javascript Promise not wait Promise.all - javascript

So getAstronautsData make request to API then return array of promises. This promises mast make request to Wiki API and parse response in object. Then exampleAsyncFunc must wait all promises and return one big object with all info about Astronauts.
But if I use Promise.all function ending and console is clear.
function getAstronautsData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getData('', "http", (data) => {
resolve(data) // get Astronauts list from API
}).then((astronautsList) => {
return => // return array of promises
new Promise(resolve => {
getWikiData(, (data) => { // request on Wiki API
resolve({info: data.extract, img: data.thumbnail.source})
async function exampleAsyncFunc (){
let promisesList = await getAstronautsData()
// next code just few variant was i try
let data = await Promise.all(promisesList)// it's not working.
Promise.all(promisesList).then(data => console.log(data)) //it's not working. Function display nothing
promisesList.forEach((promise) => { //it's working but not so elegant
promise.then(data => console.log(data))
exampleAsyncFunc ()
function getWikiData(searhTerm, callback) {
getData(getUrlString(searhTerm), "https", (data) => {
const regex = new RegExp(searhTerm.replaceAll(" ", ".*"));
for (let page in data.query.pages) {
if (data.query.pages[page].title === searhTerm || regex.test(data.query.pages[page].title)) {

You appear to be using Promise.all correctly, but if any of the Promises in Promise.all rejects, then overall Promise.all promise will reject too and nothing will happen, where in your forEach version it'll simply skip those promises silently and move on to the next entries.
Likewise if any of the promises in the list stays pending: if so then the Promise.all promise will never resolve. This could be because you have a long list of return values and the whole list takes a longer-than-expected time to resolve, or because your getWikiData call encounters an error and you don't pass that out to reject that particular promise in your array.
You can debug this behavior by ensuring that each of your calls to then is followed by .catch(console.error) (or some more robust error handler).

Let me first disclose that I am a big promise partisan and frankly deplore callbacks. The implication here is that I would not have written your getData and getWikiData with callbacks.
I will also point out that I second what #t.niese said in the comments: Because it does not make sense having both let data = await Promise.all(promisesList) and promisesList.forEach((promise) => {.
Anyway, your code is unnecessarily complex and can be simplified like so:
function getAstronautsData(callback) {
getData('', "http", data => {
callback( =>
new Promise(resolve => {
getWikiData(, data => {
function exampleAsyncFunc (){
getAstronautsData(promises => {
.then(result => {
//result will contain those resolved promises
exampleAsyncFunc ()
Notice that I am passing a callback to getAstronautsData and call it from inside that function with the array of promises you ultimately want to resolve. No need for async here either as you can see.

Ok, problem was in API (in API one of astronauts have name "Tom Marshburn" but on Wiki his page have title "Thomas Marshburn") and function getWikiData not return any data on error. So i fixed this problem.
Thanks you all for you help!!!


How to reject with new message asynchronous javascript function

I am learning things about promises and I am confused with that function. I need to return a reject with message when connect() is not working. I tried a catch but i need to create reject for entire fucntion pooledDownload(). Please help me.
const pooledDownload = (connect, save, downloadList, maxConcurrency) => {
for (let i = 0; i < maxConcurrency; i++) {
.then((connection) => {
const { download, close } = connection;
.then((result) => save(result));
.catch(() => {
throw new Error("connection failed")
module.exports = pooledDownload
When you call connect() in a for loop, you are creating multiple Promises. If you want to coalesce the results from all the Promise objects into one failure, you can use Promise.all or Promise.allSettled.
For example,
const pooledDownload = async (/*...*/) => {
return Promise.all(
// create an array of promises by mapping each element of an array of 1..N to a Promise
[...Array(maxConcurrency).keys()].map(() => {
return connect().then(/*...*/)
This will create a maxConcurrency-length array of Promise objects and pass it to Promise.all, which will reject if any of the items in the list reject and resolve if all the items in the list resolve. If you return that result, then your pooledDownload function will resolve/reject based on the success of all the individual connections.
Additional Note
It looks like your download function is also returning a promise. If you want the entire "connect -> download -> save" chain to act like one "unit" and succeed/fail together, then you need to return download(/*...*/) from your then call. Otherwise, the call to download() is creating a new promise that is not "connected to the chain" so to speak. You're also going to need to watch out for when you call close, since currently you don't wait for the download call to finish before closing.
Since I don't know which functions are async in this case, I can't exactly say how it should look, but this would be pretty close:
const singleDownload = async (connect, save, downloadListItem) => {
return connect().then((connection) => {
const { download, close } = connection;
return download(downloadListItem).then(async (result) => {
await save(result); // assume save is async
const pooledDownload = async (connect, save, downloadList, maxConcurrency) => {
const allDownloads = [...Array(maxConcurrency).keys()].map((key) => {
return singleDownload(connect, save, downloadList[key]);
return Promise.all(allDownloads);

Handle a reject in promise.all() in javascript [duplicate]

I have an array of Promises that I'm resolving with Promise.all(arrayOfPromises);
I go on to continue the promise chain. Looks something like this
existingPromiseChain = existingPromiseChain.then(function() {
var arrayOfPromises ={
return route.handler.promiseHandler();
return Promise.all(arrayOfPromises)
existingPromiseChain = existingPromiseChain.then(function(arrayResolved) {
// do stuff with my array of resolved promises, eventually ending with a res.send();
I want to add a catch statement to handle an individual promise in case it errors, but when I try, Promise.all returns the first error it finds (disregards the rest), and then I can't get the data from the rest of the promises in the array (that didn't error).
I've tried doing something like ..
existingPromiseChain = existingPromiseChain.then(function() {
var arrayOfPromises ={
return route.handler.promiseHandler()
.then(function(data) {
return data;
.catch(function(err) {
return err
return Promise.all(arrayOfPromises)
existingPromiseChain = existingPromiseChain.then(function(arrayResolved) {
// do stuff with my array of resolved promises, eventually ending with a res.send();
But that doesn't resolve.
What the answers below said were completely true, the code was breaking due to other reasons. In case anyone is interested, this is the solution I ended up with ...
Node Express Server Chain
.then(function(AppRouter) {
var arrayOfPromises = {
return route.async();
.catch(function(err) {
// log that I have an error, return the entire array;
console.log('A promise failed to resolve', err);
return arrayOfPromises;
.then(function(arrayOfPromises) {
// full array of resolved promises;
API Call (route.async call)
return async()
.then(function(result) {
// dispatch a success
return result;
.catch(function(err) {
// dispatch a failure and throw error
throw err;
Putting the .catch for Promise.all before the .then seems to have served the purpose of catching any errors from the original promises, but then returning the entire array to the next .then
Promise.all is all or nothing. It resolves once all promises in the array resolve, or reject as soon as one of them rejects. In other words, it either resolves with an array of all resolved values, or rejects with a single error.
Some libraries have something called Promise.when, which I understand would instead wait for all promises in the array to either resolve or reject, but I'm not familiar with it, and it's not in ES6.
Your code
I agree with others here that your fix should work. It should resolve with an array that may contain a mix of successful values and errors objects. It's unusual to pass error objects in the success-path but assuming your code is expecting them, I see no problem with it.
The only reason I can think of why it would "not resolve" is that it's failing in code you're not showing us and the reason you're not seeing any error message about this is because this promise chain is not terminated with a final catch (as far as what you're showing us anyway).
I've taken the liberty of factoring out the "existing chain" from your example and terminating the chain with a catch. This may not be right for you, but for people reading this, it's important to always either return or terminate chains, or potential errors, even coding errors, will get hidden (which is what I suspect happened here):
Promise.all( {
return route.handler.promiseHandler().catch(function(err) {
return err;
.then(function(arrayOfValuesOrErrors) {
// handling of my array containing values and/or errors.
.catch(function(err) {
console.log(err.message); // some coding error in handling happened
const results = await Promise.all( => p.catch(e => e)));
const validResults = results.filter(result => !(result instanceof Error));
Chrome 76:
You can download to get it now. In certain browsers allSettled comes preinstalled with the browser itself. It's worth downloading the package for peace of mind because eg. TypeScript doesn't have default definitions for allSettled.
ES2020 introduces new method for the Promise type: Promise.allSettled().
Promise.allSettled gives you a signal when all the input promises are settled, which means they’re either fulfilled or rejected. This is useful in cases where you don’t care about the state of the promise, you just want to know when the work is done, regardless of whether it was successful.
async function() {
const promises = [
fetch('/'), // succeeds
fetch('/this-will-fail') // fails
const result = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
console.log( => promise.status));
// ['fulfilled', 'rejected']
Read more in the v8 blog post.
To continue the Promise.all loop (even when a Promise rejects) I wrote a utility function which is called executeAllPromises. This utility function returns an object with results and errors.
The idea is that all Promises you pass to executeAllPromises will be wrapped into a new Promise which will always resolve. The new Promise resolves with an array which has 2 spots. The first spot holds the resolving value (if any) and the second spot keeps the error (if the wrapped Promise rejects).
As a final step the executeAllPromises accumulates all values of the wrapped promises and returns the final object with an array for results and an array for errors.
Here is the code:
function executeAllPromises(promises) {
// Wrap all Promises in a Promise that will always "resolve"
var resolvingPromises = {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var payload = new Array(2);
promise.then(function(result) {
payload[0] = result;
.catch(function(error) {
payload[1] = error;
.then(function() {
* The wrapped Promise returns an array:
* The first position in the array holds the result (if any)
* The second position in the array holds the error (if any)
var errors = [];
var results = [];
// Execute all wrapped Promises
return Promise.all(resolvingPromises)
.then(function(items) {
items.forEach(function(payload) {
if (payload[1]) {
} else {
return {
errors: errors,
results: results
var myPromises = [
Promise.reject(new Error('3')),
Promise.reject(new Error('5'))
executeAllPromises(myPromises).then(function(items) {
// Result
var errors = {
return error.message
var results = items.results.join(',');
console.log(`Executed all ${myPromises.length} Promises:`);
console.log(`— ${items.results.length} Promises were successful: ${results}`);
console.log(`— ${items.errors.length} Promises failed: ${errors}`);
Instead of Promise.all use Promise.allSettled which waits for all promises to settle, regardless of the result
let p1 = new Promise(resolve => resolve("result1"));
let p2 = new Promise( (resolve,reject) => reject('some troubles') );
let p3 = new Promise(resolve => resolve("result3"));
// It returns info about each promise status and value
Promise.allSettled([p1,p2,p3]).then(result=> console.log(result));
if (!Promise.allSettled) {
const rejectHandler = reason => ({ status: 'rejected', reason });
const resolveHandler = value => ({ status: 'fulfilled', value });
Promise.allSettled = function (promises) {
const convertedPromises = promises
.map(p => Promise.resolve(p).then(resolveHandler, rejectHandler));
return Promise.all(convertedPromises);
As #jib said,
Promise.all is all or nothing.
Though, you can control certain promises that are "allowed" to fail and we would like to proceed to .then.
For example.
.catch(err => {
if( /* err non-critical */) {
// if critical then fail
throw err
.then(([ mustRes1, mustRes2, optionalRes ]) => {
// proceed to work with results
Using Async await -
here one async function func1 is returning a resolved value, and func2 is throwing a error and returning a null in this situation, we can handle it how we want and return accordingly.
const callingFunction = async () => {
const manyPromises = await Promise.all([func1(), func2()]);
const func1 = async () => {
return 'func1'
const func2 = async () => {
try {
let x;
if (!x) throw "x value not present"
} catch(err) {
return null
Output is - [ 'func1', null ]
if you get to use the q library
it has q.allSettled() method that can solve this problem
you can handle every promise depending on its state either fullfiled or rejected
existingPromiseChain = existingPromiseChain.then(function() {
var arrayOfPromises ={
return route.handler.promiseHandler();
return q.allSettled(arrayOfPromises)
existingPromiseChain = existingPromiseChain.then(function(arrayResolved) {
//so here you have all your promises the fulfilled and the rejected ones
// you can check the state of each promise
if(item.state === 'fulfilled'){ // 'rejected' for rejected promises
//do somthing
} else {
// do something else
// do stuff with my array of resolved promises, eventually ending with a res.send();
For those using ES8 that stumble here, you can do something like the following, using async functions:
var arrayOfPromises = function(route){
try {
return await route.handler.promiseHandler();
} catch(e) {
// Do something to handle the error.
// Errored promises will return whatever you return here (undefined if you don't return anything).
var resolvedPromises = await Promise.all(arrayOfPromises);
Promise.allSettled with a filter
const promises = [
// Imagine some of these requests fail, and some succeed.
const resultFilter = (result, error) => result.filter(i => i.status === (!error ? 'fulfilled' : 'rejected')).map(i => (!error ? i.value : i.reason));
const result = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
const fulfilled = resultFilter(result); // all fulfilled results
const rejected = resultFilter(result, true); // all rejected results
Have you considered Promise.prototype.finally()?
It seems to be designed to do exactly what you want - execute a function once all the promises have settled (resolved/rejected), regardless of some of the promises being rejected.
From the MDN documentation:
The finally() method can be useful if you want to do some processing or cleanup once the promise is settled, regardless of its outcome.
The finally() method is very similar to calling .then(onFinally, onFinally) however there are couple of differences:
When creating a function inline, you can pass it once, instead of being forced to either declare it twice, or create a variable for it.
A finally callback will not receive any argument, since there's no reliable means of determining if the promise was fulfilled or rejected. This use case is for precisely when you do not care about the rejection reason, or the fulfillment value, and so there's no need to provide it.
Unlike Promise.resolve(2).then(() => {}, () => {}) (which will be resolved with undefined), Promise.resolve(2).finally(() => {}) will be resolved with 2.
Similarly, unlike Promise.reject(3).then(() => {}, () => {}) (which will be fulfilled with undefined), Promise.reject(3).finally(() => {}) will be rejected with 3.
== Fallback ==
If your version of JavaScript doesn't support Promise.prototype.finally() you can use this workaround from Jake Archibald: Promise.all( => p.catch(() => undefined)));
We can handle the rejection at the individual promises level, so when we get the results in our result array, the array index which has been rejected will be undefined. We can handle that situation as needed, and use the remaining results.
Here I have rejected the first promise, so it comes as undefined, but we can use the result of the second promise, which is at index 1.
const manyPromises = Promise.all([func1(), func2()]).then(result => {
console.log(result[0]); // undefined
console.log(result[1]); // func2
function func1() {
return new Promise( (res, rej) => rej('func1')).catch(err => {
console.log('error handled', err);
function func2() {
return new Promise( (res, rej) => setTimeout(() => res('func2'), 500) );
const promise1 = Promise.resolve(3);
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(reject, 100, 'foo'));
const promises = [promise1, promise2];
let sum = 0;
let promiseErrorArr = [];
.then((results) => {
results.forEach(result => {
if (result.status === "rejected") {
sum += 1;
return ( (sum>0) ? promiseFailed() : promisePassed())
function promiseFailed(){
console.log('one or all failed!')
function promisePassed(){
console.log('all passed!')
// expected output:
// "one or all failed!"
// Array [Object { status: "rejected", reason: "foo" }]
Alternately, if you have a case where you don't particularly care about the values of the resolved promises when there is one failure but you still want them to have run, you could do something like this which will resolve with the promises as normal when they all succeed and reject with the failed promises when any of them fail:
function promiseNoReallyAll (promises) {
return new Promise(
async (resolve, reject) => {
const failedPromises = []
const successfulPromises = await Promise.all(
promise => promise.catch(error => {
if (failedPromises.length) {
} else {
You can always wrap your promise returning functions in a way that they catches failure and returning instead an agreed value (e.g. error.message), so the exception won't roll all the way up to the Promise.all function and disable it.
async function resetCache(ip) {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`http://${ip}/resetcache`);
return response;
}catch (e) {
return {status: 'failure', reason: 'e.message'};
I've found a way (workaround) to do this without making it sync.
So as it was mentioned before Promise.all is all of none.
so... Use an enclosing promise to catch and force resolve.
let safePromises = => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Do something error friendly
promise.then(_res => resolve(res)).catch(_err => resolve(err))
// safe
return Promise.all(safePromises)
You would need to know how to identify an error in your results. If you do not have a standard expected error, I suggest that you run a transformation on each error in the catch block that makes it identifiable in your results.
try {
let resArray = await Promise.all( => route.handler.promiseHandler().catch(e => e))
// in catch(e => e) you can transform your error to a type or object
// that makes it easier for you to identify whats an error in resArray
// e.g. if you expect your err objects to have e.type, you can filter
// all errors in the array eg
// let errResponse = resArray.filter(d => d && d.type === '<expected type>')
// let notNullResponse = resArray.filter(d => d)
} catch (err) {
// code related errors
Not the best way to error log, but you can always set everything to an array for the promiseAll, and store the resulting results into new variables.
If you use graphQL you need to postprocess the response regardless and if it doesn't find the correct reference it'll crash the app, narrowing down where the problem is at
const results = await Promise.all([
const specialDates = results[0].data.specialDates;
const specialDateTypes = results[1].data.specialDateTypes;
const orderDates = results[2].data.orders;
Unfortunately, I don't have enough reputation to comment (or do much of anything, really), so I'm posting this as an answer in response to Eric's answer here.
The executor function can also be an async function. However, this is usually a mistake, for a few reasons:
If an async executor function throws an error, the error will be lost and won’t cause the newly-constructed Promise to reject. This could make it difficult to debug and handle some errors.
If a Promise executor function is using await, this is usually a sign that it is not actually necessary to use the new Promise constructor, or the scope of the new Promise constructor can be reduced.
From this explanation as to why Promises should not utilize an async executor function
Instead, you should opt for Promise.allSettled(), as suggested here by Asaf.
With the help of allSettled,we can now read the status of
each promise is, and process each error individually, without losing any of this critical information
const promises = [
fetch('/api/first'), // first
fetch('/api/second') // second
The simplest way is to handle errors
const [firstResult, secondResult] = await Promise.allSettled(promises)
// Process first
if (firstResult.status === 'rejected') {
const err = firstResult.reason
// Here you can handle error
} else {
const first = firstResult.value
// Process second
if (secondResult.status === 'rejected') {
const err = secondResult.reason
// Here you can handle error
} else {
const second = secondResult.value
A nice way to handle error
const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
const [first, second] = handleResults(results)
function handleResults(results) {
const errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected').map(result => result.reason)
if (errors.length) {
// Aggregate all errors into one
throw new AggregateError(errors)
return => result.value)
That's how Promise.all is designed to work. If a single promise reject()'s, the entire method immediately fails.
There are use cases where one might want to have the Promise.all allowing for promises to fail. To make this happen, simply don't use any reject() statements in your promise. However, to ensure your app/script does not freeze in case any single underlying promise never gets a response, you need to put a timeout on it.
function getThing(uid,branch){
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
xhr.get().then(function(res) {
if (res) {
else {
}).catch(function(error) {
I wrote a npm library to deal with this problem more beautiful.
npm i --save promiseallend
2017-02-25 new api, it's not break promise principles
const promiseAllEnd = require('promiseallend');
const promises = [Promise.resolve(1), Promise.reject('error'), Promise.resolve(2)];
const promisesObj = {k1: Promise.resolve(1), k2: Promise.reject('error'), k3: Promise.resolve(2)};
// input promises with array
promiseAllEnd(promises, {
unhandledRejection(error, index) {
// error is the original error which is 'error'.
// index is the index of array, it's a number.
console.log(error, index);
// will call, data is `[1, undefined, 2]`
.then(data => console.log(data))
// won't call
.catch(error => console.log(error.detail))
// input promises with object
promiseAllEnd(promisesObj, {
unhandledRejection(error, prop) {
// error is the original error.
// key is the property of object.
console.log(error, prop);
// will call, data is `{k1: 1, k3: 2}`
.then(data => console.log(data))
// won't call
.catch(error => console.log(error.detail))
// the same to `Promise.all`
promiseAllEnd(promises, {requireConfig: true})
// will call, `error.detail` is 'error', `error.key` is number 1.
.catch(error => console.log(error.detail))
// requireConfig is Array
promiseAllEnd(promises, {requireConfig: [false, true, false]})
// won't call
.then(data => console.log(data))
// will call, `error.detail` is 'error', `error.key` is number 1.
.catch(error => console.log(error.detail))
// requireConfig is Array
promiseAllEnd(promises, {requireConfig: [true, false, false]})
// will call, data is `[1, undefined, 2]`.
.then(data => console.log(data))
// won't call
.catch(error => console.log(error.detail))
Old bad api, do not use it!
let promiseAllEnd = require('promiseallend');
// input promises with array
promiseAllEnd([Promise.resolve(1), Promise.reject('error'), Promise.resolve(2)])
.then(data => console.log(data)) // [1, undefined, 2]
.catch(error => console.log(error.errorsByKey)) // {1: 'error'}
// input promises with object
promiseAllEnd({k1: Promise.resolve(1), k2: Promise.reject('error'), k3: Promise.resolve(2)})
.then(data => console.log(data)) // {k1: 1, k3: 2}
.catch(error => console.log(error.errorsByKey)) // {k2: 'error'}

Chaining different API calls in a Vue component including one with a for loop

I'm trying to understand how to chain two different API calls including one with a for loop in a 'notes' Vue component. I have a really basic experience of promises and I'm looking to improve.
I'm making a first API call to get all the notes and pushing them into an array using a Vuex mutation. During that first API call I'm also mapping the different users emails into an Object.
Using this mapped object, I'm making a second API call inside a for loop to get all the users avatars.
Here's what the first API call looks like :
getAllNotesAPI(entity) {
.then((response) => {
if ( === '0') {
// Set hasData to false if the response is 0
this.hasData = false;
} else {
// Push data into the note array using a store mutation
// Mapping all users emails into 'userEmails'
this.userEmails = [ Set( => x.userEmail))];
// Calling my second API call here to get all the avatars associated with these emails
for (let i = 0; i < this.userEmails.length; i++) {
.catch((error) => {
.finally(() => {
this.getAvatarAPI is the second API call which looks like this :
getAvatarAPI(login) {
.then((response) => {
let newAvatar = {
userEmail: login,
// Push the response into a userAvatar Object using a store mutation
}).catch((error) => {
I've tried using async / await but couldn't figure out how to bind this inside of an async function (this.getAvatarAPI(this.userEmails)) was undefined, I've tried chaining using multiples then but couldn't figure out how to : get all my notes then all my avatars then end the 'note' loader once both those API calls are done.
If any of you could give me some pointers or the beginning of an answer that would be truly appreciated !
First whilst not related to your problem, avoid for loop when non necessary:
Do you need the i index?
for (let i = 0; i < this.userEmails.length; i++) {
no. You need the userMail. Then
this.userEmails.forEach(userMail => {
Now, to synchronize promises, you need to return a promise (let's not talk about async yet)
make getAvatarAPI return a promise
getAvatarAPI(login) {
return userService.getAvatar(login).then(blabla) // notice the return here
retrieve the promises of getAvatar API
let promises = => {
return getAvatarAPI(userEmail)
return after all promises have fulfilled
let promises = => {
return getAvatarAPI(userEmail)
return Promise.all(promises)
On a side note with async/await
If you use it you are not forced anymore to write return, you need to write async/await though
The underlying idea stay the same. Specifying the async keywords says that your function will return a promise-like.
async function p () {
return 5
p.then(x => console.log(x)) // does print 5 even though we didn't explicitely write return Promise.resolve(5)
Now you have to ensure you await the async function when you call it:
getAvatarAPI: async login => {
return userService.getAvatar(login).then(blabla)
// DO NOT do it
this.userEmails.forEach(userMail => {
return await this.getAvatarAPI(userEmail)
In forEach loop above, you will do your getAvatarAPI call in sequence because await "stops" iterating as long as getAvatarAPI has not resolved.
The proper way would be
getAllNotesAPI: async entity => {
try { // notice the necesary try-catch block
const response = await noteService.getNotes(entity)
let promises = => {
return this.getA...
let result = await Promise.all(promises)
// eventually return result, or simply await Promise... without lefthand-side assignment
} catch (error) {

Rejecting a Promise before creating a new one

I am working on a search bar which calls an API when user starts typing. One each key stroke, there is a request to server and it returns the response.
I want to reject previous promises before making the new call to the server, how can I achieve that? Right now I have the issue of old promises coming back and changing the UI which makes it to flicker.
export const makeGetPlaceData = (axios, uri) => (name, country) => {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(response => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(response), 2000);
.catch(error => {
console.log('rejected', error);
return promise;
using setTimeout to simulate a slow network response.
I generally do this at the handler level instead of the promise level. The gist of it is you keep track of how many calls you've done, and each callback knows its call number. When the promise resolves, if the callback is no longer the most recent, return early.
let lastCallId = 1;
function doCall() {
var myCallId = lastCallId;
api.doSomething().then((data) => {
if (myCallId !== lastCallId) return;
// Do something with the data

use forEach() with promises while access previous promise results in a .then() chain?

I have the following functions with promises:
const ajaxRequest = (url) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
const xmlParser = (xml) => {
let { data } = xml;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let parser = new DOMParser();
let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(data,"text/xml");
if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("AdTitle").length > 0) {
let string = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("AdTitle")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
} else {
I'm trying to apply those functions for each object in array of JSON:
const array = [{"id": 1, "url": ""}, {"id": 1, "url": ""}]
I came up with the following solution:
function example() {
_.forEach(array, function(value) {
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
I was wondering if this solution is acceptable regarding 2 things:
Is it a good practice to apply forEach() on promises in the following matter.
Are there any better ways to pass previous promise results as parameter in then() chain? (I'm passing response param).
You can use .reduce() to access previous Promise.
function example() {
return array.reduce((promise, value) =>
// `prev` is either initial `Promise` value or previous `Promise` value
promise.then(prev =>
ajaxRequest(value.url).then(response => xmlParser(response))
, Promise.resolve())
// though note, no value is passed to `reject()` at `Promise` constructor calls
example().catch(err => console.log(err));
Note, Promise constructor is not necessary at ajaxRequest function.
const ajaxRequest = (url) =>
.then((response) => {
return response;
.catch((error) => {
The only issue with the code you provided is that result from xmlParser is lost, forEach loop just iterates but does not store results. To keep results you will need to use which will get Promise as a result, and then Promise.all to wait and get all results into array.
I suggest to use async/await from ES2017 which simplifies dealing with promises. Since provided code already using arrow functions, which would require transpiling for older browsers compatibility, you can add transpiling plugin to support ES2017.
In this case your code would be like:
function example() {
return Promise.all([ (value) => {
try {
const response = await ajaxRequest(value.url);
return xmlParser(response);
} catch(err) {
Above code will run all requests in parallel and return results when all requests finish. You may also want to fire and process requests one by one, this will also provide access to previous promise result if that was your question:
async function example(processResult) {
for(value of array) {
let result;
try {
// here result has value from previous parsed ajaxRequest.
const response = await ajaxRequest(value.url);
result = await xmlParser(response);
await processResult(result);
} catch(err) {
Another solution is using Promise.all for doing this, i think is a better solution than looping arround the ajax requests.
const array = [{"id": 1, "url": ""}, {"id": 1, "url": ""}]
function example() {
return Promise.all( => ajaxRequest(x.url)))
.then(results => {
return Promise.all( => xmlParser(data)));
example().then(parsed => {
console.log(parsed); // will be an array of xmlParsed elements
Are there any better ways to pass previous promise results as
parameter in then() chain?
In fact, you can chain and resolve promises in any order and any place of code. One general rule - any chained promise with then or catch branch is just new promise, which should be chained later.
But there are no limitations. With using loops, most common solution is reduce left-side foldl, but you also can use simple let-variable with reassign with new promise.
For example, you can even design delayed promises chain:
function delayedChain() {
let resolver = null
let flow = new Promise(resolve => (resolver = resolve));
for(let i=0; i<100500; i++) {
flow = flow.then(() => {
// some loop action
return () => {
return flow;
(delayedChain())().then((result) => {

