How to keep already chosen value in ReactJS - javascript

I have following code.
What I'm trying to do is, in the first step, select one of the elements, store it in my state, and in the last step, console.log all my data. Also, the user can go from the last step to the first and change what he chose before. But the problem is that I can't save what the user selects for the first time.
For example, if the user selects the second one, and then on the last step they go back, then the first one is displayed as selected. How can I fix this?
here is my code
const [current, setCurrent] = useState(0);
const [data, setData] = useState({
firstName: "AAA",
lastName: "BBB",
age: 26
const steps = [
content: (
<PackageChoose setCurrent={setCurrent} data={data} setData={setData} />
id: 0
content: <LastStep setCurrent={setCurrent} data={data} />,
id: 1
return (
<div className="App">
packageChoose (or first step)
const PackageChoose = ({ setCurrent, data, setData }) => {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(1);
const [packageType, setPackageType] = useState(data.package || "choice");
return (
onClick={() => {
setData({, packageType: packageType });
text="text 1"
onClick={() => {
setData({, packageType: packageType });
text="text 2"
<button onClick={() => setCurrent(1)}>Next</button>
Last step
const LastStep = ({ setCurrent, data }) => {
return (
onClick={() => {
<button onClick={() => console.log("data===>", data)}> submit </button>
Selected Card reusable component
const SelectCard = ({ id, selected, onSelect, text }) => {
const myClassName =
id === selected
? Styles.selectCardWrapperActives
: Styles.selectCardWrapper;
return (
<div className={classNames(myClassName)} onClick={() => onSelect(id)}>
<div> {text} </div>
Please help me to fix this problem.

You can move the selected state in PackageChoose to App level.
In App.js define the selected state and pass as props.
export default function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(1);
In PackageChoose use the props passed above and remove the local selected state.
const PackageChoose = ({ setCurrent, data, setData, setSelected, selected }) => {

You need to update the packageType inside onClick handler. Since setState calls are batched and enqueued inside event handler and state updates may be asynchronous. You can't access the packageType state immediately after setting it.
Card 1
onClick={() => setData({, packageType: "choice" })}
Card 2
onClick={() => setData({, packageType: "select" })}
set the packageType directly on data.


Filtering "All" category by props with React

I'm having a filter logic on the page. Clicking on different buttons I'm filtering the initial array. How can I display all the items in the array to the sibling component by clicking the "All" button in the filtering component. Need to pass function to the parent component if I'm getting it right.
Parent component
const ShopPage = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState(Categories);
const filterResult = (catItem) => {
if (!catItem) {
} else {
const result = Categories.filter(
(curData) => curData.category === catItem
return (
<div className={styles.wrapper}>
<Filters filterResult={filterResult} />
<Products products={data} />
export default ShopPage;
Child component
const Filters = ({ filterResult }) => {
return (
<div className={styles.filterbtns}>
<div onClick={() => filterResult("Cap")} className={styles.filterbtn}>
<div onClick={() => filterResult("Shirt")} className={styles.filterbtn}>
onClick={() => filterResult("Jogging")}
// needed to change the useState data of the compnonent and show all of the items
<div onClick={() => filterResult()} className={styles.filterbtn}>
export default Filters;
Consider passing null as filterResult parameter from the all button:
<div onClick={() => filterResult(null)} className={styles.filterbtn}>
This can be captured in the filterResult function where you set the result back to the original Categories if no filter category was passed:
const result = catItem
? Categories.filter((curData) => curData.category === catItem)
: Categories;
Updated SandBox:

React functional component child won't re-render when props change

I'm passing an array of objects to a child as props, and I wanted the child component to re-render when the aray changes, but it doesn't:
export default function App() {
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
const buttonCallback = () => {
setItems([...items, { text: "new item" }]);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Items list should update when I add item</h1>
<button onClick={buttonCallback}>Add Item</button>
<Items />
const Items = ({ itemlist = [] }) => {
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Items changed!"); // This gets called, so the props is changing
}, [itemlist]);
return (
<div className="items-column">
?, i) => <Item key={i} text={item.text + i} />)
: "No items"}
<br />
{`Itemlist size: ${itemlist.length}`}
I found this question with the same issue, but it's for class components, so the solution doesn't apply to my case.
Sandbox demo
<Items propsname={data} />
const buttonCallback = () => {
setItems([...items, { text: "new item" }]);
but you should put it as:
const buttonCallback = () => {
setItems([...items, { text: "new item", id: }]);
Because is not recommended to use index as a key for react children. Instead, you can use the actual date with that function. That is the key for React to know the children has changed. => <Item key={} text={item.text} />)
Try below:
you are adding array as a dependency, to recognise change in variable, you should do deep copy or any other thing which will tell that useEffect obj is really different.
const Items = ({ itemlist = [] }) => {
const [someState,someState]=useState(itemlist);
useEffect(() => {
}, [JSON.stringify(itemlist)]);
return (
<div className="items-column">
?, i) => <Item key={i} text={item.text
+ i}
: "No items"}
<br />
{`Itemlist size: ${someState.length}`}

Why changes in Checkbox's value are not displayed?

I'm using react and material ui. I need to get all checkboxes in a list checked by checking one checkbox in a parent component (i.e. I need to select all). I pass down the correct value of the parent checkbox via props, but that doesn't trigger visual changes in its children, even though their values do change to 'true'. I'm sure that the values are correct, because I tried logging them to the console.
Here's the parent:
const [checkboxValue, setCheckboxValue] = useState(false)
<Checkbox value={checkboxValue} onChange={e => setCheckboxValue(}/>
{ => (<Element selectAll={checkboxValue}/>))}
And here's the child:
function Element(props) {
const [checkboxValue, setCheckboxValue] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
}, [props.selectAll])
return (
<Checkbox value={checkboxValue} onChange={e => setCheckboxValue(}/>)
you are using value instead of checked
function SingleCheckBox({ selectAll }) {
const [checkboxValue, setCheckboxValue] = useState(selectAll);
useEffect(() => {
}, [selectAll]);
return (
onChange={(e) => setCheckboxValue(}
export default function App() {
const [checkboxValue, setCheckboxValue] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="App">
onChange={(e) => {
<h2>Other checkboxes</h2>
<SingleCheckBox selectAll={checkboxValue} />

Filter through posts via OnClick function

I'm trying to filter through some posts based on their category if a button is clicked. For example I have a button that when clicked the only posts that show up are related to software projects.
I have set up a function called searchHandler that I've passed through to my SidebarOptions component, which has the onclick event. But when I pass it through nothing happens.
Here is the code in the (parent) Home Component where the searchHandler is:
function Home() {
const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]);
const [filteredPosts, setFilteredPosts] = useState(null);
const searchHandler = (event) => {
const { value } =;
? posts.filter(
(post) =>
: null
useEffect(() => {
.orderBy("timestamp", "desc")
.onSnapshot((snapshot) =>
setPosts( => ({
}, []);
return (
<div className="home">
<Header searchHandler={searchHandler} />
<div className="home__content">
<Sidebar searchHandler={searchHandler} />
<Feed posts={filteredPosts || posts} />
<Widget />
Here is the (child) Sidebar component that receives it:
import React from "react";
import "../Style/Sidebar.css";
import SidebarOptions from "./SidebarOptions";
function Sidebar({ searchHandler }) {
return (
<div className="sidebar">
<SidebarOptions searchHandler={searchHandler} />
export default Sidebar;
And here is the (grandchild)SidebarOptions that the function is finally sent to:
function SidebarOptions({ searchHandler }) {
return (
<div className="sidebarOptions">
<div className="sidebarOption" onChange={() => searchHandler}>
alt="Software Projects"
<p>Software Projects</p>
I think you need to revisit your SideBarOptions component. I wonder if the onChange handler makes sense on a div. I think it should be input rather than a div if you want your user to type. Also, you need to call your handler with the value that is typed, here you are not calling the handler (notice the missing () after searchHandler in your code for SideBarOptions). Also, it will be better to add something like a debounce so that the filter is not triggered for every character that a user types. It should ideally be triggered once a user stops typing, debounce is precisely that.
Putting some code snippet below based on my guess about how it might work.
const SideBarOptions = ({ searchHandler }) => {
const [filterText, setFilterText] = useState("");
const handleFilter = () => {
return (
<div className="sidebarOptions">
<input name="filterText" value={filterText} onChange={(e) => setFilterText(} />
<div className="sidebarOption" onChange={() => searchHandler}>
<img src="!d" srcset="!d"
alt="Software Projects"
<p>Software Projects</p>
<button onClick={handleFilter}>Filter</button>
So I was able to solve this by making a new function called categoryfilter in the Home component that went through the options and looked for the category of the posts in the database:
const categoryFilter = (category = "All") => {
const filtered =
category === "All"
? posts
: posts.filter(({ question }) => question.option === category);
I then passed that code as a prop to the sidebarOptions div after cleaning up the code a bit and used it to filter the posts based on the category name:
function SidebarOptions({ categoryFilter }) {
const categories = [
//Add all projects
name: "All",
imgUrl: "",
name: "Software Project",
name: "Engineering Project",
return (
<div className="sidebarOptions">
{ => (
onClick={() => categoryFilter(}
{category.imgUrl && (
<div className="sidebarOption">
<Add />
<p>Suggest Project Space</p>
export default SidebarOptions;

ReactJS Change the JSX from onClick function

i have a backend api build on nodejs. in the code the api return some categories array.
i ran .map() function on the array to display the array in the JSX.
after that i added a checkBox to each object inside the array.
so what im trying to do is if the checkbox is true its will added another h1 Element (JSX).
Only to the object i clicked on the checkbox.
i tryied to add "status" props and make it false or true and then catch it with onClick
"YES" : "NO"
also, i tried to added checkBox useState and make it true or false . and its work. but not as i want
its display Yes or No to the all objects and not only to the on i clicked on.
const Category = ({ history }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const user = useSelector((state) => state.waiter)
const selectedCategory = useSelector((state) => state.selectedTable)
const [currectCategory, setCurrectCategory] = useState([])
const [categoryName, setCategoryName] = useState("")
const [categoryIMG, setCategoryIMG] = useState("not found")
const [checkBox, setCheckBox] = useState("false")
useEffect(() => {
if (! {
} else {
(async () => {
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:1000/categories/' + selectedCategory)
const data = await res.json()
setCurrectCategory( =>
}, [user])
const goBack = () => {
const handleCheck = (e) => {
return (
<Button className="LogButton" color="secondary" onClick={goBack}>back</Button>
<div className="SingleCategory">
{ => {
return (
<Row className="Col-padd" key={category}>
<InputGroup className="mb-3">
<b className="ItemName"> {category} </b>
<img src={categoryIMG} height="100" width="100" ></img>
<FormCheck id={category} className="Checkbox" onChange={handleCheck}></FormCheck>
{checkBox == "true" ? <b>yes</b> : <b>No</b>}
Thanks for help !!
You are only creating a single value for the checkbox. If you want to show for all the checkbox, if you have to track the value for each checkbox shown below,
const [checkBox, setCheckBox] = useState({}); // checkBoxName: value
const handleCheck = (e) => {
setCheckBox((prev) => {...prev, []:};
{!!checkBox['name'] === true ? <b>yes</b> : <b>No</b>}
//change the attribute according to your implementation.
Your problem is that you're just creating a single value for the checkbox and not separating the individual checkboxes. You could solve this in many different ways, but you would be well served by extracting the code for your checkbox to a separate component.
const Checkbox = ({ category, categoryIMG }) => {
const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false);
const handleCheck = () => {
setIsChecked((prevState) => !prevState);
return (
<Row className="Col-padd" key={category}>
<InputGroup className="mb-3">
<b className="ItemName"> {category} </b>
<img src={categoryIMG} height="100" width="100"></img>
<FormCheck id={category} className="Checkbox" onChange={handleCheck}></FormCheck>
{isChecked == 'true' ? <b>yes</b> : <b>No</b>}
With a separate checkbox component like above you could instantiate it like this in the map:
{ => (
<Checkbox category={category} categoryIMG={categoryIMG} />

