How i can get bigquery table data in google script? - javascript

I want to bigquery table data using app script ,I am using this code but i am getting job id, i dont job id i want table data please help me this.
function runQuery() {
var projectId = 'imran-338706';
var request = {
query: 'SELECT network_affiliate_name FROM `imran-338706.imranabc.bhk` LIMIT 10',
useLegacySql: false
var queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(request, projectId);
var jobId = queryResults.jobReference.jobId;

I verified using the following code for queries returning small amount of data :
function runQuery() {
var projectId = ProjectID;
var request = {
query: 'SELECT * from `bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests` limit 2',
useLegacySql: false
var queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(request, projectId);
var jobId = queryResults.jobReference.jobId;
var rows = queryResults.rows;
var header = "";
for (var i = 0; i < queryResults.schema.fields.length; i++){
header+= " " + queryResults.schema.fields[i].name;
var data = new Array(rows.length);
var string = ""
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cols = rows[i].f;
data[i] = new Array(cols.length);
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
data[i][j]= cols[j].v;
string+= " "+ data[i][j]
It gave the schema and row contents:


App Script create array from email string

Using app scripts I'm trying to extract all the email addresses from email messages and put them in an array. From my console.log messages, I'm getting stuck because it looks like instead of an array I just get a string. i'm not too familiar with javascript. Any help would be great. I'm looking for an array of email address. The methods of message.get() return a string. I want to split out the email address and create a single, unified array.
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
function onOpen(e){
ui.createMenu("Gmail Manager").addItem("Get Emails by Label", "getGmailEmails").addToUi();
function getGmailEmails(){
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("MyLabel");
var threads = label.getThreads();
var fullArray = [];
for(var i = threads.length - 1; i >=0; i--){
var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
for (var j = 0; j <messages.length; j++){
var message = messages[j];
if (message.isUnread()){
for(var i=0; i<fullArray.length; i++){
console.log("printing array " + i + ": "+fullArray[i])
function extractDetails(message){
var dateTime = message.getDate();
var subjectText = message.getSubject();
var senderDetails = message.getFrom();
var ccEmails = message.getCc();
var replyEmail = message.getReplyTo();
var toEmail = message.getTo();
var emailArray = []
var senderArray = senderDetails.split(',');
var ccArray = ccEmails.split(',');
var replyArray = replyEmail.split(',');
var toArray = toEmail.split(',');
for (var i =0 ; i<toArray.length; i++){
console.log("toArray Loop"+ i + " : "+ toArray[i]);
for (var i =0 ; i<ccArray.length; i++){
console.log("ccArray Loop"+ i + " : "+ ccArray[i]);
console.log("Email Array: "+ emailArray);
var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
activeSheet.appendRow([dateTime, senderDetails, subjectText, ccEmails,replyEmail,toEmail,emailArray]);
return emailArray;
I think the problem is just the console output. If you change console.log("Email Array: "+ emailArray); to console.log("Email Array: ", emailArray);, then it shows an array of arrays. You could simplify your extract method as follows:
function extractDetails(message) {
/* ... */
var senderDetails = message.getFrom();
var ccEmails = message.getCc();
var replyEmails = message.getReplyTo();
var toEmails = message.getTo();
let emailArray = [senderDetails, ccEmails, replyEmails, toEmails].reduce(
(array, string) => {
//remove names (like "Name <>") and filter empty values
let emails = string
.map(e => e.replace(/.*?([^#<\s]+#[^#\s>]+).*?/g, "$1"))
if(emails.length > 0)
return array.concat(emails)
return array
}, []);
/* ... */

For loop not iterating a variable

I'm just learning javascript and I'm trying to update woocommerce products through GAS.
The issue in question is the following:
I have a variable that parses the response from woocommerce
for (let sku of skuSearch) {
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&sku=" + sku;
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var wooProducts = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
Then I have another for to iterate and from a new array that contains id + sku of wooProducts and price from a different variable that takes the updated price from my sheet:
var idLength = wooProducts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {
var container = [];
id: wooProducts[i]["id"],
sku: wooProducts[i]["sku"],
price: data[i]["price"],
I can't tell exactly why it doesn't work. I mean the for loop works, it pushes id, sku and price in every loop, it's just that data[i] only provides the first ¿object? instead of looping like wooProducts which add +1 at every loop.
I'll copy 3 loops so it's crystal clear, I'm not sure it's already clear.
Loop 1:
Loop 2:
Loop 3:
As you can see id+sku change but price doesn't.
For further context, I'll include the data variable that is declaed outside the For:
const data =, indice) {
return {
sku: codigos[0],
price: precios[indice][0]
//** EDIT:
I'm adding the entire code so it makes more sense maybe?
function getDataloopwoo() {
var ck = 'xxx'
var cs = 'xxx'
var website = 'xxx'
var optionsGet =
"method": "GET",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
"muteHttpExceptions": true,
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('PreciosBULK');
var codigos = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var precios = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
var skuSearch = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
const data =, indice) {
return {
sku: codigos[0],
price: precios[indice][0]
for (let sku of skuSearch) {
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&sku=" + sku;
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var wooProducts = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
var idLength = wooProducts.length;
var container = [];
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {
id: wooProducts[i]["id"],
sku: wooProducts[i]["sku"],
price: data[i]["price"],
var wooBatch = JSON.stringify(container);
// FINAL EDIT with "solve":
So I figured it was inefficient to ask by 1 sku at a time, so now I'm asking by the 100, and paginating with a while if and saving id, sku, price to the container array.
I will need now to compare the container array to the array with the updated prices and form a new array with id, sku and updated price, I'm reading up on that right now. The code:
function getDataloopwoo() {
var ck = 'xx'
var cs = 'xx'
var website = 'xx'
var optionsGet =
"method": "GET",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
"muteHttpExceptions": true,
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('PreciosBULK');
var codigos = sheet.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var precios = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues();
const data =, indice) {
return {
sku: codigos[0],
price: precios[indice][0]
var container = [];
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&per_page=100";
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
var headers = result.getAllHeaders();
var total_pages = headers['x-wp-totalpages'];
var pages_count = 0;
while (pages_count < total_pages) {
if (result.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var wooProducts = JSON.parse(result.getContentText());
for (var i = 0; i < wooProducts.length; i++) {
id: wooProducts[i]["id"],
sku: wooProducts[i]["sku"],
price: wooProducts[i]["price"],
if (pages_count < total_pages){
var surl = website + "/wp-json/wc/v3/products?consumer_key=" + ck + "&consumer_secret=" + cs + "&per_page=100" + "&page=" + (pages_count + 1);
var url = surl
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, optionsGet);
You're reseting the array container in every iteration of the loop:
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {
var container = []; // <-----------------here
I think the array should be defined outside the loop:
var container = [];
for (var i = 0; i < idLength; i++) {

Can we able to update a particular cell in csv file using Javascript?

Can we able to update a particular cell in csv file using Javascript?
Can anyone share please share the sample javascript code?
Considering you have a workbook, here is how you may loop through the rows and change the cell value:
var rows = workbook.sheets[0].rows;
for (var ri = 0; ri < rows.length; ri++) {
var row = rows[ri];
for (var ci = 0; ci < row.cells.length; ci++) {
var cell = row.cells[ci];
cell.value = new_data;
cell.hAlign = "left";
var file = document.getElementById('docpicker')
file.addEventListener('change', importFile);
function importFile(evt) {
var f =[0];
if (f) {
var r = new FileReader();
r.onload = e => {
var contents = processExcel(;
} else {
console.log("Failed to load file");
function processExcel(data) {
var workbook =, {
type: 'binary'
// inject your logic as per need
var rows = workbook.sheets[0].rows;
for (var ri = 0; ri < rows.length; ri++) {
var row = rows[ri];
for (var ci = 0; ci < row.cells.length; ci++) {
var cell = row.cells[ci];
cell.value = new_data;
cell.hAlign = "left";

IF into a LOOP in GoogleScript about extracting emails

About extracting G-mails to a Google spreadsheet, how can I do to include an IF for dismissing specific e-mails by subject? For example: e-mails responses (with "RE:" in subject). I don't want these e-mails in my spreadsheet.
I've tried with a LOOP but it didn't work because LOOP keeps sending all e-mails to my spreadsheet without a previous selection.
Here's the code:
function GetEmails() {
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("MY LABEL");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {
var message = messages[j];
var from = message.getFrom()
var to = message.getTo();
var subject = message.getSubject();
var RE = subject.startsWith("RE:")
if ([RE != "RE:") {
} else {
function process1(message) {
var body = message.getPlainBody();
var subject = message.getSubject();
var date = message.getDate();
var from = message.getFrom();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url)
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
sheet.appendRow([date, from, subject, body]);
function process2(message) {
var body = message.getPlainBody();
var subject = message.getSubject();
var date = message.getDate();
var from = message.getFrom();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url)
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
sheet.appendRow([date, from, subject, body]);
RE is a boolean in your script.
Also DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
You likely meant to do
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
const sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
function process(message) {
var subject = message.getSubject();
if (subject.toUpperCase().startsWith("RE:")) {
return; // ignore RE
var body = message.getPlainBody();
var date = message.getDate();
var from = message.getFrom();
sheet.appendRow([date, from, subject, body]);
function GetEmails() {
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("MY LABEL");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {

Google sheets incorrect range width when no cmc matches

I am using this function to pull information from coinmarketcap using their v2 api. The problem I am getting is that if a "website_slug" does not exist on coinmarketcap, I get an incorrect range width error instead of the function just putting xxx in the cell. This can be recreated by having a cell in column B that doesn't match a website_slug on cmc (
function getMarketCap(sheetname) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
var assets = [];
var idRange = sheet.getRange("B1:B");
var lastRow = getLastRowOfRange(idRange);
var cellRange = sheet.getRange(1, 2, lastRow).getValues();
var mcRange = sheet.getRange(1, 3, lastRow);
var mcValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cellRange.length; i++) {
assets[i] = cellRange[i];
var req = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
muteHttpExceptions: true,
method: "get",
url: "" + (i * 100 + 1),
var responses = UrlFetchApp.fetchAll(req);
var res = responses.filter(function(e){return e.getResponseCode() == 200}).map(function(e){return JSON.parse(e.getContentText())});
if (responses.length != res.length) Logger.log("%s errors occurred.", responses.length - res.length);
var mcValues = [];
assets.forEach(function(e, h) {
mcValues[h] = []
res.some(function(f) {
Object.keys( {
if ([g].website_slug == e[0]) {
mcValues[h][0] =[g].quotes.USD.market_cap;
return true;
if (mcValues[h][0]) return true;
if (!mcValues[h][0]) mcValues[h][0] = 'xxx';

