Firebase Realtime Database onDisconnect() Consistency - javascript

I've got a near full-functioning realtime database presence system as described here but I am encountering a few issues. It seems that people are remaining online even after having disconnected a while ago. I'm not sure why but I've opened up my security rules to unauthenticated requests temporarily to no avail. It could be due the bug described here.
If the issue is the ladder, what would be the proper JavaScript implementation to avoid this issue? Is it a good solution to recreate the onDisconnect listener every 60 minutes? For reference, the code I'm using is shown below:
export function selfPresence(byUpdate) {
onValue(ref(rtdb, '.info/connected'), (snap) => {
isDBConnected = snap.val();
if (snap.val() === true) {
presencecon = push(ref(rtdb, `users/${user.uid}/connections`)); // Create new presence thing.
set(presencecon, true);
onDisconnect(ref(rtdb, `users/${user.uid}/lastOnline`)).set(serverTimestamp());
onDisconnect(ref(rtdb, `users/${user.uid}/currentlyListening`)).remove();
I could not figure out how to get RTDB to act consistently so I opted for the code below instead. Basically, it just updates a boolean at a specific path so that if/when the issue DOES happen, the next time the user is online, it will overwrite the failure with new online listener.
onValue(ref(rtdb, '.info/connected'), (snap) => {
isDBConnected = snap.val();
if (snap.val()) {
presencecon = ref(rtdb, `users/${user.uid}/online`);
isDBConnected = snap.val();
else {

The below code updates a boolean at a specific path so that if/when the issue DOES happen, the next time the user is online, it will overwrite the failure with a new online listener.
onValue(ref(rtdb, '.info/connected'), (snap) => {
isDBConnected = snap.val();
if (snap.val()) {
presencecon = ref(rtdb, `users/${user.uid}/online`);
isDBConnected = snap.val();
else {


How to use firebase onSnapshot in chain using JavaScript?

I want to use firebase's onSnapshot function sequentially. A situation where I want to apply this is given below.
There are 2 collections in firestore. Employees and Projects. In the Employees collection, the docs are storing the details of employees. And it also stores the IDs of Projects docs on which that particular employee is working. In Projects collection, the detail of projects is stored.
First, I have to fetch the data from Employees collection related to a specific employee. Then, from the fetched employee data, I will have the project IDs on which he/she is working on. So, from that ID I need to fetch the project details. So, when any information related to project or employee changes, the data on screen should also change in real-time.
I tried to write a nested code. But it works realtime only for employee data. It doesn't change when the project detail is updated. Something like this...
admin.auth().onAuthStateChanged(async () => {
if (check_field(admin.auth().currentUser)) {
await db.collection('Employees').doc(admin.auth().currentUser.uid).onSnapshot(snap => {
let project_details = new Promise(resolve => {
let projects = [];
for (let i in {
db.collection('Projects').doc([i]).onSnapshot(prj_snap => {
let obj =;
obj['doc_id'] =;
Promise.all([project_details]).then(items => {
// UI updation
What is the correct way for doing this?
You're actually proposing a pretty complex dataflow scenario. I would approach this as a multi-step problem. Your goal is essentially:
If there is a user, listen in realtime for the list of project ids for that user.
For each project id, listen in realtime for details about that project.
(presumably) Clean up listeners that are no longer relevant.
So I would tackle it something like this:
let uid;
let employeeUnsub;
let projectIds = [];
let projectUnsubs = {};
let projectData = {};
const employeesRef = firebase.firestore().collection('Employees');
const projectsRef = firebase.firestore().collection('Projects');
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
// if there is already a listener but the user signs out or changes, unsubscribe
if (employeeUnsub && (!user || user.uid !== uid)) {
if (user) {
uid = user.uid;
// subscribe to the employee data and trigger a listener update on changes
employeeUnsub = employeesRef.doc(uid).onSnapshot(snap => {
projectIds = snap.get('projects_list');
function updateProjectListeners() {
// get a list of existing projects being listened already
let existingListeners = Object.keys(projectUnsubs);
for (const pid of existingListeners) {
// unsubscribe and remove the listener/data if no longer in the list
if (!projectIds.includes(pid)) {
delete projectUnsubs[pid];
delete projectData[pid];
for (const pid of projectIds) {
// if we're already listening, nothing to do so skip ahead
if (projectUnsubs[pid]) { continue; }
// subscribe to project data and trigger a render on change
projectUnsubs[pid] = projectsRef.doc(pid).onSnapshot(snap => {
projectData[pid] =;
function render() {
const out = "<ul>\n";
for (const pid of projectIds) {
if (!projectData[pid]) {
out += `<li class="loading">Loading...</li>\n`;
} else {
const project = projectData[pid];
out += `<li>${}</li>`;
out += "</ul>\n";
The above code does what you're talking about (and in this case the render() function just returns a string but you could do whatever you want to actually manipulate DOM / display data there).
It's a lengthy example, but you're talking about a pretty sophisticated concept of essentially joining realtime data dynamically as it changes. Hope this gives you some guidance on a way forward!

Unable to log user state information to transcript

I am using TranscriptLoggerMiddleware and CosmosDB to log my chatbot transcripts. We are trying to capture the user state information (user name, account number, account type, etc) as top level attributes in the transcript so that specific customers can easily be queried in the DB (if that information is just in the individual timestamp attributes of the document, they can't be queried).
Ideally I would just add the user state when I'm building the file, but I can't figure any way to access it since the logger is defined in index.js and TranscriptLoggerMiddleware only provides the activity to my function, not the full context. If anyone has a way to get the user state data via TranscriptLoggerMiddleware, let me know, that would solve this issue. Here is the customLogger code. Note that due to the function receiving both the user query and bot response, I couldn't get retrieving and resaving the transcript to work, so I'm overwriting the transcript from a local log object. Not trying to come up with a new approach here but if one would solve the overall issue I'd like to hear it.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
const { CosmosDbPartitionedStorage } = require('botbuilder-azure');
const path = require('path');
* CustomLogger, takes in an activity and saves it for the duration of the conversation, writing to an emulator compatible transcript file in the transcriptsPath folder.
class CustomLogger {
* Log an activity to the log file.
* #param activity Activity being logged.
// Set up Cosmos Storage
constructor(appInsightsClient) {
this.transcriptStorage = new CosmosDbPartitionedStorage({
cosmosDbEndpoint: process.env.COSMOS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT,
authKey: process.env.COSMOS_AUTH_KEY,
databaseId: process.env.DATABASE,
containerId: 'bot-transcripts'
this.conversationLogger = {};
this.appInsightsClient = appInsightsClient;
this.msDelay = 250;
async logActivity(activity) {
if (!activity) {
throw new Error('Activity is required.');
// Log only if this is type message
if (activity.type === 'message') {
if (activity.attachments) {
try {
var logTextDb = `${}: ${activity.attachments[0].content.text}`;
} catch (err) {
var logTextDb = `${}: ${activity.text}`;
} else {
var logTextDb = `${}: ${activity.text}`;
if (activity.conversation) {
var id =;
if (id.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
id =\|.*/, '');
// Get today's date for datestamp
var currentDate = new Date();
var day = currentDate.getDate();
var month = currentDate.getMonth()+1;
var year = currentDate.getFullYear();
var datestamp = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
var fileName = `${datestamp}_${id}`;
var timestamp = Math.floor(;
// CosmosDB logging (JK)
if (!(fileName in this.conversationLogger)) {
this.conversationLogger[fileName] = {};
this.conversationLogger[fileName]['userData'] = {};
this.conversationLogger[fileName]['botName'] = process.env.BOTNAME;
this.conversationLogger[fileName][timestamp] = logTextDb;
let updateObj = {
// Add delay to ensure messages logged sequentially
await this.wait(this.msDelay);
try {
let result = await this.transcriptStorage.write(updateObj);
} catch(err) {
this.appInsightsClient.trackTrace({message: `Logger Error ${err.code} - ${path.basename(__filename)}`,severity: 3,properties: {'botName': process.env.BOTNAME, 'error':err.body}});
async wait(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds) {
exports.CustomLogger = CustomLogger;
Not being able to get user state in this function, I decided to try a few other approaches. The most promising was creating a separate "updateTranscript" function to grab the transcript, add user state, and save it back. But I think it was catching it only on user request and getting overidden again by local object on bot response. I added a delay to try to combat this, but it still didn't work. On my very first prompt of providing customer number user state data is getting stored on transcript, but at the next activity it is gone and never comes back (even though I can see it is supposedly getting written to DB). Here is that update function.
const { CosmosDbStorage } = require('botbuilder-azure');
var updateTranscript = async (context, userData, appInsightsClient) => {
const transcriptStorage = new CosmosDbStorage({
serviceEndpoint: process.env.COSMOS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT,
authKey: process.env.COSMOS_AUTH_KEY,
databaseId: process.env.DATABASE,
collectionId: 'bot-transcripts',
partitionKey: process.env.BOTNAME
var id =;
if (id.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
id =\|.*/, '');
// Get today's date for datestamp
var currentDate = new Date();
var day = currentDate.getDate();
var month = currentDate.getMonth()+1;
var year = currentDate.getFullYear();
var datestamp = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
var filename = `${datestamp}_${id}`;
var msDelay = 500;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, msDelay));
var transcript = await[filename]);
transcript[filename]['userData'] = userData
try {
await transcriptStorage.write(transcript);
console.log('User data added to transcript');
} catch(err) {
appInsightsClient.trackTrace({message: `Log Updater Error ${err.code} - ${path.basename(__filename)}`,severity: 3,properties: {'botName': process.env.BOTNAME, 'error':err.body}});
module.exports.updateTranscript = updateTranscript
I realize this approach is a bit of a cluster but I've been unable to find anything better. I know the Microsoft COVID-19 bot has a really nice transcript retrieval function, but I haven't been able to get any input from them on how that was accomplished. That aside, I'm quite happy to continue with this implementation if someone can help me figure out how to get that user state into the transcript without being overwritten or running into concurrency issues.
As to why I can't query an account number even via substring() function, here's an example of the documents data object. I have no idea which string to check for a substring, in this case 122809. I don't know what that timestamp could be. If this is stored at the top level (e.g. userData/accountNumber) I know exactly where to look for the value. For further context, I've displayed what I see after the first prompt for account number, where userData is populated. But it gets overidden on subsequent writes and I can't seem to get it back even with a delay in my updateTranscript function.
"document": {
"userData": {},
"botName": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA",
"1594745997562": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA: Hi! I'm the OEM CSC Support Bot! Before we get started, can you please provide me with your 6-digit Vista number? If you don't have one, just type \"Skip\".",
"1594746003973": "You: 122809",
"1594746004241": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA: Thank you. What can I help you with today? \r\nYou can say **Menu** for a list of common commands, **Help** for chatbot tips, or choose one of the frequent actions below. \r\n \r\n I'm still being tested, so please use our [Feedback Form]( to let us know how well I'm doing and how I can be improved!",
"1594746011384": "You: what is my account number?",
"1594746011652": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA: Here is the informaiton I have stored: \n \n**Account Number:** 122809 \n\n I will forget everything except your account number after the end of this conversation.",
"1594746011920": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA: I can clear your information if you don't want me to store it or if you want to reneter it. Would you like me to clear your information now?",
"1594746016034": "You: no",
"1594746016301": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA: OK, I won't clear your information. You can ask again at any time."
"document": {
"userData": {
"accountNumber": "122809"
"botName": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA",
"1594746019952": "AveryCreek_OEM_CSC_Bot_QA: Hi! I'm the OEM CSC Support Bot! What can I help you with today? \r\nYou can say **Menu** for a list of common commands, **Help** for chatbot tips, or choose one of the frequent actions below. \r\n \r\n I'm still being tested, so please use our [Feedback Form]( to let us know how well I'm doing and how I can be improved!"
You had said you were encountering concurrency issues even though JavaScript is single-threaded. As strange as that sounds, I think you're right on some level. TranscriptLoggerMiddleware does have its own buffer that it uses to store activities throughout the turn and then it tries to log all of them all at once. It could easily have provided a way to get that whole buffer in your own logger function, but instead it just loops through the buffer so that you still only get to log them each individually. Also, it allows logActivity to return a promise but it never awaits it, so each activity will get logged "simultaneously" (it's not really simultaneous but the code will likely jump between function calls before waiting for them to complete). This is a problem for any operation that isn't atomic, because you'll be modifying state without knowing about its latest modifications.
while (transcript.length > 0) {
try {
const activity: Activity = transcript.shift();
// If the implementation of this.logger.logActivity() is asynchronous, we don't
// await it as to not block processing of activities.
// Because TranscriptLogger.logActivity() returns void or Promise<void>, we capture
// the result and see if it is a Promise.
const logActivityResult = this.logger.logActivity(activity);
// If this.logger.logActivity() returns a Promise, a catch is added in case there
// is no innate error handling in the method. This catch prevents
// UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarnings from being thrown and prints the error to the
// console.
if (logActivityResult instanceof Promise) {
logActivityResult.catch(err => {
} catch (err) {
All in all, I don't think transcript logger middleware is the way to go here. While it may purport to serve your purposes, there are just too many problems with it. I would either write my own middleware or just put the middleware code directly in my bot logic like this:
async onTurn(turnContext) {
const activity = turnContext.activity;
await this.logActivity(turnContext, activity);
turnContext.onSendActivities(async (ctx, activities, next) => {
for (const activity of activities) {
await this.logActivity(ctx, activity);
return await next();
// Bot code here
// Save state changes
await this.userState.saveChanges(turnContext);
async logActivity(turnContext, activity) {
var transcript = await this.transcriptProperty.get(turnContext, []);
await this.transcriptProperty.set(turnContext, transcript);
console.log('Activities saved: ' + transcript.length);
Since your transcript would be stored in your user state, that user state would also have the account number you need and hopefully you'd be able to query for it.
Kyle's answer did help me solve the issue, and I think that will be the most reusable piece for anyone experiencing similar issues. The key takeaway is that, if you're using nodejs, you should not be using TranscriptLoggerMiddleware and instead use Kyle's function in your onTurn handler (repeated here for reference):
// Function provided by Kyle Delaney
async onTurn(turnContext) {
const activity = turnContext.activity;
await this.logActivity(turnContext, activity);
turnContext.onSendActivities(async (ctx, activities, next) => {
for (const activity of activities) {
await this.logActivity(ctx, activity);
return await next();
// Bot code here
// Save state changes
await this.userState.saveChanges(turnContext);
You need to note, though, that his logActivity function is just storing the raw activities to the user state using a custom transcriptProperty. As of yet I haven't found a good method to give business/admin users access to this data in a way that is easily readable and searchable, nor construct some sort of file out output to send to a customer requesting a transcript of their conversation. As such, I continued using my CustomLogger instead. Here is how I accomplished that.
First, you must create the transcriptLogger in the constructor. If you create it inside your turn handler, you will lose the cache/buffer and it will only have the latest activity instead of the full history. May be common sense but this tripped me up briefly. I do this in the constructor via this.transcriptLogger = new CustomerLogger(appInsightsClient);. I also modified my logActivity function to accept the userData (my state object) as a second, optional parameter. I have successfully been able to use that userData object to add the required customer information to the bot transcript. To modify Kyle's function above you just need to replace this.logActivity with your function call, in my case this.transcriptLogger.logActivity(context, userData);.
While there are still some other issues with this approach, it does solve the title question of how to get user state data into the transcript.

Issues updating firestore document by committing a batch after an async function

I'm writing a cloud function that uses request-promise and cheerio to scrape a website and then check that information against a user document.
I am not entirely familiar with Javascript and Cloud Functions.
I've come so far that I managed to extract the information I need and navigate to the user's document and compare the data. Now the last piece of this function is to give the user points for each matching data point, so I need to update a map inside the user document.
This function has to loop through all users and change their document if the data point matches. I'm not sure the way I've written the code is the most optimal in terms of performance and billing if the userbase gets huge... Any pointers to how I could minimize the impact on the task would be of great help, as im new with JS.
So this is the code:
exports.getV75Results = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 2 minutes').onRun(async (context) => {
let linkMap = new Map();
const url = ``
const options = {
uri: url,
headers: { 'User-Agent': 'test' },
transform: (body) => cheerio.load(body)
await rp(options)
.then(($) => {
for(let i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
//Find player from game
const lopp1 = $(`#mainContentHolder > div > div.mainContentStyleTrot > div > div.panel-body > table:nth-child(1) > tbody > tr:nth-child(${i}) > td:nth-child(2) > span`).text()
const lopp1StrR1 = lopp1.replace("(", "");
const lopp1StrR2 = lopp1StrR1.replace(")", "");
const lopp1StrR3 = lopp1StrR2.replace(" ", "");
linkMap.set(i, lopp1StrR3.toUpperCase());
return linkMap;
}).then(async () => {
//Start lookup users
let usersRef = db.collection('fantasyfotball').doc('users');
usersRef.listCollections().then(collections => {
collections.forEach( collection => {
var user = collection.doc(;
let batch = new admin.firestore().batch();
user.get().then(function(doc) {
let json =;
//Look in users collection if players document exist
Object.keys(json).forEach((name) => {
if(name != null) {
//Document with users active fotball players
if(name == 'players') {
let i = 0;
Object.values(json[name]).forEach((value) => {
if(value.localeCompare(linkMap.get(i)) == 0) {
//Loop through user keys and find owned players if user has the correct player
Object.keys(json).forEach((map) => {
if(map != null)
//Document with a map of player owned fotball players, each respective player has a key = 'fotball player' and value = '[price, points]'
if(map == 'ownedplayers')
Object.entries(json[map]).forEach((players) => {
if(players[0].localeCompare(value) == 0) {
//Add points to respective player field
//EACH TIME THIS RUNS IT SAYS: "Cannot modify a WriteBatch that has been committed"
batch.update(user, {'ownedplayers': json[map]});
} else {
console.log('user does not have a playermode document.');
return batch.commit().then(function () {
console.log("Succesfully commited changes.");
return null;
}).catch((err) => {
return err;
The issues i get in the console are "Cannot modify a WriteBatch that has been committed." and I fail to modify and add points to the player field inside the users document.
This is the console:
This is the firestore document structure:
I'm completely stuck on this.. Feels like I've tried all different approaches, but I think i dont fully understand cloud functions and javascript, so i would gladly recive feedback and help on how to make this work.
Finally.... i managed to update the document successfully. I put the commit outside another ".then()". Thought I tried that, but yay I guess :P
}).then(() => {
return batch.commit().then(function () {
console.log("Succesfully commited changes.");
return null;
The problem now is that it commits every loop. I think the most optimal here would be to batch update ALL users before committing?
And again, is there a more optimal way to do this, in terms of minimizing the operation and impact? I'm afraid I go too deep with for loops instead of directly navigating to the document, but haven't found an easier way to do that.
Any thoughts?

Angular 8 - handling SSE reconnect on error

I'm working on an Angular 8 (with Electron 6 and Ionic 4) project and right now we are having evaluation phase where we are deciding whether to replace polling with SSE (Server-sent events) or Web Sockets. My part of the job is to research SSE.
I created small express application which generates random numbers and it all works fine. The only thing that bugs me is correct way to reconnect on server error.
My implementation looks like this:
private createSseSource(): Observable<MessageEvent> {
return Observable.create(observer => {
this.eventSource = new EventSource(SSE_URL);
this.eventSource.onmessage = (event) => { =>;
this.eventSource.onopen = (event) => {
console.log('connection open');
this.eventSource.onerror = (error) => {
console.log('looks like the best thing to do is to do nothing');
// => observer.error(error));
// this.closeSseConnection();
// this.reconnectOnError();
I tried to implement reconnectOnError() function following this answer, but I just wasn't able to make it work. Then I ditched the reconnectOnError() function and it seems like it's a better thing to do. Do not try to close and reconnect nor propagate error to observable. Just sit and wait and when the server is running again it will reconnect automatically.
Question is, is this really the best thing to do? Important thing to mention is, that the FE application communicates with it's own server which can't be accessed by another instance of the app (built-in device).
I see that my question is getting some attention so I decided to post my solution. To answer my question: "Is this really the best thing to do, to omit reconnect function?" I don't know :). But this solution works for me and it was proven in production, that it offers way how to actually control SSE reconnect to some extent.
Here's what I did:
Rewritten createSseSource function so the return type is void
Instead of returning observable, data from SSE are fed to subjects/NgRx actions
Added public openSseChannel and private reconnectOnError functions for better control
Added private function processSseEvent to handle custom message types
Since I'm using NgRx on this project every SSE message dispatches corresponding action, but this can be replaced by ReplaySubject and exposed as observable.
// Public function, initializes connection, returns true if successful
openSseChannel(): boolean {
return !!this.eventSource;
// Creates SSE event source, handles SSE events
protected createSseEventSource(): void {
// Close event source if current instance of SSE service has some
if (this.eventSource) {
this.eventSource = null;
// Open new channel, create new EventSource
this.eventSource = new EventSource(this.sseChannelUrl);
// Process default event
this.eventSource.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { => this.processSseEvent(event));
// Add custom events
Object.keys(SSE_EVENTS).forEach(key => {
this.eventSource.addEventListener(SSE_EVENTS[key], event => { => this.processSseEvent(event));
// Process connection opened
this.eventSource.onopen = () => {
this.reconnectFrequencySec = 1;
// Process error
this.eventSource.onerror = (error: any) => {
// Processes custom event types
private processSseEvent(sseEvent: MessageEvent): void {
const parsed = ? JSON.parse( : {};
switch (sseEvent.type) {
case SSE_EVENTS.STATUS: {{ status: parsed }));
// or
// Add others if neccessary
default: {
console.error('Unknown event:', sseEvent.type);
// Handles reconnect attempts when the connection fails for some reason.
private reconnectOnError(): void {
const self = this;
this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
self.reconnectFrequencySec *= 2;
if (self.reconnectFrequencySec >= SSE_RECONNECT_UPPER_LIMIT) {
self.reconnectFrequencySec = SSE_RECONNECT_UPPER_LIMIT;
}, this.reconnectFrequencySec * 1000);
Since the SSE events are fed to subject/actions it doesn't matter if the connection is lost since at least last event is preserved within subject or store. Attempts to reconnect can then happen silently and when new data are send, there are processed seamlessly.

Firebase RTDB `ref.once()` being executed multiple times

Playing with firebase RTDB lately, I've been using .once('value', v => ...) to build the GUI of my app. The exact code below:
function onAuthCompleted(usr) {
var salesTxRef = firebaseApp.database().ref('/salesTx').limitToLast(5);
salesTxRef.once("value", salesTx => {
salesTx.forEach(txRef => {
const tx = txRef.val();
const $item = $('<li></li>').html('$' + + ' <small>' + tx.currencyCode + '</small>');
$('.main ul').append($item);
The problem is that if I leave the page long enough opened, .once() gets called multiple times (once every 2-3 hours). Is this a bug on the javascript library? Known issue? Is there something that I'm incorrectly doing or a misunderstanding on my part?
As #Frank van Puffelen pointed out in the comment, the problem came from the method that called onAuthCompleted(usr):
firebaseApp.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
if (typeof onAuthCompleted == 'function') {
} else {
console.log('User is not logged in. Cannot start session.');
}, function(error) {
The onAuthStateChanged() being called hourly to refresh the session caused onAuthCompleted() to be called again thus registering the .once() method one more time (every ~hour). That was causing the strange perceived behavior.
I can confirm that .once() works as expected and it was my misunderstanding on how onAuthStateChange() works.

