OpenLayers Inconsistent Hit Detection on MVT Layer Hover Selection - javascript

The objective
I'm trying to replicate the "singleselect-hover" feature in this example from the OpenLayers site.
The issue
When I tried to use this implementation, the hit detection was very poor with vtLayer.getFeatures(event.pixel). The documentation for the function states:
The hit detection algorithm used for this method is optimized for performance, but is less accurate than the one used in map.getFeaturesAtPixel()
Indeed, when I switched to map.getFeaturesAtPixel, the performance increased, but the features still does not work entirely as expected.
When I move my pointer over a vector boundary from the outside, it (usually) behaves as expected:
However, when I move to an adjacent boundary and then back, the feature no longer works:
My code:
'+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs'
const projection = get('EPSG:6931');
const osm = new OSM();
const map = new Map({
target: something,
layers: [osm],
view: new View({
projection: projection,
zoom: 5,
// Vector Styles
const unselectedStyle = new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'rgba(50,50,50,0.9)',
width: 1.2,
const selectedStyle = new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'white',
width: 2,
fill: new Fill({
color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)',
const createVtLayer = () => {
const vtSource = new VectorTileSource({
tileGrid: new TileGrid({
extent: [
-9009964.761231285, -9009964.761231285, 9009964.761231285,
tileSize: 256,
resolutions: [70390.34969711941],
projection: projection,
format: new MVT({ idProperty: 'some_id' }),
geoserverUrl +
'/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/' +
mvtLayerName +
'#EPSG%3A' +
projection.getCode().split(':')[1] + // EPSG number of current projection
return new VectorTileLayer({
zIndex: 1,
source: vtSource,
style: unselectedStyle,
const vtLayer = createVtLayer();
// Local lookup for highlighted features
let selection = null;
const selectionLayer = new VectorTileLayer({
zIndex: 2,
source: vtLayer.getSource(),
style: feature => feature === selection && selectedStyle,
if (map && vtLayer && selectionLayer) {
// Add layers to map once loaded into state
// Update styling of selectionLayer on mouse hover
map.on(['pointermove', 'click'], event => {
// Send vector metadata to parent component on mouse click
if (event.type === 'click' && selection) {
feature => {
selection = feature;
}, {
layerFilter: layer => layer === vtLayer,
hitTolerance: 1,
What I've tried so far
I've tried adjusting the renderBuffer and renderMode parameters in the VectorTile layer, as well as adjusting the hitTolerance option in map.forEachFeatureAtPixel, and I haven't had any luck yet. When I logged the feature id from the feature parameter in forEachFeatureAtPixel, I noticed something strange--when the unexpected behavior occurs, after dragging the pointer over an adjacent boundary line, the selected variable rapidly switches between the two features and assigns the undesired one, until I touch the pointer to a non-adjacent boundary line. Modifying the hitTolerance only causes the selected feature to switch more frequently.
Theories and questions
I'm thinking that maybe my adjacent vectors are overlapping each others boundaries? Or maybe there is a problem with the way the vectors are loaded as MVTs?

Adding an invisible Fill() to the unselectedStyle allowed the layer to be hit-detected and solved my issue!
// Vector Styles
const unselectedStyle = new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'rgba(50,50,50,0.9)',
width: 1.2,
fill: new Fill({
color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
Thanks Mike!


Using a style on clustered vectors and unclustered vectors

At the moment Im making a viewer with openlayers, js, css and html.
In my map I have a GeoJSON served by geoserver with a few points that are close to each other. For these points I have made my own SVG's and turned them to icon/png's to be served on the map.
Due to the symbology being connected to a variable: "category" varying from 1 to 3. For this I made a function which I call upon in the "style" parameter at my GEOJSON.
Due to the points being to close to each other I decided to make clusters of them depended on zoomlevel. This all functioned properly however I could not get the same style function to respond on my new clustered layer. After trying several things (mostly changing the function for the style (see below)) I finally made it that the clusters now appear as icon/png's, but the problem is that it does not respond of the "else if" statements in my function anymore and therefor the varying icon's on the "Category" variable are not visible anymore.
Below my code:
/* style icons */
var ottergroen = new{
src: 'img/bottlenecks_icons/otter_groen.png',
anchorOrigin: 'bottom-Left',
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchor: [0.1, 0],
imgsize: [2, 2]
var ottergeel = new{
src: 'img/bottlenecks_icons/otter_geel.png',
anchorOrigin: 'bottom-Left',
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchor: [0.1, 0],
imgsize: [2, 2]
var otteroranje = new{
src: 'img/bottlenecks_icons/otter_oranje.png',
anchorOrigin: 'bottom-Left',
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchor: [0.1, 0],
var otterrood = new{
src: 'img/bottlenecks_icons/otter_rood.png',
anchorOrigin: 'bottom-Left',
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchor: [0.1, 0],
/*function to call upon the variables and return the right icon */
function getpriority(Category) {
if (Array)
return ottergroen;
else if(Category == "1") {
return otterrood;
} else if (Category == "2"){
return ottergeel;
} else if (Category == "3") {
return ottergroen;
/* making the clustered layer */
var bottlenecksjsonsource = new ol.source.Vector({
url: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/Gbra/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=Gbra%3ABottlenecks_gbra_filtered&outputFormat=application%2Fjson',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
var bottlenecksjsonlayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: bottlenecksjsonsource
// a clustered source is configured with another vector source that it
// operates on
var jsoncluster = new ol.source.Cluster({
source: bottlenecksjsonsource
// it needs a layer too
var clusteredbottlenecks = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: jsoncluster,
title: 'bottlenecksclustered',
style: function(feature){
return new{
image: getpriority(feature.get('Category'))
It would be awesome if someone could tell me what I'M doing wrong here. At the moment it only visualizes this symbol ("ottergroen") as seen in the pictures below on every zoom level:
and below the image of what the non clustered vectors should look like:
Thanks in advance <3!
You have to get the feature inside the cluster. If you have only one it's a feature otherwise it's a cluster.
function getStyle (feature, resolution) {
var features = feature.get('features');
var size = features.length;
// Feature style
if (size===1) {
var cat = features[0].get('category');
// get style
var style = ...
return style;
} else {
// ClusterStyle
return clusterStyle;
See example:

Azure Maps SDK popup does not open after initial load

I am using Azure Maps SDK in a Blazor Server app which uses JavaScript interop. The map works well and renders perfectly.
On initial load of the map component the popup displays correctly when clicking a pin on the map. However, when the data source changes via an API call datasource.importDataFromUrl(organisationDataFeed); it correctly brings back the filtered data, but when I click on one of the pins again the popup does not display. The click event handler (for the pin) is being called, but the popup does not open.
(function () {
var map, datasource, popup;
// Global export
window.azuremaps = {
initMap: function (organisationDataFeed) {
// Create an instance of the map control and set some options.
map = new atlas.Map('map', {
// center: [-97, 39],
// center: [18.424095, -33.925000],
center: [26.157981, -29.083937],
zoom: 4,
pitch: 50,
style: 'night',
view: 'Auto',
// Add your Azure Maps subscription key to the map SDK. Get an Azure Maps key at
authOptions: {
authType: 'subscriptionKey',
subscriptionKey: ''
new atlas.control.ZoomControl(),
new atlas.control.CompassControl(),
new atlas.control.PitchControl(),
new atlas.control.StyleControl()
], {
position: "top-right"
// Wait until the map resources are ready.'ready', function () {
// Create a data source and add it to the map.
datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource(null, {
//Tell the data source to cluster point data.
cluster: true,
//The radius in pixels to cluster points together.
clusterRadius: 45,
// The maximium zoom level in which clustering occurs.
// If you zoom in more than this, all points are rendered as symbols.
clusterMaxZoom: 15
//Create a bubble layer for rendering clustered data points.
var clusterBubbleLayer = new atlas.layer.BubbleLayer(datasource, null, {
//Scale the size of the clustered bubble based on the number of points inthe cluster.
radius: [
['get', 'point_count'],
20, //Default of 20 pixel radius.
100, 30, //If point_count >= 100, radius is 30 pixels.
750, 40 //If point_count >= 750, radius is 40 pixels.
//Change the color of the cluster based on the value on the point_cluster property of the cluster.
color: [
['get', 'point_count'],
'rgba(0,255,0,0.8)', //Default to green.
100, 'rgba(255,255,0,0.8)', //If the point_count >= 100, color is yellow.
750, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.8)' //If the point_count >= 100, color is red.
strokeWidth: 0,
filter: ['has', 'point_count'] //Only rendered data points which have a point_count property, which clusters do.
//Add a click event to the layer so we can zoom in when a user clicks a cluster.'click', clusterBubbleLayer, clusterClicked);
//Add mouse events to change the mouse cursor when hovering over a cluster.'mouseenter', clusterBubbleLayer, function () {
map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'pointer';
});'mouseleave', clusterBubbleLayer, function () {
map.getCanvasContainer().style.cursor = 'grab';
// Create a layer to render the individual locations.
var individualSymbolLayer = new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
filter: ['!', ['has', 'point_count']], //Filter out clustered points from this layer.
textOptions: {
textField: ['get', 'name'],
color: "#FFFFFF",
offset: [0, -2.2]
});'click', individualSymbolLayer, symbolClicked);
//Add the clusterBubbleLayer and two additional layers to the map.
// Create a symbol layer to render the count of locations in a cluster.
new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
iconOptions: {
image: 'none' //Hide the icon image.
textOptions: {
textField: ['get', 'point_count_abbreviated'],
offset: [0, 0.4]
// Create a popup but leave it closed so we can update it and display it later.
popup = new atlas.Popup({
pixelOffset: [0, -18],
closeButton: true
// Retrieve a GeoJSON data set and add it to the data source.
function clusterClicked(e) {
if (e && e.shapes && e.shapes.length > 0 && e.shapes[0].properties.cluster) {
// Get the clustered point from the event.
var cluster = e.shapes[0];
// Get the cluster expansion zoom level. This is the zoom level at which the cluster starts to break apart.
datasource.getClusterExpansionZoom( (zoom) {
//Update the map camera to be centered over the cluster.
center: cluster.geometry.coordinates,
zoom: zoom + 2,
type: 'ease',
duration: 200
function symbolClicked(e) {
// Make sure the event occured on a point feature.
var popupTemplate = '<div class="card border-success" style="visibility: visible"><div class="card-header" style="visibility: visible">{name}</div><div class="card-body text-success" style="visibility: visible"><h5 class="card-title" style="visibility: visible">{description}</h5><p class="card-text" style="visibility: visible">Contact: {contact}</p><p class="card-text">Web: {website}</p></div></div>';
if (e.shapes && e.shapes.length > 0) {
var content, coordinate;
// Check to see if the first value in the shapes array is a Point Shape.
if (e.shapes[0] instanceof atlas.Shape && e.shapes[0].getType() === 'Point') {
var properties = e.shapes[0].getProperties();
content = popupTemplate.replace(/{name}/g,{description}/g, properties.description).replace(/{contact}/g,{website}/g,;
coordinate = e.shapes[0].getCoordinates();
else if (e.shapes[0].type === 'Feature' && e.shapes[0].geometry.type === 'Point') {
// Check to see if the feature is a cluster.
if (e.shapes[0].properties.cluster) {
content = '<div style="padding:10px;">Cluster of ' + e.shapes[0].properties.point_count + ' symbols</div>';
} else {
// Feature is likely from a VectorTileSource.
content = popupTemplate.replace(/{name}/g,{description}/g, properties.description).replace(/{contact}/g,{website}/g,;
coordinate = e.shapes[0].geometry.coordinates;
if (content && coordinate) {
// Populate the popupTemplate with data from the clicked point feature.
console.log("JB content");
console.log("JB coordinate");
//Update the content of the popup.
content: content,
//Update the position of the popup with the symbols coordinate.
position: coordinate
console.log("JB: logging map variable");
content and coordinate are populated with values and evaluate to true, the options are correctly set, but just the last line:; does not work if the data source changes bringing back new data into the map. It works perfectly on initial load.
Any ideas what I could do to get this working? Thanks
A couple of things to try:
Double check the values of coordinate and content. The coordinates should be an array with [longitude,latitude] numbers (make sure they aren't string values of numbers). The content should either be a DOMElement (i.e. div), or a string. If it is anything else, it may not display anything.
Double check the "map" variable is a map the second time around. If the reference is lost for some reason, that function won't work.
It looks like you are create a new popup all the time. Often apps only want to display a single popup at a time. In that case it is more efficient to create a single popup and reuse it as shown in this example:

Openlayers Hover render order, hover feature rendering over all other features

I'm looking for a way to render a hover feature vector only over that feature, to essentially render the hover vector over its feature without rendering over other features (specifically, LineString hovers not rendering over proximate markers)
I have hovering set up without issue as per the vector example, the features all rendering in the order I would like (LineStrings are below markers). The issue is that when a LineString is hovered over its hover feature is rendered not only over that LineString but also any marker that the LineString crosses under, and so there is a big streak of the LineString's hover over that marker. I can see how this makes sense just considering how the feature-overlaying vector works, but I can't see how to adjust it as I would like.
I've found several posts that seem to offer incongruous advice on setting a zIndex in the styles or using a renderOrder function, though none have seemed exactly applicable to this situation, or are beyond my n00b capacities. I have tried setting a zIndex on all concerned Styles as well as something along the lines of this renderOrder function, but not to the desired effect. Specifically with the latter, I couldn't figure out where to put the function so that the hover might render according to it.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([132.4903, 34.0024]),
zoom: 4
var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
url: '../static/gpx/summer3.kml',
format: new ol.format.KML({
extractStyles: false
style: function(feature) {
return routeStyle;
vectorLayer.getSource().on('addfeature', function(event) {
event.feature.set('hoverstyle', 'route');
var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
url: '../static/gpx/testmoo3.kml',
format: new ol.format.KML({
extractStyles: false,
style: function(feature) {
return iconStyle;
vectorLayer.getSource().on('addfeature', function(event) {
event.feature.set('hoverstyle', 'route');
var hoverStyles = {
'moo': new{
anchor: [0.5, 30],
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
src: '../static/GPX/icon/mooinb.png',
'route': new{
color: 'rgba(236, 26, 201, 0.5)',
width: 5
var routeStyle = new{
stroke: new{
color: 'rgba(209,14,14,.6)',
width: 4
var iconStyle = new{
image: new{
anchor: [0.5, 30],
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
src: '../static/GPX/icon/moo7.png',
var hoverStyleCache = {}
function hoverStyler(feature, resolution) {
var hover = feature.get('hoverstyle');
var geometry = feature.getGeometry().getType();
while (geometry === 'Point') {
if (!hoverStyleCache[hover]) {
hoverStyleCache[hover] = new{
image: hoverStyles[hover],
return [hoverStyleCache[hover]];
while (geometry === 'LineString') {
if (!hoverStyleCache[hover]) {
hoverStyleCache[hover] = new{
stroke: hoverStyles[hover]
return [hoverStyleCache[hover]];
var featureOverlay = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector(),
map: map,
style: hoverStyler
var highlight;
var hover = function(pixel) {
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(feature) {
return feature;
if (feature !== highlight) {
if (highlight) {
if (feature) {
highlight = feature;
map.on('pointermove', function(evt) {
if (evt.dragging) {
var pixel = map.getEventPixel(evt.originalEvent);
***** EDIT 1 *****
Here is a plunkr that at least illustrates what I mean (with the hover vector overlapping the marker).
I continued fiddling around and did get manage to achieve what I wanted, by separating the point and linestring 'featureOverlay' vector into two separate vectors, though to get that to work I also then had to duplicate everything that it implies (the hoverStyler function, the hover feature, etc).
As well, when I referred above to incongruous advice that came especially to the fore as I was able to set the zIndex on that any vector layer, but not in the Styles as I read in just about every other question I found but to the vector itself. Thus,
var featureOverlay = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector(),
map: map,
style: hoverStyler,
zIndex: 1,
worked (with zIndex similarly applied to ever other vector layer), but because points and linestrings share the feature Overlay that also meant that the marker's hover vector image was below the marker it was meant to hover over: applied in this way both linestring and markers or neither hover above.
I thus tried to come up with a function similar to the hoverStyler that differentiates them:
function zIndexer(feature, resolution) {
var geometry = feature.getGeometry().getType();
if (geometry === 'Point') {
return 5
if (geometry === 'LineString') {
return 1
but to no avail (I was unsure what exactly should be returned and tried various inputs; this as others did not work).
So I could settle for duplicated featureOverlay apparatuses, but a handy zIndex function would be of course be preferable :)
(*note: I could not get the zIndex to work in the plunkr as described above, in or out of Styles, hence it does not illustrate my later fiddling but only the original question)
***** EDIT 2 *****
I noted in a comment below on the provided answer that, while the answer works wonderfully, it did make cluster styles styled by function (not mentioned in the original post0 not work. I overcame this with the following vector, which worked but that I am not qualified to say worked well:
var clusterCache = {}
var CLM = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector(),
style: function(feature) {
var size = feature.get('features').length;
var style = clusterCache[size]
if (size === 1) {
return [hoverStyles['moo']]
else if (size > 1) {
if (!style) {
style = new{
anchor: [0.5, 30],
anchorXUnits: 'fraction',
anchorYUnits: 'pixels',
src: '../static/GPX/icon/moo3Hover.png',
text: new{
text: size.toString(),
font: '12px Calibri,sans-serif',
fill: new{
color: '#fff'
stroke: new{
color: '#000',
width: 5
offsetX: 22,
offsetY: 6,
clusterCache[size] = style;
return style;
hoverLayers['clustermoo'] = CLM;
The basic idea is you need separate hover layers for the route and the icons (top to bottom):
Icon hover layer
Icon layer
Route hover layer
Route layer
This will mean that say an unhovered icon will draw over the top of a hovered route.
You can't use the style zIndex as it applies only to features within a layer. That is, the layer zIndex has a higher precedence than the style zIndex. In your plunkr I couldn't get the layer zIndex to work at all, but it is implicit in the order the layers are added.
So, you need to:
create separate hover layers
setup the layers in the order I gave above
when hovering a feature, move it to the appropriate hover layer
when unhovering a feature, remove it from the appropriate hover layer
Style Cache
Another thing, your style cache implementation was rather dubious. In fact you do not need a style cache as your are using layer styles and they are only assigned/created once.
Here is an updated plunkr with the above changes:
var createHoverLayer = function(style) {
return new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector(),
style: style,
var hoverLayers = {};
hoverLayers['route'] = createHoverLayer([hoverStyles['route']]);
hoverLayers['moo'] = createHoverLayer([hoverStyles['moo']]);
var highlight;
var hover = function(pixel) {
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(feature) {
return feature;
if (feature !== highlight) {
if (highlight) {
var highlightType = highlight.get('type');
if (feature) {
var featureType = feature.get('type');
highlight = feature;
Alternative Approach
do not use separate hover layers at all
use per feature styling via style function
when the feature is hovered/unhovered, set a 'hovered' property on it
to true/false
in the style function, check this property and use the appropriate
you will need a style cache with this method

Openlayers how do you style drawn linestring different than what you are about to draw

I have a openlayers map which has draw interaction. When user starts drawing a linestring on the map, the portion of linestring drawn should look different than what the user would draw next.
In brief when user drops a point on the map, the line till that point should be block, without dash or any other styling options.
To illustrate what I am trying to do here goes the screenshot -
We can see user is about to add another point on the line so line till that point should turn block in blue color.
I have maintained the collection of points being added to the map, when user opts to delete the last point, it is being removed from the map but the last segment should also disappear from map. Can't find anything to achieve that.
Also I have added the to display a square but it is displaying a circle instead don't know what I am doing wrong.
Here is jsbin link to my code - Draw interaction line style problem
You would need to use a style function for your draw style and divide the geometry into two parts for styling:
var drawStyle = function(feature) {
var styles = [];
if (feature.getGeometry().getType() == 'LineString') {
var coordinates = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
geometry: new ol.geom.LineString(coordinates.slice(-2)),
stroke: new{
color: '#0000FF',
lineDash: [1, 20],
width: 5,
geometry: new ol.geom.MultiPoint(coordinates),
image: new{
points: 4,
radius: 6,
angle: Math.PI / 4,
fill: new{
color: 'blue'
stroke: new{
color: 'blue'
if (coordinates.length > 2) {
geometry: new ol.geom.LineString(coordinates.slice(0,-1)),
stroke: new{
color: '#0000FF',
width: 2,
return styles;
To remove the last point from the line interaction simply use
making sure var line; is declared so it is in the scope of the button click function

Unable to add feature programmatically to the layer

I have a click event attached to my map. On this click event I trigger a function which is supposed to add a feature to the map, but now nothing happens. I tried it like so:
function boo (map, layer){
var source = layer.getSource();
var thing = new ol.geom.Polygon( [[
ol.proj.transform([-16,-22], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
ol.proj.transform([-44,-55], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
ol.proj.transform([-88,75], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857')
var featurething = new ol.Feature({
name: "Thing",
geometry: thing,
style: function() {
console.log("Never see this text");
return new{
fill: new{
color: "rgba(192,192,192,1)"
stroke: new{
color: "rgba(192,192,192,1)",
width: 10
source.addFeature( featurething );
// see no error messages, but still no feature is added to the map
It is a OL3 bug
Not so fast.
The first argument of your function should be the click event. Another error: there's no style parameter in ol.Feature constructor.
Set the feature style after its creation. So:

