Delete all JSON keys nested having specific name - javascript

I want to delete all occurances of keynames like etag,formattedType and metadata in the object using dynamic iteration of whole object
var myjson {
"names": [{
"unstructuredName": "Natalie Victor",
"displayNameLastFirst": "Victor, Natalie",
"familyName": "Victor",
"displayName": "Natalie Victor",
"givenName": "Natalie",
"metadata": {
"source": {
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458",
"type": "CONTACT"
"primary": true
"photos": [{
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458",
"type": "CONTACT"
"url": "",
"default": true
"memberships": [{
"metadata": {
"source": {
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458"
"contactGroupMembership": {
"contactGroupId": "6a68e3a408126601",
"contactGroupResourceName": "contactGroups/6a68e3a408126601"
}, {
"contactGroupMembership": {
"contactGroupId": "myContacts",
"contactGroupResourceName": "contactGroups/myContacts"
"metadata": {
"source": {
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458",
"type": "CONTACT"
"phoneNumbers": [{
"value": "6767674765",
"formattedType": "Home",
"canonicalForm": "+916767674765",
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458",
"type": "CONTACT"
"type": "home"
"emailAddresses": [{
"type": "home",
"formattedType": "Home",
"value": "",
"metadata": {
"source": {
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458",
"type": "CONTACT"
"primary": true
"biographies": [{
"contentType": "TEXT_PLAIN",
"value": "Email:\nName.Last: Victor\nName.First: Natalie\nPhone: 6767674765",
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"id": "c8de0718a7c3458",
"type": "CONTACT"
"resourceName": "people/c904625878430659672"
I only know to use delete key by names such as
delete myjson.etag
delete myjson.names[0].metadata
How do I iterate the complete json since some of the json has arrays and nested structures which are not known in advance.
Hence a remove_keys(myjson, ["etag","memberships","formattedType","metadata"]) should render a result
var myjson {
"names": [{
"unstructuredName": "Natalie Victor",
"displayNameLastFirst": "Victor, Natalie",
"familyName": "Victor",
"displayName": "Natalie Victor",
"givenName": "Natalie",
"photos": [{
"url": "",
"default": true
"phoneNumbers": [{
"value": "6767674765",
"canonicalForm": "+916767674765",
"type": "home"
"emailAddresses": [{
"type": "home",
"value": "",
"biographies": [{
"contentType": "TEXT_PLAIN",
"value": "Email:\nName.Last: Victor\nName.First: Natalie\nPhone: 6767674765",
"resourceName": "people/c904625878430659672"

You need a recursive function for this task:
function filter(obj: any, list: string[]) {
if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {
for (let item in obj) {
if (list.includes(item)) {
delete obj[item];
} else {
if (Array.isArray(obj[item])) {
for (let el of obj[item]) {
filter(el, list);
} else {
filter(obj[item], list);
return obj;
// example usage:
let a = {b: 5, c: 6, d: { a: 1, b: 2}}
filter(a, ['b']);

Conversely, it may be faster in some interpreters to rebuild the object, rather than delete keys.
function removeKeys(obj, keys) {
if (Array.isArray(obj))
return => removeKeys(v, keys))
else if (typeof obj == "object" && obj != null) {
const _obj = {}
Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {
if(!keys.includes(k)) _obj[k] = removeKeys(obj[k], keys)
return _obj
return obj
console.log(removeKeys(myjson, ["etag","memberships","formattedType","metadata"]))

this recursive function will solve your problem
var myjson = {
"unstructuredName":"Natalie Victor",
"displayNameLastFirst":"Victor, Natalie",
"displayName":"Natalie Victor",
"value":"Email:\nName.Last: Victor\nName.First: Natalie\nPhone: 6767674765",
function removeKeys(obj,keys){
delete obj[k];
if(typeof obj[key]=='object'){
removeKeys(myjson, ["etag","memberships","formattedType","metadata"])


How do I destructure this deep nested json objects and map it in JS

I have a nested array like below. There are about 100 de objects in the array. The de objects also have deg[0] array but most likely I will only have the first index. Now the trick is that the de are subset of deg. Which means each deg can have say 10 de. How can I retrieve the deg and there associated de and map it into a new array like:
newArray = [
deg1: [
deg2: [
Here is my nested array. I posted four but the list is over a 100.
"name": "Report",
"id": "2YYUEZ6I1r9",
"dse1": [
"de1": {
"name": "Number",
"id": "HjMOngg3kuy",
"de1-av": [
"value": "FHaQMPv9zc7",
"attribute": {
"id": "uwVkIP7PZDt"
"value": "something",
"attribute": {
"id": "FHaQMPv9zc7"
"deg1": [
"name": "TB",
"id": "2XJB1JO9qX8"
"de2": {
"name": "Number of",
"id": "a3dtGETTawy",
"de2-av": [
"value": "FHaQMPv9zc7",
"attribute": {
"id": "uwVkIP7PZDt"
"value": "something",
"attribute": {
"id": "FHaQMPv9zc7"
"deg1": [
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "w99RWzXHgtw"
"de1": {
"name": "Number of",
"id": "a3dtGETTawy",
"de1av": [
"value": "FHaQMPv9zc7",
"attribute": {
"id": "uwVkIP7PZDt"
"value": "something",
"attribute": {
"id": "FHaQMPv9zc7"
"deg2": [
"name": "Secondary",
"id": "w99RWzXHgtw"
"de2": {
"name": "Number of",
"id": "a3dtGETTawy",
"de2av": [
"value": "FHaQMPv9zc7",
"attribute": {
"id": "uwVkIP7PZDt"
"value": "something",
"attribute": {
"id": "FHaQMPv9zc7"
"deg2": [
"name": "Tertiary",
"id": "w99RWzXHgtw"
Group array of objects by property (this time a property to be matched by a reg exp) using Array.reduce.
Update: Ignoring missing keys.
var input={name:"Report",id:"2YYUEZ6I1r9",dse1:[{de1:{name:"Number",id:"HjMOngg3kuy","de1-av":[{value:"FHaQMPv9zc7",attribute:{id:"uwVkIP7PZDt"}},{value:"something",attribute:{id:"FHaQMPv9zc7"}}],deg1:[{name:"TB",id:"2XJB1JO9qX8"}]}},{de2:{name:"Number of",id:"a3dtGETTawy","de2-av":[{value:"FHaQMPv9zc7",attribute:{id:"uwVkIP7PZDt"}},{value:"something",attribute:{id:"FHaQMPv9zc7"}}],deg1:[{name:"Secondary",id:"w99RWzXHgtw"}]}},{de1:{name:"Number of",id:"a3dtGETTawy",de1av:[{value:"FHaQMPv9zc7",attribute:{id:"uwVkIP7PZDt"}},{value:"something",attribute:{id:"FHaQMPv9zc7"}}],deg2:[{name:"Secondary",id:"w99RWzXHgtw"}]}},{de2:{name:"Number of",id:"a3dtGETTawy",de2av:[{value:"FHaQMPv9zc7",attribute:{id:"uwVkIP7PZDt"}},{value:"something",attribute:{id:"FHaQMPv9zc7"}}],deg2:[{name:"Tertiary",id:"w99RWzXHgtw"}]}}]}
var reg = new RegExp("^de[0-9]+$");
var reg2 = new RegExp("^deg[0-9]+$");
let obj = input['dse1'].reduce(function(agg, item) {
// do your group by logic below this line
var key = Object.keys(item).find(function(key) {
return key.match(reg) ? key : null;
if (key) {
var key2 = Object.keys(item[key]).find(function(key) {
return key.match(reg2) ? key : null;
agg[key] = agg[key] || [];
if (key2) {
var to_push = {}
to_push[key2] = item[key][key2]
// do your group by logic above this line
return agg
}, {});
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;

delete an object in a nested array which has key value

i want to delete the only low-level object(for example in below code, under personal data there are two objects... i want to delete one object where action: old) under each section, where "action": "OLD"
I'm using lodash in my project
"clientDetails": {
"personalData": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientAddress": {
"primaryAddress": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"secondaryAddress": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientDemise": {
"deathDetails": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientMarital": {
"divorceInformation": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"marraigeInformation": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
sorry for the wrong presentation, this is the first time I'm posting a question
Just few lines can achieve this considering
input = your input
This peace of code will do the work
for (var i of input) {
for (var j in i) {
var ob = i[j];
for (var k in ob) {
var index = _.findIndex(ob[k], {'action': 'OLD'});
if (index > -1) {
ob[k].splice(index, 1);
You can achieve this via something like this without lodash:
var data = [{ "clientDetails": { "personalData": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] }, "clientAddress": { "primaryAddress": [{ "action": "OLD", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "NEW", "id": "12445" } ], "secondaryAddress": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] } }, { "clientDemise": { "deathDetails": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] }, "clientMarital": { "divorceInformation": [{ "action": "OLD", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "NEW", "id": "12445" } ], "marraigeInformation": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] } } ]
const removeOld = (data) => =>
Object.entries(x).reduce((r, [k,v]) => {
r[k] = Object.entries(v).map(([o,p]) =>
({[o]: p.filter(n => n.action != 'OLD')}))
return r
<script src=""></script>
Using map, Object.entries, reduce and filter.
Another way would be to utilize recursion similar to #Vanojx1 approach but in ES6:
var data = [{ "clientDetails": { "personalData": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] }, "clientAddress": { "primaryAddress": [{ "action": "OLD", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "NEW", "id": "12445" } ], "secondaryAddress": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] } }, { "clientDemise": { "deathDetails": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] }, "clientMarital": { "divorceInformation": [{ "action": "OLD", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "NEW", "id": "12445" } ], "marraigeInformation": [{ "action": "NEW", "id": "12345" }, { "action": "OLD", "id": "12445" } ] } } ]
const removeOld = (data) =>
Array.isArray(data) ? data.filter(x => x.action != 'OLD').map(x => removeOld(x)) :
typeof(data) == 'object' ? Object.entries(data).reduce((r, [k,v]) => (r[k] = removeOld(v), r), {}) :
You can use JavaScript filters. Reduce your bundle size by not using lodash.
// it's upto you, you can use new Array() as well and insert if(ktm.action==='NEW')
clients = clients.filter(function(itm) {
Object.keys(itm).forEach(function(Okey, Ovalue) {
Object.keys(itm[Okey]).forEach(function(inkey, invalue) {
itm[Okey][inkey].filter(function(ktm) {
if (ktm.action === 'OLD') {
// perform your logic, either you can insert into new Array() or
// delete that object and return clients
If the structure of your data is going to be fairly consistent (i.e. similar to what you've included in your question), you could do something like this:
const mapObj = (f, obj) => {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = f(obj[key], key)
return acc
}, {})
const filterData = data => {
// the data itself is an array, so iterate over each item in the array
return => {
// x1 is an object, so need to iterate over each item in the object
return mapObj(x2 => {
// x2 is an object, so need to iterate over each item in the object
return mapObj(x3 => {
// x3 is an array of objects. each item in the array has an action key which could equal "NEW" or "OLD". get rido of the items with action === "OLD"
return x3.filter(x4 => x4.action !== "OLD")
}, x2)
}, x1)
const data = [
"clientDetails": {
"personalData": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientAddress": {
"primaryAddress": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"secondaryAddress": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientDemise": {
"deathDetails": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientMarital": {
"divorceInformation": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"marraigeInformation": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
const result = filterData(data)
If you want a more generic solution that can take data of any structure and just removes all objects with an action equal to 'OLD':
const reduceObj = (f, initial, obj) => {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
return f(acc, obj[key], key)
}, initial)
const isObject = x => x !== null && typeof x === 'object'
const removeAllOld = data => {
if(Array.isArray(data)) {
return data.reduce((acc, value) => {
// don't include the item if it has a key named 'action' that is equal to 'OLD'
if(value.action && value.action === 'OLD') return acc
return acc
}, [])
else if(isObject(data)) {
return reduceObj((acc, value, key) => {
// don't include the item if it has a key named 'action' that is equal to 'OLD'
if(value.action && value.action === 'OLD') return acc
acc[key] = removeAllOld(value)
return acc
}, {}, data)
else {
return data
const data = [
"clientDetails": {
"personalData": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientAddress": {
"primaryAddress": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"secondaryAddress": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientDemise": {
"deathDetails": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientMarital": {
"divorceInformation": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"marraigeInformation": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
Structure independent solution checking for action in each object node
var data=[{clientDetails:{personalData:[{action:"NEW",id:"12345"},{action:"OLD",id:"12445"}]},clientAddress:{primaryAddress:[{action:"OLD",id:"12345"},{action:"NEW",id:"12445"}],secondaryAddress:[{action:"NEW",id:"12345"},{action:"OLD",id:"12445"}]}},{clientDemise:{deathDetails:[{action:"NEW",id:"12345"},{action:"OLD",id:"12445"}]},clientMarital:{divorceInformation:[{action:"OLD",id:"12345"},{action:"NEW",id:"12445"}],marraigeInformation:[{action:"NEW",id:"12345"},{action:"OLD",id:"12445"}]}}];
const reducer = (curr) => {
return _(curr)
.filter(el => !('action' in el && el.action == 'OLD'))
.map(el => reducer(el))
else if(_.isObject(curr)) {
return _(curr)
.mapValues(el => reducer(el))
} else
return curr;
<script src=""></script>
you can do a deep copy like this:
const array = [
"clientDetails": {
"personalData": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientAddress": {
"primaryAddress": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"secondaryAddress": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientDemise": {
"deathDetails": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
"clientMarital": {
"divorceInformation": [
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12345"
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12445"
"marraigeInformation": [
"action": "NEW",
"id": "12345"
"action": "OLD",
"id": "12445"
function removeOldAction(a) {
if (a instanceof Array) {
let copiee = [];
for (let item in a) {
const propValue = removeOldAction(a[item]);
if(propValue) {
return copiee;
if (a instanceof Object) {
if (a['action'] === 'OLD') {
let copiee = {};
for (let key in a) {
copiee[key] = removeOldAction(a[key]);
return copiee;
return a;
Let's not mutate the original input data, clone it with a customizer, and reject the unwanted stuffs (if they exists) inside the customizer to have cleaner cloned output as expected. You can use lodash#cloneDeepWith
_.cloneDeepWith(input, v => _.find(v, {action: "OLD"}) ? _.reject(v, {action: "OLD"}) : undefined);
This is just an example of having (hard coded) of what you want to reject. but you can wrap this in a call back and take the reject criteria as an argument to make it dynamic.
So here we go:
let input = [{"clientDetails":{"personalData":[{"action":"NEW","id":"12345"},{"action":"OLD","id":"12445"}]},"clientAddress":{"primaryAddress":[{"action":"OLD","id":"12345"},{"action":"NEW","id":"12445"}],"secondaryAddress":[{"action":"NEW","id":"12345"},{"action":"OLD","id":"12445"}]}},{"clientDemise":{"deathDetails":[{"action":"NEW","id":"12345"},{"action":"OLD","id":"12445"}]},"clientMarital":{"divorceInformation":[{"action":"OLD","id":"12345"},{"action":"NEW","id":"12445"}],"marraigeInformation":[{"action":"NEW","id":"12345"},{"action":"OLD","id":"12445"}]}}],
clear = (input, rej) => (
_.cloneDeepWith(input, v => _.find(v, rej) ? _.reject(v, rej) : undefined)
res = clear(input, {action: "OLD"}); //you can filter out action: OLD
res = clear(input, {action: "NEW"}); //you can filter out action: NEW
res = clear(input, d => d.action==="OLD"); //you can filter with custom callback with complex logic
<script src=""></script>

Search a Javascript Object for the position of a specific ID? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Find by key deep in a nested array
(21 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a Javascript object with lots of different sections. How can I search through all of the sections to find the position of a specific ID? The ID's that I am searching for are not in a specific location, and can be located in any of the tree branches.
For example, I am searching for this ID:
And I am trying to output the position of that ID, which would be this:
My Javascript Object:
var app = {
"structure": [
"id": "0",
"parameters": [
"id": "xobmnbjxg0g_1527269346260",
"type": "field",
"value": "CV_TEST_SPOT1X"
"id": "2",
"type": "operator",
"value": "="
"id": "3",
"type": "field",
"value": "North America"
"if-children": [
"id": "xobmnbjxg0g_1527269346261",
"parameters": [
"id": "1",
"type": "field",
"value": "CV_TEST_SPOT1"
"id": "2",
"type": "operator",
"value": "="
"id": "3",
"type": "field",
"value": "North America"
"id": "xobmnbjxg0g_1527269346262",
"parameters": [
"id": "1",
"type": "field",
"value": "CV_TEST_SPOT1"
"id": "2",
"type": "operator",
"value": "="
"id": "3",
"type": "field",
"value": "North America"
"id": "xobmnbjxg0g_1527269346263",
"parameters": [
"id": "1",
"type": "field",
"value": "CV_TEST_SPOT1"
"if-children": [
"id": "xobmnbjxg0g_1527269346264",
"parameters": [
"id": "1",
"type": "field",
"value": "CV_TEST_SPOT1"
"id": "xobmnbjxg0g_1527269346265",
"parameters": [
"id": "1",
"type": "field",
"value": "CV_TEST_SPOT1"
Interesting puzzle/question.
pretty sure there are some edge cases im missing but this seems to pass some tests.
function is(obj, type){
return === `[object ${type}]`;
function findPosition(obj, mykey, myval, res){
if(is(obj, "Object")){
if(mykey in obj && obj[mykey] === myval){
res.found = true;
} else {
for( let key in obj){
if(res.found) break;
findPosition(obj[key], mykey, myval, res);
if(!res.found) res.tree.pop();
} else if(is(obj, "Array")){
for(let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++){
if(res.found) break;
findPosition(obj[i], mykey, myval, res);
if(!res.found) res.tree.pop();
} else {
return res;
Usage and output
findPosition([{one: { two: [{id: [{id:'my'}]}]}}], "id", "mys", {tree:[], found: false})
> tree: Array(0), found: false}
findPosition([{one: { two: [{id: [{id:'my'}]}]}}], "id", "my", {tree:[], found: false})
> {found: true, tree: [0, "one", "two", 0, "id", 0, "id"]}
For finding if current obj you are iterating over is an Array you can also use Array.isArray

How to group similar sub-items of JSON

I want to group similar sub-item of my Json into one and then merge all their sub-item under that created item.
this is my json file:
"car": [
"name": "benz",
"details": [
"name": "C1",
"year": [
"name": "1850",
"errs": [
"user": "model-A",
"text": "error text on model-H"
"user": "model-C",
"text": "error text on model-C"
"name": "1820",
"errs": [
"user": "model-C",
"text": "error text on model-C"
"name": "vw",
"details": [
"name": "A1",
"year": [
"name": "1860",
"errs": []
"name": "1870",
"errs": [
"user": "model-A",
"text": "error text on model-H"
"name": "A2",
"year": [
"name": "1910",
"errs": []
"name": "1950",
"errs": [
"user": "model-A",
"text": "error text on model-H"
my tree structure is based on label and children, so my parent item is label and sub tree is children.
and this is my ts file:
ngOnInit():void {
this.http.get('.car.json').subscribe((data) => { => {
carItem.details.forEach((detail) => {
const errorsTree = {};
detail.year.forEach((year) => {
year.errs.forEach((err) => {
let userNode;
let carNode;
let detailNode;
if (errorsTree[err.userAgent]) {
userNode = errorsTree[err.userAgent];
} else {
userNode = {name: err.userAgent, cars: {}};
errorsTree[err.userAgent] = userNode;
const components =;
if (components[]) {
carNode = cars[];
} else {
carNode = {name:, details: {}};
components[] = carNode;
const detailsItems = carNode.details;
if (detailsItems[]) {
detailNode = detailsItems[];
} else {
detailNode = {name:, tests: {}};
detailsItems[] = detailNode;
detailNode.tests[] = test;
children: _.values( => {
return {
children: _.values(car.details).map((deta) => {
return {
children: _.values(deta.tests).map((testItem) => {
return {
err: err.text
after running the code the tree will be like this:
but it is not correct, the result should be like following:
label: 'model-A',
children: [
label: 'benz',
children: [
label: 'C1'
label: 'vw',
children: [
label: 'A1'
label: 'A2'
label: 'model-C',
children: [
label: 'benz',
children: [
label: 'C1'
do you have i idea how to group this Json like the above structure with Angular 5
You can use something like this -
var processedJSON = {};
const data = {
"car": [{
"name": "benz",
"details": [{
"name": "C1",
"year": [{
"name": "1850",
"errs": [{
"user": "model-A",
"text": "error text on model-H"
"user": "model-C",
"text": "error text on model-C"
"name": "1820",
"errs": [{
"user": "model-C",
"text": "error text on model-C"
"name": "vw",
"details": [{
"name": "A1",
"year": [{
"name": "1860",
"errs": []
"name": "1870",
"errs": [{
"user": "model-A",
"text": "error text on model-H"
"name": "A2",
"year": [{
"name": "1910",
"errs": []
"name": "1950",
"errs": [{
"user": "model-A",
"text": "error text on model-H"
};, i) {
car.details.forEach(function(detail, j) {
detail.year.forEach(function(year, k) {
year.errs.forEach(function(element, l) {
if (!processedJSON[element.user]) {
processedJSON[element.user] = {};
if (!processedJSON[element.user][]) {
processedJSON[element.user][] = [];
if (processedJSON[element.user][].indexOf( == -1) {
You can structure your data using array#reduce with multiple array#forEach, then from this result, use array#map with Object.keys() to get the final format.
const data = { "car": [ { "name": "benz", "details": [ { "name": "C1", "year": [ { "name": "1850", "errs": [ { "user": "model-A", "text": "error text on model-H" }, { "user": "model-C", "text": "error text on model-C" } ] }, { "name": "1820", "errs": [ { "user": "model-C","text": "error text on model-C" } ] } ] } ] }, { "name": "vw", "details": [ { "name": "A1", "year": [ { "name": "1860", "errs": [] }, { "name": "1870", "errs": [ { "user": "model-A", "text": "error text on model-H" } ] } ] }, { "name": "A2", "year": [{ "name": "1910", "errs": [] }, { "name": "1950", "errs": [ { "user": "model-A", "text": "error text on model-H" } ] } ] } ] } ] },
result =, {name, details}) => {
details.forEach(o1 => {
o1.year.forEach(o2 => {
o2.errs.forEach(({user, text}) => {
r[user] = r[user] || {};
r[user][name] = r[user][name] || [];
return r;
const output = Object.keys(result).map(k => ({label : k, children : Object.keys(result[k]).map(key => ({label: key, children : result[k][key].map(([label]) => ({label}) ) }) ) }) );

transforming json using recursive function

I'm trying to transform this JSON into array so that I can simply list them as key-value pairs in html. The JSON has nested properties which I want to retain but I want to stringify only those objects that contain "units" and "value". All others should be listed as children items. Please help figure what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the json input:
"clusterName": "",
"statusProperties": {
"loadProperties": {
"loadDetail": {
"restoreWriteLoad": {
"value": 0,
"units": "sec/sec"
"totalLoad": {
"value": 0.0825921967625618,
"units": "sec/sec"
"secure": {
"value": false,
"units": "bool"
"statusDetail": {
"licenseKeyOption": [
"value": "conversion",
"units": "enum"
"value": "failover",
"units": "enum"
"connectPort": 7999,
"softwareVersion": {
"value": 9000100,
"units": "quantity"
"rateProperties": {
"rateDetail": {
"largeReadRate": {
"value": 0,
"units": "MB/sec"
"totalRate": {
"value": 67.2446365356445,
"units": "MB/sec"
"online": {
"value": true,
"units": "bool"
"cacheProperties": {
"cacheDetail": {
"tripleCachePartitions": {
"tripleCachePartition": [
"partitionSize": 768,
"partitionBusy": 0,
"partitionUsed": 0,
"partitionFree": 100
my code
function isNested(obj) {
if(!obj) return false;
let propArry = Object.keys(obj)
for(let i=0; i<propArry.length; i++){
if(obj[propArry[0]] === 'Object') return true
return false;
function getKeyValueAsChildren(obj) {
let vals = [];
for(let key in obj) {
vals.push({key:key, value: obj[key]})
return vals
function valueAsString(obj) {
if(typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
return `${obj['value']} ${obj['units']}`
function getChildren(key, obj) {
if(Object.keys(obj).sort().toString() === "units,value"){
return {key: key, value: valueAsString(obj)}
} else {
return {key: key, children: getKeyValueAsChildren(obj) }
function getValues(properties, values = []) {
for(let key in properties) {
if(properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let value = properties[key]
if(typeof value !== 'object') {
values.push({key: key, value: value})
} else if(Array.isArray(value)){
let children = [] => {
children.push(getChildren(key, v))
values.push({key: `${key}List`, children: children})
else if( === 'Object' && isNested(value)){
let keys = Object.keys(value)
let children = [];
keys.forEach(key => {
children.push({key: key, children: getValues(value[key])})
values.push({key: key, children: children})
else {
values.push(getChildren(key, value))
return values
this returns
"key": "clusterName",
"value": ""
"key": "statusProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadDetail",
"children": [
"key": "restoreWriteLoad",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": 0
"key": "units",
"value": "sec/sec"
"key": "totalLoad",
"value": "0.0825921967625618 sec/sec"
"key": "secure",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": false
"key": "units",
"value": "bool"
"key": "statusDetail",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOptionList",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "conversion enum"
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "failover enum"
"key": "connectPort",
"value": 7999
"key": "rateProperties",
"children": [
"key": "rateDetail",
"children": [
"key": "largeReadRate",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": 0
"key": "units",
"value": "MB/sec"
"key": "totalRate",
"value": "67.2446365356445 MB/sec"
"key": "online",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": true
"key": "units",
"value": "bool"
"key": "cacheProperties",
"children": [
"key": "cacheDetail",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitions",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitionList",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartition",
"children": [
"key": "partitionSize",
"value": 768
"key": "partitionBusy",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionUsed",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionFree",
"value": 100
but I need this
"key": "clusterName",
"value": ""
"key": "statusProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadDetail",
"children": [
"key": "restoreWriteLoad",
"value": "0 sec/sec"
"key": "totalLoad",
"value": "0.0825921967625618 sec/sec"
"key": "secure",
"value": "false bool"
"key": "statusDetail",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOptionList",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "conversion enum"
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "failover enum"
"key": "connectPort",
"value": 7999
"key": "rateProperties",
"children": [
"key": "rateDetail",
"children": [
"key": "largeReadRate",
"value": "0 MB/sec"
"key": "totalRate",
"value": "67.2446365356445 MB/sec"
"key": "online",
"value": "true bool"
"key": "cacheProperties",
"children": [
"key": "cacheDetail",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitions",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitionList",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartition",
"children": [
"key": "partitionSize",
"value": 768
"key": "partitionBusy",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionUsed",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionFree",
"value": 100
You might have to run more tests, as what you require seems quite arbitrary, but I believe this function does what you are looking for. It works in a similar way to yours, by simply recursing the tree, and checking for object types, and if the special case is matched.
function toKeyValue(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(k => {
var value = obj[k]
var key = k
var valueName = 'children'
key = k + 'List'
value =
}else if(value !== null && typeof value === 'object'){
// check for special case
if(Object.keys(value).sort().toString() === "units,value"){
value = value.value + ' ' + value.units
valueName = 'value'
value = toKeyValue(value)
valueName = 'value'
return {
key: key,
[valueName]: value
Fiddle here

