Uncompress a String, repeat chars `n` times - javascript

I have the following problem statement:
Write a function, uncompress, that takes in a string as an argument.
The input string will be formatted into multiple groups according to
the following pattern:
number + char
for example, '2c' or '3a'.
The function should return an uncompressed version of the string where
each 'char' of a group is repeated 'number' times consecutively. You
may assume that the input string is well-formed according to the
previously mentioned pattern.
test_00: uncompress("2c3a1t"); // -> 'ccaaat'
Here is my code which is using a stack. The problem is that it's only returning 'cc' and I can't figure out why. I've console logged what goes into the IF ELSE and I'm hitting both so I don't understand why nothing gets pushed to the stack.
Would really appreciate the help if someone can spot what I'm missing.
const uncompress = (s) => {
const nums = '23456789';
const stack = [];
for (let char of s) {
if (nums.includes(char)) {
} else {
const num = stack.pop();
return stack.join('');
console.log(uncompress("2c3a1t")); // -> 'ccaaat'

Here's how I would do it:
Split the string up into pairs of numbers and chars:
And reduce that array to a string, while taking each value from the array, getting the char from it (cv.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)[0]) and repeating it according to the number (.repeat(parseInt(cv)))
const uncompress = str => str.match(/\d+[a-zA-Z]/g).reduce((acc, cv) =>
acc + cv.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)[0].repeat(parseInt(cv)), "")

And just like that I was able to write the code which passed the test case:
const nums = '123456789';
const stack = [];
for (let char of s) {
if (nums.includes(char)) {
} else {
let num = '';
while (nums.includes(stack[stack.length - 1])) {
num += stack.pop();
return stack.join('');


DOMException while copying text to clipboard in javascript

I am trying to make a simple encoder in javascript, and copying the output to the clipboard, but the code gives an error.
I tried this code:
function encode() {
let alphabet = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-=!##$%^&*()_+[];'/.,'{}|:~";
const a_list = alphabet.split('');
const m_list = prompt("message: ").split('');
let return_message = "";
for (let i = 0; i < m_list.length; i++) {
let current_letter = m_list[i];
let translated_letter = a_list[a_list.indexOf(current_letter) + 5];
return_message += translated_letter;
but the console gives this error:
I host the server in replit.
When I try to do an alert with the encoded words, it works fine.
navigator.clipboard.writeText requires a transient user activation. That is why it works when you click on an alert box.
Transient user activation is required. The user has to interact with the page or a UI element in order for this feature to work.
The "clipboard-write" permission of the Permissions API is granted automatically to pages when they are in the active tab.
The error you are getting is because the indexOf function returns -1 when the sought character is not found in the a_list array.
You can check whether the index returned by indexOf is greater than or equal to zero before accessing the element in the a_list array. If the index returned is less than zero, you can simply add the original character to return_message.
Here is an example:
function encode() {
// Define the list of characters to be substituted
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const charList = alphabet.split('');
// Receive the string to be substituted from the user
const inputString = prompt("Enter the string to be substituted:");
// Convert the string to an array of characters
const inputChars = inputString.split('');
// Create a new array with the substituted characters
const outputChars = inputChars.map(char => {
// Find the index of the current character in the character list
const index = charList.indexOf(char.toLowerCase());
// If the character is not in the character list, keep the original character
if (index === -1) {
return char;
// Find the next character in the character list
const nextIndex = (index + 1) % charList.length;
const nextChar = charList[nextIndex];
// Return the next substituted character
return char.toUpperCase() === char ? nextChar.toUpperCase() : nextChar;
// Convert the array of characters back to a string
const outputString = outputChars.join('');
// Display the substituted string in the console
And as answered in #dotnetCarpenter reply navigator.clipboard.writeText requires a transient user activation. That's why it works when an alert box is clicked.

string containing equals "=" and no quotes convert to JSON

Im currently stuck trying to convert a string into JSON in javascript.
the string im getting from the server is:
"{knee=true, centered=true}"
the outcome im looking for is something like this:
{ knee: true, centered: true}
but since the string is using equals and there are missing quotes the JSON.parse isnt working, I dont know how to solve this. any help will be appreciated, thank you!
The best I could do was this ... It returns value of object in strings though it seems to work perfect ! ( Actually this one challenged me so I had to do it ) :-)
let str = "{knee = true, centered = true}";
str = str.replaceAll('{', '')
str = str.replaceAll('}', '')
str = str.split(",")
str = Object.assign({}, str);
let key_value;
let key;
let val;
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(str).length; i++) {
key_value = str[i].split("=");
key = String(key_value[0]);
val = key_value[1];
str[i] = val;
delete Object.assign(str, {[key]: str[i]
Assuming you don't have nested things or strings with commas or brackets in them, you could replace all { with {", = with ":, and , with , ":
const str = "{knee=true, centered=true}"
JSON.parse(str.split('{').join('{"').split('=').join('":').split(', ').join(', "'))
Without more specifics it's impossible to verify how correct this is, but if I was to make some assumptions:
An object is a set of key/value pairs surrounded by { and }
Key/value pairs are separated by ,
Any arbitrary whitespace is allowed around key/value pairs
A key and value are separated by a =
Values can only hold the value true or false which should be translated to a JavaScript boolean
...then parsing can be done through some regular expressions and string manipulations.
const objectRegExp = /^\{(.*)}$/;
function parseNJson(str) { // notJSON
const match = objectRegExp.exec(str);
if (!match) {
throw new Error('This is not NJson');
const [, keyValuesBlock] = match;
const keyValueStatements = keyValuesBlock.split(',');
const keyValues = keyValueStatements.map(statement => statement.split('='));
return keyValues.reduce((result, [keyStr, valueStr]) => {
const key = keyStr.trim();
const trimmedValue = valueStr.trim();
let value;
if (trimmedValue === 'true') {
value = true;
} else if (trimmedValue === 'false') {
value = false;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported value ${trimmedValue}`);
return Object.assign(result, { [key]: value });
}, {});
This will easily fall apart if any assumptions were incorrect, like "what if values can be strings? What if strings can be quoted with double quotes? What if they can also be surrounded by single quotes? What if numbers are supported? What if hexadecimal numbers are supported?"
If the data being sent on the server is a standard format, they should be able to tell you "this was formatted as X" so you can find a spec-compliant X parser. Or you could insist data is sent as JSON instead, since that's a super common exchange format. The best thing is that the server and client are using a common, well-defined message formatting spec so you don't accidentally break things whenever receiving or sending data that has characteristics you didn't account for.

Extracting certain substring from a string

I want to extract the last part of this string : "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198364464404".Just the numbers after '/profiles'.But the problem is the URL can change sometimes.
There are two types of url
1.First one is "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198364464404" with "/profiles" and then the "id"(id is the numbers after '/profiles').
2."https://steamcommunity.com/id/purotexnuk".Second is this type.Where "/profiles" doesn't exist.
I have come up this code :
let inc;
const index = 27;
const string = 'https://steamcommunity.com/id/purotexnuk';
if (string.includes('profiles')) {
inc = 9;
} else {
inc = 3;
console.log(string.slice(index + inc, -1));
The above code checks wheather the string "/profiles" is present.If the string contains "/profiles".inc will be 9.So that slice starts from the right side of the string(url) and ends at the first '/' from the right.inc is 9 becuase "profiles/" length is 9.Similar way if the string(url) contains "id".The slice will start from the end and stop at the first '/' from the right.inc will be 3 becuase "id/" length is 3.
The index is always constant because ,"/profiles" or "/id" only occurs after "https://steamcommunity.com" whose length is 27.Is there any better way i can extract only the profile id or profile name?
(profile id - 76561198364464404)
(profile name - purotexnuk )
You can use regex for this, it will also take care if your url ends with / or has query parameters example https://steamcommunity.com/id/purotexnuk?ref=abc
const regex = /.*(?:profiles|id)\/([a-z0-9]+)[\/?]?/i;
const matches = regex.exec('https://steamcommunity.com/id/purotexnuk');
You can split the string with delimiter / and return the last value value from the array;
function getNum(str) {
const arr = str.split('/');
if (!isNaN(arr[arr.length - 1])) {
return arr[arr.length - 1];
return ' no number ';
const st1 = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198364464404";
const st2 = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198364464404";
const st3 = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/purotexnuk";
Or do it in one line:
const string = 'https://steamcommunity.com/id/purotexnuk';
console.log(string.slice(string.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, string.length));

How do I parse JSON sprinkled unpredictably into a string?

Suppose that I've got a node.js application that receives input in a weird format: strings with JSON arbitrarily sprinkled into them, like so:
This is a string {"with":"json","in":"it"} followed by more text {"and":{"some":["more","json"]}} and more text
I have a couple guarantees about this input text:
The bits of literal text in between the JSON objects are always free from curly braces.
The top level JSON objects shoved into the text are always object literals, never arrays.
My goal is to split this into an array, with the literal text left alone and the JSON parsed out, like this:
"This is a string ",
" followed by more text ",
" and more text"
So far I've written a naive solution that simply counts curly braces to decide where the JSON starts and stops. But this wouldn't work if the JSON contains strings with curly braces in them {"like":"this one } right here"}. I could try to get around that by doing similar quote counting math, but then I also have to account for escaped quotes. At that point it feels like I'm redoing way too much of JSON.parse's job. Is there a better way to solve this problem?
You can check if JSON.parse throws an error to determine if the chunk is a valid JSON object or not. If it throws an error then the unquoted } are unbalanced:
const tests = [
'{"just":"json }}{}{}{{[]}}}}","x":[1,2,3]}',
'Just a string',
'This string has a tricky case: {"like":"this one } right here"}',
'This string {} has a tiny JSON object in it.',
'This is a string {"with":"json","in":"it"} followed by more text {"and":{"some":["more","json"]}} and more text',
tests.forEach( test => console.log( parse_json_interleaved_string( test ) ) );
function parse_json_interleaved_string ( str ) {
const chunks = [ ];
let last_json_end_index = -1;
let json_index = str.indexOf( '{', last_json_end_index + 1 );
for ( ; json_index !== -1; json_index = str.indexOf( '{', last_json_end_index + 1 ) ) {
// Push the plain string before the JSON
if ( json_index !== last_json_end_index + 1 )
chunks.push( str.substring( last_json_end_index, json_index ) );
let json_end_index = str.indexOf( '}', json_index + 1 );
// Find the end of the JSON
while ( true ) {
try {
JSON.parse( str.substring( json_index, json_end_index + 1 ) );
} catch ( e ) {
json_end_index = str.indexOf( '}', json_end_index + 1 );
if ( json_end_index === -1 )
throw new Error( 'Unterminated JSON object in string' );
// Push JSON
chunks.push( str.substring( json_index, json_end_index + 1 ) );
last_json_end_index = json_end_index + 1;
// Push final plain string if any
if ( last_json_end_index === - 1 )
chunks.push( str );
else if ( str.length !== last_json_end_index )
chunks.push( str.substr( last_json_end_index ) );
return chunks;
Here's a comparatively simple brute-force approach: split the whole input string on curly braces, then step through the array in order. Whenever you come across an open brace, find the longest chunk of the array from that starting point that successfully parses as JSON. Rinse and repeat.
This will not work if the input contains invalid JSON and/or unbalanced braces (see the last two test cases below.)
const tryJSON = input => {
try {
return JSON.parse(input);
} catch (e) {
return false;
const parse = input => {
let output = [];
let chunks = input.split(/([{}])/);
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
if (chunks[i] === '{') {
// found some possible JSON; start at the last } and backtrack until it works.
for (let j = chunks.lastIndexOf('}'); j > i; j--) {
if (chunks[j] === '}') {
// Does it blend?
let parsed = tryJSON(chunks.slice(i, j + 1).join(""))
if (parsed) {
// it does! Grab the whole thing and skip ahead
i = j;
} else if (chunks[i]) {
// neither JSON nor empty
return output
parse(`{"foo": "bar"}`)
parse(`test{"foo": "b}ar{{[[[{}}}}{}{}}"}`)
parse(`this {"is": "a st}ri{ng"} with {"json": ["in", "i{t"]}`)
parse(`this {"i{s": invalid}`)
parse(`So is {this: "one"}`)
I could try to get around that by doing similar quote counting math, but then I also have to account for escaped quotes. At that point it feels like I'm redoing way too much of JSON.parse's job. Is there a better way to solve this problem?
I don't think so. Your input is pretty far from JSON.
But accounting for all those things isn't that hard.
The following snippet should work:
function construct(str) {
const len = str.length
let lastSavedIndex = -1
let bracketLevel = 0
let inJsonString = false
let lastCharWasEscapeChar = false
let result = []
for(let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if(bracketLevel !== 0 && !lastCharWasEscapeChar && str[i] === '"') {
inJsonString = !inJsonString
else if (!inJsonString && str[i] === '{') {
if (bracketLevel === 0) {
result.push(str.substring(lastSavedIndex + 1, i))
lastSavedIndex = i - 1
else if (!inJsonString && str[i] === '}') {
if (bracketLevel === 0) {
result.push(JSON.parse(str.substring(lastSavedIndex + 1, i + 1)))
lastSavedIndex = i
else if (inJsonString && str[i] === '\\') {
lastCharWasEscapeChar = !lastCharWasEscapeChar
else {
lastCharWasEscapeChar = false
if(lastSavedIndex !== len -1) {
result.push(str.substring(lastSavedIndex + 1, len))
return result
const standardText = 'This is a string {"with":"json","in":"it"} followed by more text {"and":{"some":["more","json"]}} and more text. {"foo": "bar}"}'
const inputTA = document.getElementById('input')
const outputDiv = document.getElementById('output')
function updateOutput() {
outputDiv.innerText =
inputTA.oninput = updateOutput
inputTA.value = standardText
<textarea id="input" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>
<pre id="output"><pre>
You can use RegExp /(\s(?=[{]))|\s(?=[\w\s]+[{])/ig to .split() space character followed by opening curly brace { or space character followed by one or more word or space characters followed by opening curly brace, .filter() to remove undefined values from resulting array, create a new array, then while the resulting split array has .length get the index where the value contains only space characters, .splice() the beginning of the matched array to the index plus 1, if array .length is 0 .push() empty string '' else space character ' ' with match .join()ed by space character ' ' .replace() last space character and .shift() matched array, which is JSON, then next element of the matched array.
const str = `This is a string {"with":"json","in":"it"} followed by more text {"and":{"some":["more","json"]}} and more text {"like":"this one } right here"}`;
const formatStringContainingJSON = s => {
const r = /(\s(?=[{]))|\s(?=[\w\s]+[{])/ig;
const matches = s.split(r).filter(Boolean);
const res = [];
while (matches.length) {
const index = matches.findIndex(s => /^\s+$/.test(s));
const match = matches.splice(0, index + 1);
`${!res.length ? '' : ' '}${match.join(' ').replace(/\s$/, '')}`
, `${matches.shift()}`
return res;
let result = formatStringContainingJSON(str);
Here you one approach that iterates char by char. First we create an array from the input and then use reduce() on it. When we detect an opening curly bracket { we push the current accumulated chunk on an array of detected results, and then we set a flag on the accumulator object we are using on reduce. While this flag is set to true we will try to parse for a JSON and only when success we put the chunk representing the JSON on the array of detected results and set the flag again to false.
The accumulator of the reduce() method will hold next data:
res: an array with detected results: strings or jsons.
chunk: a string representing the current accumulated chunk of chars.
isJson: a boolean indicating if the current chunk is json or not.
const input = 'This is a string {"with":"json", "in":"it"} followed by more text {"and":{"some":["more","json","data"]}} and more text';
let obj = Array.from(input).reduce(({res, isJson, chunk}, curr) =>
if (curr === "{")
if (!isJson) res.push(chunk);
chunk = isJson ? chunk + curr : curr;
isJson = true;
else if (isJson)
chunk += curr;
// If no error, we found a JSON.
chunk = "";
isJson = false;
catch(e) {/* Ignore error */}
chunk += curr;
return {res, isJson, chunk};
}, {res:[], isJson:false, chunk:""})
// First stage done, lets debug obtained data.
// Finally, we map the pieces.
let res = obj.res.map(x => x.match("{") ? JSON.parse(x) : x);
Obligatory answer: this is an improper format (because of this complication, and the guarantee is a security hole if the parser is improperly designed); it should ideally be redesigned. (Sorry, it had to be said.)
Barring that, you can generate a parser using your favorite parser generator that outputs to javascript as a target language. It might even have a demo grammar for JSON.
However, the glaring security issue is incredibly scary (if any JSON gets past the 'guarantee', suddenly it's a vector). An array interspersed representation seems nicer, with the constraint that assert(text.length == markup.length+1):
"text": ['Hello', 'this is red text!'],
"markup": [{"text":"everyone", "color":"red"}]
or even nicer:
{"type":"text", "text":"Hello"},
{"type":"markup", "text":"everyone", "color":"red"} # or ,"val":{"text":.., "color":..}}
{"type":"text", "text":"this is red text!"},
Store compressed ideally. Unserialize without any worries with JSON.parse.

Get initials and full last name from a string containing names

Assume there are some strings containing names in different format (each line is a possible user input):
'Guilcher, G.M., Harvey, M. & Hand, J.P.'
'Ri Liesner, Peter Tom Collins, Michael Richards'
'Manco-Johnson M, Santagostino E, Ljung R.'
I need to transform those names to get the format Lastname ABC. So each surename should be transformed to its initial which are appended to the lastname.
The example should result in
Guilcher GM, Harvey M, Hand JP
Liesner R, Collins PT, Richards M
Manco-Johnson M, Santagostino E, Ljung R
The problem is the different (possible) input format. I think my attempts are not very smart, so I'm asking for
Some hints to optimize the transformation code
How do I put those in a single function at all? I think first of all I have to test which format the string has...??
So let me explain how far I tried to solve that:
First example string
In the first example there are initials followed by a dot. The dots should be removed and the comma between the name and the initals should be removed.
.replace('.', '')
.replace(' &', ', ')
I think I do need an regex to get the comma after the name and before the initials.
Second example string
In the second example the name should be splitted by space and the last element is handled as lastname:
const elm = secondString.split(/\s+/)
const lastname = elm[elm.length - 1]
const initials = elm.map((n,i) => {
if (i !== elm.length - 1) return capitalizeFirstLetter(n)
return lastname + ' ' + initals.join('')
...not very elegant
Third example string
The third example has the already the correct format - only the dot at the end has to be removed. So nothing else has to be done with that input.
It wouldn't be possible without calling multiple replace() methods. The steps in provided solution is as following:
Remove all dots in abbreviated names
Substitute lastname with firstname
Replace lastnames with their beginning letter
Remove unwanted characters
var s = `Guilcher, G.M., Harvey, M. & Hand, J.P.
Ri Liesner, Peter Tom Collins, Michael Richards
Manco-Johnson M, Santagostino E, Ljung R.`
// Remove all dots in abbreviated names
var b = s.replace(/\b([A-Z])\./g, '$1')
// Substitute first names and lastnames
.replace(/([A-Z][\w-]+(?: +[A-Z][\w-]+)*) +([A-Z][\w-]+)\b/g, ($0, $1, $2) => {
// Replace full lastnames with their first letter
return $2 + " " + $1.replace(/\b([A-Z])\w+ */g, '$1');
// Remove unwanted preceding / following commas and ampersands
.replace(/(,) +([A-Z]+)\b *[,&]?/g, ' $2$1');
Given your example data i would try to make guesses based on name part count = 2, since it is very hard to rely on any ,, & or \n - which means treat them all as ,.
Try this against your data and let me know of any use-cases where this fails because i am highly confident that this script will fail at some point with more data :)
let testString = "Guilcher, G.M., Harvey, M. & Hand, J.P.\nRi Liesner, Peter Tom Collins, Michael Richards\nManco-Johnson M, Santagostino E, Ljung R.";
const inputToArray = i => i
.replace(/\./g, "")
.replace(/[\n&]/g, ",")
.replace(/ ?, ?/g, ",")
const reducer = function(accumulator, value, index, array) {
let pos = accumulator.length - 1;
let names = value.split(' ');
if(names.length > 1) {
} else {
if(accumulator[pos].length > 1) accumulator[++pos] = [];
return accumulator.filter(n => n.length > 0);
console.log(inputToArray(testString).reduce(reducer, [[]]));
Here's my approach. I tried to keep it short but complexity was surprisingly high to get the edge cases.
First I'm formatting the input, to replace & for ,, and removing ..
Then, I'm splitting the input by \n, then , and finally (spaces).
Next I'm processing the chunks. On each new segment (delimited by ,), I process the previous segment. I do this because I need to be sure that the current segment isn't an initial. If that's the case, I do my best to skip that inital-only segment and process the previous one. The previous one will have the correct initial and surname, as I have all the information I neeed.
I get the initial on the segment if there's one. This will be used on the start of the next segment to process the current one.
After finishing each line, I process again the last segment, as it wont be called otherwise.
I understand the complexity is high without using regexp, and probably would have been better to use a state machine to parse the input instead.
const isInitial = s => [...s].every(c => c === c.toUpperCase());
const generateInitial = arr => arr.reduce((a, c, i) => a + (i < arr.length - 1 ? c[0].toUpperCase() : ''), '');
const formatSegment = (words, initial) => {
if (!initial) {
initial = generateInitial(words);
const surname = words[words.length - 1];
return {initial, surname};
const doDisplay = x => x.map(x => x.surname + ' ' + x.initial).join(', ');
const doProcess = _ => {
const formatted = input.value.replace(/\./g, '').replace(/&/g, ',');
const chunks = formatted.split('\n').map(x => x.split(',').map(x => x.trim().split(' ')));
const peoples = [];
chunks.forEach(line => {
let lastSegment = null;
let lastInitial = null;
let lastInitialOnly = false;
line.forEach(segment => {
if (lastSegment) {
// if segment only contains an initial, it's the initial corresponding
// to the previous segment
const initialOnly = segment.length === 1 && isInitial(segment[0]);
if (initialOnly) {
lastInitial = segment[0];
// avoid processing last segments that were only initials
// this prevents adding a segment twice
if (!lastInitialOnly) {
// if segment isn't an initial, we need to generate an initial
// for the previous segment, if it doesn't already have one
const people = formatSegment(lastSegment, lastInitial);
lastInitialOnly = initialOnly;
// Skip initial only segments
if (initialOnly) {
lastInitial = null;
// Remove the initial from the words
// to avoid getting the initial calculated for the initial
segment = segment.filter(word => {
if (isInitial(word)) {
lastInitial = word;
return false;
return true;
lastSegment = segment;
// Process last segment
if (!lastInitialOnly) {
const people = formatSegment(lastSegment, lastInitial);
return peoples;
process.addEventListener('click', _ => {
const peoples = doProcess();
const display = doDisplay(peoples);
output.value = display;
.row {
display: flex;
.row > * {
flex: 1 0;
<div class="row">
<div class="row">
<textarea id="input" rows="10">Guilcher, G.M., Harvey, M. & Hand, J.P.
Ri Liesner, Peter Tom Collins, Michael Richards
Manco-Johnson M, Santagostino E, Ljung R.
Jordan M, Michael Jackson & Willis B.</textarea>
<textarea id="output" rows="10"></textarea>
<button id="process" style="display: block;">Process</button>

