Accessing react components directly from URL - javascript

I am trying to create an new react app. I have 3 components: app (with login functionality) , admin and client.
How can I render (redirect to) admin / client based on a value (user role) , after successfully login?
Is this any way to access the admin / client components directly from the URL? More specific, localhost:3000 takes me to App.js (witch makes sense, because it is defined like this in index.js). If I want to see directly the admin component (hijacking the login), can I use for example localhost:3000/admin ? how can I do that?
Thank you !

You can use react router and in particular route.push('/admin')
You need to define the '/admin' route and voilĂ .
To bypass the login, you may want to make a 'test-admin' route and a private 'admin' route. Here is how to make a private route if you happen to need it:

You can use react-router, that allow to define some route based on URL.
When you have a login feature, then you would probably wants to have some protected route, that are only accessible when you are logged in.
Then I recommend you to read this article


Restrict access to the authentified user

I'm creating my first application using Laravel and React.
I followed a tutorial online, and I noticed that the authentification, unlike what I was used to with only Laravel, is using localStorage instead of Auth::user.
With the following line I can get the informations of the authentified user :
const user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userData"));
I can access the info of the logged user like this :
Now in my application, each profile belong to a user.
Using react and react-routes, to access a profile, the user need to provide idof the profile in the addition of the url, like this :
<Route path="/customize/:id?" component={Home} />
The current problem is that any user can view any profil. I want to limit the privilege to see/modify the profiles to ONLY those who are related to the profiles. So when the user is logged, he can only manage his own profiles, or perhaps the profiles that have the sameuser_id as his id.
I searched and I found that I have to use Middlewares I think to manage the access, but I'm not entirely sure.
You're right, you should use a middleware to verify the user is authenticated.
I don't know which way you're using to authenticate a user.
Basically if you're using laravel built in authentication you should be able to use the default auth middleware as described here:
Otherwise you may need to create a new middleware to handle the verification, the process of making a new middleware is described here:
Then you can use the middleware method on the routes you'd like to protect
Route::get('/customize/{id}', function () {
// Only authenticated users may access this route...
Another solution I would not recommend for this use is doing a simple Auth::check() in your controller's function

Vue component with API call in Laravel + Inertia

I can't undestand how to create a new Vue component inside my app created with Laravel and Inertia.
The problem is that I can't make a call from the component to an API (in the routes/api.php file) that is protected by an auth middleware (like auth:api).
There is a practical example:
I manage a list of customers in my app. Then I manage invoices. So, in the invoice creation form I must select one of the customers in my database. I want to make a componente (like <SelectCustomer v-model="form.customer" /> maybe) where inside itself I can make an API call that return the list of all customers to populate my select.
Obviously, that API is reserved only for the logged user, so has a middleware guard.
It's possible to make an axios call - maybe - in the component's methods? but with what informations? maybe I must obtain a bearer token?

Wildcard route for static content in Angular 7

I am learning Angular 7 by studying this example app. The example app uses a wildcard route to handle all otherwise-unhandled routes.
Specifically, this app-routing.module.ts directs all miscellaneous routes to AppConfig.routes.error404, which is handled by Error404PageComponent.ts, which then ultimately serves up error404-page.component.html for every possible route that is not specified by its own component and named route.
What specific changes would need to be made to the code in this sample app in order for the wildcard route serve different static content for different submitted routes?
For example, if a web user typed in the route /i-am-a-jelly-donut, what changes would need to be made so that the request would 1.) continue to go through Error404PageComponent.ts, but have the user's browser receive a new instead of the error404-page.component.html view?
The Error404PageComponent.ts would still serve up error404-page.component.html for every non-specified route. However, we would be adding logic to give special handling inside Error404PageComponent for a specific static route in addition to the logic for every non-specified route.
The goal here is to be able to handle static routes without having to create a separate component for each and every route. Think, for example, of a blog where most of the routes have an identical template, but with different content in each blog entry.
Templates are compiled into the components at build time and you are not going to be able to change which template a component uses at runtime but you can hide and show sections based on conditions. Inject the router into your component
constructor(private router: Router) {}
Now you can set a variable on your component based on if the route contains 'i-am-a-jelly-donut'
jellyDonut = this.router.url.indexOf('i-am-a-jelly-donut') !== -1;
and in your template
<ng-container *ngIf="jellyDonut">
Jelly Donut
<ng-container *ngIf="!jellyDonut">
Other stuff

Microsoft App Registeration, Authentication, and Redirect URL

Using Angular 2+ with #azure/msal-angular library.
I have an app with the domain
So it can be any of
I have a button, Login with Microsoft. On clicking that button, I call the sign in method
import { MsalService } from '#azure/msal-angular';
/// more code
signIn() {
await this.msalService.loginPopup(;
//more code
(See sign in method here: , I do the same thing)
Now, in the application registration portal, I have
http://localhost:4200 as my redirect URI.
As a result, when I attempt to authenticate, I get the following error:
The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls
configured for the application
My question is, how do I solve this problem? Someone said I should be passing in state &state=userId:someotherId, but how do I do that with microsoft's authentication library for angular?
The UserAgentApplication accepts state as a property of the options object in the constructor.
However, when they created MSAL-Service which derives from UserAgentApplication it looks like they didn't expose the state parameter. I would recommend opening an issue on the GitHub repo.

How to get current logged in user in react js

just wondering how to access the data of a logged in authenticated user in a react js file with node js.
In the handlebar files I have I can see information like this:
{{#if user}}
I would like to know how to do things like that in a react js file so I can assign the name of the logged in user to a js variable. Something like
var name = {{# }};
Thanks in advance and sorry if I've missed something out or said something a tad dense.
First of all you need to use a method for authentication, JWT is a good bet to do so. then in your main component (app.js) send a request to a specific route (like /auth/init) to check if the user is logged (means jwt is set).
you can approach this using middlewares if you are using express.js. if the user was logged in then send the user's credentials back to the client (react) and initialize your user state with the response.
To share user state between your components you have different options. based on your needs you can choose from redux, contextAPI, or just newly introduced API hooks. read this for further perspective.

