Why won't item utilize texture I made? - javascript

(Using IntelliJ to code everything)
I'm making a Minecraft Mod and when I go to test my custom item out the name works perfectly with spaces and all, but for some odd reason it won't use the texture, instead when loading the texture it gives the error:
"Unable to load model: 'bullets:really_long_item_name_here#inventory' referenced from: bullets:really_long_item_name_here#inventory: java.io.FileNotFoundException: bullets:models/item/really_long_item_name_here.json"
The image for the texture is a .png file and has the correct name.
Heres the code within the models/item directory
"parent": "item/generated",
"textures": {
"layer0": "bullets:items/really_long_item_name_here"

I'm pretty sure it's because you put this json in a wrong location. As your stacktrace says: java.io.FileNotFoundException: bullets:models/item/really_long_item_name_here.json means it can't find your model, which have to be in resources/assets/<modid>/models/item. Then, if your texture has a proper location (resources/assets/<modid>/textures/items/really_long_item_name_here.png) it should work.

For IntelliJ users
In the project tree IntelliJ shows subfolder as folderA.folderB instead of folderA/folderB.
It took me half an hour to realize that I created a folder called assets.examplemodid instead of folder examplemodid inside assets.


How to edit an object within a very simple JS file using Node.js

Whilst this question is related to Workbox and Webpack, it does not require any prior knowledge of either library.
Background (skip if not familiar with Workbox)
I am currently utilising the InjectManifest plugin from Workbox 4.3.1 (workbox-webpack-plugin). This version of the library offers an option called manifestTransforms, but unfortunately, the transformations are not applied to assets within the webpack compilation (this is a known issue).
Whilst this has been fixed in Workbox v5+, I am unable to upgrade due to another library in my build process requiring webpack v3 (Dynamic Importing in Laravel Mix)
The reason I mention the above is because unforunately the solution is not to upgrade to workbox v5+.
The Problem
I have an auto-generated file that looks like this:
self.__precacheManifest = (self.__precacheManifest || []).concat([
"revision": "68cd3870a6400d76a16c",
"url": "//css/app.css"
// etc...
I need to somehow extract the the contents of the object stored within self.__precacheManifest, apply my own transformations, and then save it back to the file.
What I have Tried...
This is as far as I have got:
// As the precached filename is hashed, we need to read the
// directory in order to find the filename. Assuming there
// are no other files called `precache-manifest`, we can assume
// it is the first value in the filtered array. There is no
// need to test if [0] has a value because if it doesn't
// this needs to throw an error
let manifest = fs
.filter(filename => filename.startsWith('precache-manifest'))[0];
require('./dist/js/' + manifest);
// This does not fire because of thrown error...
This throws the following error:
self is not defined
I understand why it is throwing the error, but I have no idea how I am going to get around this because I need to somehow read the contents of the file in order to extract the object. Can anyone advise me here?
Bear in mind that once I have applied the transformations to the object, I then need to save the updated object to the file...
Since self refers to window and window does not exist in node.js a way around is needed.
One thing that should work is to define the variable self in Node's global scope and let the require statement populate the content of the variable, like this:
global['self'] = {};
require('./dist/js/' + manifest);
To save the modified contents back to the file
const newPrecacheManifest = JSON.stringify(updatedArray);
fs.writeFileSync('./dist/js/' + manifest, `self.__precacheManifest = (self.__precacheManifest || []).concat(${newPrecachedManifes});`, 'utf8');

Vue.js/Nuxt.js Load Fallback Image on 404

I am trying to set a default image (placeholder image) in case the image resource is not found (404). I have a dict article which has a value for the key author_image. So that string is not empty but it just can't load that image.
In my template:
alt="Author Image"
In my methods:
methods: {
setFallbackImageUrl(event) {
console.log('Image failed to load, setting fallback.')
event.target.src = '~/assets/icons/avatar.svg'
I can see in my console log that setFallbackImageUrl is called but the image src is not updated. I made sure that the avatar.svg is actually correct, if I just hard code that over article.author_image that works.
Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
The issue comes while loading your image via vue loader and webpack as the file extensions (.png, .svg, etc) are not module requests (read more about handling assets with vue loader).
You'll need to wrap it in the require to access it. the example by #Toni Michel Caubet works because he is using a link.
This Works for me.
methods: {
setFallbackImageUrl(event) {
console.log('Image failed to load, setting fallback.')
event.target.src = require(`~/assets/icons/${'avatar' + '.svg'}`)
Note: it's not needed to wrap the image in "${'avatar' + '.svg'}" i just removed my dynamic values and added "avatar".
Just in case someone is hitting a brick wall with webpack (files from assets/static)
The accepted answer from here should resolve it:
Dynamic img src URL with "OR" statement not working properly in NUXT component

Three.js materialLoader doesn't load embedded texture image

I'm exporting a three.js material using material.toJSON() provided method, this is the result:
I try to use MaterialLoader as the example suggest
but at parsing time I always get this error
THREE.MaterialLoader: Undefined texture
I'm I wrong if I expect from the MaterialLoader to use the embedded resources?
I'm doing it wrong or missing something?
How can I also load the images in the json file into the related texture?
here a fiddle:
Notice that MaterialLoader is not able to load textures. It expects that textures are set via MaterialLoader.setTextures() before loading a JSON file like ObjectLoader does:
const loader = new MaterialLoader();
loader.setTextures( textures );
So MaterialLoader can only be used as a standalone loader if the respective materials have no textures. Otherwise you have to prepare the textures on app level similar how ObjectLoader does.

React/Service worker unsure of reference

I am trying to set up a service worker for my react app using sw-precache ( https://github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-precache ) and am looking at some examples for reference. I of what a certain line of code means, and can't seem to find what it means googling. So looking at /!(*map*) in the context of -
module.exports = {
stripPrefix: 'build/',
staticFileGlobs: [
'build/static/**/!(*map*)' <-- here
dontCacheBustUrlsMatching: /\.\w{8}\./,
swFilePath: 'build/service-worker.js'
I am not sure what that does/means and am wondering if anyone could provide some clarity, I am not able to find a good reference googling. I am looking at https://github.com/jeffposnick/create-react-pwa/blob/c-r-pwa-0.6.0/sw-precache-config.js for reference. Thanks!
It just means that map files won't be included. So your map files for CSS and JS.
But actually it wouldn't include anything with the characters map in the filename or directory name.

Using gulp-modernizr how do I specify feature options

My custom Moderniser build includes the following options which I am trying to inject into the gulp-modernizr tool as follows:
gulp.task('modernizr', function() {
options: [
But running this leads to Building your customized Modernizr{ [Error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/davesag/src/test-project/node_modules/modernizr/lib/../src/backgroundsize.js'
Looking in ./node_modules/modernizr/src I can't see any files that match these options. Am I just misunderstanding something? These feature names came straight from my custom-built modernizr file as downloaded previously from the moderniser website includes the following options which I am trying to inject into the gulp-modernizr.
Leaving out the options it builds okay but without the options I'm not getting any feature-classes injected into the HTML element of my page. The supposed auto-detect stuff does not seem to be working.
I checked the Customizr page as per the docs and it seems what I am doing is right. But clearly that's not the case.
How should I be doing this?
options refers to the options that are on the left hand side of the Modernizr builder page. These are typically APIs and convenience functions like Modernizr.mq, Modernizr.atRule, etc.
You want to use the tests option
#Patrick "it doesn't by default. you need to add options: ["setclasses"]"
Actually it's options: ["setClasses"]

