React Component not rendering a passed props - javascript

I'm trying to pass an array of users as a props to a component, when I change something and click save, the array is showed in the component but when I hit refresh, the array is disappeared, here is my code:
First in my App.js I'm reading an array of users from the database (works perfectly shows the list of users) :
const [users,setUsers] = React.useState([]);
React.useEffect( () => {
async function fetchData() {
await axios.get('/api/users/')
.then(response => {
, []);
Then, also in App.js, I'm rendering a ListComponent that takes the users array and shows the users:
return (
<ListComponent users={users} />
In my ListComponent after a page refresh the console.log shows an empty array []
const ListComponent = (props) => {
console.log(props.users); // []

When you refresh the page, the ListComponent will be remounted, and what you are logging, is the state of the component just after it is mounted, so the user array is not already fetched. If you want log it when it is fetched, you should add the user array in the dependency array of the useEffect function:
const ListComponent = (props) => {
console.log(props.users); // Should be an empty array first, then updated if your fetch function is working properly
// ...
If you still cannot see the user array, it means that something is not happening as expected in your fetchData function I guess.


ReactJS component won't update after first API call

So I recently started to discover ReactJS. I have a simple Spring Boot api which has a few methods. One of these returns a list of objects. I get these in my frontend by using Axios to make the HTTP call.
export function getItems() {
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
useEffect(async () => {
await client.get('items').then((result) => {
}, []);
return items;
The items are mapped in a gallery component and shown on screen. Next to this, I have an addItem function which posts an item object obtained through a form to my api.
export async function addPet(newPet) {
My AddPet component is loaded inside my Gallery component. The form is shown on the right side of the screen and when I click the "Add Item" button, I want the item to be added and my list of items reloaded to show the newly added item. Right now, I can not get this working in a correct way. If I remove the "[]" from the final part of my useEffect() in my getItems() functions, everything seems to work but in reality the app is making the getItems call over and over again. If I add "[]", the call is only made once at the start, but will not re-render the gallery component when an item is added. The handleSubmit() for my "Add item" button is as follows:
const handleSubmit = () => {
const newItem = new Item();
newItem .name =;
newItem .image = formValue.image;
newItem .pitemText = formValue.itemText;
So my question here is: how can I get that gallery component to re-render whenever I add a new item or delete one of the items? I figure I need a way to change the state of the component but I can't seem to get it done.
The second parameter of useEffect (the Array) has an important role: the items in that array trigger the useEffect to re-run.
Some cases:
useEffect(() => {}, []): runs once, after the component is mounted
useEffect(() => {}, [var1, var2,..., varn]): runs when var1 or var2 or varn is updated
useEffect(() => {}): runs on every completed re-render (default behavior)
More on useEffect: useEffect hook
So, your code works as expected:
useEffect(() => {
client.get('items').then((result) => {
}, []); // -> runs once, when component is mounted
useEffect(() => {
client.get('items').then((result) => {
}, [item]); // -> runs when the variable named item changes
you need to organize your code in such a way, that this useEffect hook can run on the update of the variable whose change you want to watch.
dont pust async as the first parameter of useEffect hook as below, wont work well
useEffect(async () => {
await client.get('items').then((result) => {
}, []);
instead you can use external function or IIEF function as below
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
await client.get('items').then((result) => {
}, []);

Saving api response to State using useState and Axios (React JS)

I'm having an issue when trying to save to State an axios API call. I've tried
useState set method not reflecting change immediately 's answer and many other and I can't get the state saved. This is not a duplicate, because I've tried what the accepted answer is and the one below and it still doesn't work.
Here's the (rather simple) component. Any help will be appreciated
export const Home = () => {
const [widgets, setWidgets] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) => {
const data =;
console.log(data); // returns correctly filled array
setWidgets(widgets, data);
console.log(widgets); // returns '[]'
}, []); // If I set 'widgets' here, my endpoint gets spammed
return (
{/* { => { // commented because it fails
})} */}
Welcome to stackoverflow, first thing first the setting call is incorrect you must use spread operator to combine to array into one so change it to setWidgets([...widgets,]); would be correct (I assume both widgets and data are Array)
second, react state won't change synchronously
.then((response) => {
const data =;
console.log(data); // returns correctly filled array
setWidgets(widgets, data);
console.log(widgets); // <--- this will output the old state since the setWidgets above won't do it's work till the next re-render
so in order to listen to the state change you must use useEffect hook
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Changed Widgets: ", widgets)
}, [widgets])
this will console log anytime widget changes
the complete code will look like this
export const Home = () => {
const [widgets, setWidgets] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) => {
const data =;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Changed Widgets: ", widgets)
}, [widgets])
return (
{/* { => { // commented because it fails
})} */}
istead of
setWidgets(widgets, data);
Your probably fails because there isn't much to map over when the component is being rendered.
You should update it with a conditional like so, just for clarity:
widgets.length>0 ? : <div>No results</div>
And your call to setWidgets() should only take one argument, the data:
or if you want to merge the arrays use a spread operator (but then you need to add widgets as the dependency to the useEffect dependency array.
You might also have to supply the setWidgets hook function to the useEffect dependency array.
Let me know if this helps..

React filter by category feature

Hello I am building photo gallery where I would like to add feature that user will be able filter by Category. I tried some solutions but there are two bugs that I am not able to fix. First is that if I go to the GalleryPage (using Swtich) it does NOT render dynamically added buttons from FilterButton component. I have to click one more time on the link and then it DOES render the buttons. I dont know why it does not work on the first render.
Other issue is that I am able to filter by category but it causes the infinite loop in the useEffect and I dont know how to fix it.
I have got GalleryPage component where I am getting data from API and parsing the data for using later in other components. Here it seems that is all working fine.
const GalleryPage = () => {
const url = 'someurl';
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [categoryList, setCategoryList] = useState([]);
const [category, setCategory] = useState('All');
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const result = await axios(url,);
setData( => {
if (categoryList.indexOf( === -1) {
}, [])
return (
<FilterButton setCategory={setCategory} categoryList={categoryList}/>
<Gallery data={data} category={category}/>
If I go to the GalleryPage the h3 and 'All' button is rendered. But I have to click on the link one more time to render the buttons inside the map function:
const FilterButton = ({setCategory, categoryList}) => {
<button onClick={()=> setCategory('All')}>All</button>
{ => (
<button key={item} onClick={()=> setCategory(item)}>{item}</button>
export default FilterButton;
And here I am not able to fix the infinite loop:
const Gallery = ({data, category}) => {
const [photos, setPhotos] = useState([]);
let temp = []
if (category === 'All'){
}else{ => {
return( =>
<img key={} src={item.image}/>
export default Gallery;
If I add empty array to the useEffect it does not work at all. Also I am using styled components and framer motion but it should not have affect on this I hope.
First, I see that you're never setting your state for categoryList.
After modifying categoryList, you should call setCategoryList() with the new category list. This way, the state variable will be 'remembered' when the component is re-rendered.
You can read about the useState hook here.
Additionally, for the useEffect hook, the 'empty array' you pass in at the end is actually an array of variables to 'watch' for changes. If you pass an empty array, the useEffect will only run once, at the first page load. However, you can pass in something like [category] so that the useEffect is only called when the category variable is modified, which I persume is what you want to do.

useEffect break array of useState at first time

I am learning react hooks. I am having mock data js call "MockFireBase.js" as below:
const userIngredientsList = [];
export const Get = () => {
return userIngredientsList;
export const Post = (ingredient) => { = userIngredientsList.length + 1;
return ingredient;
Then my react hooks component "Ingredients.js" will call this mock utilities as following details:
const Ingredients = () => {
const [userIngredients, setUserIngredients] = useState([]);
// only load one time
useEffect(() => { setUserIngredients(Get()); }, []);
const addIngredienHandler = ingredient => {
let responsData = Post(ingredient);
setUserIngredients(preIngredients => {
return [...preIngredients, responsData]
return (
<div className="App">
<IngredientForm onAddIngredient={addIngredienHandler} />
<IngredientList ingredients={userIngredients} />
When I added first ingredient, it added two (of course I get same key issue in console.log). Then I added second ingredient is fine.
If I remove the useEffect code as below, it will work good.
// only load one time
useEffect(() => { setUserIngredients(loadedIngredients); }, []);
I am wondering what I did anything wrong above, if I use useEffect
The problem is not in useEffect. It's about mutating a global userIngredientsList array.
from useEffect you set initial component state to be userIngredientsList.
Then inside addIngredienHandler you call Post(). This function does two things:
2a. pushes the new ingredient to the global userIngredientsList array`. Since it's the same instance as you saved in your state in step 1, your state now contains this ingredient already.
2a. Returns this ingredient
Then, addIngredienHandler adds this ingredient to the state again - so you end up having it in the state twice.
Fix 1
Remove userIngredientsList.push(ingredient); line from your Post function.
Fix 2
Or, if you need this global list of ingredients for further usage, you should make sure you don't store it in your component state directly, and instead create a shallow copy in your state:
useEffect(() => { setUserIngredients([...Get()]); }, []);

The component does not work asynchronously

I have a component that makes a request and displays a list of jobs.
import React, { useState, useEffect, Fragment } from 'react';
import { Jobs } from '../components/Jobs.component';
export const Fixed = () => {
const [jobs, setJobs] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
async function getItems() {
const url = 'http://localhost:8081/api/fixed/list';
const res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
const data = await res.json();
return (
{ => (
<Jobs job={job} />
My problem is that the first console outputs an array of jobs, but the second console displays an empty array. And an empty value is passed to the job component, which causes an error.
He does not have time to write the work in a state? Where am I wrong?
Method setJobs needs some time to change state so console.log runs faster than value changes.
You should render list if the array length is bigger than 0.
{jobs.length && => <Jobs job={job} />)}
State updates are run asynchroniously
The reason your console.log shows an empty array is because setJobs runs asynchroniously and will update jobs value on next render. Looking at react setState documentation (same as useState react hooks) :
setState() enqueues changes to the component state and tells React that this component and its children need to be re-rendered with the updated state.
And so
setState() does not always immediately update the component. It may batch or defer the update until later. This makes reading this.state right after calling setState() a potential pitfall.
const ... jobs ... is a constant - it will be a different constant in 2 different renders, but it will not change value during a single render
The jobs inside getItems is a closure and will reference to the value from the first render, while setJobs will only change the value in second render.
It's similar to the following:
const rememberJobs = (jobs) => () => console.log(jobs)
const first = rememberJobs([])
const second = rememberJobs([1, 2, 3])

