this.id_token = payload.id_token;
this.access_token = payload.access_token;
this.token_type = payload.token_type
sessionStorage.setItem('id_token', payload.id_token);
sessionStorage.setItem('access_token', payload.access_token);
sessionStorage.setItem('token_type', payload.token_type);
sessionStorage.setItem('isAuthenticated', payload.isAuthenticated);
setUserData(payload) {
this.userData = payload;
sessionStorage.setItem('userData', JSON.stringify(payload));
resetState() {

It's possible but not common and not always allowed to use use composition functions outside a component. A function can rely on component instance or a specific order of execution, and current problem can happen when it's not respected.
It's necessary to create Pinia instance before it can be used. const store = useMainStore() is evaluated when Dashboard.vue is imported, which always happen before createPinia().
In case of options API it can be assigned as a part of component instance (Vue 3 only):
data() {
return { store: useMainStore() }
Or exposed as global property (Vue 3 only):
const pinia = createPinia();
const app = createApp(App).use(router).use(pinia);
app.config.globalProperties.mainStore = useMainStore();

Since you're using Vue 3, I suggest you to use the new script setup syntax:
<script setup>
import { reactive, onMounted } from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import { useMainStore } from '../store'
const store = useMainStore();
const data = reactive({
user_data: null
onMounted (async () => {
try {
const {data: MyResponse} = await axios({
method: "YOUR METHOD",
url: 'myAPIUrl',
headers: { 'Authorization': `${store.token_type} ${store.access_token}`}
data.user_data = MyResponse
} catch(error){
Using setup you can define that store variable and use it through your code.

everyone after a lot of research I found the answer to this issue,
you must pass index.ts/js for const like below:
<script lang="ts" setup>
import store from '../stores/index';
import { useCounterStore } from '../stores/counter';
const counterStore = useCounterStore(store());


Make shared property reactive in Vue Composition API composable by declaring variable outside of exported function

I am using the composition api plugin for vue2 ( to reuse composables in my app.
I have two components that reuse my modalTrigger.js composable, where I'd like to declare some sort of shared state (instead of using a bloated vuex state management).
So in my components I do something like:
import modalTrigger from '../../../../composables/modalTrigger';
export default {
name: 'SearchButton',
setup(props, context) {
const { getModalOpenState, setModalOpenState } = modalTrigger();
return {
And in my modalTrigger I have code like:
import { computed, ref, onMounted } from '#vue/composition-api';
let modalOpen = false; // needs to be outside to be accessed from multiple components
export default function () {
modalOpen = ref(false);
const getModalOpenState = computed(() => modalOpen.value);
const setModalOpenState = (state) => {
console.log('changing state from: ', modalOpen.value, ' to: ', state);
modalOpen.value = state;
onMounted(() => {
console.log('init trigger');
return {
This works, but only because I declare the modalOpen variable outside of the function.
If I use this:
export default function () {
const modalOpen = ref(false); // <------
const getModalOpenState = computed(() => modalOpen.value);
It is not reactive because the modalTrigger is instantiated twice, both with it's own reactive property.
I don't know if that is really the way to go, it seems, that I am doing something wrong.
I also tried declaring the ref outside:
const modalOpen = ref(false);
export default function () {
const getModalOpenState = computed(() => modalOpen.value);
But this would throw an error:
Uncaught Error: [vue-composition-api] must call Vue.use(plugin) before using any function.
So what would be the correct way to achieve this?
I somehow expected Vue to be aware of the existing modalTrigger instance and handling duplicate variable creation itself...
Well, anyway, thanks a lot in advance for any hints and tipps.
The complete header.vue file:
<header ref="rootElement" :class="rootClasses">
<button #click="setModalOpenState(true)">SET TRUE</button>
<slot />
import { onMounted, computed } from '#vue/composition-api';
import subNavigation from '../../../../composables/subNavigation';
import mobileNavigation from '../../../../composables/mobileNavigation';
import search from '../../../../composables/searchButton';
import { stickyNavigation } from '../../../../composables/stickyNav';
import metaNavigation from '../../../../composables/metaNavigation';
import modalTrigger from '../../../../composables/modalTrigger';
export default {
name: 'Header',
setup(props, context) {
const { rootElement, rootClasses } = stickyNavigation(props, context);
const { getModalOpenState, setModalOpenState } = modalTrigger();
onMounted(() => {
console.log('Header: getModalOpenState: ', getModalOpenState.value);
console.log('Header: getModalOpenStat: ', getModalOpenState.value);
return {
The composition API is setup somewhere else where there are Vue components mounted a bit differently than you normally would.
So I can't really share the whole code,but it has this inside:
import Vue from 'vue';
import CompositionApi from '#vue/composition-api';
The composition API and every other composable works just fine...

What's the Idiomatic way for using custom api client across react components?

My frontend application contains the ApiClient class which hides details about http communication with my server.
That's simple TypeScript class with an axios client as private field.
I faced with doubt about initializing client at root component and passing it to some children.
At this moment I initiate my client in the root component as simple js field from constructor:
constructor() {
... // init state here
... // some initializations like this.handler = this.handler.bind(this)
this.apiClient = new ApiClient()
Some children components depend on apiClient too (e.g. login component should send request to the login endpoint, editModal component sends request for updating entity by id).
Now I'm passing apiClient as props:
<Login show={}
/> }
What is the idiomatic way for passing it to the component? Is it correct to pass the client as props?
If I understand react documentation correctly, props and state are used for rendering, and that's a bit confusing for me
If your api client doesn't depend on any props/state from the components, the best way is to initialise it separately and then just import in the file where you need to use it:
// apiClient.js
export const apiClient = new ApiClient();
// component.js
import {apiClient} from '../apiClient';
If you need to handle login/logout inside component, which sets the token inside the api client, you can add login and logout methods, which would be called after the client is initialised. Since you have only one instance of the client inside your app, these changes (login and logout) will have effect inside all the components that use the client:
// Client.js
class ApiClient {
constructor() {
// do intance init stuff if needed
this.token = null;
login(token) {
this.token = token;
logout() {
this.token = null;
// apiClient.js
export const apiClient = new ApiClient();
// component.js
import { apiClient } from '../apiClient';
const LoginPage = props => {
const handleLogin = () => {
const token = // get the token
// anotherComponent.js
const User = props => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [])

With Vue-cli, where do I declare my global variables?

In most Vue.js tutorials, I see stuff like
new Vue({
store, // inject store to all children
el: '#app',
render: h => h(App)
But I'm using vue-cli (I'm actually using quasar) and it declares the Vue instance for me, so I don't know where I'm supposed to say that I want store to be a "Vue-wide" global variable. Where do I specify that? Thanks
Yea, you can set those variables like this, in your entrypoint file (main.js): = 'THIS IS STORE VARIABLE';
and later access it in your vue instance like this:
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
methods: {
yourMethod() { // can be accessible here.
You can also see this in the vue-docs here.
Edit 1:
from the discussions in the comment sections about "no entrypoint file" in quasar's template.
what you can do is, to go to src/router/index.js, and there you will be able to get access to Vue, through which you can set a global variable like this:
import routes from './routes'
Vue.prototype.a = '123';
and then if you console.log it in App.vue, something like this:
export default {
name: 'App',
mounted() {
now, look at your console:
You can also do the same in App.vue file in the script tag.
You don't need to make the store a global variable like that, as every component (this.$store) and the Vue instance itself have access to the store after the initial declaration.
Take a look at the Quasar docs for App Vuex Store.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
count: 0
mutations: {
updateCount(state) {
state.count += 1
import App from './App.vue'
import store from '/path/to/store.js'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: h => h(App)
If you need to access the store from within a component you can either import it (as we did in main.js) and use it directly [note that this is a bad practice] or access using this.$store. You can read a bit more about that here.
In any case here's the official Getting Started guide from Vuex team
We could add the Instance Properties
Like this, we can define instance properties.
Vue.prototype.$appName = 'My App'
Now $appName is available on all Vue instances, even before creation.
If we run:
new Vue({
beforeCreate: function() {
Then "My App" will be logged to the console!
Slightly redundant to the aforementioned answer, but I found this to be simpler per the current Vuex state documentation at the time of this reply.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
export default function (/* { ssrContext } */) {
const Store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
// example
state: {
cdn_url: ''
// for dev mode only
strict: process.env.DEV
return Store
...and then in your component, e.g. YourPage.vuex
export default {
name: 'YourPage',
loadImages: function () {
img.src = this.$store.state.cdn_url + `yourimage.jpg`
Joining the show a bit late, but the route I personally use in Quasar is to create a Boot file for my global constants and variables.
I create the Boot file (I call it global-constants.js but feel free to call it whatever).
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.prototype.globalConstants = {
baseUrl: {
website: '',
api: ''
if (process.env.DEV) { = 'http://localhost'
Vue.prototype.globalConstants.baseUrl.api = 'http://localhost/API/v1'
if (process.env.DEV) {
console.log('Global Constants:')
Then add a line in quasar.conf.js file to get your Boot file to kick:
module.exports = function (ctx) {
return {
boot: [
'global-constants' // Global Constants and Variables
Then to use it:
from Vuex
for example: + '/UpdateUserPreferences/', payload)
from Vue HTML page
{{ globalConstants.baseUrl.api }}
from Vue code (JavaScript part of Vue page
An alternative Vue3 way to this answer:
// Vue3
const app = Vue.createApp({})
app.config.globalProperties.$appName = 'My App'
app.component('child-component', {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$appName) // 'My App'

accessing vuex store in js file

Just like in main.js, I'm trying to access my store from a helper function file:
import store from '../store'
let auth = store.getters.config.urls.auth
But it logs an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getters' of undefined.
I have tried
Same result.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
config: 'config',
getters: {
config: state => state.config
export default store
How do I make my store available outside of components?
The following worked for me:
import store from '../store'
// => 'config'
This Worked For Me In 2021
I tried a bunch of different things and it seems, at least in Vue 3, that this works. Here is an example store:
export default {
user: {
bearerToken: 'initial',
Here is my Getters file:
export default {
token: (state) => () => state.user.bearerToken,
Inside your .js file add the page to your store\index.js file.
import store from '../store';
In order to access the getters just remember it is a function (which may seem different when you use mapGetters.)
console.log('Checking the getters:', store.getters.token());
The state is more direct:
console.log('Checking the state:', store.state.user.bearerToken);
If you are using namespaced modules, you might encounter the same difficulties I had while trying to retrieve items from the store;
what might work out for you is to specify the namespace while calling the getters (example bellow)
import store from '../your-path-to-your-store-file/store.js'
// for instance
put brackets on your import and it should work
import { store } from '../store'
using this approach has worked for me:
// app.js
import store from "./store/index"
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
store, //vuex
window.App = app;
// inside your helper method
window.App.$store.commit("commitName" , value);
if you are using nuxt you can use this approach
if you have multiple modules
export default ( { store } ) => {

How to get vuex state from a javascript file (instead of a vue component)

I am working with vuex (2.1.1) and get things working within vue single file components. However to avoid too much cruft in my vue single file component I moved some functions to a utils.js module which I import into the vue-file. In this utils.js I would like to read the vuex state. How can I do that? As it seems approaching the state with getters etc is presuming you are working from within a vue component, or not?
I tried to import state from '../store/modules/myvuexmodule' and then refer to state.mystateproperty but it always gives 'undefined', whereas in the vue-devtools I can see the state property does have proper values.
My estimate at this point is that this is simply not 'the way to go' as the value within the js file will not be reactive and thus will not update or something, but maybe someone can confirm/ prove me wrong.
It is possible to access the store as an object in an external js file, I have also added a test to demonstrate the changes in the state.
here is the external js file:
import { store } from '../store/store'
export function getAuth () {
return store.state.authorization.AUTH_STATE
The state module:
import * as NameSpace from '../NameSpace'
Import everything in NameSpace.js as an object.
call that object NameSpace.
NameSpace exports const strings.
import { ParseService } from '../../Services/parse'
const state = {
[NameSpace.AUTH_STATE]: {
auth: {},
error: null
const getters = {
[NameSpace.AUTH_GETTER]: state => {
return state[NameSpace.AUTH_STATE]
const mutations = {
[NameSpace.AUTH_MUTATION]: (state, payload) => {
state[NameSpace.AUTH_STATE] = payload
const actions = {
[NameSpace.ASYNC_AUTH_ACTION]: ({ commit }, payload) => {
ParseService.login(payload.username, payload.password)
.then((user) => {
commit(NameSpace.AUTH_MUTATION, {auth: user, error: null})
.catch((error) => {
commit(NameSpace.AUTH_MUTATION, {auth: [], error: error})
export default {
The store:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import authorization from './modules/authorization'
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
So far all I have done is create a js file which exports a function returning the AUTH_STATE property of authorization state variable.
A component for testing:
<template lang="html">
<label class="login-label" for="username">Username
<input class="login-input-field" type="text" name="username" v-model="username">
<label class="login-label" for="password" style="margin-top">Password
<input class="login-input-field" type="password" name="username" v-model="password">
<button class="login-submit-btn primary-green-bg" type="button" #click="login(username, password)">Login</button>
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import * as NameSpace from '../../store/NameSpace'
import { getAuth } from '../../Services/test'
export default {
data () {
return {
username: '',
password: ''
computed: {
authStateObject: NameSpace.AUTH_GETTER
authState () {
return this.authStateObject.auth
authError () {
return this.authStateObject.error
watch: {
authError () {
console.log('watch: ', getAuth()) // ------------------------- [3]
authState () {
if (this.authState.sessionToken) {
console.log('watch: ', getAuth()) // ------------------------- [2]
methods: {
authorize: NameSpace.ASYNC_AUTH_ACTION
login (username, password) {
this.authorize({username, password})
console.log(getAuth()) // ---------------------------[1]
On the button click default state is logged on to the console. The action in my case results in an api call, resulting a state change if the username - password combination had a record.
A success case results in showing the console in authState watch, the imported function can print the changes made to the state.
Likewise, on a fail case, the watch on authError will show the changes made to the state
For anyone wondering how to access a mutation from a javascript file, you can do the following:
import store from './store'
store.commit('mutation_name', mutation_argument);
Or for actions,
store.dispatch('action_name', action_argument)
import store from './store'
and than
store.commit('mutation_name', mutation_argument)
if you use js file
You can also access actions like:
import store from './store'
store.dispatch('action_name', action_argument)

