Why can I no longer do live edits in chrome developer tools? - javascript

I am creating a website and I used to make changes in the .js files in the Sources tab. These changes were directly reflected in the page. However, for some reason this does not work anymore. Note I am not willing to save these changes. It is just to do some quick tweaks and see the results directly. I tried it on another PC as well and also via Edge developer tools. Even older version of my website were it worked earlier.
Any suggestion, I am completely lost on what has caused this??


ReCaptcha does not load / show in IE but works perfectly in Chrome and safari

On http://www.dutchsupercross.nl/inschrijven I implemented a captcha at the bottom. But does not seem to work in Internet Explorer.
It also looks like that IE does not like to load HTTPS because i do not see that this file is loaded in the developer tools (Network) When i change it to HTTP it seems to load the javascript but still nothing shows up.
Any ideas are welcome
I checked the website in my Chrome, Mozilla, IE, and Yandex browsers and it worked pretty well. Sometimes the browsers have something about the compatibility.
There is a good documentation in google's recaptcha website. Check the following link and apply the steps under the section "reCAPTCHA isn't displaying properly on Internet Explorer, what do I do?"
The link is: Google reCAPTCHA website
I can't find nearest possible issue,
I don't rely much on dealing browser specific without encourage the user to update their browser.
Since the implication may not only issue like this.
Based on SO question,
we won't and we can't agreed all of that. Which if we decide support IE we should drop IE older than 11 now on.
Which also proper and diligent decision that you take, base on microsoft official documentation
Which i want to highlight is when we decide browser support we also should take care of the browser ecosystem.
That you probably can upgrade the jquery version from 2.1.0 to 2.1.4 which from semantic versioning it's just the patch, that hopefully doesn't break your code.
But futhermore you should include upgrade the minor patch to your working schedule which suit your need and priority.
Frankly i can't find the glance on the change log, so i can't guarantee that this work.
But personally this is better than repetition same debugging process that the result is uncertain.
Action step:
Make sure follow installation recapcha properly.
Which display mode you choose to display the widget ?
Its also have different behaviour.
Recaptcha doc already notice that automatic render is the easiest way. Use this if you don't, but more importantly change this display mode if this
can fix your issue.
It possible jquery bug, but be aware directing it. (Possibilities unreported, not yet fixed, fixed on certain version).
3 Most possible nearest bug for me 1764, 3041 since it will render through iframe
Fixed on certain version :
Work on your code with jQuery changelog
Work on your code, while upgrading it. (have draw back on it's own).
Not yet Fixed.
seek out on jquery issue
seek out on bug
Issue and Bug are differs.
Follow framework or lib specific for re
Unreported and Untracked
It's a bit hard to recaptcha since

Website works in incognito and doesn't work in standart chrome's mode. How to fix

There is a situation when some Website is working in Chrome's Incognito mode and work with bugs on doesn't work at all in standard mode. Sometimes the reason for this problem is in installed chrome extensions (Javascript effect works in "Incognito mode" only (Chrome))
And in another place (note: link no longer works and is not archived on the wayback machine) it was told:
One of the elements had an id of "adcontent", which I am guessing is black-listed by either Chrome or one of the plugins.
So my question: Is there a list of bad Id's/classes/js functions etc. that can cause problems with chrome's extensions? Or maybe a list of rules to prevent this problem.
Update 1: I don't have URL of the website with this problem. I just came across this situation while was reading something else and decided to ask if there are some common rules for that.

App unresponsive when javascript-profiling them

For a while I've been trying to run a JavaScript CPU profile of some applications I've developed, but everytime I start running the JavaScript CPU profiler in Chrome Dev tools, the application will stop responding at all (same as the profiler).
However, I noticed that this is not specific to my application, since I've been able to reproduce the same problem in other popular applications like Travis-CI.
I've been suspecting of extensions and plugins, but running without them doesn't seem to make a different -- the problem persists.
I've tested simpler apps with the same technology (the To-Do MVC example built in EmberJS) and that profile works just as fine.
I'm currently using Chrome 40.0.2214.111 m (64-bit).
Any idea on what the problem may be?
Update: I've tested both under incognito and guest browser mode. I thought the guest browser made a difference because I was able to profile my application once without problems. However, trying that again proved that the problem still persists.
Furthermore, I've found that the freezing time does not seem to be related with the application itself. Sometimes it'll hang when I focus an element, sometimes when I move around, some other times when I am in the middle of writing into a textbox. There seems to be nothing specific about the functionality of the app that's triggering this.
I've also tried disabling most extensions, without luck. I'll try disabling plugins as well and run as bare of a Chrome as possible.
Update 2: I've disabled all plugins and extensions completely, but the problem persists. I've also let the session go on to see if it eventually recovers. After around 2 hours, it was in the same situation. No bigger CPU consumption nor memory consumption, and other Chrome instances or tabs worked perfectly fine. I was able to close the developer tools but not interact with the original page anymore.
Update 3: I've just upgraded to Chrome 41 because it has been released in the stable branch, and I know it does include a few more things in the profiling section. I tried again and it didn't seem to make any difference.

Using chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab() from DevTools console

I'm curious as to whether it is possible to take a screenshot directly from Chrome's DevTools using chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab (be it from the console or from within a snippet), without going through the process of creating an extension.
Is this somehow possible? If not, how would you suggest going about taking a screenshot that reliably mimics the current page (html2canvas doesn't seem to render everything properly). Thanks for your help.
Here is a page screenshot tool provided by Google. After installed, you may open "chrome-extension://cpngackimfmofbokmjmljamhdncknpmg/js/page_context.js" in browser to see its code. This extension do not use Chrome Extension API. It works well in most pages, except some complicated pages.

Clearing javascript cache in ie10 not working, can no longer debug javascript changes

Now that I have upgraded to IE10, it's very difficult to get my javascript changed files to get recognized.
In IE9, you could simply use the 'clear the cache' button in the develepor panel and could see your javascript changes.
This no longer works (apparently) -- is there some other way to get IE10 to dump your cache? This is brutal!
On Windows 7, using VS2010 and just upgraded to IE10.
I think I found out the answer... it appears that IE10 either added (or added this as a default) a setting 'PRESERVE FAVORITES WEBSITE DATA' ... this was checked (by default) and although I havent thoroughly tested it, I think this is why my js files were not being purged.
It's incredibly easy to get bugs due to bad caching. Developing with caching turned on (and manually purging the cache) is mission-impossible.
If you're using a server-side scripting language to generate your page you can use fingerprinting.
You can add a querystring to the URL that is always different, this makes it so browsers will never cache the scripts. Very useful for development, terrible for live :P
Eg: script.js?fingerprint=123456 where 123456 is a different number each page load.
A more involved solution would look at actual changes in the source code.
In my web-based mySQL application, IE-10 (with default settings) often refuses to show the present state of the mySQL database. It usually shows the state of an earlier visit (showing records that were deleted, or not showing records that were added).
This is a consequence of a changeable IE-10 setting. (Unfortunately I have only access to a Dutch-speaking IE-10, MS refuses me to download an English speaking browser). In rough translation: go to Internet options/General. You see "Browsing History" with a button "Settings". Hit it and you will see radio buttons determining the search for fresh pages. The default is "automatic", change it to "search for fresh page on every visit". This fixed my problem
Unfortunately however, I don't know how to set this from within my app, so I have to inform my users about it. This is awkward.

