Getting invalid schema error, when having array of mongoose schema objects - javascript

Here is my schema for userPost.js:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
let userPostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
type: String
}, {timestamps: true});
const UserPost = mongoose.model("post", userPostSchema);
module.exports = UserPost;
Here is my schema for userAccount.js:
const userPost = require("./UserPost");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
let userAccountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
type: String
type: [userPost]
}, {timestamps: true});
let userAccount = mongoose.model("account", userAccountSchema);
module.exports = userAccount;
I am getting the posts error:
throw new TypeError('Invalid schema configuration: ' +
TypeError: Invalid schema configuration: `model` is not a valid type within the array `posts`.See http://.../mongoose-schematypes for a list of valid schema types.
at Schema.interpretAsType (C:\Users\BackEnd\node_modules\mongoose\lib\schema.js:984:15)
at Schema.path (C:\Users\BackEnd\node_modules\mongoose\lib\schema.js:677:27)
at Schema.add (C:\Users\BackEnd\node_modules\mongoose\lib\schema.js:495:12)
I am having 2 schemas, userPost.js, that I am using in userAccount.js.
What is the problem ?
Why am I getting the following error:
TypeError: Invalid schema configuration: model is not a valid type within the array posts
I tried consulting the following link especially the 3rd code excerpt of the official Mongoose's documentation:
I changed the following code:
type: userPost
type: [userPost]
but still getting the same error.

I am not sure but this can be the case whenever you are referring to other model you always have to use the mongoose reference keyword and then use information from that model to create an array.

You should have your schema as follows:
const userPost = require("./UserPost");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
let userAccountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
type: String
posts: [userPost]
}, {timestamps: true});
let userAccount = mongoose.model("account", userAccountSchema);
module.exports = userAccount;
posts does not need a type declaration.

Two things you have to remember:
First is that because you are creating a schema and you are not changing your schema in apps, it is not recommended to use let. instead, try to store your schema in a Const variable.
The "posts" is an array, you can simply write your schema to an array and not use types. Also, you must use the schema on another schema. You can change your code with:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
export const userPostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
type: String
}, {timestamps: true});
const UserPost = mongoose.model("post", userPostSchema);
module.exports = UserPost;
and then:
import {userPostSchema} from "./UserPost" ;
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const userAccountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId
type: String
posts: [userPostSchema]
}, {timestamps: true});
let userAccount = mongoose.model("account", userAccountSchema);
module.exports = userAccount;


Can't update values in mongodb database

Username doesn't get updated after running this. I also tried UpdateOne and it didn't work as well. The code was supposed to update an array but I tried updating the username to make it easier to track down the problem.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const schema = mongoose.Schema;
const userSchema = new schema({
type: String,
required: true
type: String,
required: true
Cart: Array
const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
module.exports = User;
.'/putbox', (req, res) => {
var query = { Username: user };
var newvalues = { $push: { Cart: "Boxing" } };
var values = d[0].Cart;
User.findByIdAndUpdate(d._id, {Username: "test1"})
} catch(err) {
I believe the syntax is not correct. The first element of updateOne searches for matches to update. You are just passing d._id which is not the same as the _id key in your db structure. Try this one
User.updateOne({ _id: d._id }, {Username: "test1"})

Updating mongodb document with new document id

I am trying to $push a document id to a collection but it seems to not working. I don't understand what I am doing wrong here. Please help me out.
this is how user model looks like in my codebase
const userSchema = new Schema({
first_name: String,
products: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Product' }]
const UserModel = model('User', userSchema);
product model
const productSchema = new Schema({
name: string,
user_id : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }]
const ProductModel = model('Product', productSchema);
const savedUser = await new UserModel({ ...user }).save();
product.user_id = savedUser._id;
const savedProduct = await new ProductModel(product).save();
savedUser.update({ $push: { products: savedProduct._id } });
console.log(savedUser.populated('products')); // undefined
From the docs:
If the path was not populated, returns undefined.
You need to populate before populated can be used.

Can't update document in MongoDB

So i'm trying to simply update a document in my database, i had no issues with getting data from the database. Here is my code:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/mongo-exercises", {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
//Creating Schema
const courseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
tags: [String],
date: Date,
name: String,
author: String,
isPublished: Boolean,
price: Number,
//Creating model which returns a Class
const Course = mongoose.model("courses", courseSchema);
async function updateData(id) {
try {
const course = await Course.findById(id);
course.isPublished = true; = "another author";
const resulti = await;
} catch (error) {
Error i recieve:
Cannot set property 'isPublished' of null
Any pointers are appreciated thanks in advance:)
I found the solution, the database i was using had deprecated formatting for the id:s.
//In my database
_id: "5a68fdd7bee8ea64649c2777"
//How it should look
_id: ObjectID("5a68fdd7bee8ea64649c2777")

How to find a document in mongoose by child property?

I have this Person and User models in my project:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const schema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', schema);
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const schema = new Schema({
person: {
type: mongoose.SchemaTypes.ObjectId,
ref: 'Person',
required: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', schema);
As we can see, a User has a reference to Person. I'm trying to find one User by either his email or by name of his Person. I tried many different approaches, like this:
exports.getUserByPersonNameOrEmail = async (uservalue) => {
var user = await User.findOne({
$or: [
{"": uservalue},
{email: uservalue}
return user;
I also read about using the $elemMatch command, but it seems that it is used for documents with an array of children, instead of a specific child.
You would have to use mongoose populate and its match step during populate:
var user = await User.findOne({}).populate({
path: 'person',
match: { name: uservalue },
select: 'name -_id'
You can read more about it here. The idea basically is that you have to populate the actual references to person in your use model in order to query them. match applies a filter while they are being populated etc.

Mongoose + Mongodb User.update not working

What I am trying to do is create a new collection, and push that collection into a specific User.collections array. I have read many stackoverflow posts and they all say to use either User.update() or User.findOneAndUpdate(). I am have no luck with either. I can create a Collection and that is saved to mongo so I know I am indeed accessing the db. Here is my code, if any of you can help I would appreciate it.
User Schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const userSchema = new Schema({
googleID: String,
givenName: String,
familyName: String,
collections: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "collection"
mongoose.model('users', userSchema);
Collection Schema:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const collectionSchema = new Schema({
type: String,
name: String,
gamesCollected: [
id: Number
mongoose.model('collection', collectionSchema);
And my route:
router.get('/get_collection', (req, res) => {
const collection = new Collection({
type: 'SNES',
name: 'First SNES Collection',
gamesCollected: [{ id: 5353 }]
User.update({googleID: req.user.googleID}, {$push: {collections: collection}});
Save is not a synchronous operation but asynchronous so you need to use the promise it returns and handle it and once it is complete then update the user model. Something among these lines:
router.get('/get_collection', async (req, res) => {
let collection = new Collection({
type: 'SNES',
name: 'First SNES Collection',
gamesCollected: [{ id: 5353 }]
await User.update(
{googleID: req.user.googleID},
{$push: {collections: collection._id}}

