Mocha / Webpack: Cannot use import statement outside a module - javascript

I'm new to Node and JS Testing. I have a web applications w/ Webpack as a bundler. I have some entry point JS's which are included into the page. The entry points are using module files like this:
export default function() {
Now I would like to Unit test this module. I have picked up Mocha but it is not critical to me. Could be Jest or anything else.
I wrote a very simple test.js like this. It it not doing anything but tests if the entire setup works:
import foo from '../js/someModuleOfMine'
const assert = require('assert')
describe('Test Suite', () => {
it('should at least run', () => {
assert.equal(true, true)
executing mocha from CLI gives me this error:
import foo from '../js/someModuleOfMine'
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
Adhering to some advises I have tired to add "type": "module" to my package.json but it only changed error to something even more obscure:
Error: Not supported
I am definitely missing something obvious but I cannot comprehend what.

Not sure if it will help the OP, but I had the same problem and it was due to typescript. I solved in this way:
install ts-node:
npm install ts-node --save-dev
add the require line in the mocha config (I have it in the package.json, but one can also have it in the .mocharc.json file):
"mocha": {
"spec": "./**/*test.ts",
"ignore": "./node_modules/**",
"require": "ts-node/register/files",
"timeout": 20000


Configure jest with latest version of d3-path

For some reason, my jest configuration doesn't work with the latest version of d3-path#3.0.1. It worked fine with version 2.0.0. I guess it has something to do with d3-path switching to ESM, but I was already using ES6 in my own code, so I don't get why it suddenly doesn't work anymore. I have the following packages installed:
"dependencies": {
"d3-path": "^3.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"#babel/core": "^7.15.8",
"#babel/preset-env": "^7.15.8",
"babel-jest": "^27.3.1",
"jest": "^27.3.1"
My babel.config.js:
module.exports = {
presets: [['#babel/preset-env', {targets: {node: 'current'}}]],
My index.js:
import { path } from 'd3-path'
export default () => path()
The test file:
import fn from '../src/index.js'
describe('test', () => {
it('works', () => {
expect(2 + 2).toBe(4)
The error message:
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,jest){export {default as path} from "./path.js";
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
> 1 | import { path } from 'd3-path'
To reproduce:
git clone
cd jest-problem
npm i
npm run test
// The test runs without failure- this is because we're currently still using d3-path#2.0.0
npm uninstall d3-path && npm install d3-path // (upgrade to d3-path#3.0.1)
npm run test
// Now the test fails.
How should I configure jest and/or babel to solve this issue?
I already tried the following (from this page of the jest docs):
Creating a jest.config.js file with the following:
module.exports = {
transform: {}
Changing my "test" command from "jest" to "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js"
This gives me another error:
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,jest){import fn from '../src/index.js'
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
I also don't get what is meant by
• To have some of your "node_modules" files transformed, you can specify a custom "transformIgnorePatterns" in your config.
Isn't the problem that the module is not transformed? Would adding an ignore pattern not just lead to the module not getting transformed?
The error happens because jest does not send the content of node_modules to be transformed by babel by default.
The following output line of npm run test indicates one way to solve the problem:
• To have some of your "node_modules" files transformed, you can specify a custom "transformIgnorePatterns" in your config.
The configuration of jest should be updated in order to instruct it to transform the ESM code present in d3-path dependency.
To do so, add the following to a jest.config.js file in the root directory of the project:
module.exports = {
transformIgnorePatterns: ['node_modules/(?!(d3-path)/)']
npm run test runs fine after that.
The transformIgnorePatterns option is documented here.
Edit - including more modules
In order to include all modules starting with d3, the following syntax may be used:
transformIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/(?!(d3.*)/)']
transformIgnorePatterns: [
For the ones reaching this page after updating recharts dependency, here I found the solution, provided by them.

How do I correctly configure mocha tests with ts_transformer_keys?

I can't seem to set the custom transformer for ts-transform-keys with my mocha tests.
I’m using mocha 6.1.4
ts-node 8.3.0
ts-trasnformer-keys 0.3.5
ttypescript 1.5.7
The ts-node documentation says that you cannot set a custom transformer on the CLI, only programatically. So I'm trying to use ttypescript to get around that restriction.
I've tried the following...
Note: test.ts contains the following
import { keys } from 'ts-transformer-keys';
describe("xyz"), () => {
it("123", (done) => {
Attempt 1) - Set the ts-node with an environment variable
TS_NODE_COMPILER="ttypescript" mocha test/test.ts --require ts-node/register
Then I have the following in test/tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
{ "transform": "ts-transformer-keys/transformer" }
This results in Uncaught TypeError: ts_transformer_keys_1.keys is not a function which indicates that the custom transformer wasn't used at compile time.
Attempt 2) Following the typescript API example from ts-transformer-keys
I added a mocha.opts file with the following
--file test/transformer-config.js
and a transformer-config.js file with the following
const ts = require('typescript');
const keysTransformer = require('ts-transformer-keys/transformer').default;
const program = ts.createProgram(['test/test.ts'], {
strict: true,
noEmitOnError: true,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5
const transformers = {
before: [keysTransformer(program)],
after: []
const { emitSkipped, diagnostics } = program.emit(undefined, undefined, undefined, false, transformers);
if (emitSkipped) {
throw new Error( => diagnostic.messageText).join('\n'));
Then I invoke it like this mocha test/test.ts --require ts-node/register
This results in the following error
throw new Error( => diagnostic.messageText).join('\n'));
Error: [object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jjohnson/Documents/OCS/hmp/git/hmp-server/server/test/ttypescript-register.js:17:9)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:777:30)
It feels like in Attempt 1 it wasn't ever calling the code that sets the custom transformer in tsconfig.json or if it was getting called the code was failing silently.
It feels like in Attempt 2 I'm creating a new instance of the typescript program and then that fails for some reason. And even if it succeeded I'm not sure that this is the right way to go about configuring things since the ts.createProgram wants a list of RootNames for the files it will transpile.
Maybe my entire approach is wrong.
All I really want is a way that in my mocha tests I can verify that the expected result type is what the method returned. And I'd like to be able to do this w/out touching too much of the source code.
you should be able to define your required module (see below) and run ts-node programmatically. In this way, you can safely use any customer transformer.
// tsnode.js
const transformer = require('ts-transformer-keys/transformer').default;
transformers: program => ({
before: [
then you can run mocha with require
mocha --require './tsnode.js' --watch-extensions ts,tsx "test/**/*.{ts,tsx}
You can tell ts-node which compiler to use in tsconfig.json. This is covered in the ts-node docs. If your using transformers presumably your also using ttypescript compiler. You just need to add this:
"ts-node": {
"compiler": "ttypescript"

Ava unit tests failing with TypeScript ("SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier")

I'm learning TypeScript and I created a TypeScript React app with create-react-app. It uses a separate TypeScript file, logic.ts, which in turn imports a JSON file
import pastaData from './data/users-pasta.json'
const ParsedUserData = => ({name:, gender:data.gender,favorites: data.favorites}));
export const getPastaData = () => ParsedUserData;
It works fine. But when I run my Ava test (which for the moment does nothing)
const {getPastaData} = require( '../src/logic.ts')
describe("A suite", function() {
it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {
I get the following error
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import pastaData from './data/users-pasta.json';
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
It's complaining about the 'pastaData' import here.
I set up Ava to work with Typescript (from package.json)
"ava": {
"compileEnhancements": false,
"extensions": [
"require": [
And have now been trying to get Ava-ts to work. Same problem.
I think it's an issue with ts-node but changing all the linked files to 'require' is proving problematic (and TypeScript starts complaining). Is there a way to get this to work with 'ES-6' 'imports'? Or is there something else I'm missing entirely?
Any help much appreciated!
AVA (with TypeScript setup) compiles the TypeScript code back to JavaScript before execution.
And NodeJS does not support esm syntax unless you are doing *.mjs.
So you have to set your "module" to "commonjs" in your tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs"

Testing reactjs components with mochajs

I'm trying to run a simple test with mochajs:
var assert = require('assert'),
ActionCreators = require('../src/components/Dashboard/ActionCreators.js');
describe('', function () {
it('', function () {
assert.equal(1, 1);
But it throws errors that the ActionCreators file contain import keywords. It does, becuase I run my code with webpack, and it goes through babel.
I've been trying to run this test with mocha-webpack, but it's the same. How should I do this?
Use mocha command line option --compilers js:babel-core/register. Of course you have to have babel-core npm package installed.

ES6 imports and require not working properly with gulp/browserify/babelify

I have a simple Gulp configuration to transpile my javascript with babel :
gulp.task('js_dev', function () {
var bundler = browserify({entries: ['js/index.js'], debug: true});
return bundler
.transform("babelify", {presets: ["es2015"]})
.on('error', function (err) {
With this, I can import my development files.
But I can't import some package installed with npm (isotope, textfit, babel-polyfill...).
For example, if I import babel-polyfill in my index.js file :
import "babel-polyfill";
No errors with gulp, and the code seems to be added in dev.js, but it's not working, and I can't require it either : it gives an empty Object.
Same things for other npm modules (isotope for example). When I require them, it just gives an empty object. And Isotope is supposed to work with require.
Any idea what's happening ?
Alright, I found it.
My JavaScript files were added to a CMS which already used AMD/Require.js. This conflicts with browserify.
The solution was here.
What about doing:
import BabelPolyfill from "babel-polyfill"

