React Jsx set checked state to false (reset button) - javascript

Here I'm trying to reset selected radio buttons on this list,
however it doesn't work because
I previously change input check from {checked} to {user.checked}. Refer from UserListElement.tsx below
Therefore, I tried the following two methods.
in useEffect(), set user.userId = false
useEffect(() => {
user.checked = false;
}, [isReset, user]);
→ no change.
setChecked to true when addedUserIds includes user.userId
if (addedUserIds.includes(`${user.userId}`)) {
→ Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.
Any suggestion on how to make this this work?
export const UserListElement = ({
}: {
user: UserEntity;
handleOnMemberClicked: (checked: boolean, userId: string | null) => void;
isReset: boolean;
}) => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(user.checked);
const addedUserIds = => item.userId) || [];
const handleOnChange = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const checkedState =;
setChecked(checkedState); //not called
user.checked = checkedState;
handleOnMemberClicked(checkedState, user.userId);
useEffect(() => {
}, [isReset, user]);
if (addedUserIds.includes(`${user.userId}`)) {
user.checked = true;
// setChecked(true) cause runtime error (infinite loop)
return (
<label className={style.checkboxLabel}>
// checked={checked}
onChange={(e) => handleOnChange(e)}
export const UserList = (props: {
showsUserList: boolean;handleClose: () => void;corporationId: string;currentUserId: string;samePerson: boolean;twj: string;
}) => {
const [isReset, setReset] = useState(false);
const resetAll = () => {
setCount((addedUserList.length = 0));
return ( <
> < div > xxxxx <
ul className = {
`option-module-list no-list option-module-list-member ${style.personListMember}`
} > {, i) => (
<UserListElement user = { user }
handleOnMemberClicked = { handleOnMemberClicked }
isReset = { isReset }
key = {i} />
)) }
<a className="is-secondary reservation-popup-filter-reset" onClick={resetAll}>
export class UserDetail {
constructor(public userId: string | null, public name: string | null) {}
export let addedUserList: UserDetail[] = [];
export let setAddedUserList: Dispatch<SetStateAction<UserDetail[]>>;
export const useAddUserList = (idList: UserDetail[]) => {
[addedUserList, setAddedUserList] = useState(idList);
Further Clarification:
Default view
Searched option (showed filtered list)
I use user.checked because when using only checked, the checked state does not carry on from filtered list view to the full view (ex. when I erase searched word or close the popup).

The real answer to this question is that the state should NOT be held within your component. The state of checkboxes should be held in UsersList and be passed in as a prop.
export const UserListElement = ({
}: {
user: UserEntity;
handleOnMemberClicked: (checked: boolean, userId: string | null) => void;
isChecked: boolean;
}) => {
// no complicated logic in here, just render the checkbox according to the `isChecked` prop, and call the handler when clicked
in users list
return => (
isChecked={addedUserIds.includes(} <-- THIS LINE
You can see that you almost had this figured out because you were doing this in the child:
if (addedUserIds.includes(`${user.userId}`)) {
user.checked = true;
// setChecked(true) cause runtime error (infinite loop)
Which indicates to you that the checkdd value is entirely dependent on the state held in the parent, which means there is actually no state to be had in the child.
Also, in React, NEVER mutate things (props or state) like - user.checked = true - that's a surefire way to leave you with a bug that will cost you a lot of time.
Hopefully this sheds some light

In your UserListElement.tsx you are setting state in render, which triggers renders the component again, and again set the state which again triggers re-render and the loop continues. Try to put your condition in the useEffect call, also you mutate props, so don't set user.checked = true. Instead call setter from the parent component, where it is defined.
useEffect(() => {
if (addedUserIds.includes(user.userId)) {
}, [user]);


How to immediately rerender child component after updating the sessionStorage using custom hook

My goal is to build a simple product review system using React, Next.JS and the browser's sessionStorage.
The user should be able to click on a button to "Add a review". This action will trigger the display of a text area and a submit button. Once the user click the submit button, the review content should be persisted in the sessionStorage and immediately showed up in a list of reviews.
My problem is that although I can update the sessionStorage after submitting the review, the app is not displaying the list of existing reviews right away.
If I leave the page and get back, the reviews will be shown up, meaning my custom hook seems to be working fine.
Here's the ReviewForm.tsx code:
export const ReviewForm: React.FC<Props> = ({ productId }): JSX.Element => {
const [showForm, setShowForm] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [storedValues, setStoredValues] = useSessionStorage<SessionStorage[]>(
const registerReview = (event: any) => {
const reviewText =;
const productIndex = storedValues?.findIndex(
(review) => review.productId === productId
if (productIndex === -1 || productIndex === undefined) {
setStoredValues([...storedValues!, { productId, reviews: [reviewText] }]);
} else {
const reviews = [...storedValues![productIndex].reviews, reviewText];
const updatedReviews = [...storedValues!];
updatedReviews[productIndex].reviews = reviews;
return (
<div className={styles.reviewsContainer}>
onClick={() => setShowForm(true)}
<span>Add a review</span>
{showForm && (
onSubmit={(event) => registerReview(event)}
<textarea className={styles.reviewInput} name="review" required />
<button className={styles.reviewSubmitButton} type="submit">
<ReviewList productId={productId} />
And here's the ReviewList.tsx component, rendered inside ReviewForm.tsx:
export const ReviewList: React.FC<Props> = ({ productId }): JSX.Element => {
const [reviews, _] = useSessionStorage<SessionStorage[]>(
const productReviews = reviews?.find(
(review) => review.productId === productId
return (
{productReviews?.map((review) => (
<li key={Math.random() * 10000}>{review}</li>
Lastly, here's my custom hook useSessionStorage:
export const useSessionStorage = <T>(
key: string,
initialValue?: T
): SessionStorage<T> => {
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState<T | undefined>(() => {
if (!initialValue) return;
try {
const value = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
return value ? JSON.parse(value) : initialValue;
} catch (error) {
return initialValue;
useEffect(() => {
if (storedValue) {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(storedValue));
} catch (error) {
}, [storedValue, key]);
return [storedValue, setStoredValue];
The title of my question says "how to rerender child component" because I noticed if I completely delete the ReviewList.tsx component, bringing all its render logic inside the ReviewForm.tsx, my application will behave as expected.
So maybe the problem is related with this relation between components?
Any advice is welcome.
The problem
The problem is in your useSessionStorage hook. It is not actually synchronized with the session storage, because the state is actually stored with useState, it is only populated on mount.
How does it work in your case:
You initialize FIRST STATE using useState (inside custom useSessionStorage hook) with current session storage value on component mount at ReviewList.tsx
You initialize SECOND STATE using useState (inside custom useSessionStorage hook) with current session storage value on component mount at ReviewForm.tsx
You mutate SECOND STATE and push the changes to session storage with useEffect
So FIRST STATE is not updated with the new value until you re-mount the component.
Solution 1 (Will work only for sync between different browser tabs)
We need to reverse the flow of data from useState -> sessionStorage to sessionStorage -> useState
export const useSessionStorage = <T>(
key: string,
initialValue?: T
): SessionStorage<T> => {
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState<T | undefined>(() => {
if (!initialValue) return;
try {
const value = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
return value ? JSON.parse(value!) : initialValue;
} catch (error) {
return initialValue;
const setStorageValue = useCallback((newValue: T) => {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newValue));
} catch (error) {
}, []);
/** This `useEffect` will make sure `storedValue` is always in sync with the `sessionStorage` */
useEffect(() => {
const listenToStorageEvent = (event: StorageEvent) => {
if (event.storageArea === sessionStorage && event.key === key) {
try {
const newValue = JSON.parse(event.newValue!);
if (storedValue !== newValue) {
} catch (error) {
window.addEventListener("storage", listenToStorageEvent);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("storage", listenToStorageEvent);
}, [key]);
// We expose `setStorageValue` which works with `sessionStorage` instead of `setStoredValue` which works with local state
return [storedValue, setStorageValue];
Solution 2
Use custom events to be able to sync the same tab too
Solution 3
Parse the whole session storage on application start and put it as a state into a context. After that, on each "set" update both the context state and the sessionStorage. This solution has a lot of disadvantages like error proneness due to manual state to session storage synchronization, excessive re-rendering of the whole component tree under session storage provider on each storage value update. So I will not even add code examples here.

How to disable an active item after dispatch?

I would like to create notifications that expire after a set amount of seconds.
I have created a property which is 'active' and when toggled to false it will hide.
Ideally, it would be nice to have the expiry automatically set in the slice, i.e. run the disable reducer within the runtime of the notify reducer but i'm not sure this is good practice, and am not sure how to pull it off.
What is the best way to pull this off? I was thinking of adding an expiry date on each item but since the 'active' field is already there I would like to set a timeout and toggle it to false after 3 seconds..
Notification component:
export function Notification() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
function disableAlert(id: number) {
dispatch(disable({'id' : id}));
const notification_list = useSelector(getNotification);
if (notification_list && notification_list.length > 0) {
return any, index: number) => ?
<Alert onClose={() => disableAlert(index)} style={{bottom: 50 * index}} severity={notification.mode}>{notification.message}</Alert> :
return <></>
Currently I have these slices:
const disableMessage = (state: any, message_id: number) => {
return => === message_id ?
{...message, active: !} :
export const notificationSlice = createSlice({
name: 'notification',
initialState: initialState,
reducers: {
notify: (state, action) => {
const { message, mode, active } = action.payload;
state.messages.push({id: state.messages.length , message : message, mode: mode, active: active});
disable: (state, action) => {
const { id } = action.payload;
state.messages = disableMessage(state, id);
It is convention that reducers never contain any type of logic. I recommend to stick with this.
This leaves either the action or the Notification component. For me it makes more sense to tie the disable to the rendering of the individual notification so I would start the timeout there.
Ideally, you can split your <Alert/> component into the presentation and logic. Something similar to:
const NotificationAlert = ({ disableAlert, id }) => {
const notification = useSelector((state) => selectNotificationById(state, id));
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
}, [disableAlert, id]);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => disableAlert(id), 3000);
}, [disableAlert]);
return (
style={{bottom: 50 * id}}
export function Notification() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
// memoize handler with useCallback
const disableAlert = useCallback((id: number) => {
dispatch(disable({'id' : id}));
}, [dispatch]);
// Filter for active notifications already in your selector
const notificationIds = useSelector(getActiveNotificationIds);
return =>
<NotificationAlert disableAlert={disableAlert} id={id} />
Also, make sure your disableAlert action is setting active to false rather than toggling it!

Update State of Another Component Within A Generic Component Causes Warning

When designing a generic component, I adopted the principle of SOC where the generic component will not know the implementation details of the user and allow the user to listen for callbacks to handle their own state.
For example:
interface Props {
initialValue?: boolean;
onToggle?: (value: boolean) => void;
const Toggle: React.FC<Props> = ({
initialValue = false,
}) => {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = React.useState(initialValue);
const handleToggle = React.useCallback(() => {
let updatedValue = isActive;
// do some computation if needed
if(onToggle) {
}, [isActive, onToggle]);
return (
<div onClick={handleToggle}>Sort</div>
const Parent: React.FC<Props> = ({
}) => {
const [parentObject, setParentObject] = React.useState({});
const handleToggle = React.useCallback((value: boolean) => {
let updatedValue = value;
// do some computation to updatedValue if needed
setParentObject((parent) => { ...parent, calculated: updatedValue });
}, []);
return (
<SortButton onToggle={handleToggle} />
The above implementation allows the generic component (ie. Toggle) to handle their own state and allows parents to implement their own implementation using callbacks. However, I have been getting the following error:
Warning: Cannot update a component (`Parent`) while rendering a different component (`Toggle`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `Toggle`
My understanding from the error is that, within the callback onClick, it triggers state mutation of the parent (in this case, another component) which should not be allowed. The solution I figured was to move the callback within an useEffect like this:
interface Props {
initialValue?: boolean;
onToggle?: (value: boolean) => void;
const Toggle: React.FC<Props> = ({
initialValue = false,
}) => {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = React.useState(initialValue);
React.useEffect(() => {
let updatedValue = isActive;
// do some computation if needed
if(onToggle) {
}, [isActive, onToggle]);
const handleToggle = React.useCallback(() => {
setIsActive((value) => !value);
}, []);
return (
<div onClick={handleToggle}>Sort</div>
The new implementation works but I have a few questions which I would hope to get some guidance on.
The example works and is easy to refactor because it is a simple state of isActive. What if the value we need is more complicated (for example, mouse position, etc) and does not have a state to store the value and is only available from onMouseMove? Do we create a state to store the `mouse position and follow the pattern?
Is the existing implementation an anti-pattern to any of the React concepts in the first place?
Is there any other possible implementation to solve the issue?
This is a somewhat biased opinion, but I'm a big proponent of Lifting State Up and "Dumb" Components/Controlled Components.
I would design it so that the SortButton does not have any internal state. It would get all of the information that it needs from props. The Parent would be responsible for passing down the correct value of isActive/value, which it will update when the child SortButton calls its onToggle prop.
We can include the event in the onToggle callback just in case the parent wants to use it.
import * as React from "react";
interface Props {
isActive: boolean;
onToggle: (value: boolean, e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
const Toggle: React.FC<Props> = ({ isActive, onToggle }) => {
return (
className={isActive ? "sort-active" : "sort-inactive"}
onClick={(e) => onToggle(!isActive, e)}
{isActive ? "Unsort" : "Sort"}
export default Toggle;
import * as React from "react";
import SortButton from "./SortButton";
interface Props {
list: number[];
const Parent: React.FC<Props> = ({ list }) => {
// parent stores the state of the sort
const [isSorted, setIsSorted] = React.useState(false);
// derived data is better as a memo than as state.
const sortedList = React.useMemo(
// either sort the list or don't.
() => (isSorted ? [...list].sort() : list),
// depends on the list prop and the isSorted state.
[list, isSorted]
return (
// you could use a more complicated callback, but it's not needed here.
{ => (
export default Parent;
Code Sandbox Demo

React with a handler function that returns a function (a curried) - what's the benefit of using it?

I'm writing a component that renders Checkboxes of Categories as part of a large system, here is the code:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const Checkbox = ({ categories, handleFilter }) => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState([]);
// get all the categories that user clicked and send them to the Backend
const handleToggle = c => () => {
const currentCategoryId = checked.indexOf(c); // return the first index with cateogry 'c
const newCheckedCategoryId = [...checked];
// if currently checked wasn't already in Checked state ==> Push
// else Pull it
// User want to Check
if (currentCategoryId === -1) {
// not in the state
else {
// User wants to Uncheck
newCheckedCategoryId.splice(currentCategoryId, 1); // remove it from the array
// console.log(newCheckedCategoryId);
handleFilter(newCheckedCategoryId, 'category');
return (
{, index) => (
<li key={index} className='list-unstyled'>
value={checked.indexOf(cat._id) === -1}
className='form-check-input' />
<label className='form-check-label'>{}</label>
export default Checkbox;
Whenever a user clicks one of the Checkboxes the handler handleToggle is invoked.
What I don't understand is why I need to use a curried function?
When I try to use:
const handleToggle = c => { ... }
Instead of:
const handleToggle = c => () => { ... }
React throws:
Unhandled Rejection (Error): Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.
What's the deal here and why is it required to use a curried function ?
The main problem is handleToggle has been evaluated and assigned the result of that function to onChange instead of passing as a callback function.
Based on that you need to change how you call the function handleToggle as:
onChange={() => handleToggle(cat._id)}
From your example:
And at the end const handleToggle = c => { ... } will be just fine.
According to your onChange function you are calling function directly instead of assigning it:
onChange={handleToggle(cat._id)} <- Call as soon as this sees
instead you have to do this:
onChange={() => handleToggle(cat._id)}
And define handleToggle like this:
// get all the categories that user clicked and send them to the Backend
const handleToggle = c => {
const currentCategoryId = checked.indexOf(c); // return the first index with cateogry 'c
const newCheckedCategoryId = [...checked];
// if currently checked wasn't already in Checked state ==> Push
// else Pull it
// User want to Check
if (currentCategoryId === -1) {
// not in the state
else {
// User wants to Uncheck
newCheckedCategoryId.splice(currentCategoryId, 1); // remove it from the array
// console.log(newCheckedCategoryId);
handleFilter(newCheckedCategoryId, 'category');

Unexpected result with React Hooks setState

I am getting some unexpected results.
Looking at that
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
const propTypes = {
fooList: PropTypes.array
const defaultProps = {
fooList: [
{ active: false },
{ active: false }
const FooBar = ({
}) => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(fooList);
const onClick = (entry, index) => { = !;
state[index] = entry;
console.log('#1', state) // <- That loggs the new State properly!
console.log('#2', state) // <- That does not log at after clicking on the text, only after the initial render
return, index) => {
return <p
onClick={() => onClick(entry, index)}
{`Entry is: ${ ? 'active' : 'not active'}`}
FooBar.defaultProps = defaultProps;
FooBar.propTypes = propTypes;
export default FooBar;
I expect on every click the text in the <p /> Tag to change from Entry is: not active to Entry is: active.
Now, I am not sure if I can simply alter the state like this
state[index] = entry;
Using a class extending React.Component, this wouldn't work. But maybe with React Hooks? And then, I am not sure if I can use hooks in a map().
When you use state[index] = entry;, you are mutating the state but the state reference does not change, and so React will not be able to tell if the state changed, and will not re-render.
You can copy the state before mutating it:
const onClick = (entry, index) => { = !;
const newState = [...state];
newState[index] = entry;
console.log(newState) // <- That loggs the new State properly!
I would also consider maybe changing up your design a little
rather than handling each individual click out side, if it is just for display purposes, then it can be easier to encapsulate in a new component:
const FooBarDisplay = (entry) => {
const [active, setActive] = useState(;
const onClick = () => {
return (<p onClick={() => onClick()}>
{`Entry is: ${active ? 'active' : 'not active'}`}
Here you can make handling state easier, and avoid mutating arrays.
Simpler parent:
const FooBar = ({
fooList = [
{ active: false },
{ active: false }
}) =>, i) => <FooBarDisplay key={i} entry={entry} />);
I've just moved default props to actual default argument values.

