display sticky div if within viewport - javascript

I am basing my code off of this SO thread.
I have a parent div that is half way down the page. Within that parent div I want to display a sticky footer div, but only when viewport is showing the parent div. I have tried 4 different tutorials so far with no luck.
The page structure is this:
CONTENT RIGHT-SIDE(id="wrap-vs")
When RIGHT-SIDE is within view, I want to display a sticky div within it. You can't see RIGHT-SIDE when page loads, you need to scroll down to it. Also, when we are below it I want the sticky div to go away.
var targetdiv = document.querySelector('.tabs');
targetdiv.style.display = "none";
function CheckIfVisible(elem, targetdiv) {
var ElemPos = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top;
targetdiv.style.display = (ElemPos > 0 && ElemPos < document.body.parentNode.offsetHeight) ? "block" : "none";
window.addEventListener("onscroll", function() {
var elem = document.querySelector('#wrap-vs');
CheckIfVisible(elem, targetdiv);
#wrap-vs {
height: 100%;
background-color: yellow;
.tabs {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
<div id="wrap-vs">
<div class="tabs">
right-side content sticky div

This is how I fixed it:
// Create a new observer
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
// Log if the element and if it's in the viewport
if(entry.isIntersecting == true){
document.querySelector('.tabs').style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.querySelector('.tabs').style.display = 'none';
// The element to observe
var app = document.querySelector('#wrap-vs');
// Attach it to the observer
#wrap-vs {
height: 100%;
background-color: yellow;
.tabs {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
<div id="wrap-vs">
<div class="tabs">
right-side content sticky div


Add marquee dynamically

I am trying to add a marquee to my HTML dynamically. This is the function I have created
var element = document.getElementById('overflow');
var parentElement = document.getElementById('countheader');
if (element) {
var overflow = isElementOverflowing(element, parentElement);
if (overflow && !element.classList.contains('marquee')) {
element.className += "marquee";
} else if (!overflow) {
function isElementOverflowing(element, parentElement) {
return parentElement.clientWidth <= element.clientWidth;
In the CSS file I have the styling as
background-color: #e9df8b;
width: fit-content;
white-space: nowrap;
min-width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
padding-left: 11px!important;
max-width: 1266px!important;
max-width: 1266px!important;
<div class="page-content" style="background-color: {{isDarkMode ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'}}">
<!-- Item Count Card-->
<div class="order-card item-card"
ng-if="currentStation.get('enableItemCount') && viewTitle === 'Open Orders' && currentStation.get('itemCountFilters').length > 0 && itemsCount.length > 0">
<div class="card-header" id="countheader">
<div id="overflow">
<b class="item-heading">Total Count</b>
<span class="item-count" ng-repeat="item in itemsCount">{{item.name}}({{item.quantity}})</span>
<!-- Item Count Card -->
But in some cases, I am seeing that the text overflows the parent div in the UI but in the function isOverflowing it is still showing parent element width greater and so the marquee does not gets added in the class. Is there a better way to find the height of the parent div and child div content?

Change active state on scroll to viewport

I'm trying to make a single static website, which when an div child of comes into viewport (precisely, when div element comes into the upper 50% of the viewport) changes the corresponding div's class in side-nav to "active". It should work scrolling down and up.
So far I've tried several solution from other threads on SO, none successful. I assume I've been approaching this wrong.
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
$("#vars-args").each(function() {
if (elementInViewport2($(this))) {
function elementInViewport2(el) {
var top = el.offsetTop;
var left = el.offsetLeft;
var width = el.offsetWidth;
var height = el.offsetHeight;
while (el.offsetParent) {
el = el.offsetParent;
top += el.offsetTop;
left += el.offsetLeft;
return (
top < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) &&
left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) &&
(top + height) > window.pageYOffset &&
(left + width) > window.pageXOffset
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js" integrity="sha256-2Kok7MbOyxpgUVvAk/HJ2jigOSYS2auK4Pfzbm7uH60=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id="side-nav">
<div id="content">
<div id="div1">
<div id="div2">
<div id="div3">
<div id="div4">
<div id="div5">
<div id="div6">
Also note that content of each div inside can be larger than the size of viewport.
I have been having problems getting the javascript to work. Also please note that the current JS is copied from some other thread.
This can be achieved using the IntersectionObserver as told by #cloned in the comments: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API
To achieve this, you need a callback function passed as a parameter which is executed once isIntersecting is true, an option object (below it sets the threshold at 50% of the element) and an IntersectionObserver.
The callback toggles the active class to the a element according to the entry's id.
At the end we loop through the divs and make our observer observe them.
const callback = (entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
const navItem = document.querySelector('#' + entry.target.id + 'a');
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
} else {
const options = {
threshold: 0.5
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);
const container = document.getElementById('content');
const targetElements = container.querySelectorAll('div');
targetElements.forEach(element => {
Here is a JSBin to demonstrate it https://jsbin.com/riyuhediso/47/edit?html,js,console,output
Note that although it demonstrates its feasibility it's not been profiled for performance issues which can be significant so I don't vouch for it.
If you are using Bootstrap you can use the ScrollSpy lib https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/components/scrollspy/ and there is also ScrollMagic which is great http://scrollmagic.io/
You need to filter out which element is inside the viewport with the help of .getBoundingClientRect()
Checkout this
and check if any content has it's top and bottom within the half of the viewport ( window.innerHeight )
I took help of filter function to find out the index of contents that is within the built in function and set the .active class of the corresponding anchor.
Have a look at the snippet:
var direction = 0; // a variable to keep track of scrolled position;
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
// check if window is scrolling up or down;
if ($(window).scrollTop() > direction) { // if true, window scrolling scrolling down;
$('#side-nav').find('a').removeClass('active'); // remove active class from all anchors
// .eq() selector helps to find elements with index number, and here we pass a filter to find the content that is within the viewport;
$('#content').find('div').filter(function(index) {
return this.getBoundingClientRect().y <= (window.innerHeight / 2) && this.getBoundingClientRect().y + this.getBoundingClientRect().height > window.innerHeight / 2;
// update the current scroll position now;
direction = $(window).scrollTop();
} else { // if false, window scrolling scrolling up;
$('#side-nav').find('a').removeClass('active'); // remove active class from all anchors
$('#content').find('div').filter(function(index) {
return this.getBoundingClientRect().y < (window.innerHeight / 2) && this.getBoundingClientRect().y + this.getBoundingClientRect().height > window.innerHeight / 2;
// update the current scroll position now;
direction = $(window).scrollTop();
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#side-nav {
/* feel free to remove or change, only for testing */
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
top: 0;
padding: 15px;
#side-nav a {
/* feel free to remove, only for testing */
text-decoration: none;
color: grey;
margin-right: 5px;
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
#side-nav a.active {
color: #000;
/* sets color for the default active class */
#content div {
min-height: 600px;
background-color: #cecece;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 50px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="side-nav">
<a href="" id="div1a" class='active'>1</a>
<!-- set a default class assuming the first one will be in viewport while window loads -->
<div id="content">
<div id="div1">
<div id="div2">
<div id="div3">
<div id="div4">
<div id="div5">
<div id="div6">

jQuery - element crossing another element

I have a fixed div on the page which contains a logo and as the user scrolls and this logo passes over other divs I wnat to the change the colour of the logo.
I have this working over a single div but need to it work across multiple so any help appreciated.
The WIP site can be seen here... dd.mintfresh.co.uk - if you scroll down you'll (hopefully) see the logo change from black to white as it crosses an illustrated egg. I need the same to happen when it crosses other divs further down the page.
The script so far...
var fixed = jQuery("logo");
var fixed_position = jQuery("#logo").offset().top;
var fixed_height = jQuery("#logo").height();
var toCross_position = jQuery("#egg").offset().top;
var toCross_height = jQuery("#egg").height();
if (fixed_position + fixed_height < toCross_position) {
jQuery("#logo img").css({filter : "invert(100%)"});
} else if (fixed_position > toCross_position + toCross_height) {
jQuery("#logo img").css({filter : "invert(100%)"});
} else {
jQuery("#logo img").css({filter : "invert(0%)"});
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
you need to fire a div scroll event. you can assign
//change the color of the div1
//change the color of the div2
or you can assign a class to divs which you want to change the color
//change the color of the div which you are scrolling now
You can use like this :-
$(window).scroll(function() {
var that = $(this);
$('.section').each(function() {
var s = $(this);
if (that.scrollTop() >= s.position().top) {
if(s.hasClass('active')) {
} else {
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
div {
background: #f00;
height: 400px;
.logo {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100px;
.logo.invert {
filter: invert(100%);
div:nth-child(even) {
background: #ff0;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<img src="https://dd.mintfresh.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/DD_logo.svg" class="logo" />
<div id="page1" class="section"></div>
<div id="page2" class="section active"></div>
<div id="page3" class="section"></div>
<div id="page4" class="section active"></div>
<div id="page5" class="section"></div>
As your site code you can do like this :
$(window).scroll(function() {
var that = $(this);
$('#content > section').each(function() {
var s = $(this);
if (that.scrollTop() >= s.position().top) {
if(s.hasClass('black')) {
$('#logo img').css({filter: 'invert(0%)'});
} else {
$('#logo img').css({filter: 'invert(100%)'});

Hide pop-up by clicking outside it (problems with Philip Waltons solution)

I know the question of closing a pop-up by clicking outside of it has been asked before. I have a somewhat complex pop-up and the solution offered by Phillip Walton isn't working for me.
His code simply made my page blurry but stopped the popup from appearing.
$(document).on('click', function(event) {
if (!$(event.target).closest('.maincontainer').length) {
popup.style.display = 'none';
popupAccessory.style.display = 'none';
I also tried:
window.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (event.target != popup) {
popup.style.display = 'none';
popupAccessory.style.display = 'none';
}, true);
This closes the popup when I click anywhere, including on the popup itself. I want it to close only when I click on part of the screen that isn't the popup.
The code to open the popup:
function openpopup() {
popup.style.display = 'initial';
popup.style.boxShadow = '0 0 45px 2px white';
maincontainer.classList.add('blurfilter')}, 10);
for (let i = 0; i < listitems.length; i++ ) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
I added the event listener to a button
popupOpenbtn.addEventListener('click', openpopup);
The HTML structure:-
<div class="maincontainer>
...all my page content...
<div class="popup">
...popup contents...
I would suggest using only css classes to style your popup and use JS only to add, remove and toggle that class. Not sure how close to your working exercise is this fiddle but I've prepared this to show how the document/window click event can be checked to successfully open/close the popup window.
var popupOverlay = document.querySelector('#popup__overlay');
var popupOpenButton = document.querySelector('#popupOpenButton');
var popupCloseButton = document.querySelector('#popupCloseButton');
var mainContainer = document.querySelector('main');
function closestById(el, id) {
while (el.id != id) {
el = el.parentNode;
if (!el) {
return null;
return el;
popupOpenButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
popupCloseButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
mainContainer.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (popupOverlay.classList.contains('isVisible') && !closestById(event.target, 'popup__overlay') && event.target !== popupOpenButton) {
#popup__overlay {
display: none;
background-color: rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.5);
position: absolute;
top: 100px;
bottom: 100px;
left: 100px;
right: 100px;
z-index: 9999;
text-align: center;
#popup__overlay.isVisible {
display: block;
main {
height: 100vh;
<aside id="popup__overlay">
<div class="popup">
<h2>Popup title</h2>
Lorem ipsum
<button id="popupCloseButton">Close popup</button>
<div class="buttonWrapper">
<button id="popupOpenButton">Open popup</button>

How can I change the x position of a div via javascript when I click on another div this way?

<div id = "SiteContainer">
<div id = "NavigationButtons"></div>
<div id = "ShowReelContainer">
<div id= "NavigationBackward" name = "back" onclick="setPosition();">x</div>
<div id= "NavigationForward" name = "forward" onclick="setPosition();">y</div>
<div id = "VideoWrapper">
<div id = "SlideShowItem">
<img src="Images/A.png" alt="A"></img>
<div id = "SlideShowItem">
<img src="Images/B.png" alt="B"></img>
<div id = "SlideShowItem">
<img src="Images/C.png" alt="C" ></img>
var wrapper = document.querySelector("#VideoWrapper");
function setPosition(e)
if(e.target.name = "forward")
if!(wrapper.style.left = "-200%")
wrapper.style.left = wrapper.style.left - 100%;
if(e.target.name = "back")
if!(wrapper.style.left = "0%")
wrapper.style.left = wrapper.style.left + 100%;
Hi, I am very new to javascript. What I am trying to do, is change the x-position of a div when another div (NavigationForward or NavigationBackward) is clicked. However it does not appear to do anything at all. Basically if the div with name forward is clicked, I want to translate the VideoWrapper -100% from it's current position and +100% when "back". The css div itself VideoWrapper has a width of 300%. Inside this div as you can see is a SlideShowItem which is what will change. Perhaps I am adding and subtracting 100% the wrong way?
Thanks everyone for helping me out with this...I had just one more query, I am trying to hide the arrows based on whether the wrapper is at the first slide or the last slide. If its on the first slide, then I'd hide the left arrow div and if it's on the last, I'd hide the right arrow, otherwise display both of em. Ive tried several ways to achieve this, but none of em work, so Ive resorted to using copies of variables from the function that works. Even then it does not work. It appears that my if and else if statements always evaluate to false, so perhaps I am not retrieving the position properly?
function HideArrows()
var wrapper2 = document.getElementById("VideoWrapper");
var offset_x2 = wrapper2.style.left;
if(parseInt(offset_x2,10) == max_x)
document.getElementById("NavigationForward").display = 'none';
else if(parseInt(offset_x2,10) == min_x)
document.getElementById("NavigationBackward").display = 'none';
document.getElementById("NavigationForward").display = 'inline-block';
document.getElementById("NavigationBackward").display = 'inline-block';
//html is the same except that I added a mouseover = "HideArrows();"
<div id = "ShowReelContainer" onmouseover="HideArrows();">
To achieve this type o slider functionality your div VideoWrapper must have overflow:hidden style, and your SlideShowItemdivs must have a position:relative style.
Then to move the slides forward or backward you can use the style left which allows you to move the divs SlideShowItem relative to it's parent VideoWrapper.
I've tested this here on JSFiddle.
It seems to work as you described in your question, although you may need to do some adjustments, like defining the width of your slides, how many they are and so on.
For the sake of simplicity, I defined them as "constants" on the top of the code, but I think you can work from that point on.
position:relative; height:100px; white-space:nowrap;width:500px;
margin-left:0px; border:1px solid #000; overflow:hidden; }
width:500px; height:100px;display:inline-block;position:relative; }
#NavigationForward, #NavigationBackward{
cursor:pointer;float:left; background-color:silver;margin-right:5px;
margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center; padding:10px; }
<div id = "SiteContainer">
<div id = "NavigationButtons">
<div id = "ShowReelContainer">
<div id= "NavigationBackward" name = "back" onclick="setPosition('back');">prev</div>
<div id= "NavigationForward" name = "forward" onclick="setPosition('forward');">next</div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div id = "VideoWrapper">
<div class= "SlideShowItem" style="background-color:blue;">
Slide 1
<div class = "SlideShowItem" style="background-color:yellow;">
Slide 2
<div class = "SlideShowItem" style="background-color:pink;">
Slide 3
var unit = 'px'; var margin = 4; var itemSize = 500 + margin; var itemCount = 3; var min_x = 0; var max_x = -(itemCount-1) * itemSize;
function setPosition(e) {
var wrapper = document.getElementById("VideoWrapper");
var slides = wrapper.getElementsByTagName('div');
var offset_x = slides[0].style.left.replace(unit, '');
var curr_x = parseInt(offset_x.length == 0 ? 0 : offset_x);
if(e == "forward")
if(curr_x <= max_x)
for(var i=0; i<slides.length; i++)
slides[i].style.left= (curr_x + -itemSize) + unit;
else if(e == "back")
if(curr_x >= min_x)
for(var i=0; i<slides.length; i++)
slides[i].style.left= (curr_x + itemSize) + unit;
} }
After you analyze and test the code, I don't really know what's your purpose with this, I mean, you maybe just playing around or trying to develop something for a personal project, but if you are looking for something more professional avoid to create things like sliders on your own, as there are tons of plugins like this available and well tested out there on the web.
Consider using jQuery with NivoSlider, it works like a charm and is cross browser.
I would recommend using jQuery, this will reduce your coding by quite a bit. Can read more here: http://api.jquery.com/animate/
I've created a simple fiddle for you to take a look at. This example uses the .animate() method to reposition two div elements based on the CSS 'left' property.
#container {
position: absolute;
left: 1em;
top: 1em;
right: 1em;
bottom: 1em;
overflow: hidden;
#one, #two {
position: absolute;
color: white;
#one {
background: pink;
width: 100%;
#two {
background: blue;
width: 100%;
left: 100%;
<div id="container">
<div id="one">Div One</div>
<div id="two">Div Two</div>
var one, two, container;
function animateSlides(){
left : '-100%'
}, 1000, function(){
left : 0
}, 1000);
left : 0
}, 1000, function(){
}, 1000);
one = $('#one');
two = $('#two');
container = $('#container');
setInterval(animateSlides, 2000);
JSFiddle Example: http://jsfiddle.net/adamfullen/vSSK8/3/

