How to display dynamic variable in HTML - javascript

I'm wondering how to display a number in HTML that was created dynamically later on in the code. For instance I initialize the value reportDataLength in data(), and I tested that it was returning the right value by doing a console.log(), but now I want to display this value in HTML?
name: 'notification-tray',
data() {
return {
headers: [
text: 'Notifications',
value: 'Body',
width: '380px',
reportData: [],
reportDataLength: 0,
async created() {
await this.getReportDataLength();
methods: {
async getReportDataLength() {
... this.reportDataLength = this.reportData.length;
But obviously when I do something like this,
<span class="d-none">Notification Button</span>
<span class="badge">this.reportDataLength</span>
it doesn't work correctly. The other solutions I saw for similar problems used JQuery, and I feel like there's a simple way to reference this, but I can't seem to find it out.

okay so if you are using pure Javascript , u can use this in your javascript function :
Document.getElementsByClassName('badge').innerHtml=this.reportDataLength ;
otherwise if you are using vue js you can try something like this in your html file :
<span class="badge">{{reportDataLength}}</span>

You can do document.getElementById("ID-HERE").innerHTML = "new stuff", but be warned that setting innerHTML is dangerous.


Spaces are not recognized correctly in the TipTap Editor

we use the rich text editor of TipTap in our project.
But we have the problem, that spaces are not recognized correctly and only after every 2 click a space is created. As framework we use Vue.JS.
import { Editor, EditorContent, EditorMenuBar } from 'tiptap'
import {
} from 'tiptap-extensions'
import EditorMenuButton from './EditorMenuButton.vue'
export default {
name: 'editor',
components: {
props: {
value: {
type: null,
default: ' '
data () {
return {
innerValue: ' ',
editor: new Editor({
extensions: [
new HardBreak(),
new Heading({ levels: [1, 2, 3] }),
new BulletList(),
new OrderedList(),
new ListItem(),
new Bold(),
new Italic(),
new History()
content: `${this.innerValue}`,
onUpdate: ({ getHTML }) => {
this.innerValue = getHTML()
watch: {
// Handles internal model changes.
innerValue (newVal) {
this.$emit('input', newVal)
// Handles external model changes.
value (newVal) {
this.innerValue = newVal
mounted () {
if (this.value) {
this.innerValue = this.value
beforeDestroy () {
does anyone have any idea what could be the reason for assuming only every two spaces?
We had the same problem, we kept the onUpdate trigger but changed the watch so that it would only invoke editor.setContent when the value was actually different.
watch: {
value() {
let html = this.editor.getHTML();
if (html !== this.value) {
"Okay the problem is that the watcher will get fired when you type in the editor. So this will check if the editor has focus an will only update the editor content if that's not the case."
watch: {
value(val) {
if (!this.editor.focused) {
this.editor.setContent(val, false);
This bug for me was caused by doing something like this:
watch: {
value: {
immediate: true,
handler(newValue) {
Removed this entirely and the bug went away. Maybe this will help someone in future.
Remove onUpdate section and the bug will disapear. I don't know why, but it's interesting to know how to reproduce the bug.
That does help. Following this advice, I am currently using the onBlur event instead of onUpdate, while obtaining the content's HTML using the editor instance and the getHTML() function, as such: this.editor.getHTML().
(In my case I $emit this value in order for it to be reactive to my parent component, but that may be irrelevant for the original question).
Maybe you should try this.
watch: {
// Handles external model changes.
value (newVal) {
// convert whitespace into \u00a0 ->
let content = newVal.replace(/\s/g, "\u00a0");
It seems like the normal white space has been removed by html automatically. Therefore, I convert whitespace into 'nbsp;' and it's worked.
The code you provided seems to be working just fine. So the issue most likely is produced by a side effect in either your code or some dependency.
To debug this issue you could look for event listeners, especially regarding key press or key down events and looking if you are checking for space key specifically somewhere (event.keyCode === 32 or event.key === " "). In conjunction with event.preventDefault this could explain such an issue.
Another more broad way to debug this is to strip away parts from your code until the bug disappears or add to a minimal example until the bug appears.
Remove onUpdate section and the bug will disapear. I don't know why, but it's interessing to know how to reproduce the bug.
However if you create a "minimal reproductible example" the bug does not appear.
So what ? I don't know.
I found a workaround which is to use vuex.
Rather than assign the value returned by getHTML() in the innerValue variable and then issue an 'input' event, I put this value in the store.

Most efficient way to get the content from a tag and save it in a variable in vue

I have this code in vue
<li v-for="exchange in finalExchanges"><button class="resultBtn"> {{exchange}} <hr></button></li>
With the following js
export default {
name: 'exchange',
data () {
return {
msg: 'Exchange',
search: ''
computed: {
finalExchanges() {
return this.exchanges.filter(exchange => {
return exchange.includes(
I'm curious to know what is the most efficient way to get the {{exchange}} that user clicks on and save it in a variable. I presume that there are a lot of ways like using document.getElementById() and probably a vue way too but I'm looking for an efficient way to do this considering how future-proof it is. Any opinion is highly appreciated!
If you had some variable in your data like maybe "selectedExchange" and you wanted to assign the clicked exchange to that variable you could simply add to your button:
<button #click="selectedExchange = exchange"...>
If I understand the problem correctly this is certainly the most common and probably the most efficient way to get the clicked exchange.
If you wanted to use the clicked exchange as a variable in a method you would simply put:
<button #click="someFunction(exchange)"...>
And then you'd just get it in your method like:
methods: {
someFunction: function( ex ) {
... // ex will be the clicked exchange
I'd go with this solution.
At first add currentExchange variable in data if you need to store it
data () {
return {
msg: 'Exchange',
search: '',
currentExchange: null
Then add event handler, in your button where you pass current exchangeValue
<button class="resultBtn" v-on:click="handlerFunc(exchange)"> {{exchange}}<hr></button>
Please have in mind that v-on:click might be replaced as #click
Now in your handler do your logic
handlerFunc(exchange) {
// assign it to data if needed
this.currentExchange = exchange
// do your stuff...

Sequelize: .createAssociation() or .setAssociation doesn't update the original object with created data

I've been stuck on this for a while. Take the following code as an example:
include: [{ model: models.RankedStats, as: 'SummonerRankedStats', required: true }],
where: { summonerId: summonerId, server: server }
}).then(function(summoner) {
totalWins: 0,
totalLosses: 0
}).then(function(rankedStats) {
summoner.setSummonerRankedStats(rankedStats).then(function() {
//This outputs undefined
summoner.getSummonerRankedStats().then(function(srs) {
//This outputs the RankedStats that were just created
include: [{ model: models.RankedStats, as: 'SummonerRankedStats', required: true }],
where: { summonerId: summonerId, server: server }
}).then(function(summoner) {
//This outputs the SummonerRankedStats object
So, to put it simply... If I have a Summoner (var summoner) and perform a .setAssociation() or .createAssociation() on it, and then log summoner, the data created isn't there. If I fetch it again from the database (with .getAssociation() or by searching for that Summoner again) I can access it, but I was hoping to avoid that extra DB call.
Is there a way to add this information to the original object when using .create() or .set()? It can be achieved by doing something like:
summoner.dataValues.SummonerRankedStats = rankedStats
But that seems somewhat hacky :)
Is there a correct way to do it, or does it even make any sense?
Thanks in advance!

In Select2, how do formatSelection and formatResult work?

I'm using Select2 ( to have an input field of a form (let's say its id is topics) to be in tagging mode, with the list of existing tags (allowing the user to choose some of these tags, or to create new ones) being provided by an array of remote data.
The array (list.json) is correctly got from my server. It has id and text fields, since Select2 seems to need these fields. It thus looks like this:
[ { id: 'tag1', text: 'tag1' }, { id: 'tag2', text: 'tag2' }, { id: 'tag3', text: 'tag3' } ]
The script in the HTML file looks like this:
ajax: {
url: "/mypath/list.json",
dataType: 'json',
results: function (data, page) {
return {results: data};
But the input field is showing "searching", which means it's not able to use the array for tagging support.
In the script with Select2, I know I have to define formatSelection and formatInput, but I'm not getting how they should work in my case, although I have read the Select2 documentation... Thank you for your help!
You need to add the function like explained here. In your example:
function format(state) {
return state.text;

AngularUI select2 AJAX set via model

I'm using AngularUI's ui-select2 directive with AJAX.
Here's what I've got in my view:
<label>Group: <input ng-model="group" ui-select2="select2GroupConfig"></label>
Here's what I have in my model:
$scope.select2GroupConfig = {
ajax: {
url: 'theURL',
data: function (term, page)
return { q: term };
results: function (data, page)
return { results: data };
This works as expected.
My question: How can I update the value via the model?
I tried:
$ = 'some group';
I also tried using an object:
$ = { id: 32, text: 'some group'};
but that doesn't either work.
How do you update a select2 that uses AJAX, via the model?
Turns out you can set it to an object, but only after ui-select2 runs; I was trying to give it an initial value.
So, instead of using the regular model, you have to use select2's initSelection function:
$ = 'Dummy Content';
$scope.select2GroupConfig.initSelection = function ( el, fn ) {
fn({ id: 2, text: 'Some group' });
Note that you have to give the input an initial value, otherwise initSelection is never called. That's why I'm just setting it to some dummy content.
This works, but it feels like a hack.
Does anybody have any better ideas?
If you have initSelection setup, you can pass just the ID and the directive will pull up the entire row object.
This will also allow you to set the value when the page loads to just the ID too.
If you don't want to use initSelection you can set the entire row (object) as the value and select2 will update accordingly. It all depends on your use-case however.

