How do I apply the conversion from charCodeAt to C # here? - javascript

So I've already found posts on this topic, but that didn't really help me. On the one hand, I have tried something like this, for example, but it is not quite right in my case**(C#)**.
string temp;
foreach (var a in chaine)
temp = ( Convert.ToUInt16(a).ToString("X4"));
for (j = 0; j < intlenght; j+= 1)
arrayData[j + 1] = temp;
Why I think it doesn't really work is that my starting form looked a little different than the examples and I'm not really familiar with JavaScript. My starting shape looks like this**(javaScript)**:
for (j = 0; j < intlenght; j+= 1)
arrayData[j + 1] = x.charCodeAt(j) - 32;
the x in this case it is actually
var x = document.getElementById ("textIn"). value;
but in my method I have a string return value instead of the X
so how can i correctly get the
arrayData [j + 1] = x.charCodeAt (j) - 32;
translate in c #. In the end I need this in my method for Code128 encoder
EDIT for better Understanding:
So I have a TextBlock in my window, but there is a text in it in a barcode 128 font. However, this barcode cannot yet be read. So what I want to do is add the additional characters of the barcode so that at the end you can scan this barcode with a scanning program. To do that I come across this Stack Overflow answer:
However, the problem was with the question that the code is in JavaScript and not in C #. Since I've only found solutions where it works with libaries and nuggets (which I want to work around) I tried to convert this javaScript code into C #. I come across lines like this(javaScript):
arrayData[j + 1] = x.charCodeAt(j) - 32;
I didn't find a solution to this as I did this Javascript code:
var buttonGen = document.getElementById("btnGen");
buttonGen.onclick = function () {
var x = document.getElementById("textIn").value;
var i, j, intWeight, intLength, intWtProd = 0, arrayData = [], fs;
var arraySubst = [ "Ã", "Ä", "Å", "Æ", "Ç", "È", "É", "Ê" ];
* Checksum Calculation for Code 128 B
intLength = x.length;
arrayData[0] = 104; // Assume Code 128B, Will revise to support A, C and switching.
intWtProd = 104;
for (j = 0; j < intLength; j += 1) {
arrayData[j + 1] = x.charCodeAt(j) - 32; // Have to convert to Code 128 encoding
intWeight = j + 1; // to generate the checksum
intWtProd += intWeight * arrayData[j + 1]; // Just a weighted sum
arrayData[j + 1] = intWtProd % 103; // Modulo 103 on weighted sum
arrayData[j + 2] = 106; // Code 128 Stop character
chr = parseInt(arrayData[j + 1], 10); // Gotta convert from character to a number
if (chr > 94) {
chrString = arraySubst[chr - 95];
} else {
chrString = String.fromCharCode(chr + 32);
// Change the font-size style to match the drop down
fs = document.getElementsByTagName("option")[document.getElementById("selList").selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById("test").style.fontSize = fs + 'px';
document.getElementById("check").innerHTML =
'Checksum = ' + chr + ' or character ' + // Make It Visual
chrString + ', for text = "' + x + '"';
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML =
'Ì' + // Start Code B
x + // The originally typed string
chrString + // The generated checksum
'Î'; // Stop Code
Can convert into a working C # code.


Fastest bulk insert into javascript arrays

I wanted to check to see which was faster in adding elements to an array in javascript:
Adding a list of 5 per iteration
Adding 5 single items with adding position to the subscript
Adding one single item pr iteration
I ran it on my Linux Mint 16, Firefox 37.0.2
1 and 2 turned out much better than 3.
When I ran it 1,000,000 times 1 was noticably better than 2.
However when I ran it 10,000,000 the results were reversed. What would be the explanation for that?
var amount = 1000000;
var iter = 11;
var a = new Array(amount);
var b = new Array(amount);
var results = [];
for (j=1; j<iter; j++) {
var clock = new Date().getTime();
for (i=0; i< amount; i+=5) {
a[i] = [2,2,2,2,2];
results.push("quintuple primitive insert attempt " + j + " took " +
eval(new Date().getTime() - clock) + "ms");
var clock = new Date().getTime();
for (i=0; i< amount; i+=5) {
a[i] = 2;
a[i+1] = 2;
a[i+2] = 2;
a[i+3] = 2;
a[i+4] = 2;
results.push("single primitive insert with inline inc attempt " + j +
" took " + eval(new Date().getTime() - clock) + "ms");
var clock = new Date().getTime();
for (i=0; i< amount; i++) {
a[i] = 2;
results.push("single primitive insert with single iterator attempt " +
j + " took " + eval(new Date().getTime() - clock) + "ms");
The code is demonstrated here:
(I also tried using homogenous and heterogenous arrays to insert content, in which 2 always was the best. The attempt is in the same jsfiddle source, commented out)
You're taking times of things that are not the same:
First off, you're taking times of creating a matrix whose elements at position i%5 = 0 contain an array of five elements. The rest of the elements (i%5 != 0) are undefined. This array has a length that depends on amount due to the fact that you're adding to the variable i five in each iteration and some elements at the end of the array might not be initialized (directly or indirectly).
for (i = 0; i < amount; i += 5) {
a[i] = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
Secondly, you're creating an array whose elements are all equal to 2.
for (i = 0; i < amount; i += 5) {
a[i] = 2;
a[i + 1] = 2;
a[i + 2] = 2;
a[i + 3] = 2;
a[i + 4] = 2;
Thirdly, you're doing the same as two.
for (i=0; i< amount; i++) {
a[i] = 2;
Since one is different than 2 and 3 the results don't make sense.

c pointers and javascript

I have been working on a conversion of a C code into javascript. But they just don't return the same data.
I have an idea on how to handle the pointers. In javascript I'll create an array.
Note: This are not the full code, only partials
// file.h
unsigned char m_aucState0[256];
unsigned char m_aucState[256];
unsigned char m_ucI;
unsigned char m_ucJ;
unsigned char* m_pucState1;
unsigned char* m_pucState2;
// file.c
unsigned char *pucKeyData
for(i=0; i<256; i++)
m_pucState1 = m_aucState0 + i;
m_ucJ += *m_pucState1 + *(pucKeyData+m_ucI);
m_pucState2 = m_aucState0 + m_ucJ;
m_ucTemp = *m_pucState1;
*m_pucState1 = *m_pucState2;
*m_pucState2 = m_ucTemp;
m_ucI = (m_ucI + 1) % iKeyLen;
memcpy(m_aucState, m_aucState0, 256);
// buffer or array???
this.m_aucState0 = new Buffer(256)
this.m_aucState = new Buffer(256)
this.m_pucState1 = []
this.m_pucState2 = []
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
this.m_pucState1 = this.m_aucState0 + i
this.m_ucJ += this.m_pucState1[0] + (pucKeyData[0] + this.m_ucI)
this.m_pucState2 = this.m_aucState0 + this.m_ucJ
this.m_ucTemp = this.m_pucState1[0]
this.m_pucState1[0] = this.m_pucState2[0]
this.m_pucState2[0] = this.m_ucTemp
this.m_ucI = (this.m_ucI + 1) % iKeyLen
this.m_aucState.copy(this.m_aucState0, 0, 0, 256)
So my idea is because a pointer returns an address, that address contains the first byte of the pointer data. So if in an array I could just also point to the first index of the array right?
Is what I did above right?
Just for context let me add 1 function:
Crypt.prototype.setup = function(pucKeyData, iKeyLen) {
if (iKeyLen < 1)
throw new Error("Key Length should be at least 1")
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
this.m_aucState0[i] = i
this.m_ucI = 0
this.m_ucJ = 0
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
this.m_pucState1 = this.m_aucState0 + i
this.m_ucJ += this.m_pucState1[i] + (pucKeyData[i] + this.m_ucI)
this.m_pucState2 = this.m_aucState0 + this.m_ucJ
this.m_ucTemp = this.m_pucState1[i]
this.m_pucState1[i] = this.m_pucState2[i]
this.m_pucState2[i] = this.m_ucTemp
this.m_ucI = (this.m_ucI + 1) % iKeyLen
this.m_aucState.copy(this.m_aucState0, 0, 0, 256)
//Initialize Indexes
this.m_ucI = 0
this.m_ucJ = 0
//Initialization Finished
this.m_bInit = true
void CArcfourPRNG::SetKey(unsigned char *pucKeyData, int iKeyLen)
if(iKeyLen < 1)
throw exception("Key Length should be at least 1");
int i;
for(i=0; i<256; i++)
m_aucState0[i] = i;
m_ucI = 0;
m_ucJ = 0;
for(i=0; i<256; i++)
m_pucState1 = m_aucState0 + i;
m_ucJ += *m_pucState1 + *(pucKeyData+m_ucI);
m_pucState2 = m_aucState0 + m_ucJ;
m_ucTemp = *m_pucState1;
*m_pucState1 = *m_pucState2;
*m_pucState2 = m_ucTemp;
m_ucI = (m_ucI + 1) % iKeyLen;
memcpy(m_aucState, m_aucState0, 256);
//Initialize Indexes
m_ucI = 0;
m_ucJ = 0;
//Initialization Finished
m_bInit = true;
What is the difference of m_pucState1 and *m_pucState1 in this:
m_pucState1 = m_aucState + m_ucI;
m_ucJ += *m_pucState1;
In Javascript, there are typed buffer objects:
You will also find something about the ctypes collection, but in my understanding they are used only for native OS library calls.
Also, I don't know a native JS Buffer object like you mention it. There is one in NodeJS, but I don't know its features.
If you insist of translating your code one-by-one, then these typed buffer objects may greatly support you. I think it's not a good way as while translating from C to Javascript, your terminology alters anyway. It alters from adding long pointer values to forming array indices.
Here is one problem example in your translation:
In C, you write:
m_ucJ += *m_pucState1 + *(pucKeyData+m_ucI);
In Javascript, you write:
this.m_ucJ += this.m_pucState1[0] + (pucKeyData[0] + this.m_ucI);
The brackets in the C term make m_ucI altering the address. So in Javascript this should rather be in the square brackets, somehow like this:
this.m_ucJ += this.m_pucState1[0] + pucKeyData[0 + this.m_ucI];
and then you can skip the "0 +". This shows how one-by-one translation between such different languages is full of traps.
So let's assume that we will use the simplest Javascript object, which is the array []. Then this is my suggestion. It's a draft, but it should give you a thorough idea:
// Define arrays
var aState0 = []; // m_aucState0
var aState = []; // m_aucState
// Define helpers
var state1Index; // *m_pucState1
var state2Index; // *m_pucState2
var i; // m_uci. There is no such thing as "uc" in Javascript.
var j; // m_ucj
var iLoop; // i in loop.
// It's readable to have this constant.
var bufferLength = 255;
// Somewhere we need:
var keyData;
var temp;
var iKeyLen;
// Just for here, give the array a size. So it's done in Javascript.
// Alternatively, fill it with 256 values from anywhere.
aState0[bufferLength] = 0;
// console.log(state0.length) will now print 256
// ...
// init i, j, iKeyLen ...
// ...
for (iLoop = 0; iLoop <= bufferLength; iLoop++) {
// This:
// m_pucState1 = m_aucState0 + i;
// m_ucJ += *m_pucState1 + *(pucKeyData+m_ucI);
// becomes:
state1Index = iLoop;
j += aState0[state1Index] + keyData[i];
// This:
// m_pucState2 = m_aucState0 + m_ucJ;
// becomes:
state2Index = j;
// This:
// m_ucTemp = *m_pucState1;
// *m_pucState1 = *m_pucState2;
// *m_pucState2 = m_ucTemp;
// becomes:
temp = aState0[state1Index];
aState0[state1Index] = aState0[state2Index];
aState0[state2Index] = temp;
// This:
// m_ucI = (m_ucI + 1) % iKeyLen;
// becomes:
i = (i+1) % iKeyLen;
// this:
// memcpy(m_aucState, m_aucState0, 256);
// would be a clone. So you'd need jQuery or else. But you can simply write:
for (index in state0) {
state[index] = state0[index];
Finally, you can drop j as it is equal to state2Index, and state1Index equal to iLoop.
But this is a puzzle where you will probably have to use paper and pencil and to draw some boxes and arrows to get clear with.
Hth :-)

Algorithm of the greatest intersect of word in set of words

The story behind
I am creating a voice controlled application using x-webkit-speech which is surprisingly good (the feature, not my app), but sometimes the user (me) mumbles a bit. It would be nice to accept the command if some reasonable part of the word matches some reasonable part of some reasonable command. So I search for the holy grail called Algorithm of the Greatest Intersect of Word in Set of Words. Could some fresh bright mind drive me out of the cave of despair?
"rotation" in ["notable","tattoo","onclick","statistically"]
should match tattoo because it has the longest intersect with rotation (tat_o). statistically is the second best (tati intersect), because longer part of the word needs to be ignored (but this is bonus condition, it would be acceptable without it).
I use Czech language where the pronunciation is very close to its written form
javascript is the preffered language, but any pseudocode is acceptable
the minimal length of the intersect should be a parameter of the algorithm
What have I tried?
Well, it is pretty embarassing....
for(var i=10; i>=4; --i) // reasonable substring
for(var word in words) // for all words in the set
for(var j=0; j<word.length-i; ++j) // search for any i substring
// aaargh... three levels of abstraction is too much for me
This is an algorithm that seems to work. I have no idea how good it performs compared to other already established algorithms (I suspect it perform worse) but maybe it gives you an idea how you could do it:
var minInt = 3;
var arr = ["notable","tattoo","onclick","statistically"];
var word = "rotation";
var res = [];
if (word.length >= minInt) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var comp = arr[i];
var m = 0;
if (comp.length >= minInt) {
for (var l = 0; l < comp.length - minInt + word.length - minInt + 1; l++) {
var subcomp = l > word.length - minInt ? comp.substring(l - word.length + minInt) : comp;
var subword = l < word.length - minInt ? word.substring(word.length - minInt - l) : word;
var minL = Math.min(subcomp.length, subword.length);
var matches = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < minL; k++) {
if (subcomp[k] === subword[k]) {
if (matches > m) {
m = matches;
res[i] = m >= minInt ? m : null;
What happens is, that it compares the two strings by "moving" on against the other and calculates the matching letters in each position. Here you see the compared "sub"words for rotation vs. notable:
ion / notable --> one match on index 1
tion / notable --> no match
ation / notable --> no match
tation / notable --> one match on index 2
otation / notable --> no match
rotation / notable --> three matches on index 1,2,3
rotation / otable --> no match
rotation / table --> no match
rotation / able --> no match
rotation / ble --> no match
As you see, the maximum number of matches is 3 and that is what it would return.
Here's an implementation of a Levenshtein Distance Calculator in Javascript.
It returns an object containing the matching command and distance.
var commandArr = ["cat", "dog", "fish", "copy", "delete"]
var testCommand = "bopy";
function closestMatch(str, arr)
//console.log("match called");
var matchDist = [];
var min, pos;
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
matchDist[i]=calcLevDist(str, arr[i]);
console.log("Testing "+ str + " against " + arr[i]);
min = Math.min.apply(null,matchDist);
pos = matchDist.indexOf(min);
var output = { match : arr[pos],
distance : matchDist[pos]
return output;
function calcLevDist (str1, str2)
//console.log("calc running");
var cost = 0 , len1, len2;
var x = 1;
while(x > 0)
len1 = str1.length;
console.log("Length of String 1 = " + len1);
len2 = str2.length;
console.log("Length of String 2 = " + len2);
if(len1 == 0)
cost+= len2;
return cost;
if(len2 == 0)
cost+= len1;
return cost;
x = Math.min(len1,len2);
if(str1.charAt(len1 -1) != str2.charAt(len2 -1))
console.log(str1.charAt(len1-1) + " matches " + str2.charAt(len2-1));
str1 = str1.substring(0, len1 -1 );
str2 = str2.substring(0, len2 -1 );
console.log("Current Cost = " + cost);
var matchObj = closestMatch(testCommand, commandArr);
var match = matchObj["match"];
var dist = matchObj["distance"];
$("#result").html("Closest match to " + testCommand + " = " + match + " with a Lev Distance of " + dist + "." )
You can mess around with the fiddle here.
Thank you basilikum and JasonNichols and also Mike and Andrew for the comments, it really helped me to finish the algorithm. I come up with my own brute force O(n^3) solution in case someone runs into this question with the same problem.
Anyone is invited to play with the fiddle to improve it.
The algorithm
* Fuzzy match for word in array of strings with given accurancy
* #param string needle word to search
* #param int accurancy minimum matching characters
* #param array haystack array of strings to examine
* #return string matching word or undefined if none is found
function fuzzyMatch(needle,accurancy,haystack) {
function strcmpshift(a,b,shift) {
var match=0, len=Math.min(a.length,b.length);
for(var i in a) if(a[i]==b[+i+shift]) ++match;
return match;
function strcmp(a,b) {
for(var i=0,max=0,now; i<b.length; ++i) {
now = strcmpshift(a,b,i);
if(now>max) max = now;
return max;
var word,best=accurancy-1,step,item;
for(var i in haystack) {
item = haystack[i];
step = Math.max(strcmp(item,needle),strcmp(needle,item));
if(step<=best) continue;
best=step, word=item;
return word;
var word = "rotation";
var commands = ["notable","tattoo","onclick","statistically"];
// find the closest command with at least 3 matching characters
var command = fuzzyMatch(word,3,commands);
alert(command); // tattoo

Sorting function?

I need to organize an array of strings of random length into the least number of new strings with a max size. Is there a function or something in javascript, or something that can be translated to javascript, that will do this?
For example, the new strings might have max lengths of 1000 characters. The array might have strings of lengths 100, 48, 29, etc. I would want to combine those strings into as few new strings as possible.
edit: Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I tried my best.
No standard method in Javascript, but plenty of theoretical work has been done on this (i.e. the bin packing problem).
Some sample pseudo code in the link - should be trivial to translate to javascript.
The algorithm shown isn't going to be optimal in every case. To find the optimal solution to your example you'll just need to iterate over every possibility which might not be that bad depending on how many strings you have.
For my own entertainment, I wrote a simple bin packing algorithm. I picked a simple algorithm which is to sort the input strings by length. Create a new bin. Put the first (longest remaining) string into the bin and then keep filling it up with the longest strings that will fit until no more strings will fit. Create a new bin, repeat. To test it, I allocate an array of strings of random lengths and use that as input. You can see the output visually here:
Running it a bunch of times, it gets a fill percentage of between 91-98%, usually around 96%. Obviously the fill percentage is higher if there are more short strings to fill with.
Here's the code:
function generateRandomLengthStringArrays(num, maxLen) {
var sourceChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY1234567890";
var sourceIndex = 0;
var result = [];
var len, temp, fill;
function getNextSourceChar() {
var ch = sourceChars.charAt(sourceIndex++);
if (sourceIndex >= sourceChars.length) {
sourceIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
len = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxLen);
temp = new String();
fill = getNextSourceChar();
// create string
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
temp += fill;
function packIntoFewestBins(input, maxLen) {
// we assume that none of the strings in input are longer than maxLen (they wouldn't fit in any bin)
var result = [];
// algorithm here is to put the longest string into a bin and
// then find the next longest one that will fit into that bin with it
// repeat until nothing more fits in the bin, put next longest into a new bin
// rinse, lather, repeat
var bin, i, tryAgain, binLen;
// sort the input strings by length (longest first)
input.sort(function(a, b) {return(b.length - a.length)});
while (input.length > 0) {
bin = new String(); // create new bin
bin += input.shift(); // put first one in (longest we have left) and remove it
tryAgain = true;
while (bin.length < maxLen && tryAgain) {
tryAgain = false; // if we don't find any more that fit, we'll stop after this iteration
binLen = bin.length; // save locally for speed/convenience
// find longest string left that will fit in the bin
for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (input[i].length + binLen <= maxLen) {
bin += input[i];
input.splice(i, 1); // remove this item from the array
tryAgain = true; // try one more time
break; // break out of for loop
var binLength = 60;
var numStrings = 100;
var list = generateRandomLengthStringArrays(numStrings, binLength);
var result = packIntoFewestBins(list, binLength);
var capacity = result.length * binLength;
var fillage = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
fillage += result[i].length;
$("#result").append(result[i] + "<br>")
"Fill percentage: " + ((fillage/capacity) * 100).toFixed(1) + "%<br>" +
"Number of Input Strings: " + numStrings + "<br>" +
"Number of Output Bins: " + result.length + "<br>" +
"Bin Legnth: " + binLength + "<br>"

(P)RNG - Array of Random Numbers Created with a Seed

I want to create an array of random/pseudo-random numbers using a seed. I want the very same array to be created when the same seed is used and I want to have little or no visible pattern in the array. I'm working in JavaScript.
This is the random function I'm using, which I'm quite happy with (sorry, I forgot who the original author is):
function random(seed) {
if (!seed) seed = new Date().getTime();
seed = (seed*9301+49297) % 233280;
return seed/(233280.0);
This is the array generation:
var superSeed = random();
var nRandom = 100;
var randomArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0 ; i < nRandom ; i++){
randomArray.push(random((superSeed*10)+ (i)));
Somehow the pattern seems to be quite similar, no matter how often I run it. This question seems to be similar, but since it's about matrixes, I don't understand what's being said.
Having worked on similar things before I think we can use a fairly simple series, which takes two initial values and then you can get a lot more.
var a1,b1;
function InitSequence(v1, v2) {
a1 = Math.pow(v1, 5) / Math.pow(v1, 3);
b1 = Math.pow(v2, 8);
lastrand = (a1 + b1) & 0x7fffffff;
function SequenceNext() {
var alast = a1;
var nextVal = (a1 + b1) & 0x7fffffff;
b1 = alast;
a1 = nextVal;
return nextVal;
Then use it like this:
InitSequence(75, 21);
for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
v = SequenceNext();
I tested it like this:
var used = new Array();
InitSequence(75, 21); // any two values will do.
// fill 10k into array.
for (var i = 0; i < 9999; i++) {
v = SequenceNext();
if (undefined != used[v]) {
} else used[v] = 1;
//document.write(i+": "+v+"<br>");
// see if there any duplicates.
var tdup = 0;
for (xx in used) {
ndup = used[xx];
if (ndup > 1) {
document.write("duplicated " + xx + " :" + ndup + "<br>");
tdup += ndup;
document.write("Total dups " + tdup + "<br>");
This is using the Fibonacci series, which in mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation
. I'm starting with different values - (v1^5) / (v1^3) and v2 ^ 8; otherwise it would only ever be identical.
I like the "Super 7" PRNG. It is simple, fast (although the other answer with the fib. sequence is fast as well), and has the interesting property:
In the entire range -- albeit of a meager of 32k -- there are no duplicates using the "Super 7" PRNG.
Multiple 7's can be joined to increase the number of bits and/or provide multiple seeds. This non-duplication property can exposed or folded.
(The sequence of a PRNG is always the same given a starting seed: it's the distribution and cycle lengths that are interesting -- it is these properties that may make them ideal in different cases where "true randomness" isn't desired).
Happy coding.
Maybe you should try this
function s_random() {
s_random.m = 71402523; s_random.a = 409647; s_random.c = 1508892;
s_random.seed = (s_random.seed*s_random.a + s_random.c) % s_random.m;
return s_random.seed / s_random.m;
generate IV
s_random.seed = Math.floor((new Date).getTime()/10000);
s_random.seed = 130324232;
var CheckRandom = 4999999;
var PrintSamples = 100;
var used = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < CheckRandom; i++) {
v = (Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(s_random())* 1000000000) * 8);
if (undefined != used[v]) {
} else used[v] = 1;
if ( i< PrintSamples) document.write(i+": "+v+"");
/* see if there are any duplicates. */
var tdup = 0;
for (xx in used) {
ndup = used[xx];
if (ndup > 1) {
if (ndup < PrintSamples) document.write("duplicated " + xx + " :" + ndup + "");
tdup += ndup;
document.write("Total generated " + CheckRandom + "");
document.write("Total duplicates " + tdup + "");
Just got 5 million seeded, repeatable random numbers and no duplicates. Tested several times on Mac OS X with Safari.

