Flipping Face Normal ThreeJS but not on floor - javascript

I try to build a house generator based on a floorplan. Generating the mesh works fine, but now I need to flip the normals on some faces.
buildRoomMeshFromPoints(planeScalar, heightScalar){
var pointsAsVector2 = []
this.points.map(e => {
pointsAsVector2.push(new THREE.Vector2(e.x * planeScalar, e.y * planeScalar))
var shape = new THREE.Shape();
shape.moveTo(pointsAsVector2[0].x, pointsAsVector2[0].y)
pointsAsVector2.forEach(e => shape.lineTo(e.x, e.y))
const extrusionSettings = {
steps: 2,
depth: heightScalar,
bevelEnabled: false
var roomGeometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape, extrusionSettings );
var materialFront = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffff00 } );
var materialSide = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff8800 } );
var materialArray = [ materialFront, materialSide ];
var roomMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materialArray);
var room = new THREE.Mesh(roomGeometry, roomMaterial);
return room;
This is the code that generates the house based on a collection of 2D points. To make the walls see through, I wanna change the normals of all walls and the roof.
My approach would be to compare each face normals angle to an up vector (THREE.Vector3(0,1,0)) and if the angle is greater then 0.0xx then flip it. I simply have no idea how to flip them :)
Thanks for any help!
Greetings pascal

In simplest terms, "flipping" or finding the negative of the normal (or any) vector is a matter of negating each of its components. So if your normal vector n is a THREE.Vector3 instance, then its negative is n.multiplyScalar(-1), or if it's in an array of the form [ x, y, z ], then its negative is [ -1 * x, -1 * y, -1 * z ].
Flipping the normal vectors won't do all of what you're looking to accomplish, though. Normals in Three.js (and many other engines and renderers) are separate and distinct from the notion of the side of a triangle that's being rendered. So if you only flip the vectors, Three.js will continue to render the front side of the triangles, which form the exterior of the mesh; those faces will appear darker, though, because they're reflecting light in exactly the wrong direction.
For each triangle, you need to both (a) flip the normals of its vertices; and (b) either render the back side of that triangle or reverse the facing of the triangle.
To render the back side of the triangle, you can set the .side property of your material to THREE.BackSide. (I have not tested this, and it may have other implications; among other things, you may come across other parts of your codebase that have to be specifically written with an eye to the fact that you're rendering backfaces.)
A more robust solution would be to make the triangles themselves face the other way.
ExtrudeGeometry is a factory for BufferGeometry, and the vertex positions are stored in a flat array in the .attributes.position.array property of the generated geometry. You can swap every 3rd-5th element in the array with every 6th-9th element to reverse the winding order of the triangle, which changes the side that Three.js considers to be the front. Thus, a triangle defined as (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1) and represented in the array as [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] becomes (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1) and [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ]. (Put differently, ABC becomes ACB.)
To accomplish this in code requires something like the following.
* #param { import("THREE").BufferGeometry } geom
* #return { undefined }
flipSides = (geom) => {
const positions = geom.getAttribute("position");
const normals = geom.getAttribute("normal");
const newNormals = Array.from(normals.array);
for (let attrName of ["position", "normal", "uv"]) {
// for (let i = 0; i < positions.count; i += 3) {
// ExtrudeGeometry generates a non-indexed BufferGeometry. To flip
// the faces, we must reverse the winding order, i.e., for each triangle
// ABC, we must change it to ACB. We must do this for the position,
// normal, and uv buffers.
const attr = geom.getAttribute(attrName);
let newArr = Array.from(attr.array)
const sz = attr.itemSize;
for (let i = 0; i < attr.count; i++) {
const offset = sz * 3 * i;
// i is the index of the first of three vertices of a triangle.
// Sample the buffer for the second and third vertices, which
// we'll swap.
const tempB = newArr.slice(
offset + sz,
offset + 2 * sz
const tempC = newArr.slice(
offset + 2 * sz,
offset + 3 * sz
newArr.splice(offset + sz, sz, ...tempC);
newArr.splice(offset + 2 * sz, sz, ...tempB);
// If we're working on the normals buffer, we also need to reverse
// the normals. Since reversing a vector simply entails a
// scalar-vector multiplication by -1, and since the array is
// flat, we can do this with one map() operation.
if (attrName == "normal") {
newArr = newArr.map((e) => e * -1);
// Replace the position buffer with our new array
new THREE.BufferAttribute(
attr.needsUpdate = true;
I've posted a demonstration of this approach on CodePen.


Render plane from 3 vertices in three.js

I'm trying to render a plane a set of 3 vertices (as shown). However every method I tried (mostly from SO or the official three.js forum) doesn't work for me.
// example vertices
const vert1 = new THREE.Vector3(768, -512, 40)
const vert2 = new THREE.Vector3(768, -496, 40)
const vert3 = new THREE.Vector3(616, -496, 40)
I already tried the following code for calculating the width and height of the plane, but I think it's way over-complicated (as I only calculate the X and Y coords and I think my code would grow exponentially if I'd also add the Z-coordinate and the plane's position to this logic).
const width = vert1.x !== vert2.x ? Math.abs(vert1.x - vert2.x) : Math.abs(vert1.x - vert3.x)
const height = vert1.y !== vert2.y ? Math.abs(vert1.y - vert2.y) : Math.abs(vert1.y - vert3.y)
I want to create a plane with 3 corners of points A, B and C and a plane with 3 corners of points D, E and F.
Example Video
You can use THREE.Plane.setFromCoplanarPoints() to create a plane from three coplanar points. However, an instance of THREE.Plane is just a mathematical representation of an infinite plane dividing the 3D space in two half spaces. If you want to visualize it, consider to use THREE.PlaneHelper. Or you use the approach from the following thread to derive a plane mesh from your instance of THREE.Plane.
Three.js - PlaneGeometry from Math.Plane
I create algorithm which compute mid point of longest edge of triangle. After this compute vector from point which isn't on longest edge to midpoint. On end just add computed vector to midpoint and you have coordinates of fourth point.
On end just create PlaneGeometry from this points and create mesh. Code is in typescript.
Code here:
type Line = {
startPoint: Vector3;
startPointIdx: number;
endPoint: Vector3;
endPointIdx: number;
vector: Vector3;
length: Vector3;
function createTestPlaneWithTexture(): void {
const pointsIn = [new Vector3(28, 3, 3), new Vector3(20, 15, 20), new Vector3(1, 13, 3)]
const lines = Array<Line>();
for (let i = 0; i < pointsIn.length; i++) {
let length, distVect;
if (i <= pointsIn.length - 2) {
distVect = new Vector3().subVectors(pointsIn[i], pointsIn[i + 1]);
length = distVect.length()
lines.push({ vector: distVect, startPoint: pointsIn[i], startPointIdx: i, endPoint: pointsIn[i + 1], endPointIdx: i + 1, length: length })
} else {
const distVect = new Vector3().subVectors(pointsIn[i], pointsIn[0]);
length = distVect.length()
lines.push({ vector: distVect, startPoint: pointsIn[i], startPointIdx: i, endPoint: pointsIn[0], endPointIdx: 0, length: length })
// find longest edge of triangle
let maxLine: LineType;
lines.forEach(line => {
if (maxLine) {
if (line.length > maxLine.length)
maxLine = line;
} else {
maxLine = line;
//get midpoint of longest edge
const midPoint = maxLine.endPoint.clone().add(maxLine.vector.clone().multiplyScalar(0.5));
//get idx unused point
const idx = [0, 1, 2].filter(value => value !== maxLine.endPointIdx && value !== maxLine.startPointIdx)[0];
//diagonal point one
const thirdPoint = pointsIn[idx];
const vec = new Vector3().subVectors(midPoint, thirdPoint);
//diagonal point two diagonal === longer diagonal of reactangle
const fourthPoint = midPoint.clone().add(vec);
const edge1 = thirdPoint.clone().sub(maxLine.endPoint).length();
const edge2 = fourthPoint.clone().sub(maxLine.endPoint).length();
//const topLeft = new Vector3(bottomLeft.x, topRight.y, bottomLeft.y);
const points = [thirdPoint, maxLine.startPoint, maxLine.endPoint, fourthPoint];
// console.log(points)
const geo = new PlaneGeometry().setFromPoints(points)
const texture = new TextureLoader().load(textureImage);
texture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
texture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
texture.repeat.set(edge2, edge1);
const mat = new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xFFFFFFF, side: DoubleSide, map: texture });
const plane = new Mesh(geo, mat);

Drawing/Rendering 3D objects with epicycles and fourier transformations [Animation]

First Note: They wont let me embed images until i have more reputation points (sorry), but all the links are images posted on imgur! :) thanks
I have replicated a method to animate any single path (1 closed path) using fourier transforms. This creates an animation of epicylces (rotating circles) which rotate around each other, and follow the imputed points, tracing the path as a continuous loop/function.
I would like to adopt this system to 3D. the two methods i can think of to achieve this is to use a Spherical Coordinate system (two complex planes) or 3 Epicycles --> one for each axis (x,y,z) with their individual parametric equations. This is probably the best way to start!!
2 Cycles, One for X and one for Y:
Picture: One Cycle --> Complex Numbers --> For X and Y
Fourier Transformation Background!!!:
• Eulers formula allows us to decompose each point in the complex plane into an angle (the argument to the exponential function) and an amplitude (Cn coefficients)
• In this sense, there is a connection to imaging each term in the infinite series above as representing a point on a circle with radius cn, offset by 2πnt/T radians
• The image below shows how a sum of complex numbers in terms of phases/amplitudes can be visualized as a set of concatenated cirlces in the complex plane. Each red line is a vector representing a term in the sequence of sums: cne2πi(nT)t
• Adding the summands corresponds to simply concatenating each of these red vectors in complex space:
Animated Rotating Circles:
Circles to Animated Drawings:
• If you have a line drawing in 2D (x-y) space, you can describe this path mathematically as a parametric function. (two separate single variable functions, both in terms of an auxiliary variable (T in this case):
• For example, below is a simple line drawing of a horse, and a parametric path through the black pixels in image, and that path then seperated into its X and Y components:
• At this point, we need to calculate the Fourier approximations of these two paths, and use coefficients from this approximation to determine the phase and amplitudes of the circles needed for the final visualization.
Python Code:
The python code used for this example can be found here on guithub
I have successful animated this process in 2D, but i would like to adopt this to 3D.
The Following Code Represents Animations in 2D --> something I already have working:
[Using JavaScript & P5.js library]
The Fourier Algorithm (fourier.js):
// a + bi
class Complex {
constructor(a, b) {
this.re = a;
this.im = b;
add(c) {
this.re += c.re;
this.im += c.im;
mult(c) {
const re = this.re * c.re - this.im * c.im;
const im = this.re * c.im + this.im * c.re;
return new Complex(re, im);
function dft(x) {
const X = [];
const Values = [];
const N = x.length;
for (let k = 0; k < N; k++) {
let sum = new Complex(0, 0);
for (let n = 0; n < N; n++) {
const phi = (TWO_PI * k * n) / N;
const c = new Complex(cos(phi), -sin(phi));
sum.re = sum.re / N;
sum.im = sum.im / N;
let freq = k;
let amp = sqrt(sum.re * sum.re + sum.im * sum.im);
let phase = atan2(sum.im, sum.re);
X[k] = { re: sum.re, im: sum.im, freq, amp, phase };
Values[k] = {phase};
return X;
The Sketch Function/ Animations (Sketch.js):
let x = [];
let fourierX;
let time = 0;
let path = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 600);
const skip = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < drawing.length; i += skip) {
const c = new Complex(drawing[i].x, drawing[i].y);
fourierX = dft(x);
fourierX.sort((a, b) => b.amp - a.amp);
function epicycles(x, y, rotation, fourier) {
for (let i = 0; i < fourier.length; i++) {
let prevx = x;
let prevy = y;
let freq = fourier[i].freq;
let radius = fourier[i].amp;
let phase = fourier[i].phase;
x += radius * cos(freq * time + phase + rotation);
y += radius * sin(freq * time + phase + rotation);
stroke(255, 100);
ellipse(prevx, prevy, radius * 2);
line(prevx, prevy, x, y);
return createVector(x, y);
function draw() {
let v = epicycles(width / 2, height / 2, 0, fourierX);
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
vertex(path[i].x, path[i].y);
const dt = TWO_PI / fourierX.length;
time += dt;
And Most Importantly! THE PATH / COORDINATES:
(this one is a triangle)
let drawing = [
{ y: -8.001009734 , x: -50 },
{ y: -7.680969345 , x: -49 },
{ y: -7.360928956 , x: -48 },
{ y: -7.040888566 , x: -47 },
{ y: -6.720848177 , x: -46 },
{ y: -6.400807788 , x: -45 },
{ y: -6.080767398 , x: -44 },
{ y: -5.760727009 , x: -43 },
{ y: -5.440686619 , x: -42 },
{ y: -5.12064623 , x: -41 },
{ y: -4.800605841 , x: -40 },
{ y: -8.001009734 , x: -47 },
{ y: -8.001009734 , x: -48 },
{ y: -8.001009734 , x: -49 },
This answer is in response to: "Do you think [three.js] can replicate what i have in 2D but in 3D? with the rotating circles and stuff?"
Am not sure whether you're looking to learn 3D modeling from scratch (ie, creating your own library of vector routines, homogeneous coordinate transformations, rendering perspective, etc) or whether you're simply looking to produce a final product. In the case of the latter, three.js is a powerful graphics library built on webGL that in my estimation is simple enough for a beginner to dabble with, but has a lot of depth to produce very sophisticated 3D effects. (Peruse the examples at https://threejs.org/examples/ and you'll see for yourself.)
I happen to be working a three.js project of my own, and whipped up a quick example of epicyclic circles as a warm up exercise. This involved pulling pieces and parts from the following references...
https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_geometry_shapes (This three.js example is a great resource showing a variety of ways that a shape can be rendered.)
The result is a simple scene with one circle running around the other, permitting mouse controls to orbit around the scene, viewing it from different angles and distances.
<title>Epicyclic Circles</title>
body { margin: 0; }
canvas { width: 100%; height: 100% }
<script src="https://rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/dev/build/three.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/dev/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
// Set up the basic scene, camera, and lights.
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.background = new THREE.Color( 0xf0f0f0 );
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
var light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 0.8 );
camera.add( light );
camera.position.z = 50;
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
// Add the orbit controls to permit viewing the scene from different angles via the mouse.
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
controls.enableDamping = true; // an animation loop is required when either damping or auto-rotation are enabled
controls.dampingFactor = 0.25;
controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
controls.minDistance = 0;
controls.maxDistance = 500;
// Create center and epicyclic circles, extruding them to give them some depth.
var extrudeSettings = { depth: 2, bevelEnabled: true, bevelSegments: 2, steps: 2, bevelSize: .25, bevelThickness: .25 };
var arcShape1 = new THREE.Shape();
arcShape1.moveTo( 0, 0 );
arcShape1.absarc( 0, 0, 15, 0, Math.PI * 2, false );
var holePath1 = new THREE.Path();
holePath1.moveTo( 0, 10 );
holePath1.absarc( 0, 10, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true );
arcShape1.holes.push( holePath1 );
var geometry1 = new THREE.ExtrudeBufferGeometry( arcShape1, extrudeSettings );
var mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry1, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0x804000 } ) );
scene.add( mesh1 );
var arcShape2 = new THREE.Shape();
arcShape2.moveTo( 0, 0 );
arcShape2.absarc( 0, 0, 15, 0, Math.PI * 2, false );
var holePath2 = new THREE.Path();
holePath2.moveTo( 0, 10 );
holePath2.absarc( 0, 10, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true );
arcShape2.holes.push( holePath2 );
var geometry2 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( arcShape2, extrudeSettings );
var mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry2, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } ) );
scene.add( mesh2 );
// Define variables to hold the current epicyclic radius and current angle.
var mesh2AxisRadius = 30;
var mesh2AxisAngle = 0;
var animate = function () {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
// During each animation frame, let's rotate the objects on their center axis,
// and also set the position of the epicyclic circle.
mesh1.rotation.z -= 0.02;
mesh2.rotation.z += 0.02;
mesh2AxisAngle += 0.01;
mesh2.position.set ( mesh2AxisRadius * Math.cos(mesh2AxisAngle), mesh2AxisRadius * Math.sin(mesh2AxisAngle), 0 );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
Note that I've used basic trigonometry within the animate function to position the epicyclic circle around the center circle, and fudged the rate of rotation for the circles (rather than doing the precise math), but there's probably a better "three.js"-way of doing this via matrices or built in functions. Given that you obviously have a strong math background, I don't think you'll have any issues with translating your 2D model of multi-epicyclic circles using basic trigonometry when porting to 3D.
Hope this helps in your decision making process on how to proceed with a 3D version of your program.
The method that I would suggest is as follows. Start with a parametrized path v(t) = (v_x(t), v_y(t), v_z(t)). Consider the following projection onto the X-Y plane: v1(t) = (v_x(t)/2, v_y(t), 0). And the corresponding projection onto the X-Z plane: v2(t) = (v_x(t)/2, 0, v_z(t)).
When we add these projections together we get the original curve. But each projection is now a closed 2-D curve, and you have solutions for arbitrary closed 2-D curves. So solve each problem. And then interleave them to get a projection where your first circle goes in the X-Y plane, your second one in the X-Z plane, your third one in the X-Y plane, your fourth one in the X-Z plane ... and they sum up to your answer!

Rotate a vector based on a normal in Three.js

I have a vector like this
{x: 0, y: 0, z: 1}
Then I have another vector that is a normal, a direction, like this
{x: 1, y: 0, z: 0}
How do i rotate the vector based on the direction in the normal so it looks like this?
{x: 1, y: 0, z: 0}
I'm using Three.js
After digging in to this answer I come up with a solution that seems to work
rotateVectorWithNormal(toRotate: Vector3, normal: Vector3) {
const newVector: Vector3 = new Vector3().copy(toRotate);
// set up direction
let up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
let axis: Vector3;
// we want the vector to point in the direction of the face normal
// determine an axis to rotate around
// cross will not work if vec == +up or -up, so there is a special case
if (normal.y == 1 || normal.y == -1) {
axis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
} else {
axis = new Vector3().cross(up, normal);
// determine the amount to rotate
let radians = Math.acos(normal.dot(up));
const quat = new Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle(axis, radians);
return newVector;
Code in Typescript
While the auto-answer is correct, here some general points about such a rotation:
If only two vectors are given, namely a and b, there are infinite rotations transforming a into b. The answer above takes the shortest rotation but requires to determine the axis of rotation via a cross product. A second solution is to take the bisector as rotation axis and rotate by Pi. Here you would normalize to a_n and b_n and rotate around (a_n + b_n).
The difference between the rotations would only affect non-rotational symmetric object.
If all vectors are normalized already it should be as simple as
var a = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );
var b = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
var c = new THREE.Vector3( x, y, z );
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( a + b, Math.PI );
c.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
If c==a then c is rotated onto b and if c==b then c is rotated onto a.

THREE.js Detecting adjacent faces from a raycaster intersection point

I have a Mesh created with a BufferGeometry.
I also have the coordinates of where my mouse intersects the Mesh, using the Raycaster.
I am trying to detect faces within(and touching) a radius from the intersection point.
Once I detect the "tangent" faces, I then want to color the faces. Because I am working with a BufferGeometry, I am manipulating the buffer attributes on my geometry.
Here is my code:
let vertexA;
let vertexB;
let vertexC;
let intersection;
const radius = 3;
const color = new THREE.Color('red');
const positionsAttr = mesh.geometry.attributes.position;
const colorAttr = mesh.geometry.attributes.color;
// on every mouseMove event, do below:
vertexA = new THREE.Vector3();
vertexB = new THREE.Vector3();
vertexC = new THREE.Vector3();
intersection = raycaster.intersectObject(mesh).point;
// function to detect tangent edge
function isEdgeTouched(v1, v2, point, radius) {
const line = new THREE.Line3();
const closestPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
line.set(v1, v2);
line.closestPointToPoint(point, true, closestPoint);
return point.distanceTo(closestPoint) < radius;
// function to color a face
function colorFace(faceIndex) {
colorAttr.setXYZ(faceIndex * 3 + 0, color.r, color.g, color.b);
colorAttr.setXYZ(faceIndex * 3 + 0, color.r, color.g, color.b);
colorAttr.setXYZ(faceIndex * 3 + 0, color.r, color.g, color.b);
colorAttr.needsUpdate = true;
// iterate over each face, color it if tangent
for (let i=0; i < (positionsAttr.count) /3); i++) {
vertexA.fromBufferAttribute(positionsAttr, i * 3 + 0);
vertexB.fromBufferAttribute(positionsAttr, i * 3 + 1);
vertexC.fromBufferAttribute(positionsAttr, i * 3 + 2);
if (isEdgeTouched(vertexA, vertexB, point, radius)
|| isEdgeTouched(vertexA, vertexB, point, radius)
|| isEdgeTouched(vertexA, vertexB, point, radius)) {
While this code works, it seems to be very poor in performance especially when I am working with a geometry with many many faces. When I checked the performance monitor on Chrome DevTools, I notices that both the isEdgeTouched and colorFace functions take up too much time on each iteration for a face.
Is there a way to improve this algorithm, or is there a better algorithm to use to detect adjacent faces?
I got some help from the THREE.js slack channel, and modified the algorithm to use Three's Sphere. I am now no longer doing "edge" detection, but instead checking whether a face is within the Sphere
Updated code below:
const sphere = new THREE.Sphere(intersection, radius);
// now checking if each vertex of a face is within sphere
// if all are, then color the face at index i
for (let i=0; i < (positionsAttr.count) /3); i++) {
vertexA.fromBufferAttribute(positionsAttr, i * 3 + 0);
vertexB.fromBufferAttribute(positionsAttr, i * 3 + 1);
vertexC.fromBufferAttribute(positionsAttr, i * 3 + 2);
if (sphere.containsPoint(vertexA)
&& sphere.containsPoint(vertexA)
&& sphere.containsPoint(vertexA)) {
When I tested this in my app, I noticed that the performance has definitely improved from the previous version. However, I am still wondering if I could improve this further.
This seem to be a classic Nearest Neighbors problem.
You can narrow the search by finding the nearest triangles to a given point very fast by building a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) for the mesh, such as the AABB-tree.
Then you can query against the BVH a range query using a sphere or a box of a given radius. That amounts to traverse the BVH using a sphere/box "query" which is used to discard quickly and very early the Bounding Volume Nodes that does not clip the sphere/box "query". At the end the real distance or intersection test is made only with triangles whose BV intersect the sphere/box "query", typically a very small fraction of the triangles.
The complexity of the query against the BVH is O(log n) in contrast with your approach which is O(n).

Best way to get vertices of a mesh three.js

I am new to Three.js so perhaps I am not going abut this optimally,
I have geometry which I create as follows,
const geo = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(10,0);
I then apply a rotation to it
geo.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX( Math.PI * 0.5 ) );
then I create a Mesh from it
const open = new THREE.Mesh( geo, materialNormal);
I then apply a bunch of operations to the mesh to position it correctly, as follows:
open.position.z = 0.5*10
open.position.x -= 20
open.position.y -= 10
open.rotation.z = angle;
Now what is the best way to get the vertices of the mesh both before and after it's position is changed? I was surpised to discover that the vertices of a mesh are not in-built into three.js.
Any hints and code samples would be greatly appreciated.
I think you're getting tripped-up by some semantics regarding three.js objects.
1) A Mesh does not have vertices. A Mesh contains references to Geometry/BufferGeometry, and Material(s). The vertices are contained in the Mesh's geometry property/object.
2) You're using PlaneBufferGeometry, which means an implementation of a BufferGeometry object. BufferGeometry keeps its vertices in the position attribute (mesh.geometry.attributes.position). Keep in mind that the vertex order may be affected by the index property (mesh.geometry.index).
Now to your question, the geometric origin is also its parent Mesh's origin, so your "before mesh transformation" vertex positions are exactly the same as when you created the mesh. Just read them out as-is.
To get the "after mesh transformation" vertex positions, you'll need to take each vertex, and convert it from the Mesh's local space, into world space. Luckily, three.js has a convenient function to do this:
var tempVertex = new THREE.Vector3();
// set tempVertex based on information from mesh.geometry.attributes.position
// tempVertex is converted from local coordinates into world coordinates,
// which is its "after mesh transformation" position
Here's an example written by typescript.
It gets the grid's position in the world coordinate system.
GetObjectVertices(obj: THREE.Object3D): { pts: Array<THREE.Vector3>, faces: Array<THREE.Face3> }
let pts: Array<THREE.Vector3> = [];
let rs = { pts: pts, faces: null };
if (obj.hasOwnProperty("geometry"))
let geo = obj["geometry"];
if (geo instanceof THREE.Geometry)
for (let pt of geo.vertices)
rs.faces = geo.faces;
else if (geo instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry)
let tempGeo = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(geo);
for (let pt of tempGeo.vertices)
rs.faces = tempGeo.faces;
return rs;
if (geo instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry)
let positions: Float32Array = geo.attributes["position"].array;
let ptCout = positions.length / 3;
for (let i = 0; i < ptCout; i++)
let p = new THREE.Vector3(positions[i * 3], positions[i * 3 + 1], positions[i * 3 + 2]);

