Change process.env variable for single test using JEST [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
how to reset module imported between tests
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
i have the following code in a file that i'm trying to test:
let localEnv = (process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT).toLowerCase() === 'prod' ? 'prod' : 'stage';
currently, i set this value using setupFiles which points to env.js and it contains:
process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT = 'prod';
my question is, how do i change process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT to test (or anything else) in foo.test.js? Just need to do this in a single test, so this line will be covered in my test coverage.
I tried doing something like this but it didn't work...
test('Nonprod', async () => {
process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT = 'test';

You can alter the value as you tried. However you have to take into account that in your original file you only access the variable when you first load this script. In order to make this work you have to do sth like this:
// in your test file foo.test.js
const prev = process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT
process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT = 'test'; // from now on the env var is test
const myModule = require('./foo.js'); // foo.js is executed and the var is read as test
process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT = prev; // change value back
This has some caveheats as you cant test multiple scenarios with this (as the module is only loaded in once).
If you want to test more scenarios you have multiple options:
One would be to split the logic and process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT apart, for example
function getLocalEnv(env = process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT) {
return env.toLowerCase() === 'prod' ? 'prod' : 'stage';
This function is now very easy to test and doesn't depend on env vars for that anymore

I found the answer on how to reset and re-require the tested module here:
how to reset module imported between tests

The most easier way to test it for a specific test case is to set the test into a describe scope and to apply / remove the env value in beforeAll / afterAll or beforeEach / afterEach hooks depending on your needs.
describe('Test example', () => {
describe('prod (default)', () => {
test('do the thing', () => {
doTheThing(); // process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT is by default 'prod' because of your setupFiles
describe('test env', () => {
const oldEnv = process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT; // or { ...process.env } to copy the whole env
beforeAll(() => {
process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT = 'test';
afterAll(() => {
process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT = oldEnv; // do not forget to do this
test('do the thing', () => {
doTheThing(); // process.env.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT is 'test' here


NodeJS: How to assert if event callback function was called using sinon

How can I test if a callback function from a event listener is called? For example, I have the following code where app.js initializes the application through the init.js controller.
The main.js file has a class which extends and Event Emitter, making the object an event emitter.
const initController = require('./init');
async function init() {
const events = require('events'),
ui = require('./ui');
module.exports.getMain = function () {
class Main extends events.EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.status = null;
return new Main();
module.exports.init = () => {
const main = this.getMain();
module.exports.start = (main) => {
function init(main) {
main.on('http-init', onHttpInit.bind(this));
main.on('http-success', onHttpSuccess.bind(this));
main.on('http-error', onHttpError.bind(this));
main.once('app-ready', onAppReady.bind(this));
function start (main) {};
function onAppReady() {
console.log('APP READY');
function onHttpInit() {
console.log('HTTP INIT SEQUENCE');
function onHttpError(error) {
console.log('HTTP ERROR SEQUENCE');
function onHttpSuccess() {
module.exports = exports = {
exports.startMain = () => {
console.log('Start application');
// Load application modules
const main = require('./main');
// Start the application
So, when I run the command node app.js, I see the following output
Start application
which means that the listeners are active and that the functions are called.
const sinon = require('sinon'),
main = require('../main').getMain(),
proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noPreserveCache().noCallThru();
describe('UI Tests', () => {
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
let controller = null;
before(() => {
controller = proxyquire('../ui', {});
describe('Testing Eventlisteners', ()=> {
afterEach(() => {
const eventMap = new Map([
[ 'http-init', 'onHttpInit' ],
[ 'http-success', 'onHttpSuccess' ],
[ 'http-error', 'onHttpError']
eventMap.forEach((value, key) => {
it(`should register an eventlistener on '${key}' to ${value}`, () => {
const stub = sinon.stub(controller, value);
However, when I run the above test, even though I get the output, i.e. the functions were called, however, sinon assert always fails saying the below:
UI Tests
Testing Eventlisteners
1) should register an eventlistener on 'http-init' to onHttpInit
2) should register an eventlistener on 'http-success' to onHttpSuccess
3) should register an eventlistener on 'http-error' to onHttpError
0 passing (16ms)
3 failing
1) UI Tests
Testing Eventlisteners
should register an eventlistener on 'http-init' to onHttpInit:
AssertError: expected onHttpInit to have been called at least once but was never called
at (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:106:21)
at failAssertion (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:65:16)
at Object.assert.(anonymous function) [as called] (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:91:13)
at (test/ui.tests.js:25:30)
2) UI Tests
Testing Eventlisteners
should register an eventlistener on 'http-success' to onHttpSuccess:
AssertError: expected onHttpSuccess to have been called at least once but was never called
at (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:106:21)
at failAssertion (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:65:16)
at Object.assert.(anonymous function) [as called] (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:91:13)
at (test/ui.tests.js:25:30)
3) UI Tests
Testing Eventlisteners
should register an eventlistener on 'http-error' to onHttpError:
AssertError: expected onHttpError to have been called at least once but was never called
at (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:106:21)
at failAssertion (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:65:16)
at Object.assert.(anonymous function) [as called] (node_modules/sinon/lib/sinon/assert.js:91:13)
at (test/ui.tests.js:25:30)
I do not know why the tests fail even though the function was called at least once, which is seen by the outputs HTTP INIT SEQUENCE, HTTP SUCCESS SEQUENCE and HTTP ERROR SEQUENCE when I run the tests.
I tried doing stub.should.have.been.called;. With this the tests pass, however, it's not really passing the tests as both stub.should.have.been.called; or stub.should.not.have.been.called; pass the test regardless, instead of the latter failing the test.
Anybody know the reason for this failing test? Thank you for any help.
You run const stub = sinon.stub(controller, value); to stub the values exported by your ui module. This does change the values exported by the module, but the problem is with this code inside your ui module:
function init(main) {
main.on('http-init', onHttpInit.bind(this));
main.on('http-success', onHttpSuccess.bind(this));
main.on('http-error', onHttpError.bind(this));
main.once('app-ready', onAppReady.bind(this));
From the perspective of this code module.exports is mutated by your calls sinon.stub(controller, value) but this does not change the values of the symbols onHttpInit, onHttpSuccess, etc. symbols in the code above because these are symbols that are local to the scope of the ui module. You can mutate module.exports as much as you want: it still has no effect on the code above.
You could change your code to this:
function init(main) {
main.on('http-init', exports.onHttpInit.bind(this));
main.on('http-success', exports.onHttpSuccess.bind(this));
main.on('http-error', exports.onHttpError.bind(this));
main.once('app-ready', exports.onAppReady.bind(this));
You can use exports directly because you assign the same value to both module.exports and exports with module.exports = exports = ...
This change should fix the immediate issue you ran into. However, I'd modify the testing approach here. Your tests are titled should register an eventlistener on '${key}' to ${value} but really what your are testing is not merely that an event listener has been registered but that event propagation works. In effect, you are testing the functionality of that EventEmitter is responsible for providing. I'd change the tests to stub the on method of your main object and verify that it has been called with the appropriate values. Then the test would test what it actually advertises.
you are registering the main callbacks prior to stubbing, so the stubbed functions are not what is called, only the original functions. Try reversing the order in your it function:
eventMap.forEach((value, key) => {
it(`should register an eventlistener on '${key}' to ${value}`, () => {
const stub = sinon.stub(controller, value);
It also appears you are requiring main without using proxyquire. So then it would never be picking up the stub. A couple solutions: 1) rework main to take UI as a argument (i.e. dependency injection) in which case your tests could pass the stub to main; or 2) require main with proxyquire so you can force it to require the stubbed version. Let me know if you need more details.
Ok I do not about sinon, but the jest has same functionality called mock functions.
And jest has faced the same issue due to export Because of your export getMain,init and start in main.js and using getMain and start inside init.
Instead try to move getMain and start to separate module and export and test it. Let me know if issues still appears
After a week of questions and tests, I have found a solution. It was a bit of a combination of solutions from DDupont and Louis. The first change the following, in the ui.js file, add this. to the bind
function init(main) {
main.on('http-init', this.onHttpInit.bind(this));
main.on('http-success', this.onHttpSuccess.bind(this));
main.on('http-error', this.onHttpError.bind(this));
main.once('app-ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this));
And like DDupont said, in the unit test, move controller.init(main) after the stub
eventMap.forEach((value, key) => {
it(`should register an eventlistener on '${key}' to ${value}`, () => {
const stub = sinon.stub(controller, value);
Thank you for all the help.

Using Jest's test.each parameterized test variable scope

If I have a spec file like this:
let a;
beforeEach(() => {
a = 'hello';
describe('my test suite', () => {
[a, 'hello']
'testing %s with expected result %s',
(myVariable, expectedResult) => {
I get an error that a is undefined in the parameterized table. If I use a regular test method I have access to a.
You did forget the closing bracket on the beforeEach() line.
let a;
beforeEach(() => {
a = 'hello';
} );
You also have i% and %1 which is for integers, and you want strings (%s).
With only one test, you do not need the beforeEach() and can simply do:
const a:string = 'hello';
test.each([[a, 'hello']])(
'.compare(%s, %s)',
(myVariable, expected) => {
However, I cannot get this to work either. I can reference the variable directly in the test, such as:
const a:string = 'hello';
test.each([[a, 'hello']])(
'.compare(%s, %s)',
(myVariable, expected) => {
Using your myVariable will not get the value from a inside the closed loop of the test. Literals do work though. The beforeEach would defeat the purpose of setting a value there, as it would not need to be changed in the middle of the test.each() since this is meant to run the same test with different data. You can still create objects and other required things in your beforeEach, and reference them directly (my a variable), but the test data that changes for each run does not seem to get the value from the outside loop.

Jest onSpy - expected mock function to have been called

I'm struggling with using spyOn as part of testing my utils.js module. I've tried various methods and approaches but all seem to yield the "expected mock function to have been called". For the record, other unit tests work OK, so there shouldn't be any issue with my actual test setup.
Below is a simplified test case with two functions and one test, and I can't even get these to work. Did I misunderstand the spyOn altogether?
// utils.js
function capitalHelper(string){
return string.toUpperCase();
function getCapitalName(inputString){
return capitalHelper(inputString.charAt(0)) + inputString.slice(1);
exports.capitalHelper = capitalHelper
exports.getCapitalName = getCapitalName
// utils.test.js
const Utils = require('./utils');
test('helper function was called', () => {
const capitalHelperSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'capitalHelper');
const newString = Utils.getCapitalName('john');
I do ont use spyOn(), but jest.fn() instead for all mock scenario
In your case I would do the following
test('helper function was called', () => {
Utils.capitalHelper = jest.fn((s) => Utils.capitalHelper(s))
const newString = Utils.getCapitalName('john')
First line could have simply be :
Utils.capitalHelper = jest.fn()
since you don't seem to be testing the returned value in your test :)
You can find more details on jest.fn() on the jest official documentation :
----------------------- EDIT
I got it : the problem occurs because within your utils.js file, getCapitalName uses the defined function, not the one pointed by the export.
To be able to mock the function in use you could change your utils.js file to
// utils.js
const Utils = {
capitalHelper: string => string.toUpperCase(),
getCapitalName: inputString => Utils.capitalHelper(inputString.charAt(0)) + inputString.slice(1)
export default Utils
then the tests I gave before will work

mocha test (and babel) using global variables

I am writing library using es6, transpiling it with babel via webpack and npm.
The problem is, that my lib is dependent on some code, that I can not change but need to use. I don't know how to load var stuff (from the following example) in my tests so that it is visible for the module.
See the example:
external-stuff.js - this one can not be changed and is loaded before my lib is loaded on prod env.
var stuff = {
get some() { return "some"; }
get stuff() { return "stuff"; }
some-module.js - this is one of the modules in the library
export class foo {
static get whatever() { return stuff.some; }
static get whichever() { return stuff.stuff; }
import {foo} from "../src/foo.js";
let assert = require('assert');
describe('foo', function() {
describe('#whatever()', function() {
it("should do some", function () {
assert.equals(foo.whatever(), "some");
If I run this I get "ReferenceError: stuff is not defined"
I already tried to define "stuff" in before() hook, but no success.
In the end I found a solution that's 'good enough'. I am not sure it would be sufficient for some advanced library though.
I have created file called globals.js
var g = typeof(window) === 'undefined' ? global : window;
// Dependencies - add as many global stuff as needed
g.stuff= typeof(stuff) === 'undefined' ? {} : stuff;
And I import this 'es6module' at the beginning of test
import * as globals from "../lib/global/globals"
import {foo} from "../src/foo.js";
And then I use node-import npm module with which I load the global to the tests in beforeEach hook.
beforeEach(function () {
global.stuff = imports.module("lib/global/stuff.js").stuff;
This is perfect for unit testing because I can also mock stuff. And its even more awesome because this way I have a place where I 'define' global dependencies. It would be nice to improve on it and make it per es6modul dependencies... and build on it something fancy... ya know.. dependency injection.
complete test
require('node-import'); // +
import * as globals from "../lib/global/globals"; // +
import {foo} from "../src/foo.js";
let assert = require('assert');
describe('foo', function() {
beforeEach(function () { // +
global.stuff = imports.module("lib/global/stuff.js").stuff; // +
}); // +
describe('#whatever()', function() {
it("should do some", function () {
assert.equals(foo.whatever(), "some");

Using external class during client side Mocha unit testing

I am running unit tests on a javascript class using Mocha using the follow methodology, firstly the test:
var base = require('../moduleone.js');
describe("some test", function() {
it("description", function() {
var check = base.toBeTested(dummyValue)
//test is here ...
the moduleone.js containing function to be tested:
function toBeTested(category){
//below I calling an assert function defined in moduletwo
//works fine when running in browser
assert(type(category)=='string','category is string type');
//more code..
return something
module.exports.toBeTested = toBeTested;
function assert(outcome, description) {
//see quick and easy javascript testing with assert
var li = outcome ? 'pass' : 'fail';
if (li == 'fail') {
console.log('FAIL: '+description);
else {
console.log('PASS: '+description);
The issue I have is mocha doesn't know anything about moduletwo and when the moduleone function calles the function in moduletwo mocha throws a ReferenceError: assert is not defined. How can I link all my dependencies so that mocha can see them?
In your moduleone.js be sure that you are requireing moduletwo.js to bring your assert function into scope for moduleone.js. Otherwise, you get a ReferenceError, not for any reasons with mocha, but because moduleone does not have access to assert.
// moduletwo.js
function assert(outcome, description) { /* your functionality */ }
module.exports = assert
// moduleone.js
var assert = require('./moduletwo')
function toBeTested(category) { /* your functionality that uses assert */ }
module.exports.toBeTested = toBeTested
Now, with regards to that tutorial. If you are following it to learn how to make an easy assert module, that is fine. But if you are trying to test some code that does something else, consider using an existing assertion library like chai. For example:
// example.test.js
var expect = require('chai').expect
var isValidCategory = require('./is-valid-category')
describe('isValidCategory(category)', function () {
it('validates string categories', function () {
expect(isValidCategory('A String Category'))
it('does not validate non-string categories', function () {
expect(isValidCategory(['an', 'array', 'somehow']))
// is-valid-category.js
module.exports = function isValidCategory(category) {
return typeof category === 'string'

