I managed to write code which does what I need, but I want to make it clean and remove mutation of realtiveGroups.push() but don't know how to achieve it.
How to remove mutation from this code?
export interface OfferCategory {
id: string;
name: string;
export interface OfferGroup {
groupId: string;
dependsOn: OfferCategory;
name: string;
rule: Rule;
products: PosProducts[];
function relativesFromSubscription(groups: OfferGroup[], dependingGroups: OfferGroup[]): OfferGroup[] {
const relativeGroups: OfferGroup[] = [];
groups.forEach(group => {
if (dependingGroups.some(dependingGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === dependingGroup.groupId)) {
if (relativeGroups.some(relativeGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === relativeGroup.groupId)) {
return relativeGroups;
Instead of doing everything in one cycle try dividing it into a few:
function relativesFromSubscription(groups: OfferGroup[], dependingGroups: OfferGroup[]): OfferGroup[] {
const groups1 = groups.filter(group => dependingGroups.some(dependingGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === dependingGroup.groupId));
const groups2 = groups.filter(group => groups1.some(relGroup=> group?.dependsOn?.id === relGroup.groupId));
return [...groups1, ...groups2];
Using your code and Array.filter
const relativeGroups: OfferGroup[] = groups.filter(group => {
return dependingGroups.some(dependingGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === dependingGroup.groupId) || relativeGroups.some(relativeGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === relativeGroup.groupId)
Or if you want the code to be more readable you can add descriptive variables:
const relativeGroups: OfferGroup[] = groups.filter(group => {
const hasDependingGroups = dependingGroups.some(dependingGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === dependingGroup.groupId);
const hasRelativeGroups = relativeGroups.some(relativeGroup => group?.dependsOn?.id === relativeGroup.groupId)
return hasDependingGroups || hasRelativeGroups
Here is My useEffect is going in Infinite loop, becouse checkimage value is changing becouse the value is assigned in fetch(), so anyone know how to solve it. I want to get varient data with image but I can't get it in first time.
help me if you can
Thank You
useEffect(() => {
fetch({ pagination });
}, [checkimage]);
const fetch = async (params = {}) => {
if (type == 'product') {
dispatch(await ProductService.getProduct(productId))
.then((res) => {
let variantsdatas = getImageArns(res.data.variants);
let record = [];
.catch((err) => {});
} else {
dispatch(await ProductService.getProducts())
.then((res) => {
console.info({ 'res.data': res.data });
total: res.total_count,
.catch((err) => {});
const getImageArns = (variantsdatas) => {
const variantImageArns = [];
variantsdatas.forEach((variant, index) => {
variant[index] = variant.variantId;
if (variant.variantImagesListResponseDto.images.length > 0) {
let variantImageObj = {
variantId: variant.variantId,
arnUrl: variant.variantImagesListResponseDto.images[0].docUrl,
// console.info('id', variantImageArns);
return variantImageArns;
const getImages = async (variantsdatas) => {
const images = [];
dispatch(await ProductVariantService.getImage(variantsdatas))
.then((res) => {
let presignedURLs = {};
(i) => (
(presignedURLs = {
variantId: i.variantId,
arnUrl: i.presignedURL,
.catch((err) => {
console.info('Get Error District...');
var img = 'img';
const setVarientsData = (products) => {
let varients_array = [];
if (products.length > 0) {
products.forEach((product) => {
if (product.variants.length > 0) {
let product_varients = product.variants;
product_varients.forEach((varient) => {
for (var f = 0; f < checkimage.length; f++) {
if(checkimage[f].variantId == varient.variantId){
img = checkimage[f].arnUrl;
f = checkimage.length
img = 'img2';
image: img,
variantId: varient.variantId,
productVariantName: varient.variantName,
productName: product.productName,
brand: '-',
sellerSku: varient.productVariantCode,
status: product.status,
category: product.subCategoryInfo.categoryInfo.categoryName,
subCategoryName: product.subCategoryInfo.subCategoryName,
state: '-',
market: '-',
mrp: varient.price.amount + ' ' + varient.price.currency,
sellingPrice: '-',
product_varient_code: varient.azProductVariantLongCode,
hsnCode: varient.hsnCode,
console.info('varients_array ====>>', {varients_array})
I think that if I stop to run blow code getImage function then I can get my result
am I right?
But I tried It too but is also not happening properly.
a quick and dirty fix could be to work with a counter.
and only run the fetch in the useEffect, when counter is 0.
have you tried that?
I'm trying to understand behavior of function based composition in JavaScript.
const Animal = (name) => {
let properties = { name };
return ({
get name() { return properties.name },
set name(newName) { properties.name = newName },
breathe: function() {console.log(`${this.name} breathes!`); }
const aquaticKind = (animal) => ({
swim: () => console.log(`${animal.name} swims`)
const walkingKind = (animal, noOfLegs) => {
const properties = { noOfLegs }
return ({
get noOfLegs() { return properties.noOfLegs },
set noOfLegs(n) { properties.noOfLegs = n; },
walk: () => console.log(`${animal.name} walks with ${properties.noOfLegs} legs`)
const egglayingKind = (animal) => ({
layEgg: () => console.log(`${animal.name} laid an egg`)
const Crocodile = (name) => {
const info = Animal(name);
return Object.assign(info,
walkingKind(info, 4),
const snooty = Crocodile('snooty');
snooty.name = "coolie";
snooty.noOfLegs = 23 // I expected this to get update to 23
If you run the code above, you will see that noOfLegs never get updated, while name get updated. I can't seem to wrap my head around this. How do we make noOfLegs get updated too?
MDN Documentation for object.assign shows you how to copy "accessors"
Here's your code that works as expected - the completeAssign function is based entirely on the code in that link
const completeAssign = (target, ...sources) => {
sources.forEach(source => {
const descriptors = Object.keys(source).reduce((descriptors, key) => {
descriptors[key] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key);
return descriptors;
}, {});
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).forEach(sym => {
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym);
if (descriptor.enumerable) {
descriptors[sym] = descriptor;
Object.defineProperties(target, descriptors);
return target;
const Animal = (name) => {
const properties = { name };
return ({
get name() { return properties.name },
set name(newName) { properties.name = newName },
breathe () { console.log(`${this.name} breathes!`); }
const aquaticKind = (animal) => ({
swim: () => console.log(`${animal.name} swims`)
const walkingKind = (animal, noOfLegs) => {
const properties = { noOfLegs };
return ({
get noOfLegs() { return properties.noOfLegs },
set noOfLegs(n) { properties.noOfLegs = n; },
walk: () => console.log(`${animal.name} walks with ${properties.noOfLegs} legs`)
const egglayingKind = (animal) => ({
layEgg: () => console.log(`${animal.name} laid an egg`)
const Crocodile = (name) => {
const info = Animal(name);
return completeAssign(info,
walkingKind(info, 4),
const snooty = Crocodile('snooty');
snooty.name = "coolie";
snooty.noOfLegs = 23;
I am using React. On click of a button, the following function is executed:
const completeTaskHandler = (idValue) => {
setData((prevData) => {
const updatedData = [...prevData];
const updatedItem = updatedData.filter((ele) => ele.id === idValue)[0];
updatedItem.completed = true;
const newData = updatedData.filter((ele) => ele !== updatedItem);
return newData;
My data is an array of objects like this:
[{userId: 1, id: 2, title: "task 1", completed: true}, .....].
Basically I want to move the updated item to the start of the array. Is there any better solution for this?
updatedItem should not be mutated. And this string const newData = updatedData.filter((ele) => ele !== updatedItem); is not fine. You can do it like this :
const completeTaskHandler = (idValue) => {
setData((prevData) => {
const targetItem = prevData.find((ele) => ele.id === idValue);
const updatedItem = { ...targetItem, completed: true };
const filteredData = prevData.filter((ele) => ele.id !== idValue);
return [updatedItem, ...filteredData];
Even better to reducing an extra filter:
const completeTaskHandler = (idValue) => {
setData((prevData) => {
const targetIndex = prevData.findIndex((ele) => ele.id === idValue);
return [{ ...prevData[targetIndex], completed: true }].concat(prevData.slice(0, targetIndex + 1)) .concat(
prevData.slice(targetIndex + 1)
First find index of updated element using Array.findIndex(), then remove the same element using Array.splice() and add it to front of the array.
const completeTaskHandler = (idValue) => {
setData((prevData) => {
const updatedData = [...prevData];
const index = updatedData.findIndex(obj => obj.id === idValue);
const [updatedItem] = updatedData.splice(index, 1);
updatedItem.completed = true;
return updatedData;
The simplest one with only one forEach.
const completeTaskHandler = idValue => {
setData(prevData => {
let updatedItem = {}, newData = [];
prevData.forEach((ele) => {
if (ele.id === idValue) {
updatedItem = ele;
updatedItem.completed = true;
} else {
return newData;
I have an array called combinedMarkets which is either a combination of 5 or 3 different market arrays. All these arrays have the following interface IMarketAsset[]:
export interface IMarketAsset {
exchange: string;
base: string;
quote: string;
price_quote: string;
timestamp: string;
Here is where the typescript error occurs:
const combinedMarkets = asset !== 'BTC' && asset !== 'ETH' ?
btcMarkets.concat(ethMarkets).concat(marketUSD).concat(marketUSDC).concat(marketUSDT) :
const filteredMarkets = combinedMarkets.length > 0 ? filterByUSDbase(asset, combinedMarkets) : [];
Argument of type '({ price_quote: string; exchange: string; base: string; quote: string; timestamp: string; } | undefined)[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IMarketAsset[]'.
Type '{ price_quote: string; exchange: string; base: string; quote: string; timestamp: string; } | undefined' is not assignable to type 'IMarketAsset'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'IMarketAsset'.ts(2345)
const combinedMarkets: ({
price_quote: string;
exchange: string;
base: string;
quote: string;
timestamp: string;
} | undefined)[]
Why is combinedMarkets an array of either an object of type IMarketAsset or undefined?
Full combineExchangeData Function
// Filter by BTC, ETH, USD, USDT or USDC prices
// If asset has BTC/ETH pairing, obtain exchange BTC/ETH price to calculate assets USD/USDT value
export const combineExchangeData =
(asset: string, { marketBTC, marketETH, marketUSD, marketUSDT, marketUSDC }: IGetMarketsRes) => {
const btcBasedExchanges = marketBTC.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === asset);
const ethBasedExchanges = marketETH.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === asset);
const btcUSDTprices = marketUSDT.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'BTC');
const btcUSDprices = marketUSD.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'BTC');
const ethUSDTprices = marketUSDT.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'ETH');
const ethUSDprices = marketUSD.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'ETH');
const btcPricedMarkets = filterByExchangeBase(btcBasedExchanges, btcUSDTprices, btcUSDprices);
const ethPricedMarkets = filterByExchangeBase(ethBasedExchanges, ethUSDTprices, ethUSDprices);
const btcMarkets = btcPricedMarkets.filter((market) => R.not(R.isNil(market)));
const ethMarkets = ethPricedMarkets.filter((market) => R.not(R.isNil(market)));
const combinedMarkets = asset !== 'BTC' && asset !== 'ETH' ?
btcMarkets.concat(ethMarkets).concat(marketUSD).concat(marketUSDC).concat(marketUSDT) :
console.log('combinedMarkets', combinedMarkets);
const filteredMarkets = combinedMarkets.length > 0 ? filterByUSDbase(asset, combinedMarkets) : [];
console.log('filteredMarkets', filteredMarkets);
if (R.isEmpty(filteredMarkets)) return [];
return filteredMarkets.map((market: IMarketAsset) => {
if (market) {
return {
price_quote: formatPrice(market.price_quote)
Util functions
Here are the 2 other util functions I use in the main function. Also I have narrowed down the problem to the btcMarkets and ethMarkets arrays. So looking at filterByExchangeBase.
import * as R from 'ramda'
import { USD_CURRENCIES } from '../shared/constants/api'
import { IMarketAsset } from '../shared/types'
const calculateBasePrice = (assetBtcPrice: string | number, btcPrice: string | number) =>
(Number(assetBtcPrice) * Number(btcPrice)).toString();
export const filterByExchangeBase =
(exchanges: IMarketAsset[], usdtExchanges: IMarketAsset[], usdExchanges: IMarketAsset[]) =>
exchanges.map((exchange) => {
let basePriced = usdtExchanges.filter((btcExchange) => btcExchange.exchange === exchange.exchange)[0];
if (!basePriced) {
basePriced = usdExchanges.filter((btcExchange) => btcExchange.exchange === exchange.exchange)[0];
if (basePriced) {
const { price_quote: assetBtcPrice } = exchange;
const { price_quote: btcPrice } = basePriced;
return {
price_quote: calculateBasePrice(assetBtcPrice, btcPrice)
export const filterByUSDbase = (asset: string, combinedMarkets: IMarketAsset[] | undefined) => {
if (!combinedMarkets) return [];
return R.not(R.any(R.equals(asset))(USD_CURRENCIES))
? combinedMarkets.filter((marketAsset: IMarketAsset) => {
if (marketAsset && marketAsset.base) {
return marketAsset.base === asset;
}) : [];
Why is combinedMarkets an array either and object of type IMarketAsset or undefined
Because any of the marketXXX arrays, is an array of IMarketAsset | undefined (instead of just IMarketAsset.
Try defining the type as an array for each option, instead of combining them:
const combinedMarkets: {
price_quote: string;
exchange: string;
base: string;
quote: string;
timestamp: string;
}[] | undefined[] = [];
The problem was that in my filterByExchangeBase util function, I used .map instead of .filter which would result in some undefined objects in that array. Switching to filter made sure that only existing items would make it into the array.
Update: By changing .map to .filter, the price_quote updates didn't take
Refactored the logic to make sure that btcMarkets and ethMarkets aren't used if they will be empty.
export const combineExchangeData =
(asset: string, { marketBTC, marketETH, marketUSD, marketUSDT, marketUSDC }: IGetMarketsRes) => {
const btcBasedExchanges = marketBTC.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === asset);
const ethBasedExchanges = marketETH.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === asset);
const btcUSDTprices = marketUSDT.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'BTC');
const btcUSDprices = marketUSD.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'BTC');
const ethUSDTprices = marketUSDT.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'ETH');
const ethUSDprices = marketUSD.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => market.base === 'ETH');
const btcPricedMarkets = notBTCorETH(asset) ? filterCryptoBase(btcBasedExchanges, btcUSDTprices, btcUSDprices) : [];
const ethPricedMarkets = notBTCorETH(asset) ? filterCryptoBase(ethBasedExchanges, ethUSDTprices, ethUSDprices) : [];
const btcMarkets = R.not(R.isEmpty(btcPricedMarkets)) ? btcPricedMarkets.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => R.not(R.isNil(market))) : [];
const ethMarkets = R.not(R.isEmpty(ethPricedMarkets)) ? ethPricedMarkets.filter((market: IMarketAsset) => R.not(R.isNil(market))) : [];
const combinedMarkets = notBTCorETH(asset) ?
btcMarkets.concat(ethMarkets).concat(marketUSD).concat(marketUSDC).concat(marketUSDT) :
const filteredMarkets = filterByUSDbase(asset, combinedMarkets);
if (R.isEmpty(filteredMarkets)) return [];
return filteredMarkets.map((market: IMarketAsset) => ({
price_quote: formatPrice(market.price_quote)
export const filterCryptoBase =
(exchanges: IMarketAsset[] | any, usdtExchanges: IMarketAsset[], usdExchanges: IMarketAsset[]) => {
return exchanges.map((exchange: IMarketAsset) => {
let basePriced = usdtExchanges.filter((btcExchange) => btcExchange.exchange === exchange.exchange)[0];
if (!basePriced) {
basePriced = usdExchanges.filter((btcExchange) => btcExchange.exchange === exchange.exchange)[0];
if (exchange && basePriced && exchange.price_quote && basePriced.price_quote) {
const { price_quote: assetBtcPrice } = exchange; // Asset price in BTC/ETH
const { price_quote: usdPrice } = basePriced; // BTC/ETH price in USDT/USD
const price_quote = calculateBasePrice(assetBtcPrice, usdPrice).toString();
return {
return null;
I am trying to query a Firebase database. I have the following code, but it returns an empty list, when there is matching data.
loadData() {
this.firelist = this.af.database.list('/chat/', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'negativtimestamp'
}).map(items => {
const filtered = items.filter(item => {
item.memberId1 === this.me.uid;
return filtered;
// if me not in firelist then create new chat
if (this.me && this.me.uid) {
let chatFound: boolean = false;
console.log('this.firelist', this.firelist);
this.firelist.forEach(chatItems => {
console.log('chatItems', chatItems);
for (let i = 0; i < chatItems.length; i++) {
console.log('chatItems['+i+']', chatItems[i]);
let memberId1: string = chatItems[i].memberId1;
let memberId2: string = chatItems[i].memberId2;
if (memberId1 === this.me.uid || memberId2 === this.me.uid) {
chatFound = true;
if (!chatFound) {
I think my problem is with the filter.
The following code creates a chat successfully:
createChat(img1: string, img2: string) {
memberId1: this.me.uid,
memberId2: this.you.uid,
img1: img1,
img2: img2,
displayName1: this.me.displayName,
displayName2: this.you.displayName,
lastMsg_text: 'todo',
timestamp: Date.now(),
negativtimestamp: -Date.now()
The following filter works:
this.firelist = this.af.database.list('/chat/', {
query: {
orderByChild: 'negativtimestamp'
}).map(items => {
const filtered = items.filter(
item => item.memberId1 === this.me.uid
return filtered;