Why won't nothing show. Did I mess up my if statement? - javascript

So I have this script that get 2 prices, and then finds the sum of it, and then finds a percentage of the sum depending on what state you choose, and then it adds the percentage. This script worked kind of fine without the if..else statement, but now that I added it, it won't work. Please help. Script:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2> Price checker </h2>
<input id = "x" type = "number" placeholder = "Price 1" >
<input id = "y" type = "number" placeholder = "Price 2" >
<select id="s">
<option value="NJ">NJ</option>
<option value="NY">NY</option>
<option value="PA">PA</option>
<option value="FL">FL</option>
<button onclick = "theFunction()">Calculate price</button>
<p id = "d"></p>
function theFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("x").value
var y = document.getElementById("y").value
var z = +x + +y
var v = document.getElementById("s").value
var percentToGet;
var percent;
var final;
if v == "NJ" {
var percentToGet = 6.625;
var percent = (percentToGet / 100) * z;
var final = +percent + +z
} else if v == "NY" {
var percentToGet = 4;
var percent = (percentToGet / 100) * z;
var final = +percent + +z
}else if v == "PA" {
var percentToGet = 2;
var percent = (percentToGet / 100) * z;
var final = +percent + +z
} else if v == "FL" {
var percentToGet = 6;
var percent = (percentToGet / 100) * z;
var final = +percent + +z
document.getElementById("d").innerHTML = z + " " + final

Your if statement in the script tag ,is javascript code which is not having the parentheses.
It will be => if (v == "NJ") { }
Refer this MDN Web Docs to learn more if...else


Cascading dropdown list in HTML

Ok I edited the question with below update.
I tried with below script but it seems not working. Please someone can show me what is wrong with below code.
var myselect = document.getElementById("start2");
document.getElementById("end1").onchange = createOption()
function createOption() {
var selectEnd = document.getElementById("end1");
var value = selectEnd.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
var objOption = document.createElement("option");
objOption.text = value + 1;
objOption.value = value +1;
What I want to do is there are 2 select list form with id End1 and Start2. I want when select list End1 onchange, value from End1 will be passed to Start2 with added 1. But, it has nothing happened.
I have solved this problem. I want to share it. But, can I post it here as answer? Or need I to add in my first entry above?
<body id="myBody">
for i = 1 to 5
<select id = "start<%=i%>" onChange="startChange(this.id)">
<option value=""></option>
<select id = "end<%=i%>" onChange="endChange(this.id)">
<option value=""></option>
const serialEnd =+document.getElementById("start1").innerText + 100;
document.getElementById("myBody").onload = function() {optionLoad("end1")};
function optionLoad(id){
var lastno = +id.substring(3,4);
var selectElement = document.getElementById("end" + lastno + "");
var serialStart = +document.getElementById("start" + lastno + "").value;
for (var serial = serialStart + 1; serial <= serialEnd; serial++) {
selectElement.add(new Option(serial));
function endChange(id) {
var lastno = +id.substring(3,4);
var selectStart = document.getElementById("start" + ( lastno + 1 ) + "");
var selectEnd = document.getElementById(id);
var options = selectEnd.options[selectEnd.selectedIndex];
var objOption = document.createElement("option");
if (lastno != 5){
removeOptions(document.getElementById("start" + ( lastno + 1 ) + ""));
objOption.text = +options.value + 1;
objOption.value = +options.value + 1;
function startChange(id){
var lastno = +id.substring(5,6);
removeOptions(document.getElementById("end" + lastno + ""));
optionLoad("end" + lastno + "");
function removeOptions(selectElement) {
var i, L = selectElement.options.length - 1;
for(i = L; i >= 1; i--) {

Currency Converter Not Working with Javascript & HTML

I am making a currency converter for cryptos, but I'm getting a problem with it working. Here is the source code. Now I tried several methods to make it work, but I either did not succeed or only partially.
<input oninput="convert()" onchange="convert()" type="value" name="input" id="currencycoininsert" placeholder="0.00"/>
<!-- <button type="button" id="btncur-insert"> -->
<select name="dropdowncurrency" id="selectcurinsert">
<option value="BTC" id="selectcurinsert1" >BITCOIN (BTC)</option>
<option value="ETH" id="selectcurinsert2" selected>ETHERIUM (ETH)</option>
<option value="LTC" id="selectcurinsert3" >LITECOIN (LTC)</option>
<option value="ZEC" id="selectcurinsert4" >ZCASH (ZEC)</option>
<option value="XMR" id="selectcurinsert5" >MONERO (XMR)</option>
<!-- </button> -->
<button type="submit" name="smbtcur" id="sbmtcurinsert" onclick="convert()">
<input type="value" id="received"/>
Any Help is appreciated.
And here is the Javascript Part:
var rates = [10500, 920, 220, 310, 460];
var BTCUSD = rates[0];
var ETHUSD = rates[1];
var LTCUSD = rates[2];
var XMRUSD = rates[3];
var ZECUSD = rates[4];
function convert(){
var x1 = document.getElementById("selectcurinsert1").value;
var x2 = document.getElementById("selectcurinsert2").value;
var x3 = document.getElementById("selectcurinsert3").value;
var x4 = document.getElementById("selectcurinsert4").value;
var x5 = document.getElementById("selectcurinsert5").value;
if (document.getElementById("selectcurinsert").value = x1)
function convertbtc()
x = document.getElementById("currencycoininsert").value;
document.getElementById("receivedmufg").value = x * z;
else if (document.getElementById("selectcurinsert").value = x2)
function converteth()
x = document.getElementById("currencycoininsert").value;
document.getElementById("receivedmufg").value = x * z;
else if (document.getElementById("selectcurinsert").value = x3)
function converteth()
x = document.getElementById("currencycoininsert").value;
document.getElementById("receivedmufg").value = x * z;
else if (document.getElementById("selectcurinsert").value = x4)
function converteth()
x = document.getElementById("currencycoininsert").value;
document.getElementById("receivedmufg").value = x * z;
else if (document.getElementById("selectcurinsert").value = x5)
function converteth()
x = document.getElementById("currencycoininsert").value;
document.getElementById("receivedmufg").value = x * z;
Any help is appreciated, hopefully this will turn up well.
In your convert function's definition you define other functions inside conditionals, but you're never actually calling those functions.
you can define converteth, etc. elsewhere and just call it like converteth() inside of the conditional.
function converteth () {
... converteth code ...
function convertbtc () {
... convertbtc code ...
function convert () {
... get element by id statements
if (document.getElementById("selectcurinsert").value = x1) {
} ... other conditional statements ...
Also in your conditional statements you've used the assignment operator = instead of a logical operator to compare the two values. I assume you want to use === or ==.

Salary Calculation Function in JavaScript not working

From the input on the HTML, the user inputs the employee name and a number of hours they worked. From here on the submit button it takes the information and stores it in the variables so that I can calculate how much their pay was. Now with this also comes the overtime pay. I thought this was on the right track but whenever I go back to my HTML it displays "undefined". Any suggestions?
//Global Variables
var employeeName = document.getElementById("name").value;
var employeeHours = document.getElementById("hours").value;
function paySalary() {
if (employeeHours <= 40) {
var regtime = 11.00 * employeeHours;
var overtime = 0.00;
var salary = regtime;
} else if (employeeHours > 40) {
var regtime = (11.00 * 40);
var overtime = ((11.00 * 1.5) * (employeeHours - 40));
var salary = (regtime + overtime);
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = "Employee Name: " + employeeName + " | Employee Gross Pay: " + salary;
//Event Listener to Submit
var submitButton = document.getElementById("submit");
if (submitButton.addEventListener) {
submitButton.addEventListener("click", paySalary, false);
} else if (submitButton.attachEvent) {
submitButton.attachEvent("onclick", paySalary);
Screenshot of output
Look at the scope of your salary variable, it's defined inside the if-else block. Make your salary variable accessible to document.getElementById() by declaring it in your function like this:
function paySalary() {
var employeeName = document.getElementById("name").value;
var employeeHours = document.getElementById("hours").value;
if (employeeHours <= 40) {
var regtime = 11.00 * employeeHours;
var overtime = 0.00;
var salary = regtime;
} else if (employeeHours > 40) {
var regtime = (11.00 * 40);
var overtime = ((11.00 * 1.5) * (employeeHours - 40));
var salary = (regtime + overtime);
document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = "Employee Name: " + employeeName;
document.getElementById("pay").innerHTML = "Employee Gross Pay: " + salary;
<input id="name" value="Kamesh Dashora"></input>
<input id="hours" value=40></input>
<span id="pay">0</span>
<button id="submit" onclick="paySalary()">Submit</button>

Adding two form variables with calculating and comparing

I have items "item1 costs $1" and "item2 costs $2"
I made a simple form to calculate the total price of both BUT if the customer will purchase more than 50 items (total items = item1 + item2) I will give him a 50% discount which means the final price will be divided by 2 BUT only if we the total is more than "50".
What I am getting that the price is getting divided by 2 even if the total is only = 10 !!
Here's the jsfiddle:
var x = document.getElementById("x");
var y = document.getElementById("y");
var d = document.getElementById("d");
var xstored = x.getAttribute("data-in");
var ystored = y.getAttribute("data-in");
if( x == document.activeElement ){
var temp = x.value;
if( xstored != temp ){
xstored = temp;
if( y == document.activeElement ){
var temp = y.value;
if( ystored != temp ){
ystored = temp;
function calculate(){
var total = x.value + y.value;
if( total >= 50 ){
d.innerHTML = ((x.value * 1.00) + (y.value * 2.00)) / 2;
d.innerHTML = (x.value * 1.00) + (y.value * 2.00);
x.onblur = calculate;
item1 <input id="x" data-in="" type="number" /><br>
item2 <input id="y" data-in="" type="number" /><br>
Please Pay and amount of <span id="d"></span>
it's very easy but can't figure it out.
You are concatenating strings instead of sum numbers. Please, convert the values to numbers and it works perfectly. See the line commented:
var x = document.getElementById("x");
var y = document.getElementById("y");
var d = document.getElementById("d");
var xstored = x.getAttribute("data-in");
var ystored = y.getAttribute("data-in");
if( x == document.activeElement ){
var temp = x.value;
if( xstored != temp ){
xstored = temp;
if( y == document.activeElement ){
var temp = y.value;
if( ystored != temp ){
ystored = temp;
function calculate(){
//here you need to convert values to numbers
var total = Number(x.value) + Number(y.value);
if( total >= 50 ){
d.innerHTML = ((x.value * 1.00) + (y.value * 2.00)) / 2;
d.innerHTML = (x.value * 1.00) + (y.value * 2.00);
x.onblur = calculate;
item1 <input id="x" data-in="" type="number" /><br>
item2 <input id="y" data-in="" type="number" /><br>
Please Pay and amount of <span id="d"></span>
The explanation is if you concatenate this:
var one = "10";
var two = "15";
var result = one + two ; // result string "1015"
But if you change to numbers the sum is perfect
var one = "10";
var two = "15";
var result = Number(one) + Number(two) ; // result int 25
It is very straight and simple
Your code is correct except one thing, you didn't use parseInt,
currently you are concatenating the values instead of adding,
so just replace this code
var total = x.value + y.value;
with this one
var total = parseInt(x.value) + parseInt(y.value);
That's it :)

The functions aren't cooperating :/

function myFunction() {
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
document.getElementById("demoX").innerHTML = x;
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
document.getElementById("demoY").innerHTML = y;
document.getElementById("demoP").innerHTML = " + ";
document.getElementById("equal").innerHTML = " = ";
document.getElementById("input").innerHTML = "<input id=>";
document.getElementById("check").innerHTML = "<button>Check</button>";
function myBunction() {
var b, text;
// Get the value of the input field with id="numb"
b = document.getElementById("input").value;
var D = document.getElementById("demoX").value;
var E = document.getElementById("demoY").value;
// If x is Not a Number or less than one or greater than 10
if (b == E + D) {
text = "Input is ok";
} else {
text = "Input not valid";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;
<p>Click the button to display a random number between 1 and 10.</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
<br> <br>
<span id="demoX"></span>
<span id="demoP"></span>
<span id="demoY"></span>
<span id=equal></span>
<span id=input></span>
<span onclick="myBunction()" id=check></span>
<p id="demo"></p>
The first function throws two random numbers and the second one should check if the input form person is correct but "document.getElementById("demoX").value" returns nothing ... I was trying check values with console.log but it returns like nothing is define.
I was just trying to merge two functions from w3schools but it took me so much time. :/
Your problem is four-fold. One:
does not return anything. A <span> element has no value. It has an innerHTML, just what you used to set it.
if (b == E + D) {
E and D will be strings. The result of adding two strings is a combined string.
"4" + "3" is not "7", it is "43".
You want to convert them to numbers first. Among other things, an unary + can do that. Try:
b = +b;
D = +D;
E = +E;
if (b == E + D) {
Three: You want to reset the form after you read out all values, not before.
Four: What's all that business creating all those fixed input fields and buttons dynamically via innerHTML anyway? Just put them into the HTML directly and let them sit there.
function reset() {
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
document.getElementById("demoX").innerHTML = x;
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
document.getElementById("demoY").innerHTML = y;
document.getElementById("input").value = "";
document.getElementById("demoP").innerHTML = " + ";
document.getElementById("equal").innerHTML = " = ";
function check() {
var b, D, E, text;
// Get the value of the input field with id="numb"
b = +document.getElementById("input").value;
D = +document.getElementById("demoX").innerHTML;
E = +document.getElementById("demoY").innerHTML;
if (b == E + D) {
text = "Input is ok";
} else {
text = "Input not valid";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;
<p>Click the button to display a random number between 1 and 10.</p>
<span id="demoX"></span>
<span id="demoP"></span>
<span id="demoY"></span>
<span id="equal"></span>
<input id="input">
<button onclick="check()">Check</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
Solved and nicer code.
//=====|Generate the problem|=====//
function myGenerator() {
var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
document.getElementById("demoX").innerHTML = x;
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
document.getElementById("demoY").innerHTML = y;
document.getElementById("demoP").innerHTML = " + ";
document.getElementById("equal").innerHTML = " = ";
document.getElementById("numbs").innerHTML = "<input id=numb>";
document.getElementById("check").innerHTML = "<button>Check</button>";
//=====|Check the given solution|=====//
function myChecker() {
var a, text;
a = document.getElementById("numb").value;
var b = parseFloat(document.getElementById("demoX").textContent);
var c = parseFloat(document.getElementById("demoY").textContent);
//=====|Simple if|=====//
if (a == b + c) {
text = "Right";
} else {
alert("Maybe next time");
text = "Wrong";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;
//=====|Just for control|=====//
<h1>Click to start</h1>
<button onclick="myGenerator()">Try it</button>
<!--=====|Hidden Stuff|=====//-->
<span id="demoX"></span>
<span id="demoP"></span>
<span id="demoY"></span>
<span id="equal"></span>
<span onclick="myChecker()" id=check></span>
<span id="numbs"></span>
<p id="demo">

