How to use import with existing Node app? [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Node.js - SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
(16 answers)
Closed last year.
With Node 16.13.2 I am trying to add the validate module in an existing code base. Reading the 2 year old question I can't make it work with the below PoC. I get
import Schema from 'validate';
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
Can anyone show me how the below PoC should look like for it to work?
const mod = require('./mod');
import Schema from 'validate';
const test;
module.exports = test;

If you want to use the import syntax of es6+ then you will either need to use .mjs files (instead of regular .js files), or you will need to add in a compilation/transpilation step into your pipeline.
Using .mjs
If you change the file name of your mod.js file to mod.mjs, then this should work:
import Schema form 'validate';
export const test;
Then in index.js you will either have to change index.js to index.mjs and change the contents to:
import { test } from './mod.mjs';
..or you can keep index.js and change the contents to:
(async () {
const { test } = await import('./mod.mjs')
You can read more in this rather comprehensive article i happened across while googling:
Adding a compilation step
There are many different compilers and/or bundlers to pick from, but for regular vanilla javascript I'd recommend sticking to babel.
Freecodecamp has a tutorial for how to set up babel for use with nodejs:


ES6 import of multiple files with key identifiers

I am trying to import a module that could be associated with multiple files depending on conditionals. I originally had that being imported using a require dynamically through a "const" as so:
const question_pack_requires = {};
require.context('../question-packs/section-2', true, /^(.*\.(js$))[^.]*$/im).keys()
.forEach(async (key) => {
const name = path.normalize(key).replace('.js', '');
const questionPack = await import(`../question-packs/section-2/${name}`);
question_pack_requires[name] = questionPack;
export default question_pack_requires;
However, this has broken when upgrading to Webpack 4 and now is throwing a Type Error. So was planning on just importing each of these manually and assigning a key to each one, however, I am unsure the syntax on how to do that.
Basically I need to convert this "require" to an "import" or import these files manually one by one. s there anyone that can help guide me in the best way to do that?

How to use es6 import instead of require?

I want to use import in my file, but I cant find the way to replace my require properly
See the code I want to replace
const object = {
first: require('../example/first.json').EXL.PUBLIC,
second: require('../example/second.json').EXL.PUBLIC,
third: require('../example/third.json').EXL.PUBLIC
First question is how can I import those stuff directly to an object? Just like I did with require?
The second one, how can I use import with the .EXL.PUBLIC command? To directly import the right branch of the json file?
First question is how can I import those stuff directly to an object?
You can't, you have to import them and then add them to the objct.
The second one, how can I use import with the '.EXL.PUBLIC' command?
You have to import the item, then extract that property.
I'm going to assume you're using Node.js:
v8 through v11
In an .mjs module, you can do it like this:
import firstRoot from "../example/first.json";
import secondRoot from "../example/second.json";
import thirdRoot from "../example/third.json";
const object = {
first: firstRoot.EXL.PUBLIC,
second: secondRoot.EXL.PUBLIC,
third: thirdRoot.EXL.PUBLIC
You can still do it as in v11.
If you use ESM with a .js file via the new "type": "module" in package.json, you need to add the --experimental-json-modules flag to enable JSON loading. More about v12's support here, but note that --type isn't yet supported (and if it is, will probably be --entry-type), and the JSON flag is --experimental-json-modules, not --experimental-json-loader).

Importing from validator in javascript

I want to use the validator for an express project. How do I import just two subsets of the packages directly?
import {isEmail, isEmpty} from 'validator';
or importing each on a separate line.
I just want to know if there is another option apart from import validator from 'validator'; as stated on the
const isEmailValidator = require('validator').isEmail;
const isEmptyValidator = require('validator').isEmpty;
Like this you mean? What you wrote should also be valid:
import {isEmail, isEmpty} from 'validator';
Edit for clarification: As you can see here the library is exporting an object with each function. You can import everything import validator from 'validator' or you can use destructuring to get only a few properties.
const {isEmail, isEmpty} = require('validator');
This will not actually stop node from importing all of validator though. This just has node load the validator object that is returned from that modules export and then destructures isEmail and isEmpty out of the exported Object.
Maybe whenever ES6 modules become full supported you can use the regular import syntax. See node.js documentation: ECMAScript Modules.

Webstorm ES6 named import getting cannot resolve symbol error

I have an error in Webstorm when using ES6 named import declaration:
import { nodes } from 'utils/dom';
I get "cannot resolve symbol" error on "nodes"
Also when I try to export as named export like this:
export {
write: document.write.bind(document),
node: document.querySelector.bind(document),
nodes: document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)
I get errors too.
I use eslint with babel-eslint parser.
The thing is that this works in Sublime Text 3 as a charm, but for some reason fails error checking in Webstorm.
I assume that this is because except Eslint webstorm is doing other code checking.
Any Idea how I can suppress that and use only eslint with babel-eslint parser?
Any advice will be appreciated
I get "cannot resolve symbol" error on "nodes"
is because utils/dom in standard Node code means "find dom.js inside a module called 'utils'. You have overridden this behavior by using webpack's moduleDirectories property, but WebStorm doesn't know what that is. For WebStorm to properly resolve utils/dom, you'll need to add the utils folder as a library in your webstorm project configuration.
Your export syntax is incorrect. ES6 import/export syntax is 100% unrelated to objects, and in your example export, you are using object syntax. import { nodes } is asking for an export named nodes. There are multiple ways that you could write the exports that you have:
export const write = document.write.bind(document);
export const node = document.querySelector.bind(document);
export const nodes = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
or alternatively you could collapse them if you like multiline var/let/const
export const write = document.write.bind(document),
node = document.querySelector.bind(document),
nodes = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
or even
const write = document.write.bind(document);
const node = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
export {write, node, nodes};
Hard to say if this is directly related, but for Webstorm to know how to resolve your imports, you can also go to Preferences > Directories and set folders as Resource Root (or right/context-click on a folder and set it that way)
This might need to be done, for example, when you've configured Webpack to resolve certain sub-directories, where your project structure might be:
In which case Webstorm would expect an import in App.js to look like the following:
import Header from '../../../components/header/Header'
Whereas with Webpack, if you've added src as a module to resolve, you can do the following, which Webstorm doesn't currently understand, hence adding it as a Resource Root resolves the issue
import Header from 'components/header/Header'
Reference: Path aliases for imports in Webstorm

How would I translate this require to ES6 import style [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pass options to ES6 module imports
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would like to do this
var debug = require('debug')('myapp');
... in ES6 without creating an extra variable. Can it be done?
import Debug from 'debug';
const debug = Debug('myapp');
(as lemieuxster said... addressing the fact that it is still listed under unanswered questions)
Note as mentioned in the comments, this will work for modules exported with the es6 syntax, that is whenever export default expression was used, which would give way to a require of the form var debug = require('./debug').default('myapp');. If the module you are importing used an export syntax of the type export const Debug = expression or export {Debug} or module.exports = {Debug : expression} then you will have to use import {Debug} from 'debug';

