Shift from Vimeo player to Videojs Player - javascript

I have developed an application that uses vimeo player to play videos.
Now I want to use locally hosted videos instead of vimeo.
I tried to convert my code to make use of videojs player instead of vimeo player.
But I didn't worked for me.
Is there any way, I can play locally hosted video using vimeo player? So I dont have to change code.
Are there any guide to help me convert from vimeo to videojs.
I am confused in video events and methods that need to translated.


How can i add subtitles to the video showing in my Web Application like courser and khan academy , i use Vimeo player to hosting my videos

I am working on Web Application (it is classroom ) and I need to show the subtitles under the video like Coursra , when the user starts the video the pointer go and select the subtitles
I Suggest you to use Video.js

How can I play a locally stored video as lightbox effect in HTML page?

I am wondering how can I play locally store videos on HTML5 with lightbox effects (where it pop-ups and play). I've tried a few options such as:
But these are supporting youtube or Vimeo videos and doesn't seem to work with local videos.
I also looked at following question
Video in jQuery and Fancybox (Local video file mp4 Instead of Youtube) but the only thing I got to know is we need an external video player to play the video and it would not work on the mobile.
Is there any generic solution to this problem?

Youtube iframe embed loading flash player instead of HTML5 player

When I try to use iframe embedding for youtube video it sometimes loads HTML5 player and sometimes flash player.
Specifically, this <iframe src=""></iframe> will load flash player whereas <iframe src=""></iframe>will load HTML5 player.
When I open both the videos in YouTube website both of them load in HTML5 players.
I cannot figure out why different videos load in different players.
it sound like video comparability so deepened how youtube video stored in their server they provide different player so the video played correctly. I think this happened with old video and there is nothing you can do about it.
Note: this is just person guessing of the issue.

Can Popcorn.js be used to add subtitles to a YouTube video?

Let's say we embed a YouTube video on a web page.
Underneath the video player, could we display subtitles synched to the video using a media framework like Popcorn.js?
Interesting you mentioned Popcorn.js, because Popcorn does support Youtube.
Buuut, that documentation is out of date.
It is now:
"var example ="
There are new docs on their way.
If you choose the HTML5 version when embedding the YouTube video and if it's actually being played within an HTML5 browser, it's just a video tag so you can use Popcorn.js. When it's a Flash, I'm not sure if you can get into that Flash and know the progress and listen to the events.
If you use the YouTube JavaScript Player API, you can use player.getCurrentTime() to find out which line of subtitling to show.
Then again, YouTube already supports subtitles to begin with.

Is it possible to create a Flash video player that plays videos hosted on youtube

I want to create a custom video player to modify the skin of the play controls etc but still host the videos on youtube.
The youtube api allows for minor colour adjustments but not full customisation.
I know it would be possible if I download the FLVs but i want the video to remain hosted on youtube.
Is this possible?
Or is there a way of using the 'chromeless player' and creating custom controls around it?
Have you tried using chromeless player with the official AS3 API?
In player parameters you can just set controls to 0:
Values: 0 or 1. Default is 1. This
parameter indicates whether the video
player controls will display. If this
parameter is set to 0, then the player
controls will not display, causing the
player to look like the chromeless
it is possible ... you can check this to see how to get the url to the video
I've concluded that the only way to create custom controls for the youtube player that plays videos hosted on youtube (rather than playing FLVs) is to use the chromeless player without controls and then juse html/css/jquery to create the controls, for example:

