Remove letters from string 'peshoishere' with javascript - javascript

Each time i find a sequence of characters 'eho' , 'piere' remove it from the initial string and print the modified string.Which is the best method to do it in javascript?

output = input.replace(/eho/g, '').replace(/piere/g, '');
you need to do this as a RegExp to replace ALL instances of the the pattern


Regular Express for Javascript - Contain a specific word in the beginning after get any character until a certain character comes

I need a certain type of regular expression where I need list of special type of strings from a string. Example input:
str = 'this is extra data which i do not need /type/123456/weqweqweqweqw/ these are more extra data which i dont need /'
Result needed:
Here the /type/ string will be constant and the remaining will be dynamic i.e. 123456/weqweqweqweqw and the last string will be /.
I tried:
var myRe = /\/type\/(.*)\//g
But this matches everything from /type/ to the end of the string.
Instead of repeating ., which will match anything, repeat anything but a space via \S+, so that only the URL part of the string will be matched:
const str = 'this is extra data which i do not need /type/123456/weqweqweqweqw/ these are more extra data which i dont need /';
It's tagged Python, so here is a solution:
import re"/type/[^/]*/[^/]*/",str)
Out: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(39, 66), match='/type/123456/weqweqweqweqw/'>

string replace using a regex

I have a string after Json.stringify in javascript using node. I wanted to replace the text in the string which starts with 'ab' then followed by some numbers(atleast one digit), with 'ab^^^^^^' where the number of '^' s should be equal to the number of digits after ab. The text starting with ab can occur atleast once, In this example it occurs twice. I need help in regex and replacing the string
string - in this, text starting with ab occurs twice.
var str = JSON.stringify({"abc":{"idcardno":"ertyuiop","form":{"somestring":"This string:\n- can have multiple \nab12345ab5677\n","flag":"true","flag2":"false"},"anothertext":"samplestring","numbetstr":"7"}});
after the regex replace it should be like this
{"abc":{"idcardno":"ertyuiop","form":{"somestring":"This string:\n- can have multiple \na^^^^^ab^^^^\n","flag":"true","flag2":"false"},"anothertext":"samplestring","numbetstr":"7"}}
As per the post below the below will be the contents of, coming in multiple lines. How do I do the regex(above mentioned) replace of this object?
This string:
- can have multiple
Don't process stringifed JSON with regexp. Process the JavaScript object itself, then stringify. In your case, assuming obj is the input: = transform(;
str = JSON.stringify(obj);
where transform is a regexp/replace making the transformation you want.
#torazaburo is right, it's a bad practice to manipulate JSON directly. Once you get ahold of the string in, though, you can use replace, passing a function:
str.replace(/ab\d+/g, function(match) {return match.replace(/\d/g,'^')})

Compare content from a textfile in javascript

I'm just trying to split textfile data into words and then comparing it but it don't return true.
var contents ="\n");
if (contents[0] === "abc"])
above is the simplest code i am trying to test but even on a single word it gives false. Help
Why you are placed ] in your if condition after "abc"? Remove it
if (contents[0] === "abc"])
I'm just trying to split textfile data into words
Based on this, I'm assuming you actually want to split your text by whitespace, rather than just unix newlines (\n). If that's the case, try passing a RegExp for one or more consecutive whitespace characters (/\s+/), instead of \n as your separator:
var contents =\s+/);
if (contents[0] === "abc")
This will tokenize using consecutive whitespace as separators.

Javascript:Replace single characters after the string

I'm trying to do something which seems fairly basic, but can't seem to get it working.
I'm trying to strip the characters after the last instance of an underscore.
I have this long Query String:
Now I replace the separator = in separator %24+ and & in +%23+ using fr=fr.replace(/\&/g,"+%23+");
javascript Mako
= %24+
& +%23+
But the result is:
Now I am interested how to replace this = after the value jsondata.
In the Query string there is the string json_data+%23+ and this +%23+ I want replace to =
Strip the characters after the last instance of an underscore:
json_data.substring(0, json_data.lastIndexOf("_"));
Replace +%23+ with =
json_data.replace("+%23+", "=");
However, if you're trying to turn all the %xx into what they're supposed to be, you should url decode the string instead.
Which would probably have to be something like:
decodeURIComponent((json_data).replace('+', '%20'));

assign matched values from jquery regex match to string variable

I am doing it wrong. I know.
I want to assign the matched text that is the result of a regex to a string var.
basically the regex is supposed to pull out anything in between two colons
so blah:xx:blahdeeblah
would result in xx
var matchedString= $(current).match('[^.:]+):(.*?):([^.:]+');
I am looking to get this to put the xx in my matchedString variable.
I checked the jquery docs and they say that match should return an array. (string char array?)
When I run this nothing happens, No errors in the console but I tested the regex and it works outside of js. I am starting to think I am just doing the regex wrong or I am completely not getting how the match function works altogether
I checked the jquery docs and they say that match should return an array.
No such method exists for jQuery. match is a standard javascript method of a string. So using your example, this might be
var str = "blah:xx:blahdeeblah";
var matchedString = str.match(/([^.:]+):(.*?):([^.:]+)/);
// -> "xx"
However, you really don't need a regular expression for this. You can use another string method, split() to divide the string into an array of strings using a separator:
var str = "blah:xx:blahdeeblah";
var matchedString = str.split(":"); // split on the : character
// -> "xx"

