I am facing a problem where I want to return all the rows one by one without interupting the current function. The issue is intermittent. Sometimes I can get all the datatables data but sometimes not.
Then I started investigating and realised after checking the developer tool in network section that it throws error after page 10. And the error is 429 too many requests. Also, realised that the script was synchronous json call.
429 too many requests
I tried using below code in my script but the spin is not working. Also, found that this is not recommended way.
Can someone help me with solution? Thank you
// Set the global configs to synchronous
async: false
My Script
function getMed(sDate, eDate) {
var pData;
var firstURL = mUrl + "?sDate=" + moment(sDate).format(dateFormat) + "&eDate=" + moment(eDate).add(1, 'day').format(dateFormat) + "&pNum=1";
}).done(function (data) {
if (pData.Number > 0) {
var counter = 0;
// Set the global configs to synchronous
async: false
var requestsProcessed = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= pData.Number; i++) {
$("#iconSpin").css('display', 'block');
var pURL = mUrl + "?sDate=" + moment(sDate).format(dateFormat) + "&eDate=" + moment(eDate).add(1, 'day').format(dateFormat) + "&pNum=" + i;
console.log("calling: " + pURL);
var pageRequest = $.getJSON(pURL, function (data) {
$("#progress").innerHTML = "Fetching batch " + requestsProcessed + " of " + pData.Number + " batches.";
}).fail(function () {
$("#iconSpin").css('display', 'none');
console.log("fail for " + pURL + " in " + new Date());
console.log("completed for " + pURL + " in " + new Date());
} else {
alert("There is no data.");
}).fail(function () {
$("#iconSpin").css('display', 'none');
I have a small weather app. I get the weather data via "POST" request and append it to the document, that works good.
The users can query the weather by City, now I wanted to load an image of that city with a separate jQuery $Ajax() request.
However, I always get the same result.
The app relevant app structure looks like this:
<input id="getIt" name="cityajax" type="text" class="ghost-input"
placeholder="Enter a City" required> // get user input, querying a city
<button id="submit">Submit</button>
<span class="humidLogo">Current humidity:</span> <i class="fas fa-temperature-low" ></i> <span class="apiHumidity"> % </span>
<div class="FlickResponse"></div> // flickrResposnse gets appended here
The CSS is not relevant, so I follow up with the relevant JS function right away:
var destination = $("#getIt").val(); // cache the user input, I am not sure I have to listen for a change event here and then update the state.
var flickerAPI =
"https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json&tags=" +
destination; // the url to get access the api
url: flickerAPI,
dataType: "jsonp", // jsonp
jsonpCallback: "jsonFlickrFeed", // add this property
success: function(result, status, xhr) {
$(".FlickResponse").html(""); // here I want to empty the contents of the target div, but this never happens
$.each(result.items, function(i, item) {
.attr("src", item.media.m)
if (i === 1) {
return false;
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
"Result: " +
status +
" " +
error +
" " +
xhr.status +
" " +
That is all. So why do I always get the same response from the API? Do I have to listen to change events on the input field? Because the POSt request work without a change event listener.
Is it because I am querying 2 APIs and I am using the same input field for the value(stupid question, but you never know x).?
Here is a Codepen with the full code, just enter a city and click the submit button:
I would pull the image retrieval (and weather lookup) into another function as shown below, then you're good!
I've forked to another codepen: updated example
function loadDestinationImage() {
var destination = ($("#getIt").val());
var flickerAPI = "https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json&tags=" + destination;
url: flickerAPI,
dataType: "jsonp", // jsonp
jsonpCallback: 'jsonFlickrFeed', // add this property
success: function (result, status, xhr) {
$.each(result.items, function (i, item) {
$("<img>").attr("src", item.media.m).addClass("oneSizeFitsAll").appendTo(".FlickResponse");
if (i === 1) {
return false;
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
$(".FlickResponse").html("Result: " + status + " " + error + " " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText)
I'd do the same with the weather:
function loadWeather() {
var destination = ($("#getIt").val());
$.post("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" +
destination +
function (result, status, xhr) {
var APIresponded = result["main"]["temp"];
var APIweather = result["weather"][0]["description"];
var sunGoing = result["sys"]["sunset"];
var output = destination.capitalize();
var humidValue = result["main"]["humidity"];
var windy = result["wind"]["speed"];
var windDirection = result["wind"]["deg"];
if (windDirection <= 90) {
windDirection = "southwest"
if (windDirection <= 180) {
windDirection = "northwest"
if (windDirection <= 270) {
windDirection = "northeast"
if (windDirection <= 360) {
windDirection = "southeast"
if (APIweather.includes("snow")) {
$('#displaySky').addClass('far fa-snowflake');
if (APIweather.includes("rain")) {
$('#displaySky').addClass('fas fa-cloud-rain');
if (APIweather.includes("overcast")) {
$('#displaySky').addClass('fas fa-smog');
if (APIweather.includes("sun") || APIweather.includes("clear")) {
$('#displaySky').addClass('fas fa-sun');
if (APIweather.includes("scattered")) {
$('#displaySky').addClass('fas fa-cloud-sun');
$("#message").html("The temperature in " + output + " is : " + APIresponded + " degrees. The sky looks like this: ");
$(".apiHumidity").text(humidValue + " %");
$('.apiWind').html(windy + 'km per hour. The wind direction is ' + windDirection);
).fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
alert("Result: " + status + " " + error + " " +
xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText);
And call from the submit function:
$("#submit").click(function (e) {
In my application, I have an XML file that connects to different API and gathers information. Then in a div, it shows the fetched information.
I do it successfully, but the issue is, the XML will not load if element one by one. It loads data in parallel, so the divs it creates are not in the right order like how they are in the xml file.
Here is a demo that get some data from local, SoundCloud, Spotify and iTunes.
And this is the XML file it is loading from:
url: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33538012/text.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: parse,
error: function() {
function parse(document) {
var inc = 1;
$(document).find("track").each(function() {
var rowNum = inc;
var trackType = $(this).find('type').text();
var trackTitle = $(this).find('title').text();
var soundcloud_url = $(this).find('soundcloud_url').text();
var spotify_track_uri = $(this).find('spotify_track_uri').text();
var itunes_id = $(this).find('itunes_id').text();
if (trackType == "audio") {
inc = inc + 1;
$(".playlist").append("<div id='" + rowNum + "' >" + rowNum + " " + trackTitle + "</div>");
} else if (trackType == "soundcloud") {
inc = inc + 1;
client_id: "b8f06bbb8e4e9e201f9e6e46001c3acb"
SC.resolve(soundcloud_url).then(function(sound) {
trackTitle = sound.title;
$(".playlist").append("<div id='" + rowNum + "' >" + rowNum + " " + trackTitle + "</div>");
} else if (trackType == "spotify") {
inc = inc + 1;
var spotifyLink = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/" + spotify_track_uri;
$.getJSON(spotifyLink, function(data) {
trackTitle = data.name;
$(".playlist").append("<div id='" + rowNum + "' >" + rowNum + " " + trackTitle + "</div>");
} else if (trackType == "itunes") {
inc = inc + 1;
var iTuensLink = "https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?id=" + itunes_id + "&callback=?";
$.getJSON(iTuensLink, function(data) {
trackTitle = data.results[0].trackName;
$(".playlist").append("<div id='" + rowNum + "' >" + rowNum + " " + trackTitle + "</div>");
<script src="https://connect.soundcloud.com/sdk/sdk-3.1.2.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="playlist"></div>
If you look at the result of the code, the the number next to each row shows the order in the original XML file, but they are not loaded exactly one after each other.
Any way to sort the loaded files just like how they are written in the XML file?
You can use deffered object which are an extension of promise and can resolve it self.So they can act as a trigger when used with resolve
Crate an array that would hold our deffered objects note that order is important therefore numeric array is used
Just create a deffered
var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
Define what should be done on
$(".playlist").append("<div id='" + rowNum + "' >" + rowNum + " " + trackTitle + "</div>");
Finally push it on our array
After all api calls are over just call resolve on each
$.each(x, function(){
this.resolve(); //then callback gets called one by one on each deffered
You might want to have some mechanism to detect when the slowest call finishes and then call resolve
The latency of individual api varies greatly across geographies for example for me soundcloud was the most "laggy" so it ended up last but for someone else itunes may be the last to finish this is due to many variables like distance from server,ISP,throttling etc. so clearly you can never rely on "last man standing " approach so i could only suggest that use some sort of counter like this to track how many request are outstanding
First get total no. of nodes (inn xml) that have an api involved say you have just soundcloud and shopify so now total = 2 ; count = 0
so when the api request yields increment it by one like
$.getJSON(spotifyLink, function(data) {
trackTitle = data.name;
alert('shopify loaded');
SC.resolve(soundcloud_url).then(function(sound) {
trackTitle = sound.title;
alert('soundcloud loaded');
note that you need to increment on even failed api request (which may result from bad parameter etc.)
call a check function that will check if count == total on every success/fail part of api request
function check(){
alert('all api request finished');
//resolve all deffereds
I'm trying to scrape a number of pages that have a standard format. I've been able to use Phantomjs to successfully scrape a single page, but when I try to iterate over multiple ones, the asynchronous processing makes things hang up. What's the proper way to tell Casper/Phantom to wait?
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = require('fs');
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
phantom.outputEncoding = "utf-8";
// this overwrites the previous output file
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "w");
// this is the unique identifier for the locations. For now, I just have three datapoints
var EPAID = ["KYD980501076","ME8170022018", "MEN000103584"];
/// this code will be used to loop through the different locations. For now, set to look at only one.
for (q= 0; q < 1; q++) {
var processing = false;
//we construct the target url
var url = "http://iaspub.epa.gov/enviro/efsystemquery.cerclis?fac_search=site_epa_id&fac_value=" + EPAID[0] + "&fac_search_type=Beginning+With&postal_code=&location_address=&add_search_type=Beginning+With&city_name=&county_name=&state_code=&program_search=1&report=2&page_no=1&output_sql_switch=TRUE&database_type=CERCLIS" ;
page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
if ( status === "success" ) {
page.includeJs("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js", function() {
var str = page.evaluate(function() {
$value = [];
$Object = $(".result tr");
for (i =0 ; i < 10; i++) {
$value.push($Object.find('td').html(),$Object.find('td').next().next().html() );
$Object = $Object.next();
$string = "{ EPAID: "+ $value[0] + ", " +
"Name: "+ $value[1] + ", " +
"City: "+ $value[4] + ", " +
"State: "+ $value[6] + ", " +
"ZipCode: "+ $value[8] + ", " +
"Latitude: "+ $value[14] + ", " +
"Longitude: "+ $value[16] + " }" ;
return $string;
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "a");
processing = true;
console.log("writing to file");
// right here it should delay until the previous page is completed
// while (!processing) {
// setTimeout(function(){ console.log("waiting....");},1000);
// }
console.log("finished all pages");
If you switched to using casperJS, it is as simple as changing your page.open() into page.thenOpen(). (This CasperJS - How to open up all links in an array of links question looks very similar to yours?)
If you wanted to stick with PhantomJS you need to start the next page load in the onSuccess callback of the previous load. This is tedious, and needs care to avoid large memory usage. (I did it once or twice, but now simply use CasperJS.)
An alternative approach is to create the page object inside the loop. However that is not quite answering your question, as then they will run in parallel. But you could use setTimeout to stagger each once to avoid a burst of activity if you have hundreds of URLs!
Here is the code that ultimately works (using the timeout approach since I wasn't able to get the success callback to work better).
With casperjs installed, I named this file "process.js" and was able to run it from the command line as "casperjs process.js"
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = require('fs');
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
phantom.outputEncoding = "utf-8";
// this overwrites the previous output f
// this is the unique identifier for the locations.
var EPAID = ["NED981713837",... , "FLD049985302", "NJD986643153"];
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "w");
var count = 0;
var target = 1400;
var written = [];
function yourFunction(){
if (count < target) {
setTimeout(yourFunction, 5000);
} else {
function process(counter){
var processing = false;
console.log("Beginning record #" + counter);
//we construct the target url
var url = "http://iaspub.epa.gov/enviro/efsystemquery.cerclis?fac_search=site_epa_id&fac_value=" + EPAID[counter] + "&fac_search_type=Beginning+With&postal_code=&location_address=&add_search_type=Beginning+With&city_name=&county_name=&state_code=&program_search=1&report=2&page_no=1&output_sql_switch=TRUE&database_type=CERCLIS" ;
page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
if ( status === "success" ) {
page.includeJs("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js", function() {
var str = page.evaluate(function() {
$value = [];
$Object = $(".result tr");
for (i =0 ; i < 10; i++) {
$value.push($Object.find('td').html(),$Object.find('td').next().next().html() );
$Object = $Object.next();
$string = "{ \"EPAID\": \""+ $value[0] + "\", " +
"\"Name\": \""+ $value[1] + "\", " +
"\"City\": \""+ $value[4] + "\", " +
"\"State\": \""+ $value[6] + "\", " +
"\"ZipCode\": \""+ $value[8] + "\", " +
"\"Latitude\": "+ $value[14] + ", " +
"\"Longitude\": "+ $value[16] + " }," ;
return $string;
if (written[counter] === undefined) {
f = fs.open("lat_long.txt", "a");
written[counter] = true;
console.log("Writing to file #"+ counter);
I've been working on a script which collates the scores for a list of user from a website. One problem is though, I'm trying to load the next page in the while loop, but the function is not being loaded...
casper.then(function () {
var fs = require('fs');
json = require('usernames.json');
var length = json.username.length;
leaderboard = {};
for (var ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
var currentName = json.username[ii];
this.thenOpen("http://www.url.com?ul=" + currentName + "&sortdir=desc&sort=lastfound", function (id) {
return function () {
this.capture("Screenshots/" + json.username[id] + ".png");
if (!casper.exists(x("//*[contains(text(), 'That username does not exist in the system')]"))) {
if (casper.exists(x('//*[#id="ctl00_ContentBody_ResultsPanel"]/table[2]'))) {
tgsagc.cacheCount = 0;
continue = true;
this.echo("------------ " + json.username[id] + " ------------");
while (tgsagc.
continue) {
this.then(function () {
var findDates, pageNumber;
pageNumber = this.evaluate(tgsagc.pageNumber);
findDates = this.evaluate(tgsagc.getFindDates);
this.echo("Found " + findDates.length + " on page " + pageNumber);
this.echo(tgsagc.cacheCount + " Caches for " + json.username[id]);
this.echo("Continue? " + tgsagc["continue"]);
leaderboard[json.username[id]] = tgsagc.cacheCount;
console.log("Final Count: " + leaderboard[json.username[id]]);
} else {
this.echo("------------ " + json.username[id] + " ------------");
this.echo("0 Caches Found");
leaderboard[json.username[id]] = 0;
} else {
this.echo("------------ " + json.username[id] + " ------------");
this.echo("No User found with that Username");
leaderboard[json.username[id]] = null;
while (tgsagc.continue) {
var findDates, pageNumber;
pageNumber = this.evaluate(tgsagc.pageNumber);
findDates = this.evaluate(tgsagc.getFindDates);
this.echo("Found " + findDates.length + " on page " + pageNumber);
this.echo(tgsagc.cacheCount + " Caches for " + json.username[id]);
this.echo("Continue? " + tgsagc["continue"]);
return this.click("#tgsagc-link-next");
Ok, looking at this code I can suggest a couple of changes you should make:
I don't think you should be calling return from within your function within then(). This maybe terminating the function prematurely. Looking at the casperjs documentation, the examples don't return anything either.
Within your while loop, what sets "tgsagc.continue" to false?
Don't use "continue" as a variable name. It is a reserved word in Javascript used for terminating an iteration of a loop. In your case this shouldn't be a problem, but its bad practice anyhow.
Don't continually re-define the method within your call to the then() function. Refactor your code so that it is defined once elsewhere.
We ended up having to scope the function, so it loads the next page in the loop.
This is mainly because CasperJS is not designed to calculate scores, and it tries to asynchronously do the calculation, missing the required functions
Hey there,
Again, I've been searching a solution to find out why a function, would not being called... and guess what, I did not find.
I have a form, that I submit using jQuery Ajax. When error, I get every local data, I got, I sorted them, and show them to the user.
Here is the sample code :
type: "POST",
url: "http://xxx/register.php",
data: form,
success: function(msg){
//console.log("Data Saved: " + msg);
var data = parseJSON(msg);
if(data.msg.score != undefined){
var cpt = 0;
$.each(data.msg.score, function(index,el){
$('tbody').append('<tr class="win"><td>' + el.name + '</td><td>' + el.score + '</td></tr>');
$('tbody').append('<tr><td>' + el.name + '</td><td>' + el.score + '</td></tr>');
$.iGrowl(3,"Erreur inconnue...");
$( "#formule" ).css('opacity',0);
$( "#scorediv" ).css('opacity',1);
error: function(data) {
cpt = 0;
var i = 0;
arrayScore[i] = r;
arrayScore.sort(function(a, b){
return (b[3].value - a[3].value); //causes an array to be sorted numerically and descending
$.each(arrayScore, function(index,el){
//arrayScore.forEach(function(el) {
if(el[2].value == form[2].value)
$('tbody').append('<tr class="win"><td>' + el[1].value + '</td><td>' + el[3].value + '</td></tr>');
$('tbody').append('<tr><td>' + el[1].value + '</td><td>' + el[3].value + '</td></tr>');
return false;
var user = form;
store.save(user, function(r) {
$( "#scorediv" ).css('opacity',1);
My array is never sorted. If I change this part :
var i = 0;
arrayScore[i] = r;
by this :
arrayScore is never filled.
I try to execute each line in the console step by step, it works.... I'm getting kind of crazy... and I really do not know what could have happened ?
Any help would be graceful appreciate !
P.S : I'm using, jQuery1.5 + Lawnchair and CSS3 animation.
Code tested on safari and chrome.
Thanks !
Javascript array objects don't support a method called each. You should try
$.each(score, function(index, value){...});