Sometime Ag grid pagination range number is showing ? symbol - javascript

What could be the possible reason? This is my Image and getRows code
getRows: (params: IServerSideGetRowsParams) => {
const { startRow, endRow, sortModel, filterModel } = params.request;
if (startRow === 0 && initialRender) {
variables: {
result: 'ProjectSummary',
startRow: startRow,
endRow: endRow,
headerFilter: state.card,
filtergroup: JSON.stringify(state?.defaultFilter),
sortModel: JSON.stringify(sortModel?.length ? sortModel[0] : {}),
}).then((response) => {
if (response?.data) {
const { datarows, total } = JSON.parse(response?.data?.lpapqpprojectsumm.body);
if (response?.data?.lpapqpprojectsumm?.statusCode === '200') {
rowData: datarows,
rowCount: total,
} else {
}).catch((error) => {


Wordpress Gutenberg subscribe not getting updated meta field value

I've been trying to resolve this issue where using the Gutenberg meta box updates, doesn't fetch the new updated meta value.
Meta registration:
add_action('init', function() {
register_meta('post', 'open_unit', array(
'type' => 'string',
'single' => true,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => function() {
return current_user_can('edit_posts');
register_meta('post', 'open_active', array(
'type' => 'boolean',
'single' => true,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'auth_callback' => function() {
return current_user_can('edit_posts');
register_meta('post', 'open_abstract', array(
'type' => 'string',
'single' => true,
'show_in_rest' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => function($text) {
return sanitize_text_field($text);
'auth_callback' => function() {
return current_user_can('edit_posts');
Enqueue assets:
add_action('enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ($screen->post_type === 'page') return;
plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/admin.js',
array('wp-i18n', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-edit-post', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-components', 'wp-data', 'wp-plugins', 'wp-edit-post', 'wp-api-fetch'),
filemtime(dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/js/admin.js')
const el = element.createElement;
const { Fragment } = element;
const { registerPlugin } = plugins;
const { PluginDocumentSettingPanel } = editPost;
const { TextareaControl, ToggleControl, Text } = components;
const { withSelect, withDispatch, subscribe, registerStore } = data;
const ActiveCheckboxControl = compose.compose(
withDispatch(function(dispatch, props) {
return {
setMetaValue: function(metaValue) {
//{ meta: { [props.metaKey]: (openValidate && metaValue) } }
{ meta: { [props.metaKey]: metaValue } }
withSelect(function(select, props) {
return {
metaValue: select('core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta')[props.metaKey],
}))(function(props) {
return el(ToggleControl, {
label: props.title,
checked: props.metaValue,
onChange: function(content) {
const AbstractTextControl = compose.compose(
withDispatch(function(dispatch, props) {
return {
setMetaValue: function(metaValue) {
{ meta: { [props.metaKey]: metaValue } }
withSelect(function(select, props) {
return {
metaValue: select('core/editor').getEditedPostAttribute('meta')[props.metaKey],
}))(function(props) {
return el(TextareaControl, {
label: props.title,
value: props.metaValue,
onChange: function(content) {
registerPlugin('open', {
render: function() {
return el(Fragment, {},
name: 'open',
title: 'Open'
// Active
metaKey: 'open_active',
title : 'Show'
// Abstract
metaKey: 'open_abstract',
title : 'Abstract'
let isSavingChecked = true;
let editor ='core/editor');
const getOpenUnit = () => editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta') ? editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta').open_unit : null;
const getOpenActive = () => editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta') ? editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta').open_active : false;
const getOpenAbstract = () => editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta') ? editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta').open_abstract : null;
let openUnit = getOpenUnit();
let openActive = getOpenActive();
let openAbstract = getOpenAbstract();
const unsubscribe = subscribe( _.debounce( () => {
const isSavingPost = editor.isSavingPost();
const newOpenUnit = getOpenUnit();
const newOpenActive = getOpenActive();
const newOpenAbstract = getOpenActive();
if (isSavingPost) {
isSavingChecked = false;
} else {
if(!isSavingChecked) {
let post = editor.getCurrentPost();
let data = {
active: openActive ? 'active':'paused',
abstract: post.meta.open_abstract,
wp_title: post.title,
wp_image: post.featured_media
let openValidation = openValidate(data);
if (openValidation.valid) {
if(openActive !== newOpenActive || openAbstract !== newOpenAbstract || openUnit !== newOpenUnit) {
} else {
console.log(newOpenUnit); //This field is not returning the updated meta field from Wordpress
} else {'core/notices').removeNotice('OPEN_NOTICE');'core/notices').createNotice(
openValidation.messages.join(', '),
{ id: 'OPEN_NOTICE', isDismissible: true }
isSavingChecked = true;
openActive = newOpenActive;
openAbstract = newOpenAbstract;
openUnit = newOpenUnit;
I am basically trying to fetch the updated meta field:
const getOpenUnit = () => editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta') ? editor.getEditedPostAttribute('meta').open_unit : null;
But it's currently looking like this in the console where it's null(console.log(openUnit)) or empty(console.log(newOpenUnit)) Lines 195 & 224
Any help or advice would be appreciated!
The easiest way I have found to get and set meta is using useEntityProp() in a function component. It is a lot easier to reason about than using withSelect and withDispatch.
import { __ } from '#wordpress/i18n';
import { useSelect } from '#wordpress/data';
import { useEntityProp } from '#wordpress/core-data';
import { TextControl } from '#wordpress/components';
export default function MetaComponent(props) {
const postType = useSelect((select) => {
return select('core/editor').getCurrentPostType();
const [meta, setMeta] = useEntityProp('postType', postType, 'meta');
return (
label={ __('Meta', 'pb') }
value={ meta.open_abstract ? meta.open_abstract : '' }
onChange={ (value) => setMeta({open_abstract: value}) }

Find JSON array element value is null or undefined from multiple JSON objects

I have a set of JSON objects having the wsDestAddress key, so how do I traverse the JSON objects or do a wild search for wsDestAddress key in present JSON objects to find the key is present or not and returning null or ""?
JSON Object #1
"gfutd": {
"wsRequestData": {
"wsDestAddress": ""
JSON Object #2
"igftd": {
"wsRequestData": {
"wsDestAddress": ""
JSON Object #3
"y7igfutd": {
"wsResponseData": {
"wsDestAddress": ""
JSON Object #4
"y7igptdf": {
"wsRequestData": {
"returnAddress": {
"wsDestAddress": ""
I know this code works fine
if (y7igfutd.wsRequestData.wsDestAddress == "" ||
igftd.wsRequestData.wsDestAddress == "" ||
y7igfutd.wsResponseData.wsDestAddress == "" ||
y7igfutd.wsRequestData.returnAddress.wsDestAddress == "") {
return "result"
But I want to do a wild search for wsDestAddress as the JSON keys search.
Here is an answer using object-scan. Your requirements were not entirely clear, but I'm sure you can easily adjust the below code to meet your needs.
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const data1 = { gfutd: { wsRequestData: { wsDestAddress: '' } } };
const data2 = { igftd: { wsRequestData: { wsDestAddress: '' } } };
const data3 = { y7igfutd: { wsResponseData: { wsDestAddress: '' } } };
const data4 = { y7igptdf: { wsRequestData: { returnAddress: { wsDestAddress: '' } } } };
const data5 = { y7igptdf: { wsRequestData: { returnAddress: { other: '' } } } };
const search = objectScan(['**.wsDestAddress'], {
filterFn: ({ value }) => value === '',
rtn: 'bool',
abort: true
// => true
// => true
// => true
// => true
// => false
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan
You can find the first item that has a "wsDestAddress" value of "" via:
const data = [
{ "y7igfutd" : { "wsResponseData" : { "wsDestAddress" : "" }}},
{ "igftd" : { "wsRequestData" : { "wsDestAddress" : "" }}},
{ "y7igfutd" : { "wsResponseData" : { "wsDestAddress" : "" }}},
{ "y7igptdf" : { "wsRequestData" : { "returnAddress" : { "wsDestAddress" : "" }}}}
// Adapted from:
const findValue = (object, key) => {
let value;
Object.keys(object).some(k => {
if (k === key) {
value = object[k];
return true;
if (object[k] && typeof object[k] === 'object') {
value = findValue(object[k], key);
return value !== undefined;
return value;
const oneMatches = (arr, key, value) =>
arr.some(item => findValue(item, key) === value);
const allMatches = (arr, key, value) =>
arr.every(item => findValue(item, key) === value);
console.log(oneMatches(data, 'wsDestAddress', '')); // Some = true
console.log(allMatches(data, 'wsDestAddress', '')); // Every = true

Updating Array from AsyncStorage

I have an array of objects called audioBaby.
When the app launches I check asyncStorage and if any key has value active, I want to update the lock keys in the array.
What I have done is not updating all objects in array but only the last object.
How can I initially update the array from asyncStorage and render the screen?
const [audioBaby, setAudioBaby] = useState([
lock: "deactive",
url: "item0.mp3",
lock: "deactive",
url: "item1.mp3",
lock: "deactive",
url: "item2.mp3",
useEffect(() => {
try {
"babyAudio0Status", //value: active
"babyAudio1Status", //value: active
"babyAudio2Status", //value: active
]).then((response) => {
let updatedList = audioBaby;
if (response[0][1] != "null" && response[0][1] == "active") {
updatedList = => {
if (item.url == "item0.mp3") {
return { ...item, lock: "active" };
return item;
if (response[1][1] != "null" && response[1][1] == "active") {
updatedList = => {
if (item.url == "item1.mp3") {
return { ...item, lock: "active" };
return item;
if (response[2][1] != "null" && response[2][1] == "active") {
updatedList = => {
if (item.url == "item2.mp3") {
return { ...item, lock: "active" };
return item;
} catch (error) {
console.log("error::", error);
}, []);
Final array should be like this:
lock: "active",
url: "item0.mp3",
lock: "active",
url: "item1.mp3",
lock: "active",
url: "item2.mp3",
I moved all ifs to inside of map function and everything is fine.
let updatedList = => {
if (item.url === 'item0.mp3' && response[0][1] === 'active') {
return { ...item, lock: 'active' }
if (item.url === 'item1.mp3' && response[1][1] === 'active') {
return { ...item, lock: 'active' }
if (item.url === 'item2.mp3' && response[2][1] === 'active') {
return { ...item, lock: 'active' }
return item

Yields "TypeError: Cannot read property 'xxxx' of undefined" after running jest with Vue

I'm trying to make a test using jest with Vue.
the details below.
Can't mount using shallowMount option.
Run the test after mounting the component using shallowMount option that provides in Vue-test-utils.
Throw error "Cannot read property 'XXXX' of undefined
This is my test code.
import myComponent from '#/~';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import Vuelidate from 'vuelidate';
import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '#vue/test-utils';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe('myComponent~', () => {
let store;
beforeEach(() => {
store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
user: {
namespaced: true,
getters: {
profile: () => {
const profile = { name: 'blahblah' };
return profile;
describe(' is "blahblah"', () => {
it('return something~', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(myComponent, {
mocks: {
$api: {
options: {
testMethod() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$i18n: {
t() {
return {
EN: 'EN',
KO: 'KO',
JP: 'JA',
SC: 'zh-CN',
TC: 'tw-CN',
I think the problem is that property isn't set as a specified value or an empty value like an array or object.
But I don't know how I set properly the properties in my logic.
For example,
when the error yields "Cannot read property 'images' of undefined",
I add to a wrapper in the relevant method like this.
exampleMethod() {
this.something = => {
if (item.detailContent.images) { // <-- the added wrapper is here
But the undefined properties are so many, I also think this way is not proper.
How I do solve this problem?
These are details about the above example method:
exampleMethod() {
this.something = => {
let passValidation = false;
let failValidation = false;
if (item.detailContent.images) {
if (this.detail.showLanguages.includes(item.code)) {
if (this.configId !== 'OPTION1') {
item.detailContent.images = => {
return {
required: true,
checkValidationPass = true;
} else {
if (this.configId !== 'OPTION1') {
item.detailContent.images = => {
return {
required: false,
checkValidationPass = false;
return {
required: passValidation,
warning: failValidation,
if (this.configId === 'OPTION2') {
} else if (this.configId === 'OPTION3') {
} else {
And this is 'this.something':
data() {
return {
something: []
The detailContent is set here.
setMethod() {
this.something = [
this.something = => {
let details1 = {};
if (this.configId === 'OPTION2') {
details1 = {
images: [
{ deviceType: 'PC', titleList: [null, null], imageType: 'IMAGE' },
{ deviceType: 'MOBILE', titleList: [null, null, null] }
} else if (this.configId === 'OPTION3') {
details1 = {
images: [
{ deviceType: 'PC' },
{ deviceType: 'MOBILE' }
links: { linkType: 'EMPTY' },
let details2 = {
mainTitle: {
content: null,
let checkValidation = false;
this.detail.detailLanguages.forEach(element => {
if (element.language === item.code) {
details1 = { ...element };
if (!!element.mainTitle) {
details2 = { ...element };
} else {
details2 = {
if (this.configId !== 'OPTION1') {
details1.images = => {
return {
required: true,
checkValidation = true;
return {
detailContent: this.configId !== 'OPTION1' ? details1 : details2,
required: false,
warning: false,

How to add a value into an object which is inside map function?

I am using map function to iterate an object. but in one scenario i have to use nested map function. I try to add an value to an empty object inside an map function, but instead of adding values it replacing it. can anyone help me with this?
// object stores final results
let valid_data={}
//object to iterate
let test_cases = {
[ { test_case_no: 1,
test_case_description: 'user-status active - response 200',
value: 'active',
response_code: 200,
valid: 'yes' },
{ test_case_no: 2,
test_case_description: 'user-status inactive - response 200',
value: 'inactive',
response_code: 200,
valid: 'no' },
{ test_case_no: 3,
test_case_description: ' inappropriate user-status - response 400',
value: 'notAdmin',
response_code: 400,
valid: 'no' } ],
sample1: [ { obj1: [Array], obj2: [Array], test_case_no: 4 } ]
//my code to iterate an object
Object.entries(test_cases).map((property) => {
const field_name = property[0]
const field_definition = property[1]
Object.entries(field_definition).map((property) => {
if (property[1].valid != 'yes' && property[1].valid != 'no') {
Object.entries(field_definition).map((property) => {
Object.entries(property[1]).map((propertyy) => {
Object.entries(propertyy[1]).map((property) => {
nested_data = []
nested_value = {}
if (property[1].valid == 'yes') {
nested_value[propertyy[0]] = property[1].value
nested_data.push(Object.assign({}, nested_value))
valid_data[field_name] = (Object.assign({}, nested_value))
else if (property[1].valid == 'yes') {
valid_data[field_name] = property[1].value;
Actual result:
“{ sample: 'active',
sample1: { obj2: 2019-07-01T09:50:46.266Z } }”
Expected result:
“{ sample: 'active',
sample1: [{ obj1: 2019-07-01T09:50:46.266Z,obj2: 2019-07-01T09:50:46.266Z }] }”
Wrong var initialisation in your code.
Try this loop :
Object.entries(test_cases).map((property) => {
const field_name = property[0]
const field_definition = property[1]
Object.entries(field_definition).map((property) => {
if (property[1].valid != 'yes' && property[1].valid != 'no') {
nested_value = {}
Object.entries(property[1]).map((propertyy) => {
Object.entries(propertyy[1]).map((property) => {
if (property[1].valid == 'yes') {
nested_value[propertyy[0]] = property[1].value;
valid_data[field_name] = (Object.assign({},
} else if (property[1].valid == 'yes') {
valid_data[field_name] = property[1].value;
Working jsfiddle
Object.entries(test_cases).map((property) => {
const field_name = property[0]
const field_definition = property[1]
Object.entries(field_definition).map((property) => {
if (property[1].valid != 'yes' && property[1].valid != 'no') {
nested_data = []
nested_value = {}
Object.entries(property[1]).map((propertyy) => {
Object.entries(propertyy[1]).map((property) => {
if (property[1].valid == 'yes') {
nested_value[propertyy[0]] = property[1].value;
valid_data[field_name] = nested_data
} else if (property[1].valid == 'yes') {
valid_data[field_name] = property[1].value;

