How to analyse user form input on a website automatically - javascript

I'm in the process of designing a website which will take user information and a file from a user on a website. My aim is to then take this information, run a script on it and then return the user a document with the analysed information on it by email (which they have provided). The script is written in Python but theoretically could be written in most languages. I'm a bit stuck on where to begin so I'm looking for suggestions on how to do this in terms of how to structure this project and make it as automatic as possible. I know Python and have recently learned react but my backend knowledge is poor.
Thanks in advance.

You will have to start by actually knowing how data analysis works and how to code it, you can start with this simple article that shows how you make:
bar charts.
It shows a few ways of handling data, etc in python!.
In terms of "structure", I would say it depends on what type of Data you are working with, if the user is doing a form or quiz then you can save the answers to variables which you then process before sending it back.
If else your platform has a selection of categories then you can try saving what your user upvotes/likes. You could also learn how to work with databases, start with these excercises that can give you more inspiration and solutions.
Really hopes this sets you on the right path, good luck deving!


Saving a text typed by a user in browser

I just started programming and i don't have any experience. I'm trying to make a simple blog where you can type some text in a textarea but i don't know how to save it and display it on your webpage. When I search for an answer online, I only find information about how to convert it to another type of file. I just want to be able to type some text in a textarea and when you press enter display it on the webpage and eventually even make a new fresh textarea.
A blog is probably one of a more complex task to do. I would recommend thinking of some simpler projects if you just started.
The reason why it's complicated is because you need to worry about a scheme to store your data and handle it. You could just save data to localstorage (a database built into your web browser) which would be the simplest. However you will not be able to read your blog on the internet or on another machine because your data is stored and can only be accessed by your browser on your computer. If you wanted a system where you can have access to your blog any where, you'd have to set up a server/database architecture which is probably a lot more complicated for a beginner. But if you are interested checking out node.js, express.js, mongoose, mongodb might get your started on something.
Also if you want this blog to be restricted by password or user auth that will also make your project 10 folds more complicated as you will have to learn about hashing, various security procedures, etc. This is why something like a blog is actually quite complicated to implement.

Scrolling <marquee> and web form

I have installed a large building automation system with a kiosk at the front desk that displays energy savings and current energy consumption.
I was asked if I could add a ticker along the bottom that has announcements.
I don't know how to fully go about doing this and was looking for some direction.
And was thinking of using html and <marquee> to source text from a small database, then create a web based form on a separate page that would accept user input then overwrite the previous entry in the database to update the marquee.
I am looking for a direction to go in order to do this.
I am entry level when it comes to common industry languages because all of my programming experience revolves around proprietary languages developed for building automation systems.
I don't think a database would be required. You could store the data in a JSON file and JSON works well with Js. Also, you won't have to learn SQL and a server side language like PHP if you use JSON with Js.
For reference, I would recommend using w3schools, as they have all the details that you will need.
Hope that helps and any questions just comment below.

My games being hacked easily by right click inspect. How can i prevent this?

I am a newbie game maker that making some web games with the language of JS, HTML and CSS. But the problem is i can't prevent the right click inspect hacking thing, so a people hacked my games by using this method.
My question is, how can i prevent this method to not to being hacked...
Here is my game
Here is the score page
as you can see it can be hacked...
Language is Turkish, sorry for not doing this in English, but i will.
Second question is, how can i improve my game developing? I heard that phaser is a good engine, so i'm doing a research for reach to some tutorials. But also, i need some good advices from you...
Sorry for my newbie questions, but i do need some good advices to improve my web development and also game development skills... Thanks so much!
Note : Games are made by what i learned from stackoverflow community... So also thank you very much for this.
Client-side code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) is called "client-side" because it is downloaded to the client and executed there. There is absolutely nothing you can do to protect this code from users seeing it and modifying their local copy of it. Even storing your JavaScript in an external file and linking to it does not solve the issue. The same is true with obfuscation.
All protected code should exist on a secure server and execute there in a "server-side" architecture, such as .aspx, .PHP, .jsp, etc.
So I just ran through the game and "hacked" it. The problem you have is that you use forms and hidden inputs to send the game results to the server, first when the user finishes the game you submit the time it took them, then on the second page you send their final score in a hidden input. Both of these can be easily modified by the user before they're submitted.
What you could do is create a checksum of the hidden values that you don't want the player to modify. After they're posted to the server, use the values to re-calculate the checksum in PHP, and if it doesn't match the checksum submitted by the browser, don't accept it.
This won't stop people from hacking your game, but it will make it more difficult. If they absolutely want to fake their score, they can look up the javascript function you use to generate the checksum on the client side and use that to generate a new one with the values they want, so it's not 100% secure.
As for the final score, I'd suggest you use a session for that. Your skor.php file generates a form with the final score in a hidden input. Why? Just dump it in a session property, and read that back in skorislendi.php. That way, the user won't be able to edit it.
You can't prevent the client, i.e. the player, from hacking client side materials, i.e. client-side scripts, HTML and etc... Any legitimate actions that your scripts perform on the client side can be faked. At best, you can mitigate such hacks by obfuscating your JS code and post data. This makes it harder to hack but doesn't save you.
In the end, ask yourself this one question. Is security essential to my game? If it is, then worry about it. Otherwise, build what you can and from an agile point of view, add features, such as security, when NECESSARY.

Fetching data from thirdparty websites

I work in a small healthcare related office and we often have to look up license and other related official numbers of physicians. We use websites that are free and available to the public to do so. I've been tasked with figuring out a way to enter in the physician name and then return the results from all of the websites in a single entry to reduce the amount of time spent going through each website. I'm familiar with javascript, php and ruby but by no means an expert. My question is, where should I start? I don't need anyone to write the code for me or anything, but I can't seem to form the right question to google for some answers. I'm fairly sure this is possible, just not sure where to start developing my idea. Any help would be appreciated.
It sounds like you need to do some screen scraping, which may or may not be allowed by the terms and conditions of the sites you're using - you should check that first.
If there aren't any restrictions on automatic retrieval and querying, you'll want to read up on PHP's cURL module, and simulate the form actions that are performed when you manually query the sites. You can use your browser's developer console to see what scripts and pages are called when you run queries - it's quicker than trying to work it out from the page source.
You'll get back the HTML from the pages, which you'll need to parse. Depending on the format on the page, a few simple regexes might do the trick, but you'll likely need to tailor them for each site you query.
Again, please double check that the sites you're using allow you to run scripted queries - if you're in any doubt, you should email them and explain what you plan to do, and ask if they're ok with it.

Web App Creation Toolchain with CSS/HTML/Javascript

I want to create a score keeping app that allows me to enter scores into the app, save score history by user, and have a webpage that can display the score in real-time as well as pump out some stats on previous games.
I've been doing some front-end development the past few years and I would say that my CSS/HTML/Javascript skills are intermediate. I have a rough game plan on how it would work, but having very little backend experience there are some gaps in my knowledge that I need help with.
The app: I would build it with what I know: CSS/HTML/Javascript. I would it to be assessable via a webpage or native app. The plan for the latter was putting it through PhoneGap.
Database: SQL? This is were I would save the scores.
The webpage: This is where things get tricky. I need live reporting for the current game status. Web sockets?
I would use a Javascript graphing library to create charts of stats based on current and previous game history. I need that data to be automatically refreshed (AJAX) but how would I do that with a SQL/JS interaction?
Also, ideally the graphs on the webpage would allow visitors to copy and paste iframe code so they can paste the stuff into their own website. I don't even know where to get started with that.
I'm not sure if I'm even asking the right questions so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Since you're a front-end developer I think you'll really like
There are a number of Back-end as a Service solutions which handle both data persistence and data synchronising across multiple devices.
These solutions answer your SQL and WebSockets questions. You could implement these yourself using either open source solutions or by combining a number of services. But I'd give the BaaS options a go.

