react - Add a component after main component has loaded - javascript

I have a functional react component like this:
function ComponentA(){
function AddComponentB(){
return <><ComponentB /></>
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
<div id="parent"></div>
Now I have understood that everything under useEffect is loaded once the ComponentA is loaded. I want to add the ComponentB to div with id parent. Please help me understand how do I specify where to add the component.
P.S. I know I can do it by document.getElementById("parent").append(ComponentB) but I am looking for other ways.

Try using conditional rendering, like below :
export default function ComponentA() {
const [renderComponentB, setRenderComponentB] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return(<div id="parent">
{renderComponentB && <ComponentB/>}

No, you do not manipulate the DOM directly when using React.
You need to have a "flag" that dictates if you want to render the extra component or not.
Something like
function ComponentA(){
const [renderComponentB, setRenderComponentB] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<div id="parent">
{renderComponentB && <ComponentB/>}
Although i am not sure why you want to delay the ComponentB for just one rendering cycle.
As far as the getBoundingClientRect of ComponentA, there is no such thing, as that depends on what the component actually renders in the DOM. ComponentA in it self is not part of the DOM.
In your specific case, though you could add a ref to the #parent element and use that for the getBoundingClientRect, since it is your "container" element of the ComponentA
function ComponentA(){
const [renderComponentB, setRenderComponentB] = useState(false);
const parentRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const rect = parentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
// do what you want with the rect here
// if you want to apply values to the ComponentB
// add them to a state variable and use those when
// rendering the ComponentB
}, [])
return (
<div id="parent" ref={parentRef}>
{renderComponentB && <ComponentB/>}

You should call method that returns component in render.
You do not need useEffect as i understood from your answer.
function ComponentA(){
function AddComponentB(){
return <><ComponentB /></>
<div id="parent">


Rendering Child Component from store

I have a component which has child components, i want to render these child components with different Ids. They are getting their data from store.The problem is they are rendered but with the same item. how can this be solved?
MultiImages Component
const MultiImages: () => JSX.Element = () => {
const values = ['500', '406', '614'];
return (
{, index) => {
return <OneImage key={index} projectID={val} />;
export default MultiImages;
OneImage Component
const OneImage: () => JSX.Element = ({ projectID }) => {
const projectData = useProjectDataStore();
const { getProject } = useAction();
useEffect(() => {
getProject(projectID ?? '');
}, []);
return (
export default OneImage;
Your issue here - you are calling in a loop, one by one fetch your projects, and each call, as far as we can understand from your example and comments override each other.
Your are doing it implicitly, cause your fetching functionality is inside your Item Component OneImage
In general, the way you are using global state and trying to isolate one from another nodes is nice, you need to think about your selector hook.
I suggest you, to prevent rewriting too many parts of the code, to change a bit your selector "useProjectDataStore" and make it depended on "projectID".
Each load of next project with getProject might store into your global state result, but instead of overriding ALL the state object, you might want to use Map(Dictionary) as a data structure, and write a result there and use projectID as a key.
So, in your code the only place what might be change is OneImage component
const OneImage: () => JSX.Element = ({ projectID }) => {
// making your hook depended on **projectID**
const projectData = useProjectDataStore(projectID);
const { getProject } = useAction();
useEffect(() => {
// No need of usage **projectID** cause it will inherit if from useProjectDataStore
}, []);
return (
export default OneImage;
And inside of your useProjectDataStore store result into a specific key using projectID.
Your component OneImage will return what's in the return statement, in your case:
This tag <></> around your element is a React.fragment and has no key. This is the reason you get this error.
Since you already have a div tag wrapping your element you can do this:
<div key={parseInt(projectID)}>
You can also change the key to Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999).
Note that passing the prop key={index} is unnecessary, and is not advised to use index as keys in a react list.

How can I make useEffect not return the initial value? I keep getting empty array when I'm trying to pass an array of objects into a component

I'm trying to pass in an array of registered users into a component, however I can't because it always renders the initial empty array before actually rendering the correct content. I've tried using useRef and it still does not work.
const Home = () => {
const nav = useNavigate()
const [userList, setUserList] = useState([]);
const [loggedInUser, setLoggedInUser] = useState({});
const [currentChat, setCurrentChat] = useState(undefined);
const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const setLoggedIn = async() => {
if (!localStorage.getItem('loggedInUser')) {
} else {
setLoggedInUser(await JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('loggedInUser')))
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
const fetchUsers = async () => {
const data = await axios.get(`${allUsersRoute}/${loggedInUser._id}`);
}, [loggedInUser._id])
return (
<div id='container'>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='home-header'>
<Userlist props={userList}/>
And here is the component I'm trying to render.
const Userlist = (props) => {
return (
<div id='home-header'>
<div id='userlist'>
{ => {
return (
<div className='user'>
export default Userlist;
So basically, react returns .map is not a function, and I assume it's because the array goes in empty. I'm fairly new to React, so if anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
The problem is that you are mapping over the props object, not the userList.
Try to do the following:
const Userlist = (props) => {
return (
<div id='home-header'>
<div id='userlist'>
// use instead of
{ => {
return (
<div className='user'>
export default Userlist;
and at Home component change the props of UserList to users, just to avoid confusion
<Userlist users={userList}/>
I wouldn't name props for a component "props", really:
<Userlist props={userList}/>
If you really want to, then at least inside Userlist, you would need to refer to the props object:
Name your props to something that make sense to you, like for example "users". Then call => {...})
A React component can take many props. When you want to access them inside the component, you need to do so by name. In your case, you defined Userlist like this:
function Userlist(props){...}
In this case, all props would have to be accessed via the props object. You defined a props value inside this object when you called <Userlist props={userList]} />
Personally, I always destructure props when I define a new component, like this:
function Userlist({users}) {...}
As a side note, your code would have worked if you had destructured the props object: function Userlist({props}) {...} This would be the smallest change you could do to make the code work, I guess. But again, I would not use "props" as a name for a prop.

getBoundingClientRect() on two React components and check if they overlap onScroll

I want to get a ref, more specifically a getBoundingClientRect() on the <Header/> and <Testimonials/> component. I then want to watch for a scroll event and check if the two components ever overlap. Currently, my overlap variable never flips to true even if what appears on the page is that the two components are overlaping.
const [isIntersecting, setIsIntersecting] = useState(false)
const header = useRef(null)
const testimonials = useRef(null)
const scrollHandler = _ => {
let headerRect = header.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let testiRect = testimonials.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let overlap = !(headerRect.right < testiRect.left ||
headerRect.left > testiRect.right ||
headerRect.bottom < || > testiRect.bottom)
console.log(overlap) // never flips to true
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, true);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, true);
}, []);
const App = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<LandingPage />
<div style={{ height: '100vh', backgroundColor: 'black', color: 'white' }}>
<AboutPage />
<TestimonialsPage />
<Footer />
First: Components can't receive directly a ref prop, unless you are wrapping the Component itself in a React.forwardRef wrapper:
const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<button ref={ref}>
// Inside your Parent Component:
const ref = useRef();
<Component ref={ref}>Click me!</Component>;
Second: you can also pass a ref down to a child as a standard prop, but you can't call that prop ref since that's a special reserved word just like the key prop:
const Component= (props) => (
<button ref={props.myRef}>
// Inside your Parent Component
const ref = useRef();
<Component myRef={ref}>Click me!</Component>;
This works perfectly fine, and if it's a your personal project you
might work like this with no issues, the only downside is that you
have to use custom prop name for those refs, so the code gets harder to
read and to mantain, especially if it's a shared repo.
Third: Now that you learnt how to gain access to the DOM node of a child Component from its parent, you must know that even if usually it's safe to perform manipulations on those nodes inside a useEffect ( or a componentDidMount ) since they are executed once the DOM has rendered, to be 100% sure you will have access to the right DOM node it's always better using a callback as a ref like this:
const handleRef = (node) => {
if (node) //do something with node
<Component ref={handleRef}/>
Basically your function hanldeRef will be called by React during
DOM node render by passing the node itself as its first parameter,
this way you can perform a safe check on the node, and be sure it's
100% valorized when you are going to perform your DOM manipulation.
Concerning your specific question about how to access the getBoundingClientRect of a child Component DOM node, I made a working example with both the approaches:
You'll need to define each of your components as Forwarding Refs, eg
const Header = forwardRef<HTMLElement>((_, ref) => (
<header ref={ref}>
<h1>I am the header</h1>
You can then pass a HTMLElement ref to your components to refer to later
const headerRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
const scrollHandler = () => {
console.log("header position", headerRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect());
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler);
}, []);
return (
<Header ref={headerRef} />
I'm using TypeScript examples since it's easier to translate back down to JS than it is to go up to TS

How to add Event Listeners to UseRefs within UseEffect

I want to add an eventListener to a node in my React component. I am selecting the node with a useRef hook. I am useCallback since the useRef is null on it's first render.
const offeringsContainer = useRef(null);
const setOfferingsContainer = useCallback((node) => {
if (node !== null) {
offeringsContainer.current = node;
}, []);
My issue is that my useEffect is not reacting to any changes done to the offeringContainer ref. Meaning, offeringContainer.current is null.
useEffect(() => {
offeringsContainer.current.addEventListener("wheel", onOfferingsContainerWheel, { passive: false });
}, [offeringsContainer.current]);
This is my JSX:
return (
<div className="card-business-products-services-title-text">
Products & Services
I know I am doing something incorrectly, but my useEffect hook should be listening to any changes from offeringsContainer.current.
You can just past offeringsContainer to the ref of the component. useEffect will be invoked only when there is first rendering that's why your offeringsContainer.current will not be null.
And you forgot to remove listener after the component will be unmounted.
Your code should be like this;
const offeringsContainer = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
{ passive: false }
return () => offeringsContainer.current.removeEventListener("wheel");
}, []);
return (
<div className="card-business-products-services-title-text">
Products & Services

React on click event order array of data passing in the component

I'm new to React and I'd like some help please. I'm having a button and a component inside my app.js which is the main file
import React from 'react'
const App = () => {
const {data, loading, error} = useQuery(GET_DATA, {
variables: {...}
state = {
clickSort: false
let clickSort = () => {
clickSort: true
return (
<div className="myApp">
<button onClick="{this.clickSort}">Click Me</button>
<div className="myClass">
<FooComponent fooData={data} clickSort={this.state.clickSort} />
What I want to do is when I click the button to sort the array of data I'm rendering in my component in a desc order. I was thinking of passing another parameter like a flag in the component, but I'm not sure how can I do this
If both of your components (<Button /> and <List />) are wrapped within common parent (<Parent />) you may employ the concept, known as lifting state up
Essentially, it is binding event handler within one of the child component's props (onSort() of <Button />) to the callback within parent (handleSort() of <Parent />), as well as binding dependent child prop (isSorted of <List />) to the state variable of common parent (sorted of <Parent />).
With that, you simply keep track of sorted flag within parent state (using useState() hook) and once handleSort() is triggered, it modifies that flag and consequent re-render of dependent components (<List />) takes place:
const { render } = ReactDOM,
{ useState } = React
const sampleData = ['itemC', 'itemA', 'itemD', 'itemB']
const Button = ({onSort}) => <button onClick={onSort}>Sort it</button>
const List = ({listData, isSorted}) => {
const listToRender = isSorted ? listData.sort((a,b) => b > a ? 1 : -1) : listData
return (
{,key) => <li {...{key}}>{li}</li>)}
const Parent = () => {
const [sorted, setSorted] = useState(false),
handleSort = () => setSorted(true)
return (
<Button onSort={handleSort} />
<List listData={sampleData} isSorted={sorted} />
render (
<Parent />,
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="root"></div>
It looks from your question that you want to let a child component (FooComponent) know that the button has been clicked so that it can process (sort) the data it has received.
There are a lot of approaches to this. For instance, you could pass a boolean property to the child component that is a flag for it to do the sorting. So the parent component tracks when the button has been clicked, and the child component just observes this (perhaps in componentDidUpdate).
This would change slightly if you are using functional components, rather than class based components, but it gives you an idea.
state = {
requestSort: false
requestSort = () => {
requestSort: true
render() {
return (
<button id="myBtn" onClick={this.requestSort}>Click Me</button>
<div className="myClass">
<FooComponent requestSort={this.state.requestSort} fooData={data} />
Alternatively, since the data is being passed to the child component as well, you could have the parent sort it when it is clicked. It depends on if you are doing anything else with the data (i.e. is only FooComponent the one that should have the sorted copy of the data or not).
Pass the data from the state into FooComponent and write a function that sorts the data in that state. The data will instantly be updated in the child component once the state has updated in the parent component because the child component will rerender once it's noticed that the data in the parent component doesn't match the data that it previously received. Below is an example.
import React from 'react'
const FooComponent = ({ fooData }) => (
export default class Home extends React.Component {
this.state = {
data: [1, 4, 2, 3]
sortData() {
const { data } = this.state;
data: data.sort((a, b) => b - a),
const { data } = this.state;
return (
<button id="myBtn" onClick={() => this.sortData()}>Click Me</button>
<div className="myClass">
<FooComponent fooData={data} />

