How to know if a value its an element in JavaScript? - javascript

as much as the question seems silly (and in fact it is) I didn't find the answer anywhere, only what I find is answers to know if the element already exists in the DOM (which would solve my problem, but that would be a way unprofessional to solve).
Here is my code ex :
function randomName(element) {
// Im trying to find some method like this:
const result = isElement(element) ? true : false

You might want to check if the variable is an instance of HTMLElement. So basically
function isElement(element){
return element instanceof HTMLElement;
Also check the mdn-docs, because it's possible that you want to check if your element is a Node (would include text-only nodes) or just an Element (that would include XML-tags in an XML document).


JavaScript HTML element to DOM selector

I have a function that requires a HTML element to perform the action on. I request the DOM selector as a parameter
where element is the DOM query but somewhere else in the function I need the query as a string. Is it possible to turn the object into it's original string type? And if so, how?
You can do it the other way around. Pass your function a selector string:
And then retrieve the relevant DOM element using .querySelector():
var el = document.querySelector(string);
The approach you are using is not going to produce the right results consistently in my opinion.
Passing in the element is going to mean that the element must be found beforehand and also is going to practically prevent finding other elements of similar location due to a lack of information.
Passing in a selector is an option, and then using that going forward if you need to find a similar set of elements but sometimes the selector is too complex to be placed in one string - for example if it needs filtering or some other metric.
Your best bet is to accept a callback function that returns the desired element or set of elements when you are dealing with complex selectors or locations for elements. It can simply return the same element each time if it is basic, or if it is more complicated the callback can access the DOM, filter based on some metric, and then return the subset which at times is ideal.
A callback function will provide the full amount of support without needing to always have a conversion to query string which is not always possible for complex structures.
If I understand you correct you could to this
function (elem) {
if (typeof elem === 'string' || elem instanceof String) {
elem = document.querySelector(elem);
var target = elem.querySelector(...);
To get the HTML string of an element use 'innerHTML'.
Temporary parent:
var div = document.createElement("div");
Append desired element to parent:
Test result:
If you are trying to get the string of the resulting element of 'querySelector()':
The temporary parent ensures that you get the tags for the element returned. Otherwise you would only get the string for its child elements. If you want to use 'querySelectorAll()', just loop over the returned node array.

Find text in source code of page and create hyperlink

I need to use JavaScript to search the source code of the current page for a string, e.g data-userId="2008", then extracts the id number (2008 in this case) and creates a hyperlink to include it, e.g.
I've been attempting to use indexOf and document.documentElement.innerHTML approaches but not getting anywhere. I've got closer with the help of this post but no success yet.
Here's what i have so far:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getVals() {
code = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML;
results = code.match(/data-userId=(\d*)&/g);
for (i=0;i<results.length;i++) {
value = results[i].match(/data-userId=(\d*)&/);
onload = getVals;
Due to restrictions on our network the solution needs to be JavaScript.
Use the getAttribute() method of the Element object
I'm not sure why exactly you'd query the html element and then look at innerHTML. Do you not know which tags/selectors will contain the data attribute you're looking for? If you don't know which selectors you're looking for you can use a recursive function like this to walk the DOM and store the values in a data structure of your choice - I'll use an array of objects in this example (not sure how you need this data formatted).
Also, I'm not sure how you're choosing to visit these pages, but the below code could be easily modified to create hyperlinks when/if the attributes you're looking for are found.
var storeElements = [];
function walkTheDOM(node){
if(node.getAttribute('data-userId') !== null){
storeElements.push({"element": node, "attrValue": node.getAttribute('data-userId'});
node = node.firstChild;
node = node.nextSibling;
Then you can call the function like this:
If this isn't what you're looking for let me know and I can change my answer. For those of you who've read Douglas Crockford's "Javascript: The Good Parts" this function may look very familiar :).

How to tell the type of a JavaScript and/or jQueryobject

This question pertains as much to the ECMAScript language implementation we know as JavaScript as it does to jQuery and the developer tools availble in most popular browsers.
When you execute a statement like so:
var theElement = $('#theId').closest();
what is the type of theElement?
I assume that in a jQuery situation like above, many jQuery methods including the one above actually return the jQuery object itself, which packages the stuff you actually want to get to. This, so that it may maintain a fluent API and let you join method calls in a single statement like so:
However, in the case of jQuery then, how do you determine what the real underlying type is? For example, if the element returned was a table row with the Id tableRowNumber25, how do you get to that, say, using FireBug.
When I look at either a jQuery returned object or a simple JavaScript object in the watches window of Firebug or any of the Developer Tools in most popular browsers, I see a long laundry list of properties/keys and I don't know which one to look at. In a jQuery object, most of the properties are lamdas.
So, really, my question is -- how do you know the underlying type, how do you know what's actually being returned?
The type of theElement will be [object jQuery].
If you want the HTML element itself, you have to select it:
console.log(theElement[0]) //Return <div id='theId'>
console.log(theElement.get(0)) //Return <div id='theId'>
If you want the node name, there is a property in the HTML node element call nodeName wich return the capitalised node name:
console.log(theElement[0].nodeName)// Return DIV
typeof(jQueryElementList.get(0)) will return a string of the type.
Some browsers might return this as upper or lower case, I think. IE probably uppercases (see Testing the type of a DOM element in JavaScript). Apparently you can check the nodeType attribute (jQueryElementList.get(0).nodeType) to determine whether it is an html object/tag.

What happens if a JavaScript event-listener is called and target element is missing?

For the moment, we're loading site-wide event-listeners from a single common.js file for a Rails project. We're aware of (most of) the trade-offs involved there, and are just trying to mitigate them. Once our basic architecture takes hold, we may move them off to separate files by controller or by view.
For the moment, the quick question is how we can activate them only when necessary, which begs the mangled, pseudo-zen question:
if an event-listener is declared in a forest when nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
In other words, if one declares a basic listener (i.e., nothing persistent like .live() or .delegate()) in the JavaScript for a given page, and the target element is not actually present on that given page, does anything really happen, other than the few cycles devoted to evaluating it and checking the DOM for the element? Is it active in memory, looking for that element? Something else? It never seems to throw an error, which is interesting, given that in other contexts a call like that would generate a null/nil/invalid type of error.
For instance:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#element').bind('blur keyup', function);
Assume that #element isn't present. Does anything really happen? Moreover is it any better to wrap it in a pre-filter like:
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($('#element')) {
$('#element').bind('blur keyup', function);
Or, are the .js interpreters in the browsers smart enough to simply ignore a basic listener declared on an element that's not present at $(document).ready? Should we just declare the initial, simple form above, and leave it at that, or will checking for the element first somehow save us a few precious resources and/or avoid some hidden errors we're not seeing? Or is there another angle I'm missing?
JQuery was designed to work with 0+ selected elements.
If no elements were selected, nothing will happen.
Note that you will never get null when using jQuery selector. For example:
$('#IDontExist') // != null
$('#IDontExist').length === 0 // true (it's ajQuery object with
// zero selected elements).
The docs says:
If no elements match the provided selector, the new jQuery object is "empty"; that is, it contains no elements and has .length property of 0.
$('#element') if results into empty set then jQuery will not do anything.
Since jQuery always returns an object we can can call the methods on an empty set also but internally it will do the checking before applying it's logic.
Even if you want to check if the element exists before attaching the event handler you can use length property of jQuery object.
if ($('#element').length > 0) {
$('#element').bind('blur keyup', function);

How to find with javascript if element exists in DOM or it's virtual (has been just created by createElement)

I'm looking for a way to find if element referenced in javascript has been inserted in the document.
Lets illustrate a case with following code:
var elem = document.createElement('div');
// Element has not been inserted in the document, i.e. not present
// Element can now be found in the DOM tree
Jquery has :visible selector, but it won't give accurate result when I need to find that invisible element has been placed somewhere in the document.
Here's an easier method that uses the standard Node.contains DOM API to check in an element is currently in the DOM:
CROSS-BROWSER NOTE: the document object in IE does not have a contains() method - to ensure cross-browser compatibility, use document.body.contains() instead. (or document.head.contains if you're checking for elements like link, script, etc)
Notes on using a specific document reference vs Node-level ownerDocument:
Someone raised the idea of using MY_ELEMENT.ownerDocument.contains(MY_ELEMENT) to check for a node's presence in the document. While this can produce the intended result (albeit, with more verbosity than necessary in 99% of cases), it can also lead to unexpected results, depending on use-case. Let's talk about why:
If you are dealing with a node that currently resides in an separate document, like one generated with document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(), an <iframe> document, or an HTML Import document, and use the node's ownerDocument property to check for presence in what you think will be your main, visually rendered document, you will be in a world of hurt.
The node property ownerDocument is simply a pointer to whatever current document the node resides in. Almost every use-case of contains involves checking a specific document for a node's presence. You have 0 guarantee that ownerDocument is the same document you want to check - only you know that. The danger of ownerDocument is that someone may introduce any number of ways to reference, import, or generate nodes that reside in other documents. If they do so, and you have written your code to rely on ownerDocument's relative inference, your code may break. To ensure your code always produces expected results, you should only compare against the specifically referenced document you intend to check, not trust relative inferences like ownerDocument.
Do this:
var elem = document.createElement('div');
elem.setAttribute('id', 'my_new_div');
if (document.getElementById('my_new_div')) { } //element exists in the document.
The safest way is to test directly whether the element is contained in the document:
function isInDocument(el) {
var html = document.body.parentNode;
while (el) {
if (el === html) {
return true;
el = el.parentNode;
return false;
var elem = document.createElement('div');
You can also use jQuery.contains:
jQuery.contains( document, YOUR_ELEMENT)
Use compareDocumentPosition to see if the element is contained inside document. PPK has browser compatibility details and John Resig has a version for IE.
function isInDocument(query){
return document.querySelectorAll(query).length != 0;
// isInDocument("#elemid")

