how to send data on file with sendFile in express - javascript

I am trying to parse my csv file in server and return back the information after parsing and analyzing the data in csv.
I am not that used to express and i dont know any view engine.
I plan to use
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "/index.html"));
to host my index file.
What are the other way than ajax and view template that can I send data to the index.html with sendFile.
I am sending JSON files from server to client
Any kind of help is appreciated !!!

When a client (such as a browser) makes a request you can respond with one thing.
You can respond with:
The contents of a file as you are now (although you should use the static middleware instead of rolling your own end point handlers (without caching) one-by-one)
A template + some data rendered into a single file (using the view engines you haven't gotten around to learning yet)
Some JSON (typically in response to an Ajax request so the a JS program running in an HTML document get add more data to the existing HTML page)
Something else
If sending an unmodified file is not what you want, then don't use sendFile.


Sending to JS data from Python and getting response back

so I am trying to send JS data, to be more specific, images responses Python file has collected, I need from python to send these images to JS and JS does a thing, (which I'll be coding) and sends the final result back to Python, how possible is that? I have 0 idea of doing that, looking forward for help, :cheers:
You can use API for the process. Post request & get request and so on. Also in Django you can deal with this process. Send variables from and from template you can use them. There is similar question: Django Template Variables and Javascript

Pass Data From Node/Express to Front-End Javascript

I am unsure how this would work exactly, and I am unable to find my answer from searching for it. I am working with a node and express server, and have been passing data to my front end ejs without issues. Now, I am trying to implement charts.js in my front-end, and that requires the data to be in a front-end javascript file. I know that to pass data to my ejs file, I use something like this:
res.render("dashboard", {data: data});
and to display the data in the ejs file, I use
<%= data %>
Now, what I would like to do, is basically the same thing, but instead of passing the data into an ejs file, I want to pass it into a javascript file, while still displaying the ejs file. Right now, I can't seem to figure out how I go from having my data in the express server, and returning it into a front-end javascript file. The flow I am looking for would be something like this:
In node:
data = []:
res.render("dashboard", {data: data});
and then the ejs file is rendered and data is passed into the front-end javascript file that is being used within the ejs file:
let data = <%= (data array passed from the node server here) %>
Of course, this is not the correct way to write the code, but this is the basic logic I am trying to implement.
I am sure this is something simple, but I can't seem to find the answer within my context here. Are there any resources where I can learn to do what I am trying to do? Thanks.
You can't respond to a single request with both an HTML document and a seperate JavaScript file.
So you need to either:
Store the data somewhere and, in a separate endpoint, serve up some generated JavaScript and have a mechanism which identifies which data to serve up when the request is made. (NB: This is stupidly complex. Don't do it.)
Generate the JavaScript inline in the HTML document inside a <script> element. (You'll need to properly escape the data as JS to make sure you aren't subject to XSS).
Output the data into the HTML document (e.g. with data-* attributes or <meta> elements) and read it with static JavaScript.
Again, using a seperate endpoint: Serve up JSON with the data in it and read that with Ajax from a static JS file. (Again, you'll need a way to determine which data to send for that particular request).

Dynamically returning a sitemap with Vue.js

I am working on a vue js project which has multiple tenants. I am trying to find a solution where I can dynamically generate an xml file for each tenant. Tenants are identified by the url, so would be one sitemap, tenant 2 would be and a different sitemap. Both of the urls hit the same server but load different data because of their domain. In turn I need to make the sitemap.xml dynamically generated as well.
I have been doing some research and I have used routes in my project but I'm not sure if I can set a route for an actual filename, and if so is it possible to return an xml response straight from vue through javascript. I previously tried something similar for generating html outside of my application. So I had a route call it /test, which would load a component called test, the component would then have javscript code that replaces the html document with some other html. Would this possibly be an approach to use?
I also found the package above and another similar one, that looks to do what I need by allowing me to intervene between route changes. However, I am not sure if this will allow me to return xml, the example seems to have logic and then end with next(), wondering if instead of calling next I can actually just return the xml document at that point.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
If you have a regular Vue app, it is running on the client side not the server side. So for all routes, your webserver returns index.html. Once loaded, vue router initialises on the client and detects the route to show the appropriate view/components.
So a request to returns index.html
I would guess that web crawlers are expecting the following header in the response, and the response body of an XML document for sitemaps.
content-type: text/xml;
You may be able to generate on the client side if crawlers run the javascript but I would suggest it is better to generate server side and return plain old XML. Your server side code should be able to generate this and switch based on the tenant.
Then in the server put a special route for /sitemap.xml to not return the vue app

How can you access the HTTP response from a server using client-side JavaScript?

I'm trying to do client-side processing of some data sent in a server's HTTP response.
Here's what I'm working with: I have a web application that sends commands to a backend simulation engine, which then sends back a bunch of data/results in the response body. I want to be able to access this response using JavaScript (note..not making a new response, but simply accessing the data already sent from the server).
Right now, I am able to do this via a kludgy hack of sorts:
var responseText = "{{response}}";
This is using Django's template system, where I have already pre-formatted the template context variable "response" to contain a pre-formatted string representation of a csv file (i.e., proper unicode separators, etc).
This results in a huge string being transmitted to the page. Right now, this supports my immediate goal of making this data available for download as a csv, but it doesn't really support more sophisticated tasks. Also, I'm not sure if it will scale well when my string is, say, 2 MB as opposed to less than 1 KB.
I'd like to have this response data stored more elegantly, perhaps as part of the DOM or maybe in a cache (?) [not familiar with this].
The ideal way to do this is to not load the csv on document load, either as a javascript variable or as part of the DOM. Why would you want to load a 2MB data every time to the user when his intention may not be to download the csv everytime?
I suggest creating a controller/action for downloading the csv and get it on click of the download button.

Read/write json from js to file on server (not server app)

I'm working with a .js client and have and object that I need to write out to a file on the server. A couple of questions - file i/o with JavaScript is new to me... I was planning on using jquery and json. I'm using java serverside. I don't have a problem reading what I get back from my servlet, but the file i/o is killing me! A couple of questions:
I can open a file I generated myself via the .js with an $.ajax call, but it's not handling my json syntax (I tried both an $.getJson and $.ajax - handwritten json, so I might (probably) are doing something wrong with it). I used firebug's console and it looks ok...
How can I write my object to a file on the server?
Then, when I want to read it, what do I need to do to process it? Right now I'm using a jsonFilter function (uses JSON.parse if that's available, otherwise eval) to process data that I'm getting from the servlet.
The object I'm writing isn't simple, but it's not super complex either. There's an array that contains an array, but that shouldn't make a difference if the software is both reading/writing it.
Thanks for any help! I'm at a loss - tried alot of different things.
You can open a file located on the server via ajax by querying the file and loading it into a JSON object. You might want to LINT your JSON
You can not write to an object on the server via the client. This is a severe security breach.
Common practice is to change the JSON data and then send it via ajax to server-side code. The server will then do the file IO.
Yes using JSON.parse otherwise eval is indeed correct. I would recommend json2.js
The data should be fine as long as it passes JSONLint.
Your main issue is that it's impossible to write to the server from the client. Get the client to load the data through ajax change it and then query the server to update the file.
js don't have i/o property;
you should use ajax or http request to send message to server,and tell server to do de i/o action...

