Why is timeAgo returning null? - javascript

I am trying to get the update time iteratively whenever the dropdown opens but it is returning me null. how to make sure onchange event is triggered correctly.
This is what I have tried so far:
<x-nav-dropdown :text="$notificationIcon" :title="text('nav_notifications')" dropdownClass="notifications-dropdown" align="right">
#forelse(Auth::user()->notifications as $notification)
<x-dropdown-item :route="$notification->data['link']" :title="text($notification->data['link_title'])" onchange="getTime()" x-data="{timeAgo : 'null', getTime() {this.timeAgo = moment('{{ $notification->created_at->format('c') }}').locale('{{ str_replace('_', '-', cur_lang()->slug) }}').fromNow();} }" >
<span style="display: inline-block;">{{ text($notification->data['subject']) }}</span>
<time style="float: right;" x-text= timeAgo> </time>
<small>{{ array_key_exists('data', $notification->data) && !empty($notification->data['data']) ? new \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString(vsprintf(text($notification->data['message']), $notification->data['data'])) : text($notification->data['message']) }}</small>
<x-dropdown-item route="#" :title="text('notifications_none')">
{{ text('notifications_none') }}
For example desired out should be:
"x"-minuets ago
Am I doing it right? Can I call the onchange event into bootstrap tags? Any kind of help in right direction?
Thanks in advance!


Target element when inside v-for loop Vuejs

I am trying to build a To-Do list in Vue.js which has 3 columns: To-Do, Doing, Done.
I would like to be able to move an item between columns by clicking on arrows that are inside the list item.
Right now I have a list of objects that I separate in 3 arrays depending on a "status" attribute. I would like to change that attribute when clicking on left/right arrow then refresh the UI with new arrays.
I haven't found the way to target the element that received the click.
<li v-for="todo in todoTodos" v-bind:key="todo._id">
<span v-if="todo.importance == 1" class="bg-success"></span>
<span v-else-if="todo.importance == 2" class="bg-warning"></span>
<span v-else-if="todo.importance == 3" class="bg-alert"></span>
<h3>{{ todo.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ todo.description }}</p>
<p class="todo__date">Début: {{ todo.datebegin }} - Fin espérée: {{ todo.dateend }}</p>
<div class="todo__actions">
<i #click="editTodo" class="icofont-edit"></i>
<i #click="moveRight" class="icofont-arrow-right"></i>
<i #click="moveLeft" class="icofont-arrow-left"></i>
My linter prevents me from using v-for + v-if, but I guess that means I will have to re-calculate each list (todoTodos, doingTodos, doneTodos) after each modification. Is there a better way ?
I tried console.logging this e.target e.currentTarget but
this logs the entire data model
e.target and e.currentTarget logs the element which I can't use to find my way back to the todo item I want to modify
You /usually/ pass the ($event) argument to a method if you want to access an event.
<i #click="moveLeft($event)" class="icofont-arrow-left"></i>
methods: {

Angular JS dynamically set tabindex attribute

I'm fairly new to Angular, and I'm working on a simple flashcard website. Here's my current relevant HTML:
<div id="flashcards" class="row">
<div class="flashcard col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3"
ng-repeat="card in cards">
<div class="flashcard-inside"
ng-class="{'flipped' : card.flipped}">
<div class="flashcard-btns">
<button ng-click="flip(card)" class="btn btn-secondary">
<i class="fas fa-sync-alt"></i>
<button ng-click="remove(card)" class="btn btn-danger">
<i class="fas fa-trash"></i>
<div class="flashcard-front">
<textarea ng-model="card.front"
ng-tabindex="{-1 : card.flipped}">
<div class="flashcard-back">
<textarea ng-model="card.back"
class="form-control flashcard-content"
tabindex="card.flipped ? 0 : -1">
I'm making a flashcard for each card in cards.
My remove and flip functions are fairly simple:
$scope.flip = (card) =>
card.flipped = !card.flipped;
$scope.remove = (card)=>
$scope.cards = $scope.cards.filter(obj=> obj.front!=card.front || obj.back!=card.back);
As you can see above, I've tried ng-tabindex="{-1 : card.flipped}" and I've tried tabindex="card.flipped ? 0 : -1" and several other combinations with no luck. I was hoping someone more experienced in Angular could point me in the right direction. It seems my problems would be solved if I could get a hold of the DOM element from the card variable in my flip scrips, and set its tabindex attribute with jQuery, however I can't seem to access the element for the textarea (which would be nice because I'd also like to focus it later).
There is no need to use ng-attr-tabindex, it can simply be done with interpolation:
<div class="flashcard-front">
<textarea ng-model="card.front" class="form-control flashcard-content"
tabindex="{{card.flipped ? -1 : 0}}"></textarea>
<div class="flashcard-back">
<textarea ng-model="card.back" class="form-control flashcard-content"
tabindex="{{!card.flipped ? -1 : 0}}"></textarea>
The problem with the code in the question is that the interpolation needs double curly brackets ({{ }}).
The ng-attr-* syntax is only necessary in exotic situations.
For more information, see
AngularJS Developer Guide - Interpolation
AngularJS Developer Guide - ngAttr for binding to arbitrary attributes
Credit to #Phix for the suggestion to use ng-attr.
The relevant part is ng-attr-tabindex="{{card.flipped ? -1 : 0}}" and the same but with !card.flipped instead of card.flipped.
My full code is:
<div class="flashcard-front">
<textarea ng-model="card.front" class="form-control flashcard-content"
ng-attr-tabindex="{{card.flipped ? -1 : 0}}"></textarea>
<div class="flashcard-back">
<textarea ng-model="card.back" class="form-control flashcard-content"
ng-attr-tabindex="{{!card.flipped ? -1 : 0}}"></textarea>
Angular Docs

How to disable NgbTooltip if tooltip template is empty, in Angular2?

I'm showing an array of data inside a tooltip, so I used a template. My code looks like:
<ng-template #ToolTipTemplate>
<small *ngFor="let month of data.months; let first = first; let last = last"> {{ month.appliedMonthYear | utc | date:'MM/y' }}{{ last ? '' : ', ' }} </small>
<span [ngbTooltip]="ToolTipTemplate">Months: {{data.months.length}}</span>
If data.months is empty I do not want the tooltip to appear. Currently if it's empty it shows the tooltip arrow only.
I've tried adding an *ngIf on the <small> tag inside the template, but that didn't work. I've also tried adding *ngIf into <ng-template> to no avail.
Ok, I was finally able to figure it out. Here's what I had to do
<span [ngbTooltip]="(data.months?.length) ? ToolTipTemplate : ''">Months: {{data.months.length}}</span>
You can take the element reference like #t="ngbTooltip" and then manually fire the tooltip. In your case fire it if required or don't show the tooltip at all.
[ngbTooltip]="(data.months?.length) ? ToolTipTemplate : ''"
(mouseenter)="(data.months?.length) && t.open()"
show Tooltip
You can disable it with
<span [ngbTooltip]="ToolTipTemplate" [disableTooltip]="true">Months: {{data.months.length}}</span>
See docs for more info: https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/tooltip/api
Simple way of doing is
<div *ngIf='data.months.length > 0'>
<ng-template #ToolTipTemplate>
<small *ngFor="let month of data.months; let first = first; let last = last"> {{ month.appliedMonthYear | utc | date:'MM/y' }}{{ last ? '' : ', ' }} </small>
<span [ngbTooltip]="ToolTipTemplate">Show Info</span>
<div *ngIf='data.months.length === 0'>
<span>Show Info</span>
You can use disableTooltip input attribute.

AngularJS- Items within ng-repeat not updating on variable update

I have an array called altSegments, and based on $scope.firstSeg or $scope.lastSeg I'd like to display different parts of that same array. In most cases I change the altSegments array alltogether and it updates fine, but when I go from the same altSegments array to the same array but change the $scope.firstSeg and $scope.lastSeg it doesn't update properly.
I suspect it has something to do with altSegments not having changed and therefore AngularJS deciding that it's not worth it to go over the code again and re-display. How would I get around this?
<li ng-repeat="altseg in altSegments">
<!-- For multiflight home to first -->
<div ng-show="{{firstSeg}}" ng-repeat="flights in altseg.segment_details_1.leg_details">
<p class="small dark">
<strong>Flight:</strong> {{flights.Carrier}} {{ flights.FlightNumber}}
<p class="small dark">
<strong>Departure:</strong> {{flights.OriginName}} | {{flights.DepartureTime | splitDT }}
<p class="small dark">
<strong>Arrival:</strong> {{flights.DestinationName}} | {{flights.ArrivalTime | splitDT }}
<!-- For multiflight last to home -->
<div ng-show="{{lastSeg}}" ng-repeat="flights in altseg.segment_details_2.leg_details">
<p class="small dark">
<strong>Flight:</strong> {{flights.Carrier}} {{ flights.FlightNumber}}
<p class="small dark">
<strong>Departure:</strong> {{flights.OriginName}} | {{flights.DepartureTime | splitDT }}
<p class="small dark">
<strong>Arrival:</strong> {{flights.DestinationName}} | {{flights.ArrivalTime | splitDT }}
ng-show is an angular directive and evaluates angular code;
Therefore; you do not need : ng-show="{{firstSeg}}"
Remplace with : ng-show="firstSeg"
See full documentation of ng-show here: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngShow
it looks like you are using ng-show="{{firstSeg}}" this should be ng-show="firstSeg" ..
If still doesn't work,
Try to update the data from controller side in $scope.apply() ...
e.g :-
list = updated_list; // put your updation of list here

angularjs ns-show logic flow

I am a newbie in angularjs. I'm trying to show an html element depending on a property of the $scope object but without using any form element.
This is the snipped of code:
<div id="ListApp">
<div ng-controller="ListCtrl">
{{ myData.prova }}: {{ myData.logged }}
<div id="secretContent" ng-show="myData.logged">
<li ng-repeat="elemento in lista">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="elemento.comprato" />
<span ng-if="!elemento.comprato">{{ elemento.nome }}</span>
<span ng-if="elemento.comprato" style="text-decoration:line-through;">{{ elemento.nome }}</span>
<input type='text' id='input_nome'/><button ng-click="aggiungi()">Aggiungi</button>
And this is the controller part:
var listaViaggio = angular.module('listApp', ['directive.g+signin']);
listaViaggio.controller('ListCtrl', ['$scope',function ListCtrl($scope) {
$scope.lista = [];
$scope.aggiungi = function(){
$scope.$on('event:google-plus-signin-success', function (event, authResult) {$scope.myData.logged=1;console.log($scope.myData.logged);});
$scope.$on('event:google-plus-signin-failure', function (event, authResult) {$scope.myData.logged=0;console.log($scope.myData.logged);});
As can be easily seen, I change the status of $scope.myData.logged on google+ sign in and I espect that the div with id secretContent will be shown or won't be shown depending on this property but I've seen that the truthfulness of the ng-show is evaluated only once and is not binded to the actual value of the property, so, when it changes, nothing happens.
What is wrong in my code? Which is the correct logic flow of the ng-show command and how to bind it to a $scope property?
Thanks in advance to everybody.
Use $scope.$apply() whenever the values get changed.
$scope.$apply() will update the page content.

